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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. [quote name='Kobacha_sama']in gundam seed, after the death of nicol,what did athrun pick up when something fell as he opened nicol's locker???[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]If my memory doesn't fool me, it's a paper with musical notation on it (not sure how you say it on english.....a partitur?) My turn, who's the singer of Gundam SEED last ending?[/FONT]
  2. [quote name='John']I had addressed that earlier. The pirate really only needs one shot anyway, first of all, and even if it only cripples the samurai, there's the possibility of a skilled pirate defeating him from there with his saber (and we're even assuming here that the pirate has only one pistol on him).[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Urh, yeah maybe you're right that all they need's one shot. But that'll need a perfect accuration and braveness (I should say...as they're enclosed by a hordes of peoples who'd be happy to kill or be killed by them). Also don't forget that most pirates are unorganized, it would be hard for them to utilize their guns in an effective way. Lastly, pirates (and other pistols troops) usually carries only one gun with them, even the commander. It would be hard for them to carry two guns considering it's size (both it's width and it's length).[/FONT] [quote name='John]And pistols in that day were indeed intended for close(er) combat; maybe twenty, thirty feet or something less. In this situation, [i]someone's[/i'] going to die at the hands of the pirate's gun, even if the remaining opponent defeats him.[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype][/FONT][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Uh huh, you're right about what you say. But what I'm saying is that even pirates won't use guns on melee (definition: a distance where a normal sword could slash you to pieces with one swung :D) ranged battle.[/FONT] [quote name='Retribution']I still have my cash on the pirate. No one understands me ;_;.[/quote]:sweat:
  3. [quote name='D. Resurrected']sry to ask but how do you put pictures in the post.[/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]You could use the "Attach Files" option below the place where you write your post (not quick reply, the full one which has smilies next to it). Simply click the "Manage Attachment" button (or whatever you'd call it, it does looks like a button to me) and browse the location of the file(s) you wish to attach. Then click upload and voila! Or, you could simply host your image(s) at [URL=www.imageshack.us]http://www.imageshack.us[/URL] or similiar sites and then put the address of your hosted image(s) here. Hope that helps :animesmil Oh yeah about your banner, it's cool D! Kinda creepy but cool! It had a mysterious aura and that's a plus for you. Besides, the writing of your name's pretty creative and.....well.....cool....:D The only problem is size, I somehow felt that your banner fits in a more width than it is right now. I guess that's all from me now...see ya....[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Seishirou stared at him, and that man stared at him back. Both of them faces each other with a dark aura surrounding them. Seishirou touches his forehead as he keep staring at the man in front of him. "I've told you never to show your face again." Seishirou said to the man with a hateful voice. His eyebrows sharpened, his face's gone all serious, he seemed to had something against that man. The man wear an all white robe on his body. On his back, you see a gold, cross shaped symbol with a dragon twining on it. The man had a kind face, the blue eyes of him are gentle and lovely. His blonde middle-split type of hair blowed by the unfriendly wind that intensing the situation. He smiled as Seishirou throws his words. "But eventually we'll met up again somewhere, we're destinated to be like this." As the man said those words, he suddenly vanished to thin air and reappear again behind Seishirou. He crossed his arm on Seishirou's neck, the same Seishirou whose still gogled his eyes in disbelief. "You can't fight your fate..." Seishirou opened his eyes suddenly in the morning with a little scream, as he still lays on the bed he touches his head. He panted as he try to remember what just happened, a weird dream, very weird. Seishirou takes a minute to calm down and stands up to wash his face on his bathroom. After taking a minute to wash his face Seishirou looked up to the mirror in front of him, he seemed to had a strange feeling, like something big was going to happen. He also had his memory of his past beckoning loudly, as if someone fateful would be encountered with him. That man from his dream was definitely [i]him[/i], but he was supposed to be dead. So who else could he met and remind him of his past? Seishirou takes a bath and then put on his normal everyday wearing, a gray cloth, brown long pants and black shoes. He stepped out from his house and takes his time to walk along the road on a park not far from his house. He searched for a bench where he could sat on and found one not long. He sat down for awhile, trying to relax himself. But still, he can't shakes the disturbance on his heart. What is this anyway? Failed to get relaxed on the park eventhough the sun was setting beautifully on that day, he gets back to his house. He prepares a cup of hot cofee after he got home and take a little sip of it. He put the cofee on his work table and he sat next to it. He stares to a window near his work table, the sun could be seen from there. But that didn't impressed Seishirou at all instead, it's a bit annoying for Seishirou. Suddenly the sun vanished in Seishirou's eyes, the whole world darken and the place turns pitch black. He could see nothing there, nothing at all. Seishirou felt the darkness inside him grow bigger too. The darkness of the seal, the seal of his power. It consumes him bit by bit, from his feet to his head. The darkness covers his entire body and left him paralyzed. Again, he awakes from another nightmare. This time he sreamed louder than before. He panted and realized that he had sweated alot. What's going on inside him? What is it that disturb him? He feels that a real darkness would soon corrupt the entire world. [CENTER][i]An Almighty Darkness[/i][/CENTER][/FONT]
  5. [quote name='indifference][COLOR=Indigo']I've actually tried this one and it works pretty good. If you don't have time for that using a very sharp knife helps since the job gets done more quickly.[/COLOR][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Did everybody know that when we cut an orange sometimes the fruit's juice just sprung out of it? I hear that's because we didn't correctly cut the fruit. There are actually some parts (dunno what exactly) of the fruit that need to be cutted perfectly so that it's juice won't sprung out. Same goes for onion, there are some parts of it which produce gasses when we cut it unperfectly... A very sharp knive helped us to cut those parts...that's another reason why you should use a very sharp knive to cut onions. Hope that helps :animesmil, and sorry if you don't understand this post...I just lack variety of words on english and yeah, I realize it :([/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Oh? That sounds like a good idea...I could reveal my Seishirou's dark pasts there too. Thx Heartless Me, btw I'm a little sleepy now. I'll write it as soon as I get the chance. :animesmil EDIT: Just wanna say that I had something to add about my Seishirou, but I got to go now so....maybe later.....[/FONT]
  7. [quote name='Raiyuu][font=Trebuchet MS']And what's the point of a pistol up close? It still makes a hole is what, and plus at point blank it could probably penetrate samurai armour. A pistol shot is quicker and more often deadly / incapacitating than a sword.[/font][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]What I mean is that they should've given up on their guns if their enemies had been nearby. Pistols did gave them advantage when they're afar, but it's not your best friend on fighting all close. Pistol at that times only had a few bullet inside it and takes time to ready it after a shot. They're dead if they're trying to ready their weapon in a melee ranged combat like that. Firearms at that day produced to attack an enemy from a long distance, they'll immidiately switched to swords if the enemies are too close to them. Doesn't make sense to fight a melee battle using pistols.[/FONT]
  8. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'm still waiting for my question's answer, that's why I haven't posted anything on the RPG. I hope Ecstasy would be back soon. I really wanted to start posting there.[/FONT]
