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Everything posted by _Kenshin_

  1. [quote name='sinsa']I think the scariest is the chainsaw guy in Resident Evil 4. Once he sneaked up on me and I jumped outta my seat... :animeswea[/quote] Lol, that's the reason why I stopped playing those games I got pissed off after that happened to me and just gave up on all those kind of games with zombies and shooting there heads off etc
  2. Ya you get him in Mutation he's kewl kinda why he's in my sig, I don't know why but there's something about marlo that makes him kewl. I don't like rachel or nuke. My party is usually has blackrose and moonstone, gardenia, or mistral. I want to use Marlo ,but he's going to have to lvl some more cause he's only lvl 46 and my characters are lvl 50-51(still need 1 more F core, before I have all the cores for mutation) so he may be able to come during my search for the core. Uncle is going down to florida in a week and he says someone down there that he knows might sell outbreak and quarantine him while he's there on vacation, that'd be really good.
  3. In my school we don't get honor points just trophys if we get honors, but we get the points back from our ap classes. I don't know why I got in ap. All my classes are ap, no fun... Physics, chemistry, biology, history, french, english grr at least next year I won't be taking history then I think I'll go for gym. The whole reason I'm in ap is to get extra points so... then if they don't consider them WTF am I doing???
  4. I thought that he said there was already enough moderators in the .hack during when he was posting in the adventure inn
  5. I'm almost done mutation taking a little break from it. I'm going to have to go searching for outbreak and quarantine harder now. i'm getting into having Mistral on my team, I used to think she was annoying and stuff ... I don't want her to go. Grrr I need to find F cores and I don't know where to find the large monsters HELP!!! I need to get 4 of them then I'll have all the cores that I need to find to beat the game. Then I'll go completly finish the ryu books, beat the extra dungeon, try to win the grunty races , find all the best weapons and armor and by that time hopefully I'll have outbreak and maybe quarantine.
  6. Finally, I've been hoping to find one reach its way to the Ds, do you know if they'll be having wi-fi connection of it so we can kill each other like in four swords? Or even go on the story mode type of dungeon to unlock secret things. Ooooh the possibilitys are wandering through my mind.
  7. I'm going to need to watch the new .Hack//roots when that comes out and also the new full metal alchemist things, yay something to look forward to :animesmil Can't wait for those
  8. [B]Full metal alchemist[/B] got my hooked, it's just because of it being alchemy, I've watched the whole series and I love it ,but the ending wasn't that good. Now I'm trying to find the movie to see if it will give more closure. [B].Hack//sign[/B] just because I'm a big fan of the whole .Hack project I tried to get into [I]Naruto[/I] ,but I joined to late in the series to even know what was going on, so I'll just wait and hope they start the series over again. The same thing with [I]Gundam and one piece[/I]
