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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]Hey, did envy even appear on FMA movie? Cause I only watched the movie once (which might be the reason I didn't saw him :animeblus) and I didn't saw him even once.....:shifty: There's just his sound echoing out of nowhere....but where is he?[/FONT]
  2. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]I love OtakuBoards cause they got all I want, Games, Animes, Mangas, everything....:D I also love to make stories and found the RPG thread amusing me :animesmil, the fan fiction and art studio, although I seldomly post there, are usefull too. OtakuBoards lets your creativty published to the world so then people could enjoy and give their coments on it :animesmil. I guess that's all from me, if I remember anything else I'll post again or edit this post....:D[/FONT]
  3. [FONT=Palatino Linotype][b]Name:[/b] Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga (1 and 2) [b]Console:[/b] Playstation2 [b]Number of Players:[/b] 1 player [b]Brief Description:[/b] "True Reincarnation of The Goddess" is the litteral translation of Shin Megami Tensei. It's Atlus's long-running series of adventure involving all kind of demons, deities and occult. Digital Devil Saga (DDS)'s the latest of the series, following Nocturne on it's success. The story is about a world called Junkyard which inhabited by people bounded by a twisted law. They're spreaded into 6 Tribes, each Tribes had to hunt down other Tribe's leader in order to advance into Nirvana, which is believed to be the true heaven. DDS2 is the continuation of the unfinished story in DDS1. You play as Serph, the leader of the Embryon, one of many Tribes that strived to reach Nirvana. Like any other RPGs, Serph won't battle it all alone. He got 4 other people helping him on his quest which I won't reveal on this post. Each character has the ability to learn all magics, so say goodbye to only-this-character-had-this-skill (in DDS2 however, some characters had a special skill). You learn magic by using Mantra Grids, the system let you learn a skill after you learn the skill next to it.....think about the sphere-grid system of Final Fantasy X. The battle system's not too complex, but it's not easy to describe it in words. The game has party-turn based system and the turn is determined by your characters position (from gamers view, left to right). I can't describe more of it in words as I had mentioned above, you'd better experienced it for yourself. [b]The best thing about this game:[/b] The graphics and character's model are original (and I mean it, you'll never find anything like it in another game) and great. The characters are superbly voiced (except for Serph, who is the never-talk-but-not-mute kind of main character) and the soundtrack deserved the top rank. The driving guitar rock of the battle themes and sometimes flavoured by the more mystical (sometimes unsettling) tunes certainly pumped the mind of anyone plays it. The storyline is complex and very imaginative yet pictures our real world greatly. [b]Rating:[/b] [URL=http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/920605.asp] Click here[/URL] for information about the ratings on this game given by many famous game news. As for me, I give this game 4.8 stars out of 5. [b]You should:[/b] Buy it [b]Final Word:[/b] Definitely a great game! :animesmil[/FONT]
  4. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]My favourite colors are black, green and blue.... Why? I love black cause I love dark and mysterious thing, and it's....powerful....well, it absorbs light and no one could do much thing in darkness....:naughty: I love green thx to Raphael, that guy looks great on his green.....what should I call it.....cloth? Another reason is because for me, green could symbolize many thing....from fun to pain....(check out these emoticons :fart: :crying: -_- :laugh: :naughty: :D ) Blue's a gentle color, blue's the first color I ever loved if my memory doesn't fool me. It's also a calm and actually a beautifull color :animesmil[/FONT]
  5. [quote name='Rhym][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]Oh, wait, or did you mean only anime characters? It kinda looked like you okayed anyone in real life or anime. If it's anime, I might have to rethink my answer. Can you imagine being married to Faye Valentine? That's what I call a nightmare.[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] [FONT=Palatino Linotype]It's okay, anyone is allowed.....:animesmil[/FONT] [QUOTE=indifference][COLOR=Indigo]Would you rather live in a cage with several hungry Grizzly bears for a week? Or Would you rather live in the same cage with teletubbies for a month?[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [FONT=Palatino Linotype] -_- Man....both choices sucks....no offense to Teletubbies fans out there...:cross: But I guess I still go with the second choice.....I still value my life you know....:animesigh need more explanation? :D My turn....would you rather :animeknow [I]Punch someone you hate the most in the head for a days non-stop and in exchange everybody hates you for a week[/I] or [I]Whipped at your whole body for three days non-stop and in exchange everybody loves you for a week[/I] Pointless huh?:([/FONT]
