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Everything posted by Raphael
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"]OOC: Trying out new style. Following, right...and what's that? The girl wants to learn how to shoot a gun? Then, she'll need to know that she came to the right place! ...but also the wrong place. So wrong I actually don't even want to think about it. "If you only want to learn how to shoot guns, go to a Gunner Guild or pay a private lesson. This ain't the place to do so." I said to her with a scowl on my face and one eye closed, as I shoulder my trusty shiny gun that I hold with my right hand. My left hand enters my pocket since I'm a guy who cares a lot about coolness and style. This girl however, doesn't seem bright enough to even think for a second. This is an Assassin Guild, so unless she's prepared to blow someone's head off one day, this ain't the place for her. She might not know about that, or she's just too hyped to even care. As I said, she's better off in a Gunner's Guild or having a private lesson in shooting. Though, Gunner Guild might one day force her to shoot some poor bastard, just like here, while a private lesson might cost a lot. Therefore... "But I can teach you how to shoot if you want, free of charge! What do you say?" Still with one eye closed and gun shouldered, I grin to the girl. "First though, what's your..." As I want to ask the new girl her name, another person shows up. It's not any stranger, it's the girl that left before. I still don't know what her name is, but I freaking know that her now dyed hair is no good sign. "...name..." I finishes my question to the new girl. I was wanting to ask her name, but now my question seemed mistakenly aimed. Since I asked the name of the new girl, while my eyes are locked not to her but to the returning one. My jaw opened as she approaches me, my expression has question marks all over it. "Yeah, no worries......is that what I think it is?" As Emma, who had introduced herself, stated her apology to me, I replied to her the above while pointing my left hand's finger at her hair. Isn't that the mark of someone joining the crazy sect somewhere around this area? Where the ladies are all naked? I could careless about the guys, but the naked ladies is surely summoning me to know all kind of stuff about that sect.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]"Esme? Nice name! And wow, Soren thinks you won't be running away from him...I'm impressed." I giggle as I cross my arms in front of my chest. Of course, my giggle is nearly silent and I face away from Soren as I do it. I'm not gonna risk my eyes bleed from his sharp gaze thrusts straight into them. I tell ya, Soren's not exactly the nicest guy on the rack. I think it's a sign of the world's going to end if he smiles. Not long then, another girl came inside. Unsurprising. "Had fun stalking me?" I said as I wink and grin to her, whoever she is. I knew she was following me right when I pull my gun out from the...eww. I'm an assassin here okay? If I don't know I was being followed, I'm dead by now. Or at least captured, tortured or struck by some other horrible things. Despite knowing that I'm being followed, I continue my steps to the guild, because I don't think the girl was up to no good. Just look at her, she's more like a curious little child who can't keep her eyes away from my gun. How harmful can she be? Hissing my neck and bite my hands? But yeah, Soren's gonna kill me for this.[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Woah. She just left...is there something on my face she doesn't like? I rub my own chin, cheek, everywhere. As far as my touching sense can tell, nothing wrong has happened to my face. I guess it wasn't my fault, she's just not in the mood to stay around for a while and have a chat with me. Then, when I look away from the leaving girl, I found a possible cause of that girl's departure. It's none other than the grand sire of the great great good lord Soren Kemille. With a tough nut like this around, no wonder one or two girls attempting to join our glorious guild ran away between their tails. In this case, it might not be the fear. I don't see that girl was scared shitless, more like pissed. Well, that's not strange either. "Hey Soren, what have you done? One female candidate for our guild just left! While for the sake of everything nice, I'd do anything to make one of them joins!" I notice we still have one more though. I gaze at her with begging face, saying. "Don't you run away from here too! Pretty please?" OOC: It might take a little more while before Emma returns.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]"One more!" "[I]I see you're packed today Jack![/I]" "Hey, I'm always down when it comes to drinks! Packed or not!" "[I]Yeah! That's my man![/I]" I punch the guy on my side's fist as we both grin widely to each other. Men's talks you know? All about having fun with cigars and beers. It feels really good doing this after job too, like a celebration. The creeping cold breeze of the night got ignored by my whole body system thanks to alcohol effects and...fun! Yeah! It's not about the alcohol, it's about the FUN! ...and the women. Though Mary's not here, so I guess I have to hold my horses. I don't want anyone else, not interested. "[I]That actually is a problem Jack, you owe me a bunch.[/I]" That's the bartender in front of me speaking now. "Relax man! I'm...what did you say?" "[I]PACKED![/I]" I hear cheers raised as the guy sitting besides me screams loud in excitement. "Everyone! Drinks on me!" "[I]Wooooo![/I]" Everybody slams the table with their beer glasses and once again raise their voices. This is gonna be one hell of a wild night, and I wasn't lying when I said I'm full of money today. It's payday, I got bunch of golds from the guild, all for what I've done. Though I should say, it's not very many. These guys around me, they all do seem like they're all old friends of mine. But in reality, none of them actually knows me. We only met when we hang out at the bar, and I rarely speak about myself, despite how I look. It's obvious why right? No one would want to speak out loud about how they're getting paid on taking random people out at night. Though, they do know one thing about me; I never smoke. "[I]You're rich today man, and I'm sure as always, you'll be broke by tomorrow. What is it that you do for living?[/I]" The guy on my other side asked me that. "[I]You don't know? Jack never loves it when someone asks that.[/I]" That's the guy from before talking. "Nah don't worry about it. Me...I guess you could say...I sell." "[I]So what? You're a merchant?[/I]" "Quite right." To be exact, a merchant of people's lives. "[I]No matter! No matter! We'll just drink! Till morning! Right guys!?[/I]" "Hell yeah!" I shout, followed by a legion of customers to this lively little bar on the corner of Ramsey. I like it here, people are careless about things other than to have fun, exactly what I seek at night or when I'm out of job. I love the people hanging around here too, each of them. But still, when a call of duty presents itself, I'll do it. Believe me, it happens. You get what I meant right? Lately however, I'm considering to start being a real merchant instead. I kinda lost interest of being an assassin, and the pay gradually becomes worse with each days passing. Why do I become an assassin in the first place you ask? Why else besides your usual sentimental "I need to do it for living" excuse? After all, it's about the only thing I do best. Not that I can't do anything else right mind you. A merchant's live, might suit me, it's full of money and pleasure by the looks of it. Still, if something happens, I might abandon the idea. If...something happens. What something? --- "[I]You're drunk.[/I]" "No." [I]THUD![/I] "[I]That's a table.[/I]" "I know." [I]A few moments later...[/I] [I]BUMP![/I] "[I]That's door.[/I]" "I can see that." [I]BUMP! BUMP! BUMP![/I] "[I]You are supposed to open a door to get through, not slam your head into it.[/I]" "What are you taking me for? An idiot?" "[I]No, a drunk.[/I]" Sheesh, the bartender won't quit bugging me. I know that this is a door already! He can stop being noisy about it. Eeeeeh...but I guess he's right. I'm in hangover, last night was wild, too wild that I slept the whole night right here inside the bar. That's fine though, I don't bring much things that I need to spent all my attention to. Thank goodness, that people here are generous and didn't rob me while I slept. As I leave the tavern outside, I searched the nearby cesspit for something. What for? My gun. I hide it there, because I don't want people to ran around in panic seeing me barging in the tavern equipped with terror. It stinks a bit, but I can always wash it. So I do so before walking toward my destination, and that destination will be the Assassin's Guild. Let's speed up things for a bit and just say that I somehow is there already. I'm not in the mood to explain how my stroll was, and you better get used to it, since it will happen quite a lot. *whistles* Nice, the first thing today I see in this guild is for once, not an ugly assassin face. It's two niceties, in the form of girls! Now that's more like it! "Hello! My name is Jacques, who are you two?" As fast as the lightning I approach the two girls with the best grin I can come up with. OOC: You get the idea who Jack is. You can come up with anything for him, I'll then see whether I can accept it or not.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"]Whooops, I guess I get the topic wrong. Sorry, it's my first time RPing for real on Otakuboard. Usually I only sign up and pofff gone. So far, I have no question, and the post above is edited.[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"](misunderstanding happened, and the content of this post is hidden by the author for the sake of not further let his idiocy known. Delete this if must, not delete it is fine too, your...eeeh...whoever in charge's...call.)[/FONT]
[FONT="Palatino Linotype"][B]Name:[/B] Jacques Blight [B]Age:[/B] 24 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] [URL="http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/2003/beztytuuft8.png"]Jacques[/URL] [B]Sample:[/B] "[I]Mister, mister![/I]" That was fast... "[I]Is that a gun on your hand mister?