  9. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Fanservice? Alright!!! Too much? Naaaah....:animesigh Very true, girls from animes (especially the shoujo-based one...) had an extraordinary size of their boobs, and I'm not a fan of such things. For me, a simple good-looking and normal-boob-sized girls are far more appealing than those who had dreadfully big breasts. But I still don't think girls from NGE had an oversized breasts (dunno, maybe i never considered their ages...). An ideal anime girls for me would be a mix of Kirika from NOIR (:animeblus) and Riku from DNAngel. Kirika had the...I should say....cuteness...err...well....anyway, I really love Kirika the way she looks. The only thing I didn't like from her is that she's a killer. OMG, I'm not going out on a date with an assasin. Not on my real life :animedepr So that's where Riku barge in, I love her personality alot. Caring and daring, very cute!!! :animesmil Either faces works fine for me :animesmil The fact that I didn't mention other girls names doesn't mean I didn't like them at all. It's just Kirika's and Riku's names are the first one to show themself on my head when I write this post. So then.....I guess that's it.....[/FONT]
  10. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I gotta say one of UVERworld's song called D-technolife's the song that can't get out of my head...but still there's another song that can't leave my pitiful head..... It's Ai Maeda's The Beautiful World....the song's so gentle....and...well....in some way....cute....:D True, it's Kino no Tabi's Ending song....for those who loves anime's OST, you'd better love this one....:animesmil [CENTER][b]The Beautiful World[/b][/CENTER] [CENTER]tooku de furidashita ame dareka ga nurenagara, sotto furueru yama wo nukete, kumo wo tashikame kaze ni furete, hoshi to deatta soshite tabi wa tsudzuiteru reff: so the Beautiful World bokura wa iku, chiisana koe so the Beautiful World kikoeru kara, sekai wo hashiru ikutsumo yarisugosu yoru dokoka de onaji tsuki, miru hito omou mori ni mayoi, sora ni yorisou kuni wo tazune, hito to yukikai soshite tabi wa owaranai reff (again...): so the Beautiful World doko kara kita, doko made yuku so the Beautiful World nagareru mama, sekai wo hashiru yama wo nukete, kumo wo tashikame kaze ni furete, hoshi to deatta soshite tabi wa tsudzuiteru reff (...): so the Beautiful World bokura wa iku, chiisana koe so the Beautiful World kikoeru kara, sekai wo hashiru[/CENTER] Sorry, got no translation of it....:([/FONT]
  11. [quote name='John][size=2]Pirate pistols weren't [i]that[/i'] untrustworthy, lol. If you were close enough for a melee battle, you'd be close enough for the pistol to be effective, and take out the samurai. And yeah, if the pirate didn't have another pistol, he'd still have his sword, which would lend a slight advantage against the ninja, whose swords were very flimsy so they could buy them cheap (so I'm told). The ninja would still probably have more skill, though.[/size][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]Uh huh, pistols on melee range.....sounds funny.... If they're on melee range why even bother using guns? They'd be dead already before they're able to pull out that gun....even though the pirates had the guns on their hand already it would be hard to aim someone moving fast closer to them... Sorry to barge in like that....I just need someone to fill my need to....debate? Err, no....I really wanted to talk about it now so.....argh, whatever...[/FONT]
  12. [quote name='D. Resurrected']heres another one.I went into the woods and got it. I sat down to seek it. I brought it home with me because I couldn't find it. What is it?[/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]EDIT: Forgot the [*FONT=blahblah*] :animeshy: I'm gonna guess it's [spoiler]fire[/spoiler] cause you won't find it on forest but you'll find what it takes to make it on woods. Yeah, it's just a stupid guy's guess :animesigh Btw D, have you ever tried Notpron? You seemed to love riddles much and if that's right, you'll surely love this site. Let's not talk this here OK, if you wanna know about itmore browse over to my thread at PC/Mac, the title's "Notpron *gasp*"[/FONT]
  13. [quote name='Retribution][size=1']Do you honestly think a throwing star would penetrate deep enough to kill? I'm supposing that if it struck the Pirate's jugular vein it would be enough to kill, but the chances of that happening in a fast-paced battle are slim to none. The throwing star(s) would wound but not kill the pirate. I'm also betting that a pirate doesn't carry only one pistol...