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Everything posted by EsKaPhLoN3

  1. hey no one welcomed me and i join 2 days ago:confused:
  2. i like ryoko is jus something about her that i lUv:love:
  3. i think it should definatly put back on that show ruled some serious *****
  4. in my opinion brolli rules if brolli WAS a z-fighter and he could have trained like goku and vegeta-sama he would be so powerful , 2 bad he was annoyed by goku while they were babies. though that wouldn't have made a difference o well :p
  5. i think he dies just twice one when furiza kills and then when he explodes him self:blackeye:
  6. yeah is he turning in to a hero, i hope not i like him the way he is:devil:
  7. that is some tight sh*t, that looks da bomb, but the legs look big but it is sti!! CooL
  8. I btter start watching UFC i've only seen a couple of fights with ken shamrock cuz he is tha bomb and he hurtz people LoL:blackeye:
  9. should DBZ show more gory parts???,like more blood and stuff like that? .To me i wish they do. But hey thats just my opinion:cross: :cross:
  10. IN the comics u can see goku completely nude, though i don't collect the comcis my friend does. It was actually pretty funny:laugh:
  11. i wanna be able to fuse:confused: oooh fusion
  12. it was like when goku and chi-chi fought when they were little:blackeye:
  13. i think it won't come out for a long even if it is true and keanue reeves as son-goku????? AHHAHAHHAHAH oh man they would be making a mistake if they did do that:therock:
  14. yeah cell was a really big turd 2 i bet i can kick cells *** (by erasing him) Mr.T pity the fool who likes cell:mrt:
  15. EsKaPhLoN3


    so he has psychic powwers and if he did why dosn't he use them against cillains?
  16. i remember reading about that 2, that makes it 3 times he dies right???:angel:
  17. what was the name of of his FAKE fathers name?:worried:
  18. maybe if they could their boobies would get bigger;)
  19. omg I HATE frieza becuz first time i saw him he sounded like a gurl, and his attitude he is such a mof0:butthead:
  20. if bra did fight could she turn super saiya-jin:therock:
  21. transtic nerve, i don't want to offend u but in ur signature it says lets get this straight ...im not, does that mean that ur gay (sry)
  22. i agree and disagree, the battle did take WAAAAAy too long but the fights were cool, but some parts are very boring:sleep:
  23. i know u TOPAZ ur that girl with her own website featuring ur art i emailed u and u told me ur website but i forgot it
  24. thats wierd but i think akyra was trying to be funny or something:laugh:
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