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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Lol Delta, you comment your own creation. Btw, I give Delta's banner a 7.8/10. Well, it doesn't get a high scores from me mainly because of it's blurry pics. Of course I know that the blur is the main attraction for the banner. But then in a way, that blurry effect kinda annoys my eye. Especially on Motoko's right (my view) side. If you could just reduce a bit of it's blur. Also, most of it's writing didn't seemed to relate much to the banner's pics. I might gave you a greater points if you made them based on GITS. But the disappear-reappear effect of the writing's cool, the banner's dimension's perfectly fine and the selection of pics on the banner fits perfectly. That's a plus scores for your magnificent banner Delta! Overall, your sig deserves 8/10. The writings above and below the banner contribute the point too, their positions fits well and appeals my eyes as well. Simple, yet not dull. Anyway, it's just an unprofessional comment from me. :animeblus EDIT: Don't mind my avi, I haven't changed because.....well.....varied reasons.....[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]-_- Such....tyrannical....choices... But well, I choose to study for my entire life. When you said study, you can't always meant it to be studying anything related to the subjects of schools and colleges. Playing games could also be called study right? So then I'll have no problem on the word study. The only problem now is the fact that you might be dead in the end, I guess it's no problem too for me. As the other choices might also led me to death, and on an embarrassing way. That same embarrassing things made me wanted to avoid the second choices at all cost. Well then, would you rather [i]Cotton candy[/i] or [i]Crystal candy (I hope you all get what I meant)[/i] Again, I wanna tried to relieve this thread from all-serious choices :D[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]EDIT: Darn it! This is my second time on this thread to reply on the same time as other ppl! Oh yeah, that's an easy wish to grant. You get a new haircut, outfit, and a new cute pair of shoes. But then the haircut you get can't exacly be called nice, as it makes you more like a strayed homeless person that wanders around your neighbours back alleys. The outfit you get was no more than a dirty and ripped apart old cloth that again made you looked like what I had described above. You might think that the shoes part might save you from the "Most Pathetic Being Ever Existed" title but honestly it didn't. Your shoes, shaped like a smiling bunny, might be the most cutest thing ever made. But it's just made you perfectly looked more like an idiot, on those cloths of yours. Oh yeah, do I already mention that you didn't wear any pants? The terrible looks you had now made all ppl, even your family, didn't recognize you, or rather, didn't want to recognize you anymore. You had fall into the depths of despair, with no one wanted to help you or even get near to you. A few days of such situation had made your mind gone totally insane. Needless to say, your demise is only a matter of time. I'm so horrible...I'm really sorry if I'm being rude on this :animeblus, it's just that I really enjoy this so yeah...:D [b]I wish I could destroy anything or kill anyone by only wishing for it[/b] Once again, sorry if I offend anyone...[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]EDIT: I write my post at the same time as Zeke Yes, Zeke. Your wish of erasing the Atlantic Ocean from the earth has been granted. Thing is the disappearance of Atlantic Ocean had disturbed the earth's balance. As earth had lost lots of it's weight, it's orbital path had been strayed far from what it should be. This would eventually causes something that all ppl wouldn't want to happen, doomsday!!! [b]I wish I could read other ppl's thoughts by my will[/b][/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Congratulations silver_blade! You're able to summon any spirits from FF at your will, you tried to summon Bahamut to try out your new power. But since you lack the power to control the spirits, you didn't know what to do after you summoned him. Bahamut became angry as you summoned him for nothing and spurted his almighty laser of flare widely known as Mega Flare on you. You are reduced to dust in the end, congrats! [b]I wish I could run as fast as I want[/b][/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]That's cool too sarge! As I said before, any works but I expect the best. Good luck sarge! :D EDIT: I've been thinking about your offer of matching avatar.....at first I didn't really want it, but then the urge of having it seemed to had increased in me. So yeah, if you could, please make one for me too Delta.[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]You know, I've been kinda obsessed (sp?) with DW. A few years ago I bought DW3 and then I loved it. After that, I can't help myself but to bought ever kind of DWs despite the fact that it has repetitive gameplay on each of it's series. Darn! Back on the topic, if you say which character did you loved the most on DW5, I'd say Zuo Ci for sure. He's the most surprising new character on DW5, and had the most deadly series of attacks. He's even greater than Lu Bu in my point of view (his True Musou rocks too!)[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]That's cool one Delta! But I would like Hitsugaya and Ichimaru seemed like fighting or any situation that makes them enemy to each other. That banner's fine too, if no one else gonna post their banner I think I'll take that one. (I've already saved it on my comp :animesmil). Thx Delta![/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Wow, I can't believe I actually won, and it's my first victory too. I'm so happy :D Alright, here's the pic for the next round [IMG]http://img198.exs.cx/img198/3582/untitled15copy0rr.jpg[/IMG] The orange haired guy is Kurosaki Ichigo, and the poor stuffed doll is Kon. Have fun ppl![/FONT]
  10. [QUOTE=Raphael][FONT=Palatino Linotype][u]For Delta's choices[/u] Marooned on the South Pole! I wanna see penguins! I wanna see them! :D Both has no difference on the point of chance of survival anyway, so then before I die, I wanna see penguins! :D[/FONT][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]There's your answer Delta.[/FONT] [quote name='Delta][COLOR=#656446']Uhooo! Totally unrelated but grave choices, nonetheless! Thou art a formidable opponent, Raphael.[/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Here's another :D [i]Forced to hear your grandpa talk about his youth age (which most of the stories are the replay from before) for a month non-stop[/i] or [i]Forced to watch Barney and Teletubbies double live action for a month non-stop[/i] Well...[/FONT]
  11. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]As far as I can see, this thread had gained the most popularity on Otaku Lounge. It's wow and bow for myst from me! :D [u]For Gavin's choices[/u] I choose to take $10.000 straight without even risking it on a gamble. It's "better safe than sorry" for my reason, and I got no big luck too. Some ppl might call me a coward for that :D [u]For Delta's choices[/u] Marooned on the South Pole! I wanna see penguins! I wanna see them! :D Both has no difference on the point of chance of survival anyway, so then before I die, I wanna see penguins! :D So now, would you rather [i]Banned from OB[/i] or [i]Kicked on the groin (and a hard one for that)[/i] :D[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well usually, I'll totally forgot any dreams that I saw on my sleep when I wake up the next morning or by the time I went to my school or college. But I had this weird dream about 3 or 2 days ago which I can't get off my head. It starts with me rides in a truck with someone whom I couldn't recognize. Then my body starts climbing into the top of the truck while it's still on high speed. I saw many ppl behind me on another car yelling at me as I stand on atop of the truck. They said something like "It's dangerous!" yet I keep standing there and can't move my body. Later, the scenes suddenly changes into a restaurant. I sit on a table together with my family, my two older sisters and my parents. I looked around to find out where the hell I am, and then I saw someone, a man seemed like a rich bussinessman, sitting on another table not far from me. While I stared at him he stared at me back, he seemed angry and approach me. He yelled at me, I can't remember what did he yelled at me for, he probably angry at me because I stared at him. Other thing I remembered is with that incident, I have caused something horrible to my family. I don't know what, or rather, I can't remember. I just knew it, I brought something that anyone wouldn't want to felt to my family. The scenes changes again to a dark room, I only remember sawing a huge white wall in front of me. From behind the wall I hear m family laughing and talking happily, despite the fact that I brought them into a mess. That's the end of the story, I wake up the next morning normally. But then that dreams keep bugging my head for quite some time now. I wonder what's it's all about?[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Mustang: "You've reached my leg Havoc, into the main part now!" Can't think of anything better sorry...[/FONT]
  14. [QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1]^ Omgeth, Raph dost quoteth a crazy man!! He [i]claims[/i] to have seen a dragon, and apparently was the oly perso to realise it was a dragon. Wow... He makes statements on dragon's organs and bone composition/structure, even though I've never heard anything of his little 'dragon fossils'. Lol, he even tries to explain things by stating how the dragon's body chemistry functions, despite the fact that, as he said himself, there isn't a living dragon from which he could actually test or prove any of this.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Kinda surprising even for me too, whether he's lying or not I don't know. But at least most of his words does makes senses for me who got E for his physics and C for his chems.[/FONT] [QUOTE=Dodeca][SIZE=1][QUOTE=Volodimir Kapusianyk][SIZE=1] This textbook contains all I have [strike]learned or theorized[/strike] made up about dragons.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] No offence Raph, but please, for the love of Ol' Jimmy, don't quote this guy again...[/SIZE][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]It takes me a while to wake up from the confusion of that made up thing. Silly me :animeblus I did not takes side on this discussion, as I said before I just interested and felt that I had to put something in this thread. I came across this quote and well I put it in here and wanted to see how ppl would react to it. And yeah Dodeca, you're reaction's a funny one :D[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Since I got nothing to put on my sig, for now I decided to write the old-got-no-sig writing on my sig. I used that word on some forums I've been, so that's why I'm calling them old. I'm sure someone had already sees it somewhere else. I'm planning on putting a banner on my sig, so I request it on the Art Studio. Might as well check it out guys :animesmil[/FONT]
  16. [quote name='_Kenshin_][FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Teal]Ya that's mostly the same deal with me, but I did play one resident evil then after all the freak show zombies started coming out it became to hard for me to handle and I had to give up on the whole series. This goes somewhat with movies too.[/COLOR'][/FONT][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]At least you still had the courage of playing even one of them, look at me man..........I got no ba*** to even saw ppl playing it. But movies seemed to apply differently to me, although I do afraid to all scary things on them, I still could bear on watching. Back on the topic, had any ppl here found Albedo from Xenosaga scary? To me, he did once. It was when he [spoiler]cut his own head off in front of the poor little MOMO[/spoiler]. That one makes me think "This guy's crazy, my luck must had run out if I met him.".[/FONT]
  17. [quote name='Takuya']Well, I think that whatever we do, Leo needs to be found. If the search for him goes on much longer, this will become really boring. So let's find Leo within the next post or two, regroup at the Temple, where Katie's waiting, and then go from there. I don't think too much time should be spent on hunting for supplies. Maybe somebody can post about finding some food and water in what's left of the Temple. But we shouldn't spend too much time on stuff like that, as that can also make an RPG boring (as I know from experience).[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]My idea of the good guys attacked by civilian could have taken place after the good guys had found Leo.[/FONT] [quote name='Takuya']About encountering followers of Selestiae, well, maybe if it's just a few people. Remember, the 'good guys' aren't exactly a huge group. They couldn't come anywhere close to taking on an entire city. There's just a few of them. They could fight a similar-sized group of Selestiae's followers (perhaps people on patrol, or something like that), but not a large force.[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well, they aren't exactly trying to take out an entire city on my idea, it's just that they're accidentally arrived in a city belong to Selestiae and end up fighting the citizen there by the orders of the bad guys. They doesn't have to take out the entire citizen (it's impossible anyway!), they could have been surrounded by the citizen and tried to find a way out without causing too much casualities both on their side and on the citizen's side. EDIT: My idea, as far as I can see, had two uses. One is as the gods trial toward how ppl would react against odds, in other words, it could be used as an addition to the story. The other is to introduce the bad guys to the good guys.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hello again, I've been pretty confused on what to put on my sig at the moment as said on the one under this post now. But then, I've watched bleach and found both Hitsugaya and Ichimaru awesome! And since they're more like enemies, I would really love it to put them under hostile situation on the banner I requested. To sum it all, here's my request. I would like a banner with both Hitsugaya and Ichimaru on it, and as I said before, I want them to be on a hostile situation (facing each other with angered face, clashing swords, etc.). I want the background to match their situation, any works but I expect the best. :animesmil I don't have any references, sorry everyone. That's all, I hope I wasn't asking too much..:animeblus[/FONT]
