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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Holy hell!!!!!!!! That was freaking weird I could see it turning anti-clockwise then turning clockwise, man that kinda freaked me out there but I guess that means that I use both sides of my brain equally then but then again if I just looked at it, it was going anti-clockwise so I'm primarly a left-side brain user. Wow.:o:eek::wow:
  2. Ame stops in his tracks and turns around looking directly at Shaun's now widened eyes. "Well that does sound like a good idea but well to be honest we are really going to need these extra....um, people around as...uh, back up, yeah, back up because we are going to run into something really, really out of the ordinary in a quick second", Ame said in a low cynial voice. "What", Shaun said a little surprised. "Oh, there it is our little something out of the ordinary it's right there", Ame replied smiling at a huge pack of what looked like demonic wolves dashing towards them.
  3. Ame looked back at the people now following behind and gave a quick chuckle seeing as all of them were so timid. "Relax, atleast now all of you aren't on that boat anymore I mean look that could of been you", he said pointing back a the ship as it suddenly burst into flames. Everyone gasped at the sight talking amongst themselves. "Look you guys either stay with us and live or just go away and die I really could give a hell either way", he continued while putting a cigarette in his mouth. "Why should we trust you", yelled one of the students. "Good question guy, why should you...", Ame replied laughing. OOC: Hey, sorry x's 10 for the extra long absence very busy with studies right now.
  4. Wow after a few months away from the OB I return to find a thread about masturbation in full bloom what a nice present, but yeah dude just try not to get caught or well, you got caught so you know what look your parents give you that I'm talking about lol.
  5. This just all the sudden came to me and that is to ask all the OB members how are they you know. Are you on a scale of 1 to 10 1 being the most depressed person in the universe and 10 being in a state of pure happiness happy with the way you feel at this moment of your life or just completly sad, again just a random question that I felt like asking. Also I'd like to say "hi" to everybody because I like to say "hi" to random people.:)
  6. Name : Ame Cotuna Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Cold-hearted and has a sharp tounge but if you get past that he's a kind of nice person. Appearance: He still has his same physic just his cerulean hair now has jet black streaks. His earrings are still black and he wears an all black long sleeved shirt with jet black jeans. Bio: Ame not to long ago did something, something that is still to this day never to be spoken of again and for this his punishment was unbearable. He instead of being banished from existence was granted a new life and a chance at a possible new beginning. Ame layed relaxed near the on board pool pondering about what he'll do when he finishes his senior year as he did this he suddenly began to develope a terrible headache then to his surprise he started to see faint luminated images before his eyes. He saw what he believed to be himself standing over a being with huge pearl-white wings holding a red object when he felt himself involuntarly moving his hands as if stabbing something to shake this feeling and this vision he with great strain closed his eyes to remove this bizzare inccident as he reopened them he walked towards the water to splash a bit on his face but as he looked down he saw his hands covered in crimson-red, his face dripping, and his clothes drenched as he stared at this vision he began to feel his sight leave him and his breath shallow and the rest of his senses dwindle all he could hear was the faint sound of a explosion. He awoke later with his head fuzzy and his vision blurred when he saw that everyone was gathered around something staring intensly at something so he began to walk but something in his mind told him that his questions will not be heard if he follows the group but they will be if he follows himself so he instead of joining them he slowly walked away seperating himself from the group. Weapon: Ame always carries a 2 1/2 inch long pocket knife that's a little dull and a pack of cigarettes. (Technically the cigarettes aren't a weapon but I just may get creative with them...) Hope ya' like the new Ame...
  7. Ol' Fighter


    OOC: Totally sorry for the long time no show, I'll make up for it... Coroni looked around calmly trying to put together all that just happened. "Hmm, Yuoa did you just feel that a few seconds ago", he said placing his hand on the side of his face. "Feel what, an earthquake", she said sarcastically. "Never mind but we're going to be late again Yuoa...I can FEEL it", he said laughing a liitle. She scowled at him and began to drive a little faster and as they neared the middle of town they saw a man helping a woman up and another person running as if for help. "Hey Yuoa, stop right here for a sec would ya", "...sure", she replied stopping the vehicle and watching him step out. "And while your at it get a ride from one of them too", she yelled driving off. "Man...she can be a total...you know what I'm not even going to say it", he said to himself running towards the two. "Don't know why but something's telling me to help you guys out so how can I be of service", Coroni said with smile.
  8. Well I see a lot of you have a lot of trouble with your names well mine is just annoying...my full name is Martel Leon Cowart now the problem isn't in the 'Martel' or 'Leon' it's my last name 'Cowart'. Most people just pronounce it 'Coward' no people it's not 'Coward' it's 'Cowart' like 'court' a simple mix-up but it's quite vexing...
  9. Ol' Fighter


    As Coroni entered her car, Yuoa couldn\'t help but give him a skeptic look. \"Hey Roni, are you sure you didn\'t have a dream or something yesterday\", she asked with a breath of seriousness in her voice, \"Hu...you know what, now that I think about it I think I did but I just can\'t remember whether or not I actually did...\", he said looking out at the river they were driving over. \"Well, just try to remember because I\'m pretty sure you had a dream or a nightmare perhaps...\", she replied looking at him from the corner of her eye, \"Hmm...maybe, maybe, maybe, but it\'s faint but I think I had a nightmare about something called a sandman or something I don\'t know...like I said it-\" \"San-ma...sandman, oh, you were saying sandman...\", she cut him off yelling. He looked at her with an eyebrow raised. \"Yuoa, I did have a dream yesterday...or rather a nightmare about some type of thing but there were these children there too...a group of them and they seemed to all be literally bumping heads with eachother while the thing just watched seemigly satisfied an-and for some reason I got...angry and I just went...balistic...but it was weird...it was like I couldn\'t control myself, like...someone else was controling me...but for some reason...I liked it...\", he continued now looking at his hands. There was a long silence after Coroni\'s words... \"Well, I know that you CAN control it now and whatever that dream was about it was probably from a little insecurity that\'s all...but anyway we need to hurry and get to the park were the environmentalist are meeting...\", she said this with a great amount of worry for she had almost the same exact dream except he was the thing.
  10. [quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I feel like that might not have the desired effect.[/size'][/color][/quote] Oh yes it will they will taste his might from the soil he steps upon like a god they will think of him BWAHAHA...but seriously I think your chances of landing a good job will dramatically increase if you have a certain aura of assertivness and confidence in yourself and being ambitious, although slightly frightening for the employer because they could think your a lil\' too ambitious but I personally know that it works.
  11. My advice to you is...BE ASSERTIVE show them your mighty ambitions threw your character, show them who's the greatest, and make them lick the prints that your shoes make. :smirk:
  12. [quote name='Sara][color=#b0000b][size=1]I'm confused. Do you have this problem a lot?[/size'][/color][/quote] Recently yes, like during the months of February and now it was crazy like these people just appeared out of nowhere and me, I (from what my friends have told me) have a thing in which I kind of take my dicipline too serously and well I just can take it too seriously sometimes but another thing has been quite literally smacked into my head by my teacher and that's the simple words of 'let these people be' and well I kind of feel bad because of some of the things I said to certain people because if it made them feel happy or whatever who am I to take away their happiness... and yes, I'm a bit of a hypacrit for that... :animeswea
  13. Ol' Fighter


    "What the heck was that all about yesterday Coroni", said a slender woman in a sky blue dress in a hurry. "Whatcha' talking about Yuoa", said the man obviously Coroni, "I'm talking about you shaking the entire forest yesterday babbling something about san-ma or something you even almost filled the river with plants which is by todays HUMAN standards supposed to be impossible but from how low the level of the river was it looked highly probable", she said staring at him. "..........", "Coroni, are you even listening to me right now", she said getting directly into his face looking diretly into his eyes, "...hu, whatdya' say Yuoa I was listening to that lil' guy right there", he said smiling at a sprout of a sunflower. "Nothing...just that your hopeless that's all...anyways, come on were going to be late for work, especially if I continue to try to talk to you...".
  14. Sorry for the few days of my absence people I've had to work through Easter....but about my character being a lil' to strong don't worry he's basically a super relaxed guy leveling on the simple-minded...
  15. Name: Coroni Cotuma Age: 21 Gender: Male Apperance: Coroni has long cerulean hair that he always keeps in one long braid and has hazel eyes. He's about 5'11 with a slim but muscular physic. He usually wears his jet black nursing srubs because of how confortable they are with dark blue boots. He also wears a little memento around his neck of his family. General Mood: Coroni's usually looking out into the blue with a relaxed expression on his face and a slightly smug smile with a natural high in his eyes. Quirks: A Natural High: Coroni at times is a little too relaxed when time comes for serious business and usually is just sleeping somewhere random and along with that he can be a little too detached. Powers: He has the ability to manipulate all forms of plant-life and talk with them and is fully able to use them at his command just not giant Sequoas yet. Background: Coroni was born and raised in the U. S. in the northern parts into a very fortunate family. At a very young age his psychologist realized that he was always having conversations with her plants but later found out he could communicate with plants and to her surprise tell them to do things. Having this ability since birth Coroni was never a lonely child having many friends and a somewhat loving family along with his family of plant. As he grew older he took an interest in medical microbiology and became a NA part-time along with his developing research on plant-life and medicine. He currently lives in a dense forest that he himself along with his plant friends created. Occupation: Part-time NA and student
  16. [QUOTE=Raiyuu]Do you mean people that falsely claim to be qualified instructors, or just people that claim they know a martial art and don't? Because if I take it as the latter, it sounds like you just find these people on the street and challenge them to spars. Which (forgive me, O wise sensei) doesn't sound plausible so much as it sounds like the plot of [i]Street Fighter[/i]. :p[/QUOTE] No, nothin' happining on the Street Fighter thing because I don't run up on random people and say 'hey I challenge you to a fight' no it's not anything like that it's just I honestly don't care too much for people who are like I know such a such and I bet I could do this those type of things. All I care about is if you are diciplined in your style of fighing that's all, it sounds like another anime sound of thing but it's the honest truth. And your question I mean both of what you said which I should of included from the start.
  17. Okay I'm getting extremly pissed off at all the fake martial artists that are around these days because majority of them are nothing but con-artists just looking for a quick buck and not only that the people who train under these dastardly people are being 'duked' but they just don't know it and it pisses me off like a little while ago this guy and I started arguing about what form of what is better and so one thing led to another him and I got into a courtesy match and I totally kicked his ***. Sheesh I though he knew so much turned out he didn't even know the basic countering stances.... But enough of my ranting what do all you OB members think about fake martial artists?
  18. Yeah I say being a virgin isn't a bad thing but it's one of those things that ya' can't really just bust out and say either....I mean nothin's wrong with it or anything it's just goes to tell ya' your not as sexually "tunned in" as the rest of us overlly-sexual people... :devil: :angel:
  19. I'm with r2vq... People should have the right to do whatever they want and if that whatever they want happens to be sell themselves well so be it. There not really hurting anyone except theirselves anyway and STD-wise their partner.
  20. "Your brother Chris is quite a brave man", Kyrik said to Lady Lunataria as they walked down a long hall. She stopped and then sighed continuing to walk. "Err...Lady Lunataria there is something I've been meaning to ask you for quite some time reagarding the current situation...", Kyrik continued with blunt tone. "...Yes...what is it", she replied rather distantly, "The "Innocent"...I must know were she is", "...the "Innocent"...", "Yes...I have, from what you already know, traveled a great distance to ask for your assistance in finding and securing the "Innocent". Lady Lunataria stopped again for a brief moment as if she was deep in thought. "...Ask...her", she again said vacantly pointing to Tsubame. "Well lass...were is this "Innocent"".
  21. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I was raised by bears in the wilderness. About the only thing Mum was good for was catching salmon, and she never even cooked it.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] I just noticed that your hilarious dude, but this topic just grabbed me by the neck. Name: Mom Real Name: Claire Current Age: Would be about 32... Height: About maybe 5'9 or 5'10 Hair Color: Sandy brown Eye Color: Loving hazel Although she wasn't my real mom either and was just my step-mom I loved here to death. She was way to nice to me all the time always telling me it was okay when I messed up and just thinking about her hurts because she was too nice to me and she always treated me like I was her actual son so to this very day I absolutly love her as my real mom. :)
  22. As Kyrik was walking out with Chris and Tsubame he was stopped by a small crow who he nearly attacked. "Oh little bird, you startled me...hmm, what's this you have for me...", Kyrik took the small note from the bird reading it and slowly a huge smile came upon his face. "Ahh, so that's why she imprisioned me and my men, that's most understandable", he swiftly walked towards Chris and whipsered "women", and they both shared a laugh.
  23. Thanks everyone for the advice especially the part about buying a pregnