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Everything posted by Raphael

  1. Anybody know a manga called "Death Note"? It's a cool manga where the main char named Yagami Raitou (Light) was the bad guy! And I root for him!!! Another bad guy I root for would be Sephiroth from FF: VII and Zeno from Gash Bell..... Why? Cause all of them are cool!!! And not only a stupid bad guy who'd be defeated by the main char so easily (not included Yagami).....
  2. Is it okay if it's a boss BGM? :animeshy: Cause right now I really love the boss BGM on Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2 where you fight Abbadon (there are other bosses with similiar BGM on the game). It really is cool :cool: and you'll feel that you're fighting something majestic while you hear the song. It suits the game well!!! :D
  3. OOC: I'm sorry if it's a bit long....:animeshy: (edit: I've made some change on Ralph's bio and appearance......... :animeknow a little information here........Ralph lived on the village from age 0-5, he lived on the merchant's mansion from age 5-21 and then he was casted out from the merchant's mansion and live his 21-32 on the destroyed village.....) [CENTER][B]Name:[/B] Ralph Stanley (Stanley is Ralph's real family last name) [B]Age:[/B] 32 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] With blonde mid straight hair and red eyes, Ralph could look handsome and frightening at the same time. He wear a purple leather jacket with long arm and high conscript (imagine Raphael's conscript on SC3), black cloth (inside his jacket), purple leather long-gloves, purple pants, red belt and black leather boots. [B]Personality:[/B] Ralph could be a little selfish at a time but when he's commited to something, he'll do it no matter what. He's a calm person and valued grace highly when he's fighting (only when he's fighting). He's quite agile but sometimes his habit of fighting gracefully slowed him down, which he also realized and tried to fight all out when he's at a dangerous situation. [B]Bio:[/B] Ralph was born on a small village southeast of the destroyed village. At his young age, his abillity and intellegent caught the eyes of a wealthy merchant from Alosto who was staying for three days at Ralph's house after being found unconsiouss by Ralph's father, it seemed that the merchant was robbed by bandits and left unconsiouss by them. Ralph get pretty close with the merchant as Ralph's willingness to learn about the world make him always ask and listen stories about the world from the merchant. Several years later Ralph's parents died, the little Ralph was then taken by the merchant after hearing that the skillful boy's parent has died. The merchant has no child eventhough he's married. The merchant seemed to put big hope on Ralph, Ralph learned much about the world and fighting technique, which no one around him could beat him on both. Ralph also learned the way of the upperclassmen and find it suit him well. But, along with his rise in rank, Ralph attitude changed. He's now a man who look down on others if they aren't on the same rank as he is. His attitude change made the merchant sad. "He wasn't supposed to be like this..." so said the merchant on his deep sadness. One day, when he's walking down a street, Ralph saw a girl who is about the same age as he is. The fact that she's only a shoe-seller seemed to vanished in Ralph's eye because of her beauty. The girl smiled at him and asked whether he would buy any of her shoes. Ralph's high selfregard made him shout "Who do you think you're talking to? You lowlife scumbag!" He didn't intend to said that horrible thing which made him the target of many's eyes. Ralph felt a little guilt but he continued his walk pretending that nothing has happened. A few days has passed after that incident and yet his feeling never stop aching. He felt that he had to find the girl and apologize to her. He couldn't understand his own feeling, although it's true that in his whole life he never looked down on people that badly, he felt that there's another reason to this feeling. Perhaps what he felt is love? Without even answering to his mind's question of "How could I love a shoe-seller?", Ralph ran until he reached the street where he met the girl. He quickly tries to find the girl and finnally found her on a market nearby buying her daily needs. Ralph approach her, the girl noticed Ralph was coming and looked at his face, she looked a bit scared. Ralph stopped and after a while of silence, he apologize to the girl. The girl seemed to be surprised but then she smiled and bowed to Ralph while saying that she's the one that should apologize. Surprising even to himself, Ralph hugged the girl and confessed his deep love. Ralph introduced the girl to his father (the merchant), his father felt a little surprised by the sudden change of Ralph who never even wanted to touch a person like her. Ralph's father approved their relationship hoping that the girl could somehow change Ralph's heart, cause he sees honesty and kindness on the girl. Ralph's father hope come into reality somehow. Ralph's attitude toward poor people changed bit by bit. He become a true gentlemen which kindness not only reached the high-class ones. But, it seemed that Ralph's father's hope had to be paid with his own life. A few months after Ralph's change, his father died. Ralph sadness was added by his own mother who rejected his place on the family after his father's death. The other nobility also follow his mother action considering his background and lover. Ralph was left alone with no one besides him other than the girl. Ralph moved to the destroyed village (on this day, the village has yet to be destroyed) and become a merchant along with the girl. He made many friends and enter a school of magic to protect himself on his journey as a merchant. He lived year to year on the village and eventually marry the girl. He's blessed with three children and live happily with them, far happier than what he had felt on his life before. Until one fatefull day, when he's coming home from another journey. He noticed smokes from his village direction. He ran as fast as he can to his village but it was all too late. He sees a being he only read on books burned his house to ruins. He rushed down, trying to stop the manace. One of his friend saw him running down toward the village, he chases and stopped Ralph. Ralph asked him wheter his wife and kids is save, his friend silenced for a minute and said "I remember your wife helped a kid escape from a burning house.....the kid is save......but your wife.....", his friend looked down. Ralph seemed to understand what has happened and shocked by it. He tried to concentrate and asked "How about the kids?", his friend said "I....I'm sorry I couldn't.....". Ralph's shock was doubled, he never imagine that on his life, he had to lose everyone he love the most all so sudden. Ralph looked down and calmly said "Let's get to a safe place first.....", his friend nodded and both of them run toward Alosto, the nearest place they could reach from their location. Ralph seemed to be calm, but his friend knows that deep in his heart, pain, anger and sorrow are mixing altogether. The only thing he didn't know that the conjunction causes a word which has become Ralph's cause to stay alive........vengeance. [I]He swore vengeance to the so-called god Lisiae no matter what![/I] [B]Skills/abilities:[/B] Ralph is an expert of rapier, he also is able to handle other sword-typed weapon. He could also use magic which is not as strong as a real magician, specialized on lightning type magics. His other abilities is business.[/CENTER]
  4. We have different personalities....but if anyone here know Inui from Prince of Tennis....I could sound just like him (might not be exactly same but.....) :animeknow
  5. [B]Guy with stick:[/B] O man, who the hell put my lovely Amy on the dump?! :mad: The name Amy just kept sprung out of my head when I see that crocodile....I wonder why.... :animeshy:
  6. :animeknow Hi... Your idea seems really usuall....but good :catgirl: ....if you did a good job on the drawing n detail of the storyline (such as what is that stone you're talkin about n what kind of journey those two would experience...) it could be great... :D Oh yeah....I advise changing the name Mai to something else.....well you know that there's a popular anime called "Mai-Hime" who has the same primary char's name.....maybe you could use that name for someone other than the main char.... :animeknow
  7. anybody has played Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2? I found most of the enemy on Hard difficulty annoying.....I remember going far on a dungeon trying to find a save point while trying my best to beat or dogde (and yes....low chance of escape...) any enemy I met, then appear an enemy using Mamudoon (death spell, high accuracy, all....) and wipe me out on one blow........... :mad:
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