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Everything posted by _Kenshin_

  1. Alrighty then I'll jump on the train at the next station. But I still have to think on that pro/newb wave master/werewolf thing for a day probably. + tests and KH2 are kinda a distraction.
  2. [QUOTE=Oath Keeper] _Kenshin_ I may not now you but I envy you soooo badly right now.[/QUOTE] Envy me... WHaaaaaaa? I think I missed out on something, unless your talking about me jumping into the snow and I really don't want to do that cause the snow is blocked high. Grrr they probably wont have it till thursday here, maybe in another store the might HAVE had it ,but I'm getting it from Ebgames so I'll just have to wait.
  3. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Grrrr I cant friggin beat that stupid boss at the end of mutation Can someone help me?[/quote] Ya I beat him, you really can't beat him? Well I beat him but that's with dieing once then learning from that mistake, what I did was kill all the leaves then he'll stop to regenerate the leaves , then tell everyone to use skills and it can do alot of damage and I use staccato on him then he'll use a special move then I use mistral to heal everyone with all repth to heal everyone to full and try to keep blackrose on skills then when ever she's out of mp heal her mp. Maybe it was easier because I have like 300000 money and 99 of all the items you get at the store not including the better soul potion and the attack up. Ya in mutation during the story you can go back to the hidden forbidden holyground and you get scenes from .hack//sign appear and you get key items as well as silver and gold gruntys only 4 events so 2 of each. Ya I kept my goblin armor , I knew already about equiping them all to get sometihng and that something is.... Goblin summon for infection and Goblin lvl 2 summon for mutation. But I still don't have outbreak and I've beaten mutation so I'll be taking a break and playing kingdom hearts then kingdom hearts 2 while I wait.
  4. [QUOTE=Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype] Back to the topic, I found all monsters on games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc. (count Devil May Cry out please) terrifies me. I wouldn't, on my life, even once played any of them (yeah, you could call me a coward for that).[/FONT][/QUOTE] [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Teal]Ya that's mostly the same deal with me, but I did play one resident evil then after all the freak show zombies started coming out it became to hard for me to handle and I had to give up on the whole series. This goes somewhat with movies too.[/COLOR][/FONT]
  5. Ya I get depressed from them, but what R2vq said I can do other things to help get over the depression like basketball for me. It's no good to be completely douced in anime and depression.
  6. [quote name='Avenged666fold']Wow I just found a new song that makes i alot worse. A song called manic depression by Jimi Hendrix. Makes me feel like crap after watching kare kano.[/quote] [COLOR=Teal]Then um.. what would you say..... Don't listen to it. Ya that's it.[/COLOR]
  7. [quote name='Samurai Mix][COLOR=Red']Yeah I just saw the commercial to. It was well done with good music it also summed up all the worlds you will be traveling to. Now I really want this game.[/COLOR][/quote] [COLOR=Teal]I really don't think I should see that or I'll end up jumping off my roof into the snow to calm myself down[/COLOR]
  8. This is why I don't usually watch a series again ,unless its a series where I can write down my own version on paper like full metal alchemist.
  9. Yes, that's the same thing that happens to me. Usually because I feel like there's more that could have been added or if it felt unfinished ,but that happens EVERY time not once has it ever not been there or should I say has been there.
  10. [QUOTE=Metal Dragon] What was wrong eith the last episode of Full Metal Alchemist? Because if you think about it, the ending makes it possible for more episodes to be[/QUOTE] With the fullmetal alchemist the last episode gave me a wrong feeling ,and ya they are making new OVA's for fullmetal alchemist and a new series of .Hack called .Hack//roots I can't wait for those. Another good series would be the dragonball, dragonball Z and dragonball GT series those we're great although I didn't see all the movies.
  11. [quote name='Senko']i would have to agree. i mean just think of seeing sora speaking and then all of a sudden you here the voice actor for naruto or something. that would be very wierd.[/quote] Yes... yes it would, but hearing the voice differences might be kinda funny. :animesmil I'm going to go search for the mangas this weekend after my party and hope they have them.
  12. [QUOTE=Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]-screams so loud..it must just have broken the sound barrier- I don't know why, I really don't care why either. But for some odd reason of events, I got Kingdom Hearts 2 early! Well who cares if it was only one day eairler but I still think I am just about to pass out from seeing this, for all of this time we have spent waiting I am telling you all, this game does make up for it every single little cent. Besides with so many hours of gameplay this game can take up you will be playing it for a while. I can see myself now up at one a.m [strike]sleeping[/strike] playing this game for almost hours on end. So besides that have a ball at it, I know that I am ;) [/FONT] [/SIZE] [/COLOR][/QUOTE] GAH!!!! Lucky, Grrrr! Now I want it even more.... and now that I know someone received a copy I'm going to go crazy until I get it WHY!!! Couldn't you wait till tomorrow or blacked it out gah! Well hope you have your fun sleepless nights.
  13. I've noticed as soon as you said hacker my mind went straight to her. Ya I'll jump into the story when I see fit ok? And ya the sooner the better. I may change my character to a werewolf. I could be like a male mistral type of character not meaning I'll be all out there ,but I mean like a rare item hunter and start my journey off in a dungeon and finding a defected item or something.
  14. Amongst all the commotion Havock forgot that he had super glue on his hands, and it was now seeping through Mustangs pants and onto his skin EDIT: [quote name='White']Unfortunately for Havock, he did not realize by Roy's poker face that the Flame Alchemist had just wizzed his pants. Poor, poor Havock.[/quote] Nice, I laughed at that sooooooooooooooo hard I could have wizzed in my pants too. My vote definity going to you so far.
  15. The store where I live wont be receiving there shipment until the 30th ,but that gives me enough time to beat the rest of Kingdom hearts again. I beat it like a year ago and I need to refresh my memory. But I can't WAIT! Oh my, it's going to be kewl with pirates of the carabians and all that to bad my friend likes kingdom hearts but hates pirates of the carabians(I know I'm spelling that wrong I just don't know how to spell it) Just a few days+ if it comes out tomorrow then it'l be in just in time for my b-day. That'd be kewl.
  16. [QUOTE=Desbreko][color=#4B0082] But I'm still wondering if there's a Four Swords game in production, or even in planning, for the DS. I'd really love to play FS over wi-fi.[/color][/QUOTE] Same type of thing I was wondering about the Ds, I hope they'd do that, but like the GC you can do multiplayer story... how could you do that with other ds players with saving, unless it'd be like a mini dungeon type of thing. So what's the link to the N-sider forum? Well all I can really do is hope until we get more info on this game.
  17. [QUOTE=Hanashi Haru] What if they made it into an anime though? Wouldn't that be cool? They made a manga, so there's hope![/QUOTE] That would be really kewl I'd definitly buy it, though I'd hope they kept the same character voices from the game.
  18. [quote name='Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I heard that the movie wasn't that good. It that information incorrect, or did I misread something? :animestun [/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] I've been hearing the same things about the film, but that there we're funny parts that would be funny only if you've seen the scary movie films. That's mostly the reason why I didn't go to see the film.
  19. _Kenshin_