[/size][/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Ninjas aim their throws so well, they'll aim for a critical spot on an enemy. Think you'll survived a fight with them with a throwing star stuck on your head? :D Also remember that ninjas had other weapons than throwing stars. They had their swords. If their prey don't die on a single shot (or maybe two.....or maybe more....wow....) they'll quickly finish their opponent with one deadly stab. Sorry to just popped-up out of nowhere and critique your comments like that. It's just I really want to say something about this right now :animesmil . As for my opinion on who'd win....that depends....on what type of battles (real battle of course) they're going through. But honestly I think pirates are the worst of them all, they just lack the discipline, strength and weaponry of samurai. They also lack the speed and stealh body of a ninja. What could possibly be a positive side of a pirate? Rule over water? Samurais could be provided with trainings on waters too. Ninjas on the other hand, had an extremely balanced body. That makes it no problem for them to fight even on ships. About the winners, I think it's a tie between samurais and ninjas. That all depends on situation rather than their natural abilities :animesmil .[/FONT] [quote name='Retribution][size=1]The only real way to settle this is like men -- [strike]discussing this over tea[/strike] [strike]crying to Stuart to close the thread[/strike'] making a thread in the Arena and settling it there. Seriously. What do you all say?[/size][/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]-_- don't ask me about this okay? Kinda interesting though :D[/FONT]
  14. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]A few tips from my friend: 1. Use a very sharp knife 2. Use eye-glasses 3. Open windows (if your kitchen had windows) to let onion's gasses out 4. Close your eyes (no don't! I'm just kidding!!!) Hope that helps :animesmil[/FONT]
  15. [quote name='Lionheart][SIZE=1']Okay, getting alot of opinions that I liked. I have decided to change Saw II and the day after tomorrow and replace them with the worlds of Chronicles of Riddick and Spiderman because the heartless would go well in their worlds. Though, I may change one of them to a more "goofier' world to make it kingdom hearts standers.[/SIZE][/quote][FONT=Palatino Linotype]EDIT: just some grammar mistakes....:animesigh Whoala!!! It's my idea! My idea's there!!! :D [i](Enough of your stupidism Raph........enough)[/i] *takes deep breath*.....*release*.....*ready to go*.....Alright, what I want to say is that I'm not quite sure about [i]Batman Begins[/i] idea. Batman got no special powers, contrast to other world you mentioned. I think you should change it to other world which had superpowers....dunno what though. :animesigh Anyway, it's your decision Lionheart. I'm really looking forward to this :animesmil[/FONT]
  16. [QUOTE=r2vq]I'd be careful about that if I were you. Even if Anime isn't always directed towards children, it doesn't mean that it's not a work of fantasy. It's similar to judging American culture by MTV and Hollywood movies. Sometimes it may be a good reflection of a percentage of the population, but there's still a lot more too the culture than what is exported. ;) -Arvi[/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Unfortunately most people learned (or rather....seemed to learned) about other countries from what they see on TV, it's "First impression's the everything". Kinda hard to erase these thought from peoples. I'm one of those peoples on my past days, but now I realize that what I saw on TV was nothing but tiny part of their real life and culture. I just wanted to tell you that so, back to the topic. I love anime firstly because of their artworks, so cute and...humanly....compared to other animations. I also loves animes cause the stories's not just "Heros beat the bad guy and saved the world" kind of cartoons. They got more than that on their stories. The action's thrilling too and above all....they got all the sexy chicks (oh yeah...:D) Enough from me I guess...[/FONT]
  17. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][B]1.Pick a Band or Artist:[/B] L'Arc-en-Ciel [B]2.Are you male or female:[/B] Stay Away [B]3.Describe yourself:[/B] Cureless [B]4.How do some people feel about you:[/B] The Ghost in My Room [B]5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Forbidden Lover [B]6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend:[/B] Love Flies [B]7.Describe where you want to be:[/B] New World [B]8.Describe how you love:[/B] What is Love [B]9.What would you ask if you had just one wish:[/B] Jiyuu no Shoutai (Invitation to Freedom) [B]10.Share a few words of wisdom:[/B] C'est la Vie (Such is Life) [B]11.Now say goodbye:[/B] It's the End That's me, stuck on my house thx to my left leg and never felt a word called "love" :(.[/FONT]
  18. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]- [I]The world is not beautiful;[/I] [I]And that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty[/I] - Click [URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/8410/kinohouse8hj.th.jpg]here[/URL] to find out about Kino's appearance on her casual cloth. Click [URL=http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/8441/kinonotabi14vw.jpg]here[/URL] to find out about Hermes's appearance......and yeah......he's a bike, a talking bike to be precise :D. Click [URL=http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/2913/image42nx.jpg]here[/URL] to open a picture containing Kino on her travel suit (Hermes's there too....). Click [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38073]here[/URL] to find out more about Kino no Tabi. My story did not have any connection towards the real story of Kino no Tabi. [CENTER][I][B]Writer's Note[/B][/I][/CENTER] Hello...:animesmil, you can skip reading this if you want to. But this note's here to tell you guys that I'm still a newbie at forum story telling like this, especially using english language (spelling, grammar, argh....:animestun). Therefore any constructive advice is highly expected from me, to improve my writing skill :animesmil. I'm sorry if my story did not use a wide selection of words :(, that's because I'm not a native speakers and I don't have a dictionary with me here (I only had this stupid TransTool with me......it ain't helping me alot...:(). I also suck at describing surrounding environment and character's condition....help? :animeblus Kino and Hermes usually had philosophical conversations but I seldomly put those on this chapter because it's still the opening, I'll add those on latter chapters. Kino had two guns which you have known if you open the last link I post here, they'll play an important role too on this fanfic of mine :animesmil. On to the story then, enjoy! :animesmil [CENTER][B][I][SIZE=4]A Nameless City[/SIZE][/I][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]Chapter 0[/I][/B][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]Entrance to Nowhere[/I][/B][/CENTER] "Kino, where are we?" Hermes asked Kino, who at that time, was holding Hermes's handlebars to push him forward from his left side. The muddy and slippery road of the forest where they belong now made it impossible for Kino to ride on Hermes. Kino looked around in response to Hermes's question, there's only trees as far as both of them could see. Her face showed that she's a little bit confused. Kino closed her eyes and then looked up to the sky, probably to relax herself. She shielded her eyes from the sun's light with her left arm and felt that the sun is hotter than usual, she felt this for five days straight and this is certainly is not good for her. She had no idea about where she is right now, that mades her remembered the occurence of which she had a few days ago. About five days ago, Kino was on her way to find the next city according to her journey route she had made back on the last city she had been. She was riding on Hermes and stopped at a plain field with nothing but grass aside from the main road. She dismounted from Hermes and, after walked a few steps away from him, opened a map. She read the map carefully and said with a little bit wondering tone "Weird, according to the map this place is supposed to have a road to northwest.", Hermes replied to the Kino while she was ascertaining her position "How many times do I have to tell you not to rely too much on maps?". Kino showed a little grin on her face after hearing what Hermes said, she furl the map on her hands and sit back at Hermes's saddle. She replied Hermes's words while looking to Hermes's lamps with a little smile "And just how many times we're saved by them?". Hermes silenced for a moment and said "So? What are we going to do now?", Kino sets her sight straight forward "We'll keep looking for the road, let's go." so said Kino with her usual calm and a little bit cold tone. Kino continued her ride along the main road of the field and look around to find the path she was looking for. She could see many wild animals and trees lived aside of the main roads, the clouds are very beautiful and the breeze are very gentle, the feeling she experienced here is so relaxing that it almost made Kino wanted to stop for a break. But she can't, she had to keep looking for the path before night as she didn't have many supplies left. Finnaly, she found a path to the direction she intended to go to. She stopped for a bit, looking at her surrounding and then ride along that path, after a while of ride she smiles a little and said to Hermes "It seems that we got what we wanted.", Hermes didn't reply even a single word to Kino's speech, he just silenced all the way. Kino sings her favourite song on the way, she seemed to enjoy