[/I]" Let's see...I'm pretty sure you are nothing but a 6 years old girl. You are nothing but a snorting little brat that runs to her mama when a stranger approaches her and says "Hey kid, why don't you go inside that house and see if this guy is around." while showing her a picture of a scary beardy old guy. But instead of being scared or anything least, you happily accept the task, ran inside, and came back with a yes. Really, I was just trying to bully the kid for a bit, but then I get more than I want, unexpectedly too. "Yes, this is a gun." Seriously, time shifts faster than I thought. When I was a kid, people would whisper in low tone how the existence of Assassin Guild is a terror to the whole city. Now, they're eating snacks whilst they laugh about it. So much things happen people already lost the sense of danger supposedly radiated by my 'lovely' little guild. Just look at this girl, she happily dances in front of me, a member of the guild. Does her parent teach her not the meaning of cautiousness? Or worse, maybe her parents have lost its meaning. "Well, I gotta get going then. Thanks kid, see you around." I grin and wink, while gesturing a thumb's up to the girl. "[I]Yes! Bye mister![/I]" I wave my left hand around to my back, to the girl, while my right hand shoulder my trusty custom long-barreled gun I named Reaper. Pretty cool name no? I thought so too. Although it does sounded a bit cliché, with all the drama stuffs going around. But hell, what do I care? This is my gun, I can name it whatever I want. Then I enter the lone house situated on an alley far from the main road. [I]Bang![/I] That should do it. Hiding his body? Who cares! He got a lot of enemies anyway. People will surely thank me instead for killing him. His home is like a hermit's home far from civilization. It's now night and very quiet. So I guess for real, everything is telling me to finish the bastard off. I walk away happily with a whistle. Mission complete, time to retrieve my paycheck and had my favorite drink over the bar across the street. I'm willing to bet that this'll be a fun night, and I hope the ladies over there think so too. "[I]Mister...[/I]" "Yes?" Away far from the house, an angelic familiar voice originates from a tiny figure standing in front of me. "[I]Did you kill that man?[/I]" "Nope." I casually answer. "[I]But...[/I]" I approach the girl as she stumbles on what to say. She might have already figured it out, but she just can't know what is the proper words to say to me at the moment. Well, I understand you pretty well young lady. So then, I guess I'll do you a little favor. I place my left hand on the girl's head, patting her as I bend down to stare at her eyes directly. I 'smile', and say with a low voice. "[B]I didn't do it.[/B]" The girl stacked still and shudders instantly... Then I left the girl alone, waving as I waved to her before. I continue walking down the street, whistling, with my gun placed on my shoulder. That was one easy task, and I once again think about the hot beer I could gulp down once I arrive at the usual place. I hope Mary's around, she's one of the hottest girl there. I'm sure it will rock if I can get there at the right time.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=mushrumluver][B]Take it, but have suffering[/B] or [B]Don't take it and live a normal life[/B][/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'd rather life a normal life, a coward call me :(. My real life is enough suffering anyway :(, don't want to add another pain on it :(. Say, if you're gifted with a super power. Which would you choose? [b]To be able to fly[/b] or [b]Colossal strength[/b][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yo peeps, :) It's been a long time since the last time i was on OB, well heavy college works and all blah blah blah etc etc etc. One day, my friend came and spend nights at my house (well, he's still here now). He's an animator, and had quite a good skill on that. He's known on some websites as Magicman_DX/Dr. Cossax. He and I work together to made some avatars and banners, i personally want to make them as a tribute for being away a long time :(. They aren't as good as OB's masters creations but worth looking i say :). Here they are, [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h186/ElsterLey/L.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h186/ElsterLey/Yagami.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i64.photobucket.com/albums/h186/ElsterLey/Badge.jpg[/IMG] I'll post more later, hope you all like it :). You can use them if you want, don't forget to give me credits though ;). [COLOR=RoyalBlue][b]EDIT:[/b][/COLOR] Ups, forgot to ask reply from you all :(. So what did you all think about my works?[/FONT] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][size=1]C'mon, Raphael. You're a full-fledged [i]member[/i] now. You should know not to double post if you need to add in something you forgot in the original post. Edit it in next time. [b]- Retribution[/b][/size][/COLOR]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Anime turned to Games tends to have repetitive and boring gameplay and crappy graphics. I don't have high hopes for this one, although I dol love the anime.[/FONT]
[quote name='Samurai Mix']This game is bascialy Dynasty Warriors and Panzer Dragoon execpt no where near as good as either of them. These games bored me to tears you fight the same enemies over and over. You basicaly mash square the entire game. I do however like the stroryline in the original. And it had some vey intresting chacters. But even those dont save this game from being flat out boring to play.[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]My opinion's pretty much the same as Samurai Mix on Drakengard, with addition of it's "heavy" moveset that annoys and bores me. I've bought the second of it though, hoping that the game might turn out to be great. Haven't played it though.[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Okay, I really gonna apologize to you ppl. I really can't post anything on this RP for about another week, so could someone pls take over my Seishirou for a while? I've been very busy to make up a story, I really couldn't think of anything. Sry everyone.