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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter
[CENTER] [B]Special Ops Soldier 2[/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Ranaqu Yulo [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Brief Bio:[/B] Ranaqu or 'Ran' for short is a coldhearted attaked dog and nothing more. He will stop at nothing to make sure a mission is properly executed with near robotic precision. He feels nothing and fears nothing wanting nothing more than the thought of a properly executed mission. [B]Description:[/B] Ranaqu is 6' 2 overall, has a sandy skin tone, a very muscular build and long braided cerulean hair. He wears charcoal black, blast-proff armor over his chest and back, grey leg and arm guards plated with a very dense and flexible material allowing easy movement and powerful protection, and last he has charcoal boots as well that have their own AI chips to ajust accourding to its surroundings but also serve as great protection for his ankles and feet. [B]Items/Weapons:[/B] Ran uses a newly developed state of the art,collaspable, electroplated, hyper-velocity rail gun that fires special teflon plated, sedative rounds nearing 5 inches, if they don't kill you on impact they'll heavily sedate you slowly eating away at your senses and because of its special design the recoil is nearly halfed and the round itself goes exactly were the user intended. He carries two .45 caliber hand guns as sidearms conceiled within his right arm guard and left leg guard. If that doesn't do the trick he carries elbow blades, laser sharpened, made of a material similar to glass as well as looks like it, but in reality is made of a foreign material that must be heated to temperatures well over 1,000,000 F. As a last resort he carries a compact nuke 6 inches long capable of catastrophic damage in a 1 mile radius and a set of heavily medicated needles capable of cheating a slow coming death. Hope I make the cut.
[quote name='Sandy'] And Lonley Fighter, despite you growing up in a foster home and all that, please [I]don't[/I] refuse help when it's offered to you. There will become times when you or your girlfriend can't be with your child 24/7, but I guarantee that the kid won't hate you for that. Daycare or baby-sitting is [I]not[/I] equal to foster care. It's only temporary.[/QUOTE] Yeah, your right, that was kind of selfish of me it's just I'm pretty sensitive when I comes to things like that and from the whole ordeal I myself have become kind of like a lone wolf but of course if it was needed I would get a baby-sitter or daycare provider. Now about the marrage... after about 10 hours ( seriously... :animesigh) of telling eachother how we really felt it turns out she doesn't want to really think about that right now at this stage which is totally understandable so we both agreed marrage can take a back seat for now and we'll focus mainly on our child and income. On another note government aid is something that I would only seek out as a last resort because I'm not exactly poor or in a finacial hole or anything so I would kind of feel a little fraudulant. And college as of right now is an option but I don't want to put all that extra pressure on myself and I don't want my shcedule to say, kid, work, college. I know a lot of other people do it but I would much rather prefer kid and work besides, I'm only 18 college can wait a bit. And Allamorph, I'm sorry but I so can't stop being so nice to her, I'm that really nice guy that gets walked over right now.
Thanks everyone for the advice and let me add a few things, I'm totally done with high school graduated with a 3.1 overall, wasn't the brightest star in the sky but I've got other talents that make up for it, I'm a certified nurse's assistant and I'm working at a hospice center and the pay's great so money really isn't a big issue and as far as her getting a job I'm kind of against it because, well...she's preganant and what if something happens to the baby so I prefer her not to work, and as far as someone else taking care of my kid, ABSOLUTLY NOT because I never new my real parents or anything and I was cared for by my foster mom and dad for pretty much my entire life so I don't want my kid to feel like the way I used to you know, even if it was my or her family it still wouldn't be what I want. To continue on I right now succumb to her every need no matter what it may be but every now and then I totally piss her off without knowing so I'm still trying to prepare for everything and anything mentally and sometimes physically because on a fuuny note she so kicks me in the nads when I really piss her off or do something stupid.
