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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Man, another tough choices.... I love them both, animes and games.....really I can't decide which should I choose to love the most....but then, I think I go with games.... Well, since we couldn't directly influence animes. I guess I found games far more interesting than them. Eventhough I couldn't get a thousand of my favourite animes I still could buy another right? Well then, would you rather.... [i]Betray your friend[/i] or [i]Betrayed by your friend[/i] I knew I had posted something like this before (and I'm sure somebody already did as well), but this choices made me kinda curious about what many ppls would choose about this. So I guess, I wanted to hear many ppl's answer not just one person's answer.[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I just remembered about a friend of mine who had a phobia over horror games. Well, she played Resident Evil [b]alone[/b] on her room ([b]light's off[/b]) at [b]night[/b] (what could be scarier than that?), and then right on the moment a zombie attacked her suddenly, her maid come and touches her shoulder from behind. I heard she immidiately screamed and passed out on that exact moment, she had the phobia ever since. Back to the topic, I found all monsters on games like Resident Evil, Silent Hill, etc. (count Devil May Cry out please) terrifies me. I wouldn't, on my life, even once played any of them (yeah, you could call me a coward for that).[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Well, having in-human strength isn't something you'll get on your normal everyday life. On the other hand, meeting a girl on your dream might someday be realized even if you're not on some imaginary world. So I guess the choice's obvious for me, I'd rather had a super-human strength. I could still met a girl of my dream eventhough I choose this choice right? Well then, would you rather... [i]Hear your parents yell (serious) at each other everyday[/i] or [i]Kill them both[/i] I'm scarier than I look eh?[/FONT]
  4. [quote name='Hanabishi Recca']Why would it go into PC/mac?[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]All answered on PM :animesmil Anyway, my exact score is 20.359 seconds.....never goes up again and in fact, I can't even get close to it anymore. It's night here and I seemed to lose my concentration already *sigh* The long-width box is my nemesis! I can't get pass 20 seconds because of it's obvious-yet-unavoidable movement........dammit!!! :mad:[/FONT]
  5. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]EDIT: Unexplainable mistakes....:animeblus Based on my last experience about my Notpron thread which get moved, you should've posted this thread at PC/Mac topic. But all would depend on the mods though.... I only lasted for 20 seconds++.....it's easy on the start, but the longer you lasted, the harder it would become.....I just can't keep up with the speed once it got 20 seconds++[/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hard choices........really hard...... I can't choose, I want them both. I love them, I still got many things to do for both of them. I won't be here if it wasn't because of them. But well...............................I................err.............choose to had my father taken away, I love them both but.......I just can't bear it yet to lose my mother.......I also can't lose my father too but..........well.............darn.....I can't think logically for this one...... Yeah well, I choose to lose my father......I can't explain the reason logically so I hope everyone understand it just like that... Still, here's mine.....would you rather.... [i]Locked in a large room together with a hungry lion for three days[/i] or [i]Locked in a bedroom together with Michael Jackson for a week[/i] Hehe, which predator would you choose? :D[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]No way......this site's a result of plagiarism works? And I just had thought that this forum was the best forum I've ever saw...:( What should I do now? OB had break my trust....this can't be happening :animecry:, I really am going to cry now.....:animecry: *sniff* Please someone tell me this is a lie....:animecry: And no......please don't ban me.....I still love this site.....*sniff*[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Just wanna tell you guys that two weeks ago, a week ago and next week and the next next week and the next next next week I had a damned tests for each! :animecry: Well, it's mid-test for my semester though, I'm on college so....yeah, it's university tests, and it's sure damn hard! :animecry: I really wanted a world without tests.....:([/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Fish! You gotta love them as much as I do :D Well, chickens ain't bad either. They both melt on your mouth when you ate them :tasty:. So, on normal circumstances, both of them are on the same chair to me :D. But then..........darn it I had to choose! :animestun Err......okay then, I guess my mind had been set. I go with fishes as I love them more, whatever style you choose to cook them they always taste good! :D So then, would you rather... [i]Became a victim to a pervert[/i] or [i]Became the pervert yourself[/i] Well?[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Did you know that... [list] [*]Lighters were discovered before matches? [*]Moths are not attracted to lights? They actually flies to the [b]blackest[/b] point behind the light [*]Bats always turns left while exiting a cave? [*]The opposite side of a dice cube always add up to seven? [/list] End of the list, for now...[/FONT]
  11. [QUOTE=Linkk]I don't think it's too modern. After all it's a Final Fantasy style world. That's "modern" Personally I think it's fine. If you want to change it then you can. But I don't see any problems.[/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]No, if you guys said it's okay then I won't change it. I just felt a bit strange to see Seishirou wear those funky sunglasses while the others wears an old-style (which is I think fit the story most) clothes and armors......:D. So okay, I won't change it. Thx Linkk :animesmil[/FONT] [quote name='Takuya']There will be plenty of battles for the heroes. I've got quite a few ideas for situations to put them in. There will be plenty of action for the heroes, don't you worry. We don't need undead soldiers for that. And as I said before, I just can't see Selestiae using an undead army. It's not her style.[/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ah really? I thought the bad guys would need some minion before they go straight into battle with the good guys. Hence my agreement. Well, if you already got some idea in store then I guess I go with you Takuya.[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][i]OOC: I hope this long post of mine won't torture anyone who read it. :D[/i] Seishirou take a quick pat clean of his clothes, his minds weren't focuses on that though. He kept wondered and wondered about the recent happenings around him. Finished with the clean, Seishirou walked out from the capital while the citizens are still in chaos. As he walked toward Reidchester again, he thought to himself about someone's words. "The Coming would someday engulf the world with an almighty chaos, look for this book whether you felt the darkness inside you growing uncontrollably okay?" those words, which were spoken with a warm-smiled face, were barely remembered by Seishirou. But they suddenly came to his minds after he wakes from his nightmares. Seishirou takes a step inside his house and head toward his work room from before, he sat on the chair and without wasting any time, started to open the first page of the book he carried all the way from the capital. He kept reading the book and eventually learned about what was that someone, who is the same person with the one that appeared on his dream, had talked about. The book did not describe it completely but Seishirou felt as he understand what is The Coming. It was when gods woud finally abandon their creations, it was when the ultimate destruction rain over the world, it was when true suffering would slash through the hearts of people. The Coming is inevitable, Seishirou had been assured of that. Yet he didn't feel fear, instead he was eager to saw it with his own eyes, darknesses of the gods. The only thing remained on his mind is how to retrieve back his powers. They were sealed, by the same man from before. He curses that fact eventhough at some point on his past, he was hoping for it. He closes his eyes with his face seemed a little bit angered, he tried to figure a way to unseal his powers. No, there are no ways for him to eternally acquire his powers back. He could unseal them, but only for a little while. He tried harder to thought and remembered the incident from the old mansion where he felt something going inside his body when he touches the cards. Yes, the cards, they might be the way! Seishirou opened his eyes and grinned evily as he set his sight on the cards aside of him at the table. He remembered that those "something" that going through his body was actually tried to break his seal. He felt it, and without hesitation he touches them again. Again, he felt the same sensation from before. A sudden burst of powers are making their way inside his body. He let them inside, hoping that his intention would be achieved. His hope was not futile it seemed as after a short while, he felt his powers spinning around his body eager to kill anyone on his way, just like on his past. He let go of the cards, thinking that they would not had any uses to him anymore. But he's wrong, right on the moment where he let go of those cards, he felt his powers once again sealed. "What?!" He screamed, he startled on disbelief. Has the cursed seal on his body's so strong that it couldn't be breaked without him relying on some suddenly-appeared cards? Again he curses himself, and grabbed those cards. Of course he again, felt his powers bursting out his body. Maybe not much, but this is better than nothing. He didn't want to end up sitting on his house waiting for his death to come as the gods passes their judgement upon the world. He want to at least takes part of it although he knew he wouldn't gain a bright future for that. His hatred toward the world had blind him of the meaning of death itself, he could be careless of his own demise as long as he's assured that the world's obliterated slowly and painfully. He quickly learned more about those cards, about how to uses them and what are they able to do. He just felt those and it didn't take a long time. The only thing remained to learn's the origin of those cards, but although it do takes spaces on his mind, he still not sees it as a primary concern. He goes to his wardrobe and takes a minute or two to change into his battle costume, he quickly goes out of his house by jumping to his backyard through the window. He set his objective into finding Selestiae, whom explained on the book would be the one who will crushes the world.[/FONT]
  13. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]No reply whatsoever? :animesigh, oh well.....my college suddenly pushes me to my edge with tasks and tests so I guess I can't continue this fanfic of mine. I've finished the Indonesian version of it but since this is an English languaged forums, I had to translate it and unfortunately I don't have time for that. I however would still be around here if I could.....gomene mina :animeshy: P.S: Mods, please lock this thread for good....[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Palatino Lintoype] :animesigh, at least you both could had said "Yeah Raph, your character's sucks!" or something like that for answering my question. :animesigh For the undead idea....I like it :animesmil, it would surely add more battles for the heroes. For the moral ambiguity things we could just use other fighting (such as Ecstasy's Leo vs Katie) :animesmil.[/FONT]
  15. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Wah, I'm fallen behind....college works gets tougher day by day, sorry guys.... :animeshy: Anyway, I'd like to ask everybody a question....do my Seishirou's battle costume (the one that I showed on my sign-up)'s too modern and should be changed? If it do, I'll change it soon.[/FONT]
  16. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]That sounds a little too like Cast Away, except without the possibility of rescue and the company of a bloodstained football named Wilson to keep me company. I know you don't say you won't be rescued but chances are very few of us would ever be stranded on an island nobody knew about and managed to make it back home. Call me ignoble but I'd honestly rather lose someone close to me, as is the nature of life than go nuts from being isolated nowhere. [B]Would you rather feed Steven Irwin to a crocodile ?[/B] Or [B]Would you rather strangle Madonna with a microphone ?[/B] The second one was a stretch as genuinely couldn't think of someone else who annoys me as much as Steve Irwin.[/SIZE][/QUOTE][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Wuh, heheh...I'd prefer to strangle Madonna with a microphone. So then I could and her....hehehehe....*evil grins* Just kidding (I'm not that much of a pervert duh...), it's just that she annoys me so much with those.....sexy dances....c'mon man, she's just too old for those...(and yeah, there's another reason to add for me not to with her...) My turn again, would you rather... [i]Raped[/i] or [i]Dead[/i] Easy huh?[/FONT]
  17. [quote name='Takuya']I'm probably going to end up using this Katie person as one of Selestiae's followers. I'll try and do some stuff with her in my next post. Until then, I'd appreciate it if we could keep mentions of her to a minimum (just maybe say that she's there so that people don't forget about her).[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Would she be another fighter for our faction? Or she would simply just helping us from back stage? And....who's gonna control her? And I mean direct control...[/FONT]
  18. [quote name='Meggido]My only problem was the fact that it was kind of left open for a sequel. [spoiler']I mean with the Uranium Bomb still at large and it ending with them going in search for it. But if they did make a sequel film it would be pointless because it would have like 0 alchemy.[/spoiler][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]That's what makes it something worth to wait right? Keep wondering in what way the story would goes. :animesmil[/FONT] [quote name='Dagger]I was a little confused about that, actually. It seemed as if everyone else--like [spoiler']Hughes, Lust, Scar, etc.--had exact equivalents. I thought that Noah was Rose the instant I saw her, but she just didn't seem to line up with her Shambala counterpart in quite the same way.[/spoiler][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]For some reason, I sees her ([spoiler]Noah[/spoiler]) quite had the same characteristic with her counterpart in Shambala. Bot of them are easily confused and manipulated, and both of them annoys me so much. :animesigh Btw, I kinda relieved seeing [spoiler]Hohenheim's dead[/spoiler] on FMA movie, it's just that he annoyed me too much. Wherever he go, trouble always came :nope: and who'd do you think would clean up after his mess? It's Ed....poor Ed. :( I hope I won't make any of his fans upset. :animesigh[/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'd live in a world without Italian cuisine. It's not that I hate them or something, I just prefer Japanese food than the Italian one. Would you rather... [i]Lost on an island that's unknown to anyone.[/i] or [i]Having someone you loved the most disappear.[/i] So it's whether you let yourself disappear into nowhere with a chance of dying or to let someone closest to you vanished just like that.[/FONT]
  20. [quote name='Dodeca][SIZE=1']Well, they never put them to great use, just as a mounted defense on a couple of the more elaborate castles. They were introduced quite late as far as feudal Japan goes, and I don't think there were any major sea-battles after the Taira got whipped in the Heike wars. Still, they adapted well to musket use, so I guess they would've been more than capable of adapting to cannons too, if they'd had to.[/SIZE][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Yep, those cannons maybe not much used by samurais. But they would surely retaliate and use them when they fired with cannons by pirates like hell right? :D[/FONT] [quote name='Dodeca][SIZE=1][I]Lol, Slade called you Rachael. Heh.][/I'][/SIZE][/quote]:sweat:
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][i]OOC: Another long post by Raphael...:D, sorry if you found the story seemed to be hasten up....because it is. :D EDIT: Some mistakes...[/i] Seishirou finished up his coffee and laid his body on the chair where he sat on. Those strange nightmares from before had reminded him of his past and warned him about a future he has yet to know. His mind seemed unsettled and he decided to go to a place where he might find a clue about his nightmares. His old residence on the corner of the capital city, Neiyahleblim. The town where he resides now's called the city of Reidchester, a small city southwest of the capital. It's not far from the city and is not a famous city despite the beautiful sight on it's main park, where Seishirou visits earlier. That however, is not a reason why Seishirou decides to live here. This city is not too far from the capital and there are few people lived here. That's why Seishirou decides to resides here since he can't let many people knows about him and yet he still need to stay close to the capital. Seishirou finnaly reached the capital after walking a few miles from Reidchester. Without wasting too much times he heads to the corner of the city. He found an haunted mansion-like old house which is last place of living before he settled on Reidchester. He get himself to enter that dirty and dustly house, he didn't take any notice at the rats which sprung out right after he opened the rusted and broken door. Seishirou quickly head to a bookshelf at the upper floor of the house. It takes a few moments for him before he finnaly reached his destination to climb the broken stairs. He entered a room at the right of the stairway's end. The bookshelf he searched for was covered with dusts. He cleaned some parts of the bookshelf and start looking for a book which is the reason for him to come all the way to this place. He seemed to found a book he looked for. The title was illegible but that's not a problem for Seishirou, who already opened some of it's pages. He closed the book, and carry it with him after opening a few pages of it. Upon leaving the room he saw a dark glow coming from the room to his left. The glow somehow attract Seishirou as he entered the room supposed to be the source of it. The light was coming from a wardrobe, he opened it and found a box surrounded with dark aura. What he found inside the box surprised him the most, cards. A pack of cards glowing a perfect darkness. "This is..." said Seishirou as he get a hold of those cards. The cards are brown-collored with a gold star shape on both side, they're not on an ordinary size of cards, they're a bit larger compared to them at their length. Suddenly Seishirou felt something powerful flowing into his body. he throw those cards fearing something might have happen to him if he hold them longer. He panted, trying to figure what has going on. The cards lose their glow the moment Seishirou throwed them, but after a few moment they start to glow again. What on earth those cards are anyway? Seishirou grab the book from before and walk toward the door of the room. But he can't erase the cards from his mind, they just keep filling his mind. So Seishirou decides to bring them home also, he kept them inside the book and walks away from that house along with it. Sudden happening seemed never to abandon Seishirou, as he leave the front door of the house, he saw something extraordinary on the sky. It was a pack of meteors lighting up the sky. They're far from the city but still shocking for Seishirou who watched them hit the land somewhere, where they land cannot be seen, but the tremor caused by them is felt by Seishirou. He falls to the ground at the first shockwave from the meteors and so are other civilians in the low class vicinity. He and the civilians sat still on the ground and that's not because they didn't want to stand. The continous shock made it hard for them even to move a single finger. There's not much the civilians could do except screaming. When the tremor's over, Seishirou panted. The peoples started to panicked, some of them screamed something about God's Anger. As for Seishirou, he stands up and still got his book on his right hand. He looked up to the sky in which he seen the meteors before and started to wonder what has just happened. He didn't realized that the event would eventually brought him to his fate.[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I too....had to say that I'm dropping out from this RP. I'm sorry Blayze....it's just that I don't feel the interest I felt when I first signed-up myself anymore...I'm really really sorry to everyone and especially Blayze........... :([/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][b]Name:[/b] Fay D. Flowright (:D, my own Fay okay?) [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Job:[/b] King's Knights (Mage) [b]Appearance:[/b] Attached, make him shorter (on the same height as an ordinary 18 years old guy). [b]Personality:[/b] [soon...] [b]Weapon:[/b] The staff on attachment, make it a little shorter to match his shorted body height. [b]Magic:[/b] [soon...] [b]Bio or Character Snippet:[/b] [soon...][/FONT]
  24. [quote name='Baron Samedi][img']http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6e/Touched_by_His_Noodly_Appendage.jpg/800px-Touched_by_His_Noodly_Appendage.jpg[/img][/quote] :stupid: :D [quote name='Ikillion][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Pretty much the only way I can really see a pirate winning is on water. I think that the only thing a ship from a samurai or a ninja can do is shoot flaming arrows at the opposing ship. While pirates can light up a cannon and just blow the **** out of the other ship. I think it may not be to hard to stop a little bit of fire. Rather than have a giant hole in your ship.[/FONT][/SIZE'][/COLOR][/quote]You're saying that samurais never used a cannon? Well if pirates whose a bunch of outlaws used them...why wouldn't the samurais whose the laws itself? :D
  25. [QUOTE=NekoSama101]Being forced to watch a Britney Spears concer or Being forced to watch a Backstreet Boys concert? MUH HA HA HA! Fear my evilness![/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]:sweat: umm, I guess I'd go with the first one..I'm not a fan of BS but since I'm a guy well....you know the rest.... My turn, would you rather... [i]Paralyzed (can't move a bit and can't talk), but still have friends around you (many of them..)[/i] or [i]Move freely but no friends at all...[/i] Well?[/FONT]
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