[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]I've watched the shows a few times on AXN, it's a great show. I loved it when House tried to stop a surgery, after failed to argue with the surgeon he spitted on him, effectively stopping the surgery process. I laughed and said "Cool!!!" when I saw him do so. He does everything his own way, remind me much of Onizuka from the anime GTO.[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hehe, Australian now conquer the world thx to your wish. But right after the Australian gain their win, a new race from outer space came into earth with technologies never seen before. They're here to obliterate the strongest....well, as they called it.....tribe ever existed on our blue planet. Well, obviously caused by your wishes, Australian were the strongest people on earth as they are able to defeat the other races. The Australian were hunted down by those....aliens (?).....until none of them are left, most of them are slaughtered mercilessly and died a painful death. The other races were left alive by those aliens, they only kill the Australians with the reasons stated above. You led the Australian to their extinction and the world to a new age under the rule of the...........Indonesian!!! As they're able, under my lead, to seize the chance of supreme reign left behind by the pitiful Australian. [b]I wish I have the power of alchemy[/b][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Dear Leon, pls insert a choice to be choosen here. Since Leon did not input any choices, I'll answer anime_dark's choices.[/FONT] [QUOTE=anime_dark][COLOR=Indigo][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Question: To kill for money(You will get caught after 3 years of enjoying your life and you will be sent to jail for ETERNITY) or To be taken away from EVERYTHING(Suffer for 10 years of studying and working but enjoy the rest of your life in peace and luxury)[/FONT] [/COLOR][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Second one works for me. Unless I lived a short age, a few years of happiness followed by eternal suffering is useless. That makes the first choice won't suit me. So, here's a condition [i]Die a slow and painful death[/i] or [i]Live a meaningless long age but die quickly[/i] Well?[/FONT]
[quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I don't think that Raphael is going to come back for the rejudging, so I am just guessing that who ever got second or third in the last round put up the next pictures...because..you all[I][U][B] LOVE [/B] [/U] [/I] my comments don't you?[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Whooa, not so fast Ikillion, I'm still here. :D Sorry for the late reply guys, I've been very busy....so yeah. So we got the winners here, in the [b]3rd[/b] place we have...[/FONT] [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Nobody would have ever guessed that Ichigo was into Bondage.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Lots of ppl would bomb me up for putting this great quote at 3rd. :D In the [b]2nd[/b] place...[/FONT] [QUOTE=The_Mix_Breed]Ichigo: What are you doing? Kon: Well, I was walking to the ducky store to buy some paper to make a boat cause I don't like getting wet when I get in the water. Then I got some avacados and made some gucamoli (sp?) and I took the gucamoli to the beauty store and put it on some girl's face during her facial. she freaked out and called her dad. Her dad turned out to be geogre bush and he punched me and threw me in a river where I got wet and so I cried which sadly go me wetter then. . . Ichigo: Is this going anywhere? Kon: Okay, I'll skip to the tied up part. So. . . the queen of the chipmucks from pluto put me down on earth and warned me to hide from the potatoe men so I hide under this bed, but there was a water leak and so I started making noise and moving which caused the potatoes to come over here so I tied myself up and covered my mouth so they wouldn't find me. And then you showed up. Ichigo: You slapped Rukia's butt didn't you? Kon: Yep.[/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Very very funny lol. :D For the funniest caption according to me....([b]1st[/b] place)[/FONT] [quote name='_Kenshin_']"Well, I really can't aim good when I use the washroom so don't be scared if you feel something oozing down your back"[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Lol lol lol lol, Kon said he felt something.....warm.....flowing down on his back while he's taped, I guess this crack up the mystery for him. :D Honorable mention goes to....[/FONT] [quote name='ANBU kunoichi']Ichigo: Now will you stop sneaking into my sister's bedroom before she gets changed? Or do I need to tape you to my ceiling fan?[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]:D All of you ppl's captions are very funny, it was hard to choose the winners. :animesmil I guess it's Kenshin's turn then.[/FONT]
[QUOTE=anime_dark][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Oh and yeah Rapheal your right about the light bulb riddle.. You guessed it so fast !! Your intellect must be growing at hyper speed... And let me try your riddle... Erm.. Swim away? Nobody said that the sharks were gonna eat you.. Like D said[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Err actually I've been thinking about your riddle ever since you post it, my head almost explode thx to it. That's not the answer anime_dark...I've told ya on my last post that it's wrong. My name's Raphael btw. :D Here's da spoiler, don't read if you feel still want to answer my riddle by your own power. [spoiler]Quit imagining!!![/spoiler] :D[/FONT]
What do you think your signature says about you?