[quote name='Kitchen Sink'][youtube="Kids!"]wQ9c-wC6x-g[/youtube] Welcome, to your brave new world![/QUOTE] Guess I'd better buy lots and lots of cakes then...:animesigh
I'm going to get straight to the point here and say what's been bothering me and that being I "knocked up" my high school sweethart and am on my way to father-hood well, teen pregnancy type father-hood but it's been bothering me a bit like what's it going to be like and what the hell now and just the whole situation is crazy but my girlfriend whom I love dearly is just as relaxed and sweet as ever so my question to everyone (especially those who have experienced this before or are currently parents) is what to expect and how do I prepare mentally?
Life after high school is the life I'm in now and I think I can really hit a "homer" here. Well currently I'm a teen dad well soon to be anyway and I'm living the life I said I would a few years ago. I have a really good job besides my dickheaded boss that pays fairly well, I'm on my way to college this year and majoring in pre-med and I've managed to somehow stay together with my long time childhood friend whom is soon to be, well hopefully anyway, my wife, but not to soon, but to continue life is pretty good after high school if you from the get-go make it good and don't, well atleast try to 'F' it up or let anyone or anything and that's pretty much the one basic rule to remeber, YOU CONRTOL YOUR LIFE AND ACTIONS. Geez, I sound like my old teacher.
Eh!!! SCREW THAT GUY AND THE FLUSSY HE'S WITH HE ISN'T WORTH YOUR TIME OR DAY OR ANYTHING ALRIGHT!!!! And never cry over spilled milk when you can always get more:smirk:.
Hey Knuckles it's been a while... :animesmilName: Tracequiosing or "Trace" for short Cusingnio Age: 24 Personality: Trace is a really laid back guy always flowing in an invisible breeze of relaxation never one to stress no matter the problem. Appearance: He has shoulder length, jet-black, straight hair, light red colored eyes (nearly pink), a slim but pretty toned physic, and wears a white cloak with red strips covering his all white long sleeved shirt and kimono style pants. As for shoes he prefers not to wear them put takes really good care of his feet. Weapon: 4' inch long electro-plated throwing needles and an old style Dragonov sniper rifle that he reconfigured to shot out his needles at a very high velocity. Bio: Trace was born into a very wealthy family that got that way because of their cooperation with the machines. Disgusted by this fact he along with his little sister left the Cusingnio Empire at ages 17 and 13 to become "soliders of fortune". 5 years later, Trace's little sister is betrayed by a estranged man with false credentials and is captured along with a resistance base underground and dissapears. Enraged by this Trace reaches out to other pirates but to no avail. A year later of searching for answers he joins up with a small but soon to become big pirate crew by the name of "Black Swallow" and with a renewed sense of hope he continues his search.
OOC: Late to the party but finally here... "So this is the famous Ohjyo Grand Palms Hotel eh, gotta say, this kid's parents really know what the're doing", Oni said casually stepping out of his limo. "Mr. Mtsumata, welcome to the Ohjyo Grand Palms may we take your bags in sir", asked a slightly nervous man bowing. "All of 'em 'cept this one right here, it has some very....special things inside right Misami", Oni said smiling, reaching for a woman's hand. "Mr. Oni, uh, are we really here on vacation or are we here because of a client", a slender woman asked in a worried tone stepping out of the limo. Oni just chuckled a bit and walked into the entrance to the hotel checking out the sites as well. "Mr. Oni you can't just walk away like that, they haven't even shown you were your room is or-", she stopped talking when Oni gently caressed her arms bearing a simple, yet seductive smile on his face. "Just relax okay we're here to just relax nothing more and nothing less okay Misami". She looked at him flustered by what he had just done. "Was he just trying to calm me down or was he, no Mr. Oni would never be interested in a girl like me would he", she thought blushing. "Hey Misami, come on I'm going to get a bit at the Le Bleu you in", he said from over his shoulder. Misami however was still in a daze over Oni's touch, her mind as well as her heart racing. "Misami what is it, you don't think you look nice or something, I mean come on look at you, your hair is a very beautiful shade of red, your dress is how you say, uh, "skin tight" and beatiful and very sexy babe, your hills, although I'm not a foot man you could make me into one easily, and to top it all off you yourself are just plain beautiful...now can we-",Oni stopped as he saw Misami leaning towards him, he suavly wrapped his arms around her gently kissing her lips. "Mr. Oni I....uh...", "You don't have to say a word let's just enjoy ourselves alright", Oni said grabbing her hand walking towards the Le Bleu. "And let's make sure others enjoy themselves as well, namely one Kiruna Etsune", Oni thought to himself.
[quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]Having a record of how you acted when you were thirteen is pretty ******. Similar to 'breko I'm turning twenty this year so some things have changed. For instance, now I have a deep, sexy voice that was absent back in those days. :smooch:[/color][/QUOTE] Dude you are ******* funny... I noticed that when I first joined I used to add my very own titles to my post my most famous being just this->.....
It's been a while... Name: Oni Mtsumata Age: 20 Gender: Male Description: Oni is a centimeter shy of 6 feet and has grey eyes and a small scare on his right eyebrow. His long and straight black hair that he has is always covered under a black beanie revieling only his bangs. He has a pretty nice build all-around and is usually always wearing a long sleeved white shirt with various Japaneses symbols on it and jet black pants with black leather boots with insignias similar to a cresent moon with two slashes in the middle. Biography: Oni is a hell of a charmer usually talking his way into things and out of things. He's a bit of a drinker usually always seen relaxing somewhere with saki in hand looking out at the world. His philosophy on life is simple being, "live hard today and live even harder tomorrow". He decided out of the nowhere to just take a break from his usual routine of drunken parties and instead go to a hotel and not just any hotel but the Ohjyo Grand Palms but he didn't just pick this hotel for nothing there was a certain someone here he was looking for as a favor. Hope this is alright.
Hey I'm not the only one that flirts unintentionally yay, but the ring thing I notice but then again I don't I mean hey I'm 18 I'm very flirty and crazy right now and will probably stay this way for years to come but to add another thing I say if the first thing a person sees on a male or female is that ring finger and whether or not there's a ring on it or not then your probably thinking about the possibilty of marrage in your future at a hightened level right now or if that person is...."open-for-business" eh.
How funny all of this is because about 7 months ago I joined the National Guard and I just finished AIT (which is Advaced Individual Training) and I found myself going crazy with all kinds of thoughts like is this really for me and what the hell have I done and a lot of other crazy thoughts, but hey look at me I'm a specialist in the ranks now. The main thing that made me join the Army was the simple and not so simple fact that I had a child on the way who I now know is a healthy lil' girl that I'll get to met really soon and that this wondeful crazy girl that I'm currently with loves me like crazy not to mention having your college crap takin' care of so it was a kind of good choice on my part. Let me get back on topic though, my opinion on the service is it's a great stepping stone towards whatever you want to do because after you finish BCT (Basic Combat Training) and AIT you personally take it from there and just hope deployment is downwind of you but then again you could get lucky and go to somewhere like Germany which is really kinda subtle compared to Iraq and Afgan and my opinion on the servise is it's a very tight-knitt thing because once your in any branch of service from that point on everyone in your company is your brother or sister and are kind of a part of you nearly forever.
As Lee's lips met with Mat-tsu's, his body began to reconfigure. "Mat-tsu...", Lee said looking into his eyes. "Haaaa....I-I-I'm sorry Lee for hurting you...please...please forgive me...", Mat-tsu said falling down to his back. "Mat-tsu, what you told me earlier about you being like me what did you mean by that", Lee said putting her hand on his chest were the scar was. "....I was...a project...an experiment I should say with the main focus of my creation was to at first rid a future threat...", Mat-tsu said grabbing her hand. "A future threat...do you mean the vamtrys", she said looking at him surprised. "Yeah...I was supposedly created for the sole purpose of disposing the future threat called the vamtyrs and it was something else but I don't exactly know what that something else was I can't remember at all", he replied grasping Lee's hand a little harder. "Well this "something else" must be dealing with the destruction of the universe but...you don't exactly look like you even in that other beastly form could take a direct hit from my sword it would probably still cut you in half", she said with a slight chuckle. "...but thank you sincerly for stopping me from whatever was happening...who would of had thought a simple kiss would halt what I was to become", Mat-tsu said holding her hand. "Wait a second I didn't do that on purpose, did you actually think I would ever kiss YOU", she said yanking her hand away. "Hu, uh, well...I guess it was the other me then that wanted to kiss you then...cause I sure didn't", Mat-tsu said with a sarcastic smile. Lee leaned over him, looked into his eyes and slapped him stomping away while uttering curses. "I have fought this thing for so long and yet now I am overcome by it...", he said looking at his hand. "I bet it was exposure to her DNA that influenced it, her DNA must be similar to my DNA...constructed in a lab and spliced with animals...but mine is a lot diffrent it's extremly reactive to half-breed DNA but then again why is that...I do remember that I was supposedly the first succesfull one-hundred percent "Bio-link" whatever that is but I don't get it", he continued getting up. He looked around for Lee wishing to apologize for harming her for he too could acutly smell the scent of blood.