  19. [quote name='Ecstasy][COLOR=Navy][SIZE=1]Now, Raphael. If I saw anything wrong with your character, I would have asked you to change it earlier on than this...your character's fine. If you [i]really[/i] want to change it, then go ahead.[/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ow, I should have realized that....sorry...[/FONT] [QUOTE=Linkk]An idea it could work two ways...or more if you all have ideas too LOL! Ok sop the [B]good[/B] guys are looking for Leo. Now I was thinking that either a few of them or all of them go to Kay's city to check things out. As well as look for food or they could go to Dred's town too. But they will start to discover that things are even more out of wack than they thought. They'kll see the city folk who are followers or made to follow Selestia doing bad things. And of course Katie will have to keep their noses where they don't belong. And she'll still be doing in a way that won't cause suspicion about her... ( I don't know if or when thatwill happen.) And perhapse she can meet her counterparts ( Rhym and Raphael)Each of the characters will also find out info about frinds family pasts and the like along their way. Ok so that's my idea to get things started towards their goals. Any ideas please post.[/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]In that case, we should have made the good guys made it toward either the city of Auvrung, Jotungrud or Felbinda. It would be the first encounter between the goods and evils. I'm thinking of having the good guys reached the city of Felbinda (or maybe Jotungrud, but I'd rather making the rallying process on Jotungrud swift and easy) while Seishirou rallied it's ppl, and then Seishirou told the ppl to attack them, there we had the kill-or-be-killed kind of choices for the good guys. The good guys are spreaded right now right? And Katie's not with them. It's kinda possible for them to stray farther than they should be. I also thought of including the cult (if ppls here read my longest post on the third page of the RPG) which denied the existence of gods to the story (I just included them on my post as a part of Seishirou's past, they could have been extinct now or maybe not, depending on whether you guys want them to be added on the story). Don't know how they'll played their rules though, I'll think about it later. So what do you guys think?[/FONT]
  20. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]So that means that I had to choose between saving my brother/sister by sacrificing myself or let them do so. I'd rather saving them, I don't have much to do in my life anyway. It's not that I've given up living, it's that if I had to lose my life protecting someone I loved the most. I will surely not had any regrets. Aww, how saintly am I...:D Anyway, would you rather... [i]Candy[/i] or [i]Cake[/i] I just want to relieve this thread from all-serious choices for a while. :D[/FONT]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I don't know why, but I seemed to be interested in this topic, although I do know that I had such fragile brain. :D Well, here's a quote from someone who said had seen a dragon while he's young. [QUOTE=Volodimir Kapusianyk] Relegated to myth by many cultures, dragons did, in fact, exist - but now, alas, are extinct, the last having died in captivity in 1911 in a small traveling zoo in Nebraska, where, as a teenager, I saw it. It was pitiful creature, scrawny, barely 8 feet long, not a wisp of smoke coming from it, and, greatest indignity of all, mistakenly labeled a "Rare Winged Garter Snake." But I knew better, and on that fateful day chose to devote my life to the study of these magnificent creatures. Many critics deride draconology, claiming a creature like a dragon, apparently reptilian yet able to fly and breath fire, is scientifically impossible. The key, however, is that phrase "apparently reptilian." Yes, dragons looked reptilian - but they were not. They were, in fact, a phylum unto themselves, like no other creature that ever walked the Earth. This textbook contains all I have learned or theorized about dragons. Chapter 2, for example, deals with flight. To fly, a creature must generate enough lift to counteract the force of gravity exerts on its mass. To fly really well, you must maximize lift and minimize mass. Dragons' huge wings generated plenty of lift, and they minimized their mass in two ways. First, their bones, like birds', were almost hollow. Second, they were made, not of the usual mixture of calcium and other minerals, but from long chain of hydrocarbon: a natural form of very strong, very light plastic which also formed their incredibly tough scales (Chapter 9). In fact, their whole bodies were awash in hydrocarbons. They had large internal bladders filled with methane, a natural byproduct of digestion in human, and more so in dragons. Methane is lighter than air, so this bladder, like a giant internal balloon, reduced mass (and enhanced flight) even more. Methane is also flammable, and dragons evolved a way to spew flaming methane for defensive purposes (Chapter 14). Study of dragon fossils (Chapter 5) reveals that dragons had a specialized organ in the roof of their mouth in which a jagged nugget of iron, coalesced from iron in the dragon's bloodstream, hung suspended with pieces of flint, which the dragon ingested as needed. When the dragon exhaled methane, the iron and flint tumbled around, generating sparks, which ignited the gas. Dragons' peculiar body chemistry also made their blood highly corrosive (Chapter 10). Essentially, they were walking chemical factories, their bloodstream filled with toxic waste. Finally, in Chapter 21, we will examine in detail how dragons' growing dependence for food on virgins provided by local villagers made them fat, lazy and easy prey for glory-hungry knights, who drove them into a long, slow decline that ended at last with the death of that poor, bedraggled specimen in Nebraska. Draconology is a difficult but rewarding field of study. I hope you enjoy your journey through it.