[COLOR=dimgray]Ahhhh yes......
It twas long ago, when I was playing Kingdom Hearts. The only game that could make stars and sparkles look truely...truely...diabolical.
Anyways, I was fighting the final boss[forgot his name], I was getting soo irritated! Dying and dying...going through all those mini battles...rescuing goofy and donald...
...So then, after trying and trying with all my button mashing might, that in that eternal abyss, I defeated him.
[spoiler]It was then when mickey locked the door that held the awe inspiring darkness. Then after some cutscenes, it was when Sora and Kairi where together, at a dazzling, warm and fuzzy moment of romantic banter[it was so heart warming. Who ever knew that two 12 year olds could be so close!].[/spoiler] And it was after that currently indistinct cutscene, that the infamous "you beat the game" screen appeared[the one that never goes away, smart one].
It was in that very place and very moment, a tear fell from my eye.
Not only was I crying because I beat one of the greatest...games...ever, I was also sad because I couldnt play the game once more with the suspense, excitement, drama, comedy, and last but not least, romance of the first 50hrs+ that I spent the first time. It twas so sad....
..But then again, as they always say, the first time is the best. :catgirl:
I am truely proud that I played and beat one of the greatest...games...ever, even today,despite when I first got my hands on it 1-1/2yrs+ ago.
[color=darkred][size=1]Added spoiler tags. -- Bombu[/size][/color]