OOC: Last to the party again....but I brought beer baby!!! Mat-tsu now, flew the ship in a kind of happy mood. "Hmm...these guys aren't so bad, I thought I would of had to kill them all but I guess not", he said in a low voice with a small smile across his face. He turned around after setting the ship on auto-pilot only to be met by Lee's eyes and a sword at his throat. "What the hell did you just say ", she said with a growl. "I forget that you are mixed with the DNA of an animal and that your senses are quite sharp but please forgive my...my...", Mat-tsu couldn't talk, it was nothing but a screeching pain coursing threw his entire body. "Ma-Mat-tsu...are you okay", Lee said starled. "AHHHH", yelled Mat-tsu as his body began to semmingly boil as if it was water on a stove. Lee slowly watched in horror as Mat-tsu coughed up a semmigly limitless amount of blood on the ship's floor, his hair growing longer turning into a snow white color, his shoulders rippling with muscles, his forearms now covered in a fine white fur, his chest now showing reveiling a weird scar that resembled a dragon strectching from his ribs to his left arm, his legs now too rippling with veins. "Mat-tsu just exactly...what are you...", she said now thinking back to what he told her earlier. "Ahhh...ahhh...I had a feeling something like this would happen...too much exposure to...your....", he stopped now crumbling to his knees sweat pouring from his forehead, he knelt trying to gather himself his nails now merged with his fingers creating talons penetrating the ships floor. "Mat-Mat-tsu...what has happened to you...", Lee said a little worried gripping her sword. .....23144678TLY or project Advent...., said a voice channeling directly to Lee and Mat-tsu's head. "What...what does that mean", Lee replied puzzled. .......the universes....rebirth....and your unfortunate death...., as the voice said this Mat-tsu's eyes rolled into the back of his head, he arose from his knelt position now with a steady figure. His hair a snow white, his eyes too snow white, his forearms covered with a fine white hair wrapping completly around them, his chest rippling with veins, but the most astonishing thing was his fingers and his scar, his fingers completly changed into jet black talons and his weird scar now glowing a eerier shade of green. "Mat....tsu what are you doing", she said a little shocked but still grasping her sword with a firm grip. ...........he's going to kill you............Lee, the voice said fading away with a chuckle.
"I shouldn't of had said that just now", Mat-tsu said in his mind now wondering the ship himself. "Well I'd better clean this place up atleast before I move out again with these people", he stopped for a moment when saw something move from the corner of his eye. "KKKKKKRRRRRRRYYYYYY",sreeched a vamtyr as it lunged itself at Mat-tsu. "Ahhh...I knew there were more of these bastards in here", Mat-tsu said smacking the vamtyr's blade like arm out of his side with his sword, blood now slowly dripping on the floor. "I smell...BLOOD", yelled Lee as she ran towads the scent fearing that it was one of her friends only to see Mat-tsu driving his sword cleanly threw the metalic creatures body. "Oh...hey Lee, come to see the show", Mat-tsu said with a slight chuckle. Lee looked at Mat-tsu clearly seeing his injurie. "I hope you bleed to death show-off", she said walking away.