  9. Zorro: stupid train... don't dare run over my barbie again!
  10. Vincent: Follow the yellow brick road follow the.... EEEp :animedepr *looks up at giant castle* *Heartless appear* *Goofy appears* Goofy:a-huck *Runs* Hehe random :animesmil
  11. [QUOTE=Keyblade Wielder][FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1][COLOR=Navy] Why hasn't anyone uttered Sephiroth's name yet?? I mean, seriously... while playing FF VII, trying to beat Safer Sephiroth and waiting for the Super Nova attack to finally be over and show what damage it has cause... that totally scared the living h*** out of me, I swear. Also, while trying to beat him in Kingdom Hearts... hearing him say "Sin Harvest" totally freaked me out. That crappeh man scared the living daylights out of me everytime he just.. looked at me. Like, "OMGWTF??! SEPHIROTH DON'T KILL ME!!!" and scream like a little girl who just peed in her pants. Seriously, do not tell me that he's not scary... I mean, come on... just look at those inhumanly flawless and handsome features!! *screams like the little girl that she is and runs away* XD[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] OOOOH YA!! He scares me too. I was grounded because I would get super mad at waiting for him to finish his super nova and I'd hit the wall and scream my head off etc. But I beat him :animeswea and I still havn't gotten around to beating him in Kingdom hearts yet I'm thinking about waiting till my mom isn't home
  12. I didn't think I'd even make the list... but I guess that's because 3 people are in second :animesmil
  13. I'm on the second one ,but since I wont have any other game to play since I havn't found Outbreak or Quarantine yet, I'm going to have to take the game slow and do more extra dungeons. I'll probably do what I did in Infection and every story dungeon I went and did some money collecting and unlocked some ryu book things. I don't think I was supposed to have 200'000 coins and 99 of almost every item.... except healing potions just all the one you buy at the store and I had the best armor for everyone, but... How do I only end up being lvl 34 when I unlocked everything and beat parasite dragon.. I thought I'd be higher like mistral who I like it's just sometimes she can get on your nerves, she was lvl 37 somehow. I went and bout the .Hack// legend of the twilight mangas the other day. .Hack things left are Outbreak, Quarantine, and I think I might buy the novels. P.S. ALMOST B-DAY :animesmil
  14. [QUOTE=Japan_86][COLOR=Indigo][IMG]http://us.games2.yimg.com/download.games.yahoo.com/games/buzz/content/p/9/39989/ff2_fam_70.jpg[/IMG] This is awfully scary. Actually, all of the ghosts in the Fatal frame games are scary. Unlike having tons of weapons to make the zombies blow up in Resident Evil, all you have to protect yourself in the fatal Frames series is a measley camera that is suppose to capture their soul and have them not haunt you and kill you in a murderous rampage.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] ... A Camera???? :animesmil lol That is pretty scary running around a ghost/zombie place or something(Never played that game before)... I love playing scary games on halloween, but over an hour of monsters randomly popping out with the eyes out of there heads.. little kids at the door can end up looking scary then.
  15. Eeeeh mom lied to me about santa and his reindeer... she's a girl with a lion.... and the elfs a girl with a camera... Oh my... I feel asleep after school and just woke up.
  16. Scary to me is when I was playing .Hack//infection against the parasite dragon and somehow I died and so did my other party member... only Gardina left and she didn't have any ressurects... so I was there for like 10 minutes staring at the screen waiting for her to kick it's *** or die... I got the rare daggers though, but still I was getting really stressed out and my heart was beating super fast... real happy , almost always take gardina now cause of that
  17. Mafia vs mafia Donald: Tell your big friend to spit out Goofy. Sora: Ya you really don't want to know where he's been.*thinks back*
  18. .Hack//fragment isn't out yet and anyways I looked up some things on .Hack//GU and it's coming out this summer "Yay closer then december" The main Character is Haseo, followed by other characters ,Atoli, Ovan, Pai, Endrance, Sakubo, Yata, Kuhn, Tri-Edge And that's not kite in the trailer his names Tri-Edge The game's going to be kewl, but the new classes are going to make it different and more... Final fantasy like I guess, cause theres a gunner class
  19. Ya that happened to me before, it had 5 levels and I went and completed the whole dungeon, and most of it was random and gave me nothing good
  20. *Scratches chin* Hey, how'd these get here... *Puts in pants* Lol Family Guy referance
  21. I just like all the games that give me chances to kill sephiroth, he's hard but fun to kill.
  22. Name:Kenio Type: Wavemaster Appearance: [img]http://img147.imageshack.us/img147/4131/tek060313b73c227xd.png[/img]
  23. Wait... march 28th.... that's my b-day! Sweet! =D I can easily get it then Gah! Games are piling up I dunno if I'll beat Kingdom hearts and Chain of memories before KH2 comes out... I forget most of the story
  24. I havn't looked into it that far... but now... I think I will, cause that'd be kewl... there better not be a zombie like thing of mistral!!!!!
  25. Ya, I found that out yesterday when I needed A cores and B cores so I went to collect them and forgot to check the color heh and I died, but out of like those 15 data drains I got 2 A's and 1 B Very bad chance. I'm going to try again for them tomorrow
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