    The best sound tracks I've heard would have to be the FFX-2 sound track mostly because of the chocobo and YaRiPa songs, also I like the matrix soundtracks there kewl.
  20. I seen that manga in Timemasters ,but they didn't have the first one cause everyone was there buying all the kingdom hearts stuff cause of the release of KH2 coming in a few days, so I'm going to wait a week or so and go back to check if #1's there so I can buy it. Does it have anything to do with the storys in the games to link them together?
  21. I would post ,but I don't know where to start, so if you can help me on where to start I might continue with the story.
  22. I get mine at Timemasters, not a big selection ,but they let you order them in. That's where I bought .Hack and Full metal alchemist
  23. [QUOTE=KatanaViolet] "Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock. Who's there? Banana. Banana who? Knock knock. WHOS THERE Orange. Orange who? Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"[/QUOTE] Lol I can see that happening heh that jokes annoying though
  24. Metallica is one of my most favourite bands, I like "one" and "enter the sandman" the most of all of them. I was watching one of the videos and there really deep in emotion ... it was funny cause there was a guy with a disease and stuff and my sister started crying telling me to call those people and tell them to help him, I laughed at her for that.
  25. _Kenshin_

    No Doubt

    Ya that's kinda the same thing that happened with me ,but I was watching videos on yahoo music site and there video came on... I forgot what one though... I think it's the one where she kills all her husbands in the video I laughed the first time I seen it, didn't listen to the lyrics till after. They were an O.K. band.
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