[/QUOTE] NOTE: I don't know anything about those chapters he's talking about, but I include them just to let you all know. I don't have much to said, as I stated before, I don't have much talent on speaking sciences and all. I just thought that this might help. :animesmil[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]This stuff happened to me also. I've watched many animes, ranged from serious action to all-out-laugh comedy animes. Everytime I finish one of them I felt some sort of, as the topic said, emptiness. The worst might have been when I finished watching GTO. Yup, Great Teacher Onizuka. The show kick a**! Way too cool for me to explain why I like it, but when the story's end, I was like -_- and :(. I wasn't able to enjoy any other anime after that, so I played my PS2 over and over until I miss them. I haven't felt that feeling anymore, and I wish I'd never again. Eventhough I miss it, it's just sucks if you had to feel empty after you finished an anime.[/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]You guys didn't know the true meaning of "complicated anime" before you watched Texhnolyze. Buy it, watch it, and get ready to got your head blown up. That anime's really something, NGE's complication's nothing compared to this one. Any conversation you'd hear on this crazy anime had to be some kind of poetry which you had to decipher word by word. Darn! EDIT: In addition, the story and the ending seemed to made me lost in my imagination. I can't even understand a glinch of it (I'm going hiperbolic, of course I do understand a small part of it). I do love it's opening soundtrack though, but the ending's sucks![/FONT]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][i]OOC: PM me if you're disagree with this Rhym[/i] Seishirou touches his forehead while he rides on his self-created flying platform. His destination now is the town of Auvrung. Selestiae orders him to reach there before midnight, although Seishirou had no idea why. As his goddess had ordered, Seishirou reached the town of Auvrung before both the pointer on clocks had positioned themselves at 12. Seishirou looked down below and surprised to see that the town of Auvrung's no longer able to be called a town properly. Most of their building had been destroyed, yet strangely the people still busy preparing something big. The centry positioned on a tower near Seishirou spotted him and sound the alarm of the city. The noisy sound of the bell sounded by that sentry awaken the people of the city, and had alerted someone with a giant sword on his hand whom seemed to be the city's commander. "My oh my, I seemed to had awaken a sleeping tiger here." Seishirou proppelled down and reached the heights where he could easily jumped off to the ground without harm. As he steps on the ground, he walked calmly toward the man with giant sword while the five cards used to create the flying platform fly around in circle around him. "Name yourself, intruder!" That man pointed his giant sword toward Seishirou, it's amazing that he could carry it with one hand only. Seishirou judged that this man's not someone who could be messed with, and then he introduced himself. "I am..." Before Seishirou had finished his introduction, Selestiae materialized herself near both of them and said "Seishirou, my new loyal follower, aren't you?". The man with giant sword, startled by Selestiae sudden appearance, give her a deep bow. Seishirou followed the man's action and said "Yes My Lady, I humbly give myself to you.". "My Lady? This man is..." the man with giant sword looked into his goddess in curiousity. Selestiae answered him "Yes, he's on our side. He'll be fighting along with us, I believe you should give him a proper introduction too.". The man, following his goddess's order introduced himself as Karnig. But Seishirou's eyes behind his black sun-glasses don't seemed to please him much. It's fine for Seishirou, as he didn't expect any companion anyway. Karnig also explained the plan of creating army for their goddess, Seishirou quickly comprehend it. The three goes back to the city's mayor's house, there they continued Karnig and Selestiae's discussion about the future plan of rallying cities which loyal to Selestiae. [i]OOC: Hey Rhym, there are two cities which needs to be rallied right? We could share the work...:D[/i][/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][i]OOC: Sorry I had to break the search of Leo on my post here, I'm the bad guy and I don't plan on meeting with the good guys this soon. Anyone who played as the good please heed Ecstasy's OOC statement.