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Everything posted by ZeroRagnarok

  1. found one for spice and wolf [IMG]http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a394/ShadowRagnarok/Picture5.png[/IMG]
  2. oh well, you know what to do. and I figured that's how often you came on, I was wondering about others... people I don't know, people that have the ability to be cool... not that you aren't... :p
  3. I've been playing it for about a year and a half now and I have to say it's quite fun. It's an anime parody game based mainly off Naruto. it contains references from Bleach, Death Note, .hack, Code Geass, and some references to The World Ends With You. it also has robots and zombies for those of you interested in those. If you're interested, look it up. [URL]http://www.animecubed.com/billy/?54993[/URL] (referrer = Ryden if you look at the FAQ first.)
  4. since I last visited the site.it's just that so many new shinies have came out that i just haven't had time to visit the site. though now my curiosity has perked, how often does everybody visit the site? I personally tend to visit a couple times a week unless I see responses to threads I marked.
  5. [color=Red]well let's see what I can remember, I've been called: - Tom: shortened version of my real name - Tommy: another version of my name - Thomas the Tank Engine: don't even start with that one - T-Money: don't know how that one got started... I haven't gave others nicknames... since it's not in my nature to call people out of their name... well usually. [/color]
  6. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=informal roman][size=3] [b]Would you rather try to explain the benefits of interacial relationships to Klan members [center]or[/center] Explain the vaules of Judaism to Neo Nazis?[/b][/size][/font][/color][/QUOTE][font=Times New Roman][color=Red] I'd go with number one, since it'd be easier than being yelled at by Neo Nazis about Judaism, that's what I think. so it's my turn: would you like to rather be tied to a chair that's bolted to the ground watching the show you dread the most for a week, [/color][/font][center][font=Times New Roman][color=Red]or [/color][/font][left][font=Times New Roman][color=Red]find out that your GF/BF has been cheating on you for over 3 weeks?[/color][/font] [/left] [/center]
  7. [color=Red]The wierdest thing I ever ate had to be leaves from a cherry tree, when I was like 5 I believed that if I ate enough of those I'd be able to grow a tail and fly just like in Mario.[/color]
  8. I know that there probably not many people out there who know what this is but if you're interested in it well post here and I'll post the storyline and character info among other things. If you do watch it, who are your favorite characters? Mine are Flora and Riven though not as a couple.
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