  6. [FONT=Palatino Linotype]:) Ok. time to reveal myself...:D Name's Adi...strange huh? Well, I'm Indonesian n that kind of name's pretty usuall in my country. Nickname? Maybe you could call me Ad or whatever...just make sure you won't offend anyone ;) Alright, I'm a 15 years old boy and I'm currently live far from my parents. Why? Cause I'm on a college which is located far from my real house :(, I've no one here other than my uncle whose here to drove me to my college, since my leg for some reason cannot be used to walk without....err.....what would you guys call something that'll help someone to walk? Yeah, that's it.....:D My family? I got two sisters, both are older....my family just adopted a child whose younger than me, so that makes me had a younger brother....:D I love anime and games, I also love to made my own story....(still working on one....but it sucks.....:( ) I guess that's all for now....;)[/FONT]
  7. [FONT=Palatino Linotype](alright....for now on...I'll use this font type...:D) EDIT: Whoops, Slow Chemical's post wasn't there the when I write my post.....sorry....:animeblus [B][I]For Dee's choices[/B][/I] Having all means of communications and transportations but no friends? Have friends but no way to reach them? Though choices :twitch: as both seemed to be a useless life to me :therock: But I guess I go with the first choice, it's kinda cool being a lone drifter (well, since you had the transportations) although it's sad too, having no friends at all....:( I can't expect all of my friends to always know that I need them, well....since I'm cut from the outer world....and I sorta hate it too, having my freedom taken like that (cut out from the world.....isn't that what you called freedom taken?)....:D [B][I]For Slow Chemical's choices[/B][/I] Kinda strange....but I choose to teach GB how to read and write....kinda pointless to teach a pig to fly....and I'm not the type of person who would do something pointless.....:D So there you goes....it's my turn then....:cool: Would you rather :animeknow [I]Married to your fav anime character (or any people except your family and girl/boyfriend you adore the most to those who don't have any....)[/I] or [I]Married to your girl/boyfriend...[/I][/FONT]
  8. Thx to Zeke for my cool (well, at least for me....) ban... :D My sig is pretty usual, just a ban with quote on it and also below it. For those who don't know, the one on my ban and avi is Raphael from Soul Calibur....he's cool huh? :cool: :D Obviously, I get that qoute from SC...it's one of Raphael's entrance (before the battle begin) quotes, and I consider it the coolest of all.....:cool: EDIT: Whoaaa sorry, I didn't realize that the thread was talking about HOW I get my sig not what's on my sig... :animeblus
  9. Currently, I'm obsessed by UVERworld's D-technolife, it's Bleach 2nd Opening and it's way so cool! I just love the singer's wild voice and.....well....I kinda love everything on the song.... I played it over and over again yet never get bored by it..... :D :cool:
  10. -_- MJ huh? Nay, you'll never get the answer "OK" from me except it's emergency if you ask me to live with him.....he's just.... :shifty: can't say much....I'm afraid it'll offend someone :shifty: Whatever, I chose to live with Kelly...... Would you rather :animeknow [I]Live in a world without Animes[/I] or [I]Live in a world without Games[/I] Hard choices.....for me at least....:D
  11. [quote name='Illusion][COLOR=RoyalBlue']Weirdest thing i have ever eaten for breakfast was sand...[/COLOR][/quote] -_- Did you just say...sand...? -_- What for? Why did you ate sand? :confused: Of all the weirdest thing...... :confused: Why sand? :confused: How does it taste? :therock:
  12. 1.Pick a Band or Artist: Linkin Park 2.Are you male or female: Breaking the Habit 3.Describe yourself: Easier to Run 4.How do some people feel about you: Don't Stay 5.Desscribe your ex boyfriend/girlfriend: Forgotten 6.Describe your current boyfriend/girlfriend: Pushing Me Away 7.Describe where you want to be: With You 8.Describe how you love: From the Inside 9.What would you ask if you had just one wish: A Place for My Head 10.Share a few words of wisdom: Points of Authority 11.Now say goodbye: Nobody's Listening Guys, don't take this seriously okay? :D
  13. [quote name='KatanaViolet]That would be a weird thing to eat, however, shashimi [I]is[/I'] the weirdest thing I've ever eaten. I can't say I was asking for bragging rights. But to me, that was something completely foreign, so it was very different, and to me, really weird. I couldn't comprehend how people eat it like candy.[/quote] Well, I love sashimi (sashimi's the raw fish right?). Sure it tastes weird that the weirdness made you wanna poke the first time you ate it (it happens to me too :o), but if you use the right amount of it's ketchup, you'll get the impressive taste of it....:D [quote name='KatanaViolet']I still want to try other sushi, but I don't think I'll be eating sashimi anytime soon. But it's not like that's all Japanese people eat anyways. I'm sure I'll find something to my liking that's not fish.[/quote] Hmm....maybe you just hate fish? Or you just hate it temporarily? Sometimes people get that feeling of hating some kind of food temporarily, I've experienced it too.....:animesmil Sashimi's good food, you should try to love it like me....:D
  14. Hello....:animeknow: Simple, my sig is just a banner with Raphael's pic and quote on it (thanks to Zeke for the great ban and avi :D). Below it is a quote from Raphael in the start of the fight. I like it so much, it sounds evil.....but cool!!! :cool:
  15. The worst thing I ate for breakfast? Probably my two-days-ago big mac....damn it tastes suck. But I don't have a choice....there are no food left on my house that day :animesigh. The cheeses inside the burger just turned the way it shouldn't be.....bleh.... Eating a large meal and coke on your breakfast hurts your stomach alot....believe me, I've experienced it. :o
  16. Hello.... :animeknow Cool!!! Great quality of linework and shading, :cool: the character's feeling were quickly understood by whoever seen the picture! :D Oh by the way, I'm just a little curious about the size of the character's left shoulder, isn't it a little too wide? My english is just not good enough to describe it so I just attach an image which is an edit of your pic done by me.....remember that I'm just advising....(eventhough my drawing couldn't even compare your magnificent draw......:animesigh) [IMG]http://img55.imageshack.us/img55/5317/kairi0aj.png[/IMG] Hope you'll understand what I meant....:animesmil I know that there's still problem about the comparison of size between her shoulder and head.....I didn't change her head much because I don't feel like I could edit her head much (with so much shading on it.....you can't expect me to do that....:animesigh)....I'm just suggesting this to you, if you feel agreed to me then try to experiment another size....whatever that might look better than this one....;) Oh yeah....for the score....I give your pics 8.4/10, you'll get more if you add color and background to the pic ;)
  17. I was afraid that I'll break the rules of doing the mods (moderators)'s job if I answered your question but I think I'll help you anyway..... [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=44317]Click here[/URL] Sorry mods..... :animeshy: :( You really had to read the rules of otakuboards, everything's on there.... :animeknow
  18. (OOC: I've finished the biography, and made some changes....) [b]Name:[/b] Roan (he forgot his last name) [b]Ethnicity:[/b] Brittish (OOC: sorry, I'm just not sure there was an ethnicity called english so I'd just changed to brittish.....) [b]Age:[/b] 11 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [URL=http://img435.imageshack.us/img435/7184/roan2dc.jpg]Click here[/URL] and forget the hammer behind him. He had a big scar on his back but it's concealed (of course!!!) by his cloth. [b]Personality:[/b] Immature, friendly and childish, Roan's kinda cute and would surely made any anything-cute fans hugged him like a doll. He sometimes kinda selfish but that's a natural thing for a kid like him. Whenever he plays outside the orphans house, you usually sees him along with his friends shooting a tree using a slingshot to get it's fruits or doing anything else that had something to do with shooting, that doesn't mean Roan never did anything other than shooting. Nowadays, he sometimes found staring up into the sky, watching something that's probably has connection to his past. [b]Fortes:[/b] Sharpshooter might be the best word to describe Roan, he's able to shoot or throw anything to his target with high accuracy. It's a unique ability Roan possess ever since he was born polished by his everyday training (read: playing). Roan's quite agile too but it's more because he has his small body, not because it is his natural ability. He has a keen sight which not only enforced his main ability, but also usefull for other purposes......usually to track down anything he wishes to play with :animeswea. He also had talent of thievery, but not much considering his age and he got no "formal" learning of such things :D. [b]Biography/Writing Sample:[/b] (OOC: sorry bout the weird writing styles and commas, I use them because I just felt they fit the atmosphere of the story) There stands Roan, aiming at something, up in the air. You can see sunlights shining in this beautiful day, the warm air is just the perfect condition for any child to play outside, Roan's not an exception. He's outside, nearly releases his shot to his target, you can put 50 bucks on the table and win more money on a gamble if you choose that he'll hit his target. But something bothers him, he couldn't let go the stone on his slingshot, something bothering his mind when he tried to shot that target. If you did that gamble mentioned before you're so unlucky, Roan has just put down his slingshot and sit on a nearest tree. Probably to hide himself from the heat of sunlight, or probably thinking about whatever bothering his mind. "Hey, Roan....don't you wanna play?" there's a girl, always seemed going out together with Roan. She approached Roan and said those words, Roan smiled and replied "I'm sorry, but I had something on my mind....maybe next time..." such word could not even imagined by the girl to come out from Roan's mouth. Up until now, he always said yes or something like that, except if he's tired or sick of course. The girl obviously surprised with Roan's response, she said "What happened to you Roan? Are you sick or something?", Roan looked at the girl and smiled, then he looked up to the sky, watching a few birds flying happily. With his eyes still focused on those birds, Roan said "When I saw those birds, I remembered something, but I can't tell what...." seemed a little bit disappointed Roan continued "I don't know.....I just don't know....what is it.....". There was a car accident, 8 years ago, in a city on Ukraine. Apparently a whole Brittish family, immigrants, and just recently changed their civic, was killed in the tragedy. No, there was a survivor, a boy, around the age of 3. He has wounds on his whole body, but the worse are at his head and back. All he remember was his first name, everthing else seemed to had been wiped out by the accident. The boy was brought to an orphans house, it's far from the city, but he had nowhere else to go. He was brought to the orphans house early on the morning after he was discharged from the hospital, the singing bird on that day contrasts the sorrowful mind of the boy. He just stared at them, is it because of their singing? Or there are another reason? Perhaps he remembered something from his past. Tears started to dropped slowly from the boys face as he stares to the birds, perhaps he really remembered something from his past, his family, anything that had something to do with birds. He cried and said just one word......mother......and then he collapsed. No one knows the true meaning of that word, it's hard for a kid like him to lose his entire family at once and ends up somewhere he didn't know where. But he'll make it up somehow, time shall heal his wounds, both the one on his body and his mind.
  19. I had two most memorable gaming moment.... The first one was when I had my first RPG game......FFIX....... I'm not pretty sure how to play the game (I never ever experienced random battle and gameplay like that before...), I couldn't hit my enemies cause I don't know how....instead, I hit my own ally.......and I failed to defeat even the first enemy (the captain....or whatever you'd call him) before finnally defeat him after trying for so many times..... I tried and tried hard till I get the hang of the game, and yes.....I finnally reach the final boss. People might find him easy to beat but for me, who at that time, has the first experience of fighthing a last boss......had a hard time dealing with him. I had this memorable moment when I defeat him with a desperate blow. I had a party of Zidane, Garnet, Vivi and Freya (don't critize me, I'm a newbie back there..... :animeangr ) to fight the last boss and I struggle hard to fight him...I remember having my entire party wiped out except for Zidane who has his HP on [COLOR=RED]red[/COLOR], you'll imagine how hopeless I was.....didn't even think of what would happen if I did it, I attack him.....not using a skill..... I use normal attack....and guess what happen....he died! :D That last blow killed him! I was screaming happily after I beat