OOC: Why do I feel like the b***h in this story.... Ame stood up looking at Tan with a demonic smile laughing at his words. "YOU ARE THREATNING ME...ME OF ALL PEOPLE....", yelled Ame angered. "You all are fools just steps away from oblivion in the mists of all this...", "What", said Tan smiling a bit. "The clone that was made, Nuah...do you remember what he said...", Ame said laughing while wiping the blood from his wounds. "No...refresh my memory", Tan said sarcastically. "He is the first step of death...oh, in time you all will see what is to come...so, Satan if you hear me now...I will do your little task for you and in return I hope you keep your end of the bargan", Ame said walking towards a small trail of blood. "This is it no more of this shit...I'm going to get right to the point...NUAH", yelled Ame as the clone appeared before Ame. "The first step of death is here only to tread upon the life of the living...", said the clone quietly. "There's your living...", Ame replied dropping his sword into the blood. Tan looked in the direction the clone flew of towards to see who Ame was to attack first, it was Shaun. "Ame so your going to really do this", Tan said smiling. "This I feel is my last chance and this will be my only chance...", Ame said walking away as another demonic clone peirced threw the surface of the earth. "I am Ou, the second step of the living, whom dares defy the spirits", she whispered as an arrow completly made up of feathers appeared in her hands. "There...you already know what to do just bring me back a little blood from all of them and absolutly don't allow them to harm you", Ame said giving the clone a small bottle. "Damn", Ame said dropping to his knees, "I have come to serving the very being I hate...how pathetic of me...Ayame...", he said walking deeper in the woods.
"Not trusting someone you just met is one-hundred percent natural", said Mat-tsu sneeking behind Lee. "But hear me out on this, the Vamtyrs are foul beings who need to be wiped from the plate of existence...", Mat-tsu said with a little anger in his voice. "I feel that I must atleast tell someone this and that someone should be you because we are kind of similar...we don't know who we truly are...all I know is my name and who raised me I don't...remember anything else...I was raised by a swordsman, a swordswoman I should say who taught me the ways of the warrior but for some reason I fell as if I'm no true warrior...I fell kind of like a coward...like I'm forgetting something that I have to do...something that I don't know about...but am afraid to do it I...just don't understand...but besides that what about you Lee...", he said looking her in her eyes. ".......you smell funny....", replied Lee smiling a liitle. "What, I smell funny...I took a shower, is it my breath or...", he replied smelling himself all over.
Ame looked at Duo and Shaun, a look in his eyes as if there was noone there but the abyss of evil and pure hatred. ".......run.....or I fear....that I may...kill you both...", Ame said in a low robotic like voice. Duo and Shaun looked at Ame staggering towards them with his twisted sword in hand now glowing an ominous blue color. "...I...said RUN", Ame yelled crashing the sword in the ground creating a blast of shards of ice. "What the hell is this guy's problem", Duo said quickly avoiding the assault. "Ahh...", yelped Shaun angered by the assualt as a small line of blood dripped from his hands. "Ame, what are you doing you crazy ass maniac", Shaun yelled now rushing at Ame with his giant sword in hand. "...just...run...", whispered Ame as his sword left his hand slicing threw the air finally stabbing into the few drops of blood from Shaun's arm absorbing the drops. "Shaun wait, look...", Duo yelled as Ame's twisted sword started pulsating, rumbling the earth underneath it until it formed a figure, a figure that resembled Shaun exactly from head to toe, weapon and all. "Nice", said Tan in the shadows laughing, "It's the old evil twin with double the strenth of the original...this should be very entertaining", Tan said now sitting down. ".....kill them both...", Ame said turning away as the clone spread its devilish wings made of pure energy, bolted towards them. "I am Nuah...and I am the first step of death...", the clone said vanishing. "Let's see...how long...you will last...".