her ride along with the flow of the wind. But after a while, Kino's a-bit happy feeling suddenly changed, it's just too quiet here. She didn't see any wild animals anymore, she did sees some tree here but they somehow felt, cold. Both of them continued the ride until they found an entrance to a forest at the end of the road. Kino stopped Hermes and dismounted from him but still holding his handlebars. Kino looked around, she feels something strange from the forest. She then noticed that there were two large trees on her left and right acting as if they were a gate to the forest. Kino set Hermes's kickstand so that she could let her hands go. Kino walked a few steps and opened her map again, trying to find their current location. She was surprised to found that they're nowhere at the map, the map only shows one main road splitted into two, one to the northwest and one to the northeast. The northwest road was supposed to had no forest and it leads them exactly to the city of their destination. Hermes said "What's wrong Kino?", Kino replied "It looks like that we had lost, this forest is nowhere on the map.". Hermes sighed and said "What do I say? We shouldn't trust a map too much.". Kino twitched her face a bit and replied "I think you're right.", she agreed with Hermes, thinking that they can't be lost, the path's just a straight and one way, it must have been the map which is not right. She immidiately furl her map and turned her body to mount Hermes. But right after she turn her body completely, she felt a cold and strong breeze going through her into the forest. Kino seemed to be shocked, she's paralyzed right where she stands for quite sometimes, she starts to sweat alot and her face's just won't recover from the shock. Hermes, seeing Kino's unusual state asked "Hey Kino, what's wrong?". Kino, rather than answering Hermes's question, turned her back again and said "Something's calling for me.". A little bit surprised with Kino's responses, Hermes asked again "What? Whose calling for you? It's just the two of us here.". Hermes's words seemed to unsuccesfully reached Kino's ears, she turned her back once more and pushes Hermes inside the forest. Hermes, a little bit panicked shouted "Hey! Kino!", but yet, Kino's just keep pushing Hermes deeper and deeper inside the forest. Haven't regained her consiousness, Kino once more said "Something....is calling for me." [CENTER][I]Something's calling for me[/I][/CENTER] After a long times of taking steps deeper into the forest, Kino fainted. Hermes couldn't do anything other than to wait until Kino wakes up. The day has gone darker and darker, maybe they'll spend their night here on this creepy and cold forest if Kino wasn't going to wake up soon. Unfortunately for both of them, Kino didn't wake up till the next morning. Kino awakes shocked with sweat all around her body, she panted and struggles hard to calm herself again. Seeing that Kino's awake Hermes said "Look what that stupid map had brought both of us into?", Kino turn her head into Hermes whom body's laid on the ground. After a while of calming self, Kino stands and helped Hermes to stand. She set his kickstand and back to sit on her previous place. She asked Hermes about what had happened, Hermes then told Kino everything he knows. Kino looked to the ground after Hermes finished his story, she said "The last thing I remember is......wind....a strong and cold wind.". After a while of silence, Kino looked at her surrounding, all she saw was only trees, no sign even from animals. The sky looked clear but the sun has yet to set, that's probably the reason why it felt so cold around here. Kino looked down again and closed her eyes, trying to relax and calm her minds again. A few minutes passed, Kino's back on her feets and pushes Hermes to look for a way out. But then five days had passed since that days and yet they met no sign of way out. Kino survived by eating fruits harvested from trees and drink water gathered from it's root, they might not tasted good, but it's all Kino could do to survive. Not all of them are meant to be eaten as most of them are poisonous, it's also hard too to find waters on a tree's root. Both of them takes luck for Kino and she might end up eating nothing for a days. The temperatures are unfriendly too, too hot on days and too cold on night. The path is muddy and hard to traverse. This forest seemed fit the nickname of "Cursed Forest". "Kino, where are we?", Hermes's feeling weak as he got his fuel nearly empty. Kino's also worned out, but she can't give up yet, there's so many things on the world that she wanted and yet to see, she can't fall here. After a long time of walking, Kino found a pathway which led into a higher ground. She felt that she could observed her surrounding from a higher ground and so, she traverse the path. It takes alot of her stamina to go through the pathway but eventually, she made it. After she made it, she quickly observed the place and found a place, somewhat city like, no far from her position. "Hermes, we're gonna survive this!" nearly vanished, Kino's spirit's back on fire again. She descend down and head toward the direction of the city. [CENTER][I]A city? In the middle of forests?[/I][/CENTER] Kino met up with Hermes, whom she left when she was ascending to the top. Kino told Hermes about the city, Hermes obviously surprised and said "A city? In the middle of forests?". Kino not seemed to listen to what Hermes said, feeling ignored, Hermes said "Think about it for a sec! You must have seen a hallucination or something.". Kino whose now holding Hermes's handlebars said "It isn't..." and start pushes him. Hermes had a strange feeling about this, he saw Kino's too quick on her decision, but he himself had left no choice but to go along the flow. Walking another few miles, Kino saw a big gate far from her. She seemed relieved that she somehow survived. She quicken her pace and eventually arrived at the front gate of a city. It's a common design for a front gate, brown colored and opened in a way common doors got opened. The walls of the city's quite magnificent, the structure seems solid and perfectly made by using the hardest rock found around here. There's a post at the right side of the gate, Kino approached the post to register herself as usual. She saw a man standing inside the post, he had a strange white pointy hat and wear a white armor. As Kino approach the post, the man smiled and said "Welcome to our city young traveller! Please sign your names, how many are there peoples on your party and how long you'd stay in the town.". Kino takes her pen and start filling the registry form, while she filling the forms and without looking into the man's face, she asked "Excuse me, what's this city called?". Kino kept filling the form and felt strange that the man had yet to answer her question. Kino looked at the man's face, he seemed smiling, smilling strangely. Kino's wondered what's the meaning of his smile and asked one more time "Excuse me, what's this city called?". The man's smile grew even more stranger and after a few moments of silence he replied "The city has no name...". [CENTER][I]The city has no name...[/I][/CENTER] [I][SIZE=2]To be continued...[/I][/SIZE] [/FONT]
  19. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I don't like CLAMP's manga artwork much, but I do love their anime versions and stories :animesmil. It's just that, their artwork somehow seemed disorder and too detailed to me. No, not disordered....and yeah, maybe it's just too detailed for me :animesigh. The anime versions of their work are simpler (sp?) for me to enjoy, but sometimes I felt a little bored by them, but not much :animesmil. I love Cardcaptor Sakura (cute artwork, simple and enjoyable story), X (great action), Chobits (same as Cardcaptor Sakura with the addition of it's fan service :D) and Tsubasa Chronicles (combined characters, what else would made the manga succeded? :D and also, the manga had great story and artwork :animesmil). Dunno about the others, haven't watched them :(.[/FONT]
  20. [quote name='Par-Fait']I REALLY want an mp3 of that ending song.[/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Indigo][B][Link Removed By Moderator][/B][/COLOR] you can find full ending song of KnT (and also the opening song :animesmil), Ai's voice is so cute!!! :D I still can't believe how a cute voice like that could match Kino's masculine (:D) attitude and body form. About the novel, is it true that there's only 6 volumes of it? And does anyone knows about Kino's short movies on DVDs? How many are there?[/FONT] [COLOR=Indigo][B]Raphael[/B], I removed the link from your post. If you read the rules, you would know that distributing copyrighted material is not permitted at OtakuBoards. This includes posting links and instructions for websites that share these files. Please take a moment to read [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][COLOR=Indigo][B]the rules[/B][/COLOR][/URL] before posting again. If you have any questions, feel free to PM myself or another member of the staff. ~indifference[/COLOR]
  21. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Oookay.....:therock: First post, character still got no powers. But that means that I had to play my Seishirou back on his younger days. Is that okay?[/FONT]