that boss, especially with that last desperate blow..... :D The second one, it's about Metal Gear Solid..... You guys know a boss called Phsyco Mantis right? (I'm sure remembered someone has already mentioned his name on this thread.....) Well if you don't, he's a boss that keep disappearing anytime you tried to shoot or attack him. The only way to defeat him is to change our controller into port 2.......but that was what everyone thought right? You could say I'm lucky (because I am!!!), you could say I'm lying....or whatever....I defeat him!!! On normal condition!!! Without changing my controller!!! :D I was desperate when I fought him, he's very very very annoying and get to your nerves fast if you don't know how to fight him. Usually your colonel called you in the middle of the battle to tell you how to fight him, but I was focused on fighting him and didn't take notice at his call and after many times of retry......I did it!!! :D I was using a tactic I devised myself (I'm not sure I could do this again though.....), first I attack him and he'll disappear, then I pull the gun to the point where he would possibly appear and shoot again. It worked!!! With lots and lots of luck though......maybe it was my good day..... :cool: :D I used so many rations on fighting him and end up with no choice but to retry. That's when I realized colonel's call and find a way to beat him on an easier way......shame on me.... ;)
  20. [quote name='Sara][color=#b00007][size=1]Dear lord, that's not a choice. As I see no intrinsic difference between the two, I arbitrarily choose physics.[/size'][/color][/quote] Oh do you think so? I'm sorry..... :animecry: [QUOTE=Ikillion][color=DarkSlateGray][size=1][font=Comic Sans MS]Would you rather be stupid enough to make a video of you having sex with another then let some person get it till its distributed everwhere around the internet? or.. would you accidently have sex with some person at a younge age and be only 14 with a child of your own?[/font][/size][/color][/QUOTE] :animedepr Though choices, but I guess I'd go with the first choice. At least anyone (that doesn't know me personally of course) who watched the movie didn't know I'm the star of what they watched :D cause XXX movies tends to not include their actor's ( :D ) name. It's a though responsibility, having a kid on your 14th age..... :animeswea [quote name='Ikillion][color=DarkSlateGray][size=1][font=Comic Sans MS]I am so evil...[/font][/size'][/color][/quote] Indeed you are..... :D Ok, here comes...... :cool: Would you rather :animeknow [i]Eat ten kilos of dirts which has all kind of animal [color=DarkGreen][size=1][b]droppings [/b][/size][b][size=1][/size][/b][/color](sorry.....don't know how to say it on a more....polite way.....:animeshy: ) on it......[/i] or [i]Slaughter your own family......[/i] Back to the massacre...... :D [color=DarkGreen][font=Trebuchet MS][size=2]There, that's a more polite way of saying it. -Raiyuu[/size][/font][/color]
  21. [quote name='D. Resurrected']hmm my guess is a sponge Im pretty shere thats right.[/quote] :catgirl: You got it right.....I guess it was too easy huh :animesigh no idea of your ridle D., sorry...... :animesigh
  22. Alright, time for me to fill in some empty spaces here.....here's my ridle.... :animeknow I am only useful When I am full, Yet I am always Full of holes. What am i? It's just a simple ridle :animeswea
  23. Hello.... :animeknow I noticed something strange about Dee's banner, when I looked at it I realize it was the guy's left arm which is strange. I felt somehow it wasn't supposed to be there judging from the position of his shoulder. You should try experiment changing it's position. Or if his arm's position's a right one, then it must be the distance between the girl and him which is wrong. Try to make it looked that the girl's back touch the guy's chest. It's just my opinion though :animesmil . I give it.....8/10 cause I really liked it's background which is to me, really matched the pairs.
  24. [QUOTE=NekoSama101]eating a bucket a maggot infesting donkey vomit or having everyone you know hate you for a week[/QUOTE] Maggot? Damn, those slimy little creature just don't fit my appetite :sick: , so I think I'd pass.....I'd rather being hated by a week by everyone I knows....it's only for a week anyway, but if it's for eternity.....I'll consider the first choice :animesigh And now....would you rather :animeknow [I]Study physics for one month non-stop (with snacks as your meal)[/I] or [I]Study chems for one month non-stop (same as above)[/I]
  25. Gah........so close....... :flaming: As for your ridle mmm.....he's telling the truth.....my guess....
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