Mat-tsu welcomed them onto the pirates' ship he had boarded showing them the data that was on it. "I know that all of this seems fishy and I know I smell of blood but believe me this is not my doing", Mat-tsu said sitting down beside a dead body. "I boarded this ship only to hitch a rid into space to find out some information on the vamtyrs and while aboard this ship it was infiltrated by some vamtyrs which lead to this...slaughter but after I destroyed them a dying pirate told me to check something and that there are people like me who want nothing more but the destruction of the Vamtyrs", Mat-tsu continued reading over the data. "Here is the data about some weird uncharted planet near Hak 'tuk that has some kind of connection with the Vamtyrs a possible supplier or something but I think it's worth checking out", he said still reading the data. "Oh, and LEE and Heartwell your origin seems a lot like something that of the work that my father and mother did, they were some sort of scientist if I remember correctly, I myself was told that I was born and created from...well maybe I'll explain that later...it's far to complicated at this point in time", Mat-tsu said turning away from them. "But, I hope that we can work together on this", he continued holding his hand out.
OOC: Hopefully I can save this almost dead story... Ame went up ahead as Duo had asked him when he suddenly felt as though he was being watched. "Hmmm...why do I feel like I'm being watched...", he said to himself as he moved through the halls of the house. He continued on now fully aware of what and exactly who was watching him. "Alright, enough is enough...you know damn well I can sense your nasty aura from miles away.....SATAN", Ame said throwing the twisted sword at a seemingly regular wall. "Ame, Ame, Ame...tell me boy...are you still mad at God and I", Satan said sarcastically. "The longer she is not with me the more I want to vanquish the both of you from existence...", Ame replied laughing. "Yes, I love that about you that anger...that passionate anger and let us not forget that lovely quality of yours called hatred", Satan said in and eerie voice. "Enough Satan...either show yourself now or vanish from my mind like the coward you are...", Ame continued now angered. "Oh, but Ame I have someone her to see you and I really think you want to see her, right Ame". As he said this an image of a woman appeared before Ame that slowly moved towards him. "WHAT...AY-AYAME...IS THAT YOU...", Ame said startled. "A-A-Ame...help....me...please...", said the woman. Ame ran towrds her with lightning speed but was stopped as chain seemingly from nowhere wrapped themselves around his entire body. "SAAAATAAAAAAANNNNNN", Ame yelled as he became completly immoble. "Quiet Ame, I have a deal for you...but it requires a little blood-work if you will...", Satan said now right next to the woman with his shadowy arms around her. "......", Ame said nothing, he only stared thinking only of death. "Ame....", Satan said now kissing the woman on the neck. "The little sword you made...use it to get me a few blood samples from...hmmm...your little friends out there, you know, uh, kind of hurt them but don't kill them just a cut here and there you know", Satan said now fondling the woman. "......", again Ame said nothing, hate was all that was going threw his mind pure hate. "Ame, now you do that and well, I just may give, this wonderfully exquisite woman back to you...after I'm done with her of course". As he said this the chains shattered, shards from the devilish metal shotting every direction with Ame in a mad dash of anger towards Satan who was slowly dissappearing. "Ame...just do what I asked of you and you'll get your chance I promise you that...HAHAHAHA", Satan laughed as he and the woman dissapeared. Ame stood there, pupils now pin-pointed, arms and legs shaking, and every vein in his body bulging out. "...........Ay-Ayame.....", he said staggering back to the others.
Such a fond thread guy the one thing that I really do look back at so fondly is because of my slight sentimentality was my very first tongue kiss. It was so wild and I just felt so ecstatic afterwards. It was crazy but that was like...umm, I don't know how many years ago but I started eary on getting to know the opposite sex but I definaly remeber that because it was with a girl who I really like, yeah I know I sound like a sensitive homo but I really enjoyed it.