[/i] It's night, by the time Seishirou reached the capital the sun had hide itself. The moon had achieved conquest of the day by this time, not that it matters to him anyway. Seishirou's destination would definitely be the central library of the capital, where he would probably gain more knowledge of the Coming which stated on the book from before, widely known as the Cataclysm. Night would probably the best time for him to sneak inside the library as he couldn't let himself seen by the people of central capital, someone might still remember him and that would pose to be a problem to Seishirou. But something disturb Seishirou's mind, not letting him went inside the library. So then, he wanders around the night-alley of the capital to think about what had bothers him now. It felt like he was about to met someone important anytime at that moment. His mind prohibits him to stray further from where he's now, somewhere on the backstreet of the capital. He still couldn't understand what could possibly waiting for him on this bandits's turfs. It's been long since the last time he felt the night on capital, the stars are so beautiful and although the wind are a bit hostile, they're still enjoyable. Seishirou made a floating platform from his cards and ride on it to reach the atop of a nearby street-lamp. He stands there, observing the night-life of the capital. "Pathetic world, so pathetic that it deserved the most unimaginable destruction....". Seishirou couldn't resist his mouth onto saying those cursing words. His hatred of being used by the dark cult where his family belongs and the world who denied his existence because of his destructive powers always haunts him. He remembered his bloody past all of the sudden while he watched over the stars, they're so beautiful yet contrast the troubled mind of Seishirou. Seishirou closed his eyes for a moment, and opened it up again. He sighed a bit when he closed his eyes. Flau, the priest whose appeared on his dreams before had somewhat fill his minds during that moment. He's the only one who understand Seishirou's pain, and yet in the end, they're no more than enemies by nature. Seishirou, feeling that he should go now, jump into the ground and walked forward only to find himself surrounded by hideous bandits who claim had rules over the nights at that backstreet. There were ten, or maybe more of them. They all look so savage and cruel, with all the scary looks on their faces. You see a sharp dagger on their hand ready to stab your heart anytime. One of them, appeared as their ringleader, walked in the manner of a bas**** and looked on Seishirou's eyes like he was a dog. "You know what we wanted...." not even letting the pitiful bandit leader finished his words, Seishirou slashed his head off his body using a card on his right hand with an amazing speed. His underlings were all surprised by the incident and asked themself "How could that....". Again, not letting the bandits finished their words even the one on their mind, Seishirou killed them all without wasting too much time. He sliced their body profesionally, they might not felt any pain at all because of it. Seishirou looked down on the lying bodies on the ground and said "You should felt lucky, you didn't even had to experience pain....". His eyes were a bit sad, perhaps he did that on purpose. If he did, those bandits were lucky indeed. He touches his forehead and turn his body to leave the area, but half-way of turning his body. He realized someone was behind him all the time and before he had the chance of any actions, that someone said something with a evilish tone. "A card user, how interesting..." Seishirou finally able to track down who it was. A woman, with an unspeakable beauty. There's, however, definitely something wrong about this woman. That differs her with any other normal womans, but then, Seishirou wasn't able to point what differs her. "Seishirou, Sakurazuka Seishirou, wasn't that your name?" Seishirou gogled his eyes in surprise as the woman speak out the truth that no one's supposed to know. He's even more surprised to see that in a blink of his eyes, that woman had already vanished and reappear behind him. She continued her speak "I knew all about you, your hatred toward the world, toward the gods, toward eveything. I knew it all.". Seishirou raises his head in a bit fear, he was even more and more surprised to hear that the woman behind him's one of the goddess herself, Selestiae. Her intention of meeting with Seishirou was to, say, recruit him onto joining her forces. Of course, Seishirou accepted the offer as he wanted it from the start. Although he also felt that this Selestiae had something on store. He couldn't help it anyway, Seishirou felt her power eventhough she didn't demonstrate it clearly in front of Seishirou's eyes. She was indeed a goddess, and who would knows what will happen if you opposses her. But that's not what Seishirou felt when he accepted her offer, it's joy, of able to forsee the destruction of the world. Seishirou stared into the black night as Selestiae disappear into thin air in front of him. In the corner of his heart, he wondered about how weird someone's life could be, and how twisted someone's fate could be. [i]OOC: I hope this's okay with you Takuya, and also, this story happened right on the night when Leo's gone missing[/i][/FONT]
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