  22. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I'd rather live in a world where all religion are accepted equally. It's just for everyone right? Even for those who didn't believe in religion....cause you didn't mention anything about them and I take it as they are allowed to stay on that world. Enough of that, it's my turn now :D Would you rather...(no smilie) [I]Tied to a chair and forced to watch Teletubbies live action for a month non-stop[/I] or [I]Hitted by a large truck and brought to hospital with broken bones almost everywhere. Takes one week to recover from the injury. (Wonderful huh? :D)[/I][/FONT]
  23. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]- [I]The world is not beautiful;[/I] [I]And that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty[/I] - I'm not sure whether this anime is popular among OBers, but I really loved this anime although I haven't watched all 13 episodes of it. Hope someone would reply to my thread.....:animesigh Kino no Tabi stars two main characters, [URL=http://img91.imageshack.us/img91/8410/kinohouse8hj.th.jpg]Kino[/URL] (click the name to show her picture) whose, to me, gender remains mystery (it was explained that [B]she[/b]'s a girl but I just love to keep wondering about her gender :D). She's a traveler, drifting from place to place along with the second main character, a talking bike named [URL=http://img162.imageshack.us/img162/8441/kinonotabi14vw.jpg]Hermes[/URL] (same as before...). They spend no more and no less than three days on each city they visit. Kino no Tabi was adopted from a best-selling novel with same title written by Keiichi Sigusawa back on July 2000. The novel itself, as far as I know, had 6 volumes on sale in Japan. Directed by Ryutaro Nakamura from [I]Serial Experiment Lain[/I], the anime would surely captured it's viewer imaginations :D. The story, unlike most animes out there, is not telling a girl's journey to her maturity. It's just about the world, it's just about imagination, it's just about the journey....:D. To me personally, the story's just so original. It only explained the world, for example, what would it like [SPOILER]when people could know each other's feeling without words[/SPOILER] (episode 1, if I'm not mistaken). The pictures are great, so alive and beautiful. Click the link on Kino's name to get the example of Kino no Tabi's pictures/graphics. Anyone watched the show yet?[/FONT] [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Raphael[/B], I?m moving your thread to the existing Kino?s Journey thread. To avoid confusion we ask that you do not create a new thread but instead post in the current one no matter how old it may be. You can look here: [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=38208][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Official Threads Directory[/B][/COLOR][/URL] to see if the thread already exists. Or you can perform a search to see if one has already been created. Please take a moment to read through the [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Rules[/B][/COLOR][/URL] and [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/faq.php?][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]FAQ[/B][/COLOR][/URL] located on the left sidebar for further information on OtakuBoards policies on creating threads and other aspects of OtakuBoards. If you have any questions feel free to pm myself or another member of the staff. ~Aaryanna [/COLOR]
  24. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]As for me....:cool: [B]Fatty[/B] - guess what? I'm fat, my sister usually calls me with that nickname...:D, but I'm no fatman anymore, kinda made me sad....:animecry: [B]Curly[/B] - my father calls me with that nickname, and yes you right....I had curly hairs.....:animesmil [B]Ad[/B] - one of my friends calls me with this name since my name's Adi, in my country people usually calls someone named like my name with Di or something like that. But this friend of mine calls me Ad instead of Di....:D i guess that's all, not my habit to nickname people....:([/FONT]
  25. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]EDIT: Forgot to put the[*/FONT*] :animeswea Why hasn't anyone voted for Kirika (NOIR) :animecry:? She got it all speed, technique and above all.....cuteness :D. She could kill anyone without even feeling regret...:naughty: My vote also goes for Vicious from Cowboy Bebop, man he frightens me whenever I saw him.....cruel, cold, powerful, anything that made a killer becomes real killer are within him....:animedepr[/FONT]
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