OOC: Holy crap, sorry I'm so late in the game I promise I'll make up for it... Mat-tsu stood looking deep into the night sky seeing a particularly bright star gleaming. As he glared at it he suddenly got a feeling a dread as if death was grasping him by the throat seconds away from dealing him his final breath he had this feeling before on the terrible day his parents were killed he remembered as the vamtyr with its evil crimson eyes unleashed a liquid stream of fire blasting him out the initial path and scorching his mother and father. He shock the thoughts of the flash-back out of his mind and with a display a agility and expertise, he slashed a creeping vamtyr's robotic head clean off. ".....I can't keep doing this, just killing one after another...I want the leader...the biggest fish in the pond...that's who I want...", he said this vaguly as if he didn't really want to end this, this eternal fighting with enemies whom he hates with every cell in his body. He continued on when spotting a few vamtyr's machanical bodies in ruin. "I must of just missed who was ever her because I can smell gas and a faint scent of blood", he walked again strangly noticing that same star as if it were calling to him. "What a weird feeling, it's as if it is calling me, demanding that I go to it", he thought to himself. He suddenly started to run feeling drawn to something up ahead and noticed a ship seconds away from departure. "How barbaric this is going to be", he said crawling threw a now closing vent at the bottom of the ship. He looked around and say insignias on the ship's walls and say that it was clearly some space pirates ship but as he continued to walk around he say a group of 5 head his way laughing. "Alright guy come out now and we won't hurt you as bad, alright", the biggest of them said while the rest just laughed. Mat-tsu slowly came out looking at the group disgusted. "Tell me...did you steal this ship and all these other things...", he replied laughing a little. "And if we did what are ya' going to do about it "wee man" , another pirate said laughing, unsheathing his sword. "Kill you or you could just give me this ship and jump in the ocean now, you choose", Mat-tsu said calmly. The 5 bulky men looked at him and started laughing, slowly walking around Mat-tsu circling him with their rifles in hand pointing them directly at his head. "Kid, yo' ass chose the wrong muthas to mess wit' tanight, I mean all we wanted to-", he was cut off by the sound of something hitting the floor behind him and as he turned around to his complete horror it was his wingman's head and to his right was his wingman's body still standing with rifle in hand and in front was the now fading image of the Mat-tsu. The very image of this freaked the man out into a complete panic shooting carelessly at everything that moved including his crew until it was only him left. He moved around the ship in complete fear hearing screams and moans eveywhere he went. "Tha-tha-that dogon kid...wa-wa-was the damn DEVIL", he continued walking seeing his crew members on the floor with deep gashes on the bodies still leaking with blood. He continued on now running for his life to the escape pod when something glowing caught his eyes. "STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU DAMN DEVIL", he sreamed firing round after round at the set of eyes as it moved closer and closer towards him. He stared at it petrified, so scared he deficated himself, as the eyes grew closer he sees what the thing is, a vamtyr but it is to late a vamtyr sends a long pronged tentecle straight into the man's leg breaking it in half like a twig. "AHHHHH, AHHHHH, NOOOO", the man screams as the vamtyr grabs the man's head and begins to squeeze harder and harder when it suddenly stops dropping the man to the ground. "Are you...alright sir", said Mat-tsu with multiple cuts on his body. "What...yo-you didn't do this shit kid", the man said panting looking Mat-tsu directly in the eyes. "What, no I...I'm not capable of this, it was those vamtyrs they were also on your ship I noticed it at the last second...I tried to save your crew but-", Mat-tsu stopped looking around at all the other dead bodies. "*sigh*...kid your brave I'll tell you...that much...if only we could of met before I was a pirate...I-I always wanted a little guy like you but...gue-guess it's to late for that", he said coughing up a glob of blood. "Even though you are pirates you are still human and I'm not and I mean I'M NOT going to let another human die in front of me again", Mat-tsu said looking at the now smiling man on the floor. "What are you smiling at", Mat-tsu said angered and confused. "No-nothing, you just....go to the control room...and follow those coordinates to that ship...there are some...people you need to meet...who are trying to do...the same thing as...you", the man said with his last breath. "What do you mean", Mat-tsu said standing over the man but it was to late to ask for an answer the man was already dead. Mat-tsu looked around for the control room when he passed by a large holographic screen with the the letters L-E-E on it. He tapped the screen and an image with a strange girl on it appeared and it continued on. "Hmmm....LEE, Micheal Creed, Lance Heartwell, Sayuri Lutriel, Loreley, Brash'una, Okyruu, Martel...what the never mind..."Stardust" Alutrie and Elie Calm...and there is a bounty for there heads for...whoa...that's a lot of money...I'll just find them and ask them what do they know about these mechanical beings because with a bounty like that on their heads they must know something". He read more about them and saw that they are now labled as resistance leaders and the report continued on saying where to find there location and also the areas were the occupy the most. Mat-tsu's eyes widened as he saw the ship set up a course to intercept the one called LEE's path. "They all must be in one ship possibly two if I'm reading this right", he said to himself as the ship neared the target he saw the two ships going towards what he saw on the monitor the "Deep Heaven" station he, with the little knowlege about aircrafts manipulated the set path and manually flew directly in front of the two ships. "Sir, our course has been intercepted by an unknown ship", said Adun to Brash'una. "Incoming transmission sir", Adun continued. "LEE, Creed, Heartwell, Lutriel, Loreley, Brash'una, Okyruu, Alutrie, and Calm, it is a pleasure to meet you all, you all like myself I believe are trying to acheive the same mission as me...to eliminate the Vamtyrs, I apologize for the rude interception but this was the only way I could reach you", Mat-tsu said sternly. "Who are you", asked Heartwell. "I am Mat-tsu Okin-wa from the planet Nighside and I'm simply here to assist in the destruction of the Vamtyrs. All I ask is may we have an exchange of information because there is a file on this ship that contains some data that I believe you all want to see and in return all I ask for is the information that you all know and a possible partnership". Mat-tsu said in a very relaxed tone.
Name: Mat-tsu Okin-wa Age: 21 Race: Regular ol' human but to specify he's 1/3 African, Indian, and Japanese. Birthplace: He was born in what used to be known as United States but it is now nothing more than a desolate wasteland of death and machines. Area you call home: The one area he calls home is a small area about 1 mile wide of living vegetation and fresh water. How this area survived the ordeal of the Vamtyrs is still not clear. Something strange about you: Mat-tsu is an very calm and collected man who knows exactly what has to be done and how to do it and will stop at nothing to get what he wants. He often has an emotionless expression across his face and dim-lighten eyes. Appearance: Mat-tsu stands 6' tall, has long jet black hair, and has a light sandy color complexion and a slighly muscular physic and has a dragon shaped scare snaking around his arm. He wears an all white long sleeved shirt and black jeans with white boots. He has one earing in his ear that glows white whenever the full moons out. He always keeps his hair in one single long braid. His only means of defense is a refined rapier with a whitish tent to the metal. Other: 15 years ago Mat-tsu's family was killed by the Vamtyrs right in front of his very eyes and the only reason why Mat-tsu still lives is because he was hidden under a burning pile of human bodies, loosing so much blood that the Vamtyrs couldn't pick his heatbeat up. After he awoke the next morning still under now scorched human bodies he walked away, away from the desolate scorched city he called home. He walked and walked until he collapsed after walking nearly 50 miles threw nothing more than debris and corpses. He was taken in by a wondering swordsman who was a woman who was nearly four times his age who nurtured and cared for him for 10 years and instilled upon him the principles of being a swordsman and warrior, but during a raid she was mortally wounded in the chest and died shortly after giving Mat-tsu her sword. He then from that day on promised to wipe out these Vamtyrs who have taken so much from him. How ya' like it?
"Hmm, well aren't they something out of the ordinary", he said quoting himself from earlier. He walked over to a few of the dead demon wolves and began to in a very grotesque way split them open removing there bones, teeth, and stripping them of there fur. "What the hell is he doing...", said one of the students in a startled voice. Ame then reached in his pocket and pulled out his lighter and gathered some wood to make a fire, he next started to burn the bones and fur creating an horrible stench. "Ame, um...just what are you doing", asked Shia. "Just a little crafting", he replied pulling out a 2 foot long sword made of bone and fur. The very image of it looked like a smokey colored stick with fur twisted all around it. "What's that supposed to do", Shia said poking it. "I don't know you want to find out", Ame said looking at Shia with a twisted look on his face.