Raphael replied to shadowpimp's topic in General Discussion
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]My sig just shows my love toward Bleach especially because it got both Hitsugaya and Ichimaru :D Below the line, there's a credit to the banner's maker to show my respect and thanks. Below it, it's just a saying that I'm waiting for a matching avatar from Delta. Below it all, it's a quote from Cao Cao (everyone who loves romance of the three kingdom should have known who he was). I put it there cause I like it, I'm planning to put other ppl's quote after a long time with that one. This quote thing might shows my randomness to ppl, dunno about that though. I don't like to take spaces too much, neither I love to show-off a bit too much. So that's why I use the smallest size for the writing below the banner. The colourful writing on the sig's just to match the banner, that's all.[/FONT] -
[quote name='Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype']Here's an easy riddle: how many words are there on the alphabet?[/FONT][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well, since no one gonna answer to this riddle anymore I think I gonna give the answer now. [spoiler]There are [b]6[/b] words on the word "the alphabet" (that's why I said "you're missing something" on D's answer); he, alp, alpha, abet, bet and alphabet/the alphabet.[/spoiler] It's still on spoiler tag on service to those ppl who still want to think about my riddle.[/FONT] [quote name='D. Resurrected']As for raphael your right on the mountain riddlel.[/quote][IMG]http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/459/handsinair7wq.gif[/IMG] [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]And as for your riddle on the sinking ship I think the answer is that A:your just imagineing it so your ok or B:there some kind of harmless sharks like tiger sharks[/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Both are wrong, but one of them is close enough. I won't tell you which one. :D[/FONT] [quote name='D. Resurrected']Two brothers we are, great burdens we bear, all day we are bitterly pressed; Yet this I will say - we are full all the day, and empty when we go to rest. What are we?[/quote] :animestun
[quote name='myst][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]and, i am SO sorry, Raphael, have i told you that i suck at typing? ...well, now you know. :animeswea[/FONT'][/B][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yeah, I can see that from this quote below of yours.[/FONT] [quote name='myst][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Oh, and [u]devilsmaid[/u][/FONT'][/B][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]His name is daredevilsdad for crying out loud (well, simple mistakes on writing like Rapheal could be tolerated but this?). :D Hey I'm just kidding, don't take this personally okay? :D[/FONT] [QUOTE=anime_dark][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Question: To die a hero at the age of 15 or To live as a normal human until the age 90?[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hey, how could no one answered this choices? Oh well, I guess I'll do it. I'll choose to die a hero's death on the age of 15. It's just my bored-of-ordinary-life feeling made me choose the first choice. I also feel that it would be better for me to live a short age but left my great name to be remembered by ppl from generation to generation.[/FONT] [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#0993dc][font=magneto][size=3]Would you rather: [center]Date someone who's anti abortion no matter what the reason. But does support contraceptives or Date someone who is homophobic?[/center][/color][/font][/size][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Down to Chibi's choices! I choose to date with someone anti abortion but support contraceptive. Well, I never experience love myself, but then I'm a no-sex-before-married kind of guy. It would be good to had an anti-abortion girl as my gf to keep me from accidentaly blahblah with her. I never had any contraception with me and I'm also a kind of guy who would suddenly shiver upon seeing a girl holding a condom and said "Let's have sex.". So I guess, anti-abortion but support contraceptive kind of gf matches my life principle. Since I had some friends whose, well not exactly, gay, gf who is homophobic might trouble me on that. So then, would you rather [i]Hated by all ppl on earth but not your boy/girlfriend or someone (only one) you loved the most.[/i] or [i]Loved by everyone but you yourself will never know and feel the word "love" forever.[/i][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hey anime_dark, how's my answer to your bulb riddle? You don't say anything about it on your last post. Here's a hint on my sinking ship riddle: "Don't think too much" :D[/FONT]
[quote name='D. Resurrected']nope not right keep trying though[/quote]:( [QUOTE=D. Resurrected]as for your riddle 3 words alpha bet alphabet[/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]You're missing something, try again :D[/FONT] [quote name='D. Resurrected']Before Mount Everest was discovered, what was the highest mountain on earth?[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]From this words below it's all EDIT: Been thinking at this for a while, but then I realize that mount everest would still be the highest mountain even though it still hasn't been discovered. Am I right? :D[/FONT] [QUOTE=anime_dark][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Indigo]Riddle: There are 3 light bulbs and 3 switches.Light bulbs upstairs and switches downstairs. You can only make 1 trip up and you can't come back down after that. How do you determine which switch is for which light bulb? Oh and you can't use a weapon like a stick or call a fren or something.. It's just you,3 switches, 3 light bulbs and the stairs.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Been thinking on this one too, and I think I know the answer. First you turn on one swicth for a long time (say about 10 or more minutes), and then you turn it off. Mark the switch you just used before by naming it switch 1 or something (for this let's use switch 1). Then, turn on another switch and mark it (let's say this switch is switch 2) and then go upstairs. You'll saw a bulb has it's lights on, that means that's the bulb match switch 2. Then again, touch the other two bulbs. The one that's warm match with switch 1, the one that's not match the switch 3 which we do not even touch. You guys understand why it's warm didn't you? :D I hope I'm right for both riddles... Oh, here's another riddle....imagine that you're on a sinking ship with sharks all around you, just how would you survive?[/FONT]
[QUOTE=myst][B][FONT=Comic Sans MS]:animestun Holycow, i've only being away for a WEEK, and the posts have almost DOUBLED!!! :animestun As for Rapheal's choice, i'd choose the first one.... trust me, you don't want to know why, it would probably wound your soul, permanently.....[/FONT][/B][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]First of all, I gotta say that this thread is FREAKIN AWESOME!!! Sorry for the caps...:animeblus Like I said on the previous page, myst, you got my bow and wow. :D Your idea of "Choose Championship" is cool too, I'm down if you seek someone to join. Oh, my name's Raphael by the way.....not Rapheal :D[/FONT] [QUOTE=lixian]Walk in the street with panties on your head for a whole day. or Ask your fat, non-hygienic, retarded classmate to go on a date with you.[/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'd rather walk in the streets with my panties for a whole day. I only had to walk on a street right? It doesn't matter if there are ppl around me or not right? Then I just walk on a street which has no ppl on it, problem solved. I never ever wanted to date anyone like on the second choice. Would you rather [i]Gain super-human strength[/i] or [i]Gain super-human speed[/i][/FONT]
[QUOTE=D. Resurrected]1. At least one of these ten statements is false. 2. At least two of these ten statements are false. 3. At least three of these ten statements are false. 4. At least four of these ten statements are false. 5. At least five of these ten statements are false. 6. At least six of these ten statements are false. 7. At least seven of these ten statements are false. 8. At least eight of these ten statements are false. 9. At least nine of these ten statements are false. 10. At least ten of these ten statements are false.[/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]The first five (1-5) statements is correct, they're referring to the other five (6-10) statements.............maybe...... Here's an easy riddle: how many words are there on the alphabet?[/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Smile Ziggy! As your wish had been fulfilled. You're now the main character from Half-Life whose life stuck on defeating hordes of aliens and monsters. You have 100% guarantee of survival and success but after a few times of death and rebirth, which, among gamers, known as game over and try again. You'll be forced to kill monsters, die a horrible death and then revived again only to be killed another minutes later until the gamers finished the game. After the gamer finished the game, you'll get your reward.......NO!!! You'll be left alone on the dusty locker where the gamer usually store his old games, might be forever. [b]I wish I could eat chickens now[/b][/FONT]