ooh.. I'm new at this so...
Name: Tsukatsu
Age: 23
Gender: male
Personailty:Short with a temper for short jokes, serious when things are anything close to fighting, but usually has no talk in things. Mostly unknown but is shy and keeps to himself.
Race: Canadian.... Heh nobody else will be like him
Apperance: [URL=http://img325.imageshack.us/img325/4848/assasin8nk.th.jpg]Tsukatsu[/URL]
Weapon: Throwing stars, daggers.
If enemy gets close his aim with stars becomes flimsy and is forced to use daggers.
Stats: Has great agility and accuracy with all his years of work, with mild strength and defence.
Even with his low strength he's fast enough to evade attacks and get in close for a critical hit.
Can also disappear with his cape.
Writing Sample: Stormy, and still Tsukatsu wanders the streets of town in seek of a hope, dust blowing accross his face ,yet continuing on he staggers away from where he thought could be he sure death. Thoughts of forgivness ran threw his head hoping the gods may help him for what he did, but finding none provided. The road ahead darkening, with a hatred feeling beating him in the heart. Nothing could help now ,nothing could save him from what he had done.
"wh...what have I ..done" thinking to himself, still waiting, hoping someone would forgive him of this sin from the stars above. Hidding in for cover as a flash of light hits the sky and reveals a familiar face, uncertain of this presence sits in the shadows unknown to the eyes of this figure. Looking down on his hand of blood, urges up blood from the last battle and attempts to continue on with out notice. The figure stopped, and creeped slowly in the direction of Tsukatsu.
Having time to reconfigure the body of the figure in his mind, notices it the man who tried to kill him. Eye sight blurred from the night and the last battle he knew he couldn't participate in a fight with this villain, but with his life at stake he would have no other choice. Slowly standing up still behind his cape, Tsukatsu began to withdraw his daggers. Dropping his cape to the ground, he hasted towards the figure. Hitting the man, Tsukatsu fell to his nee's from the lose of blood in a flesh wound. Just as his eyes were about to blacken out Tsukatsu seen the figure walking away with pity for his life, wanting to fight again when Tsukatsu was at full strength.
Extra Info: Ex-military assasin, now hunts those who've done wrong and wishes to cleanse the world of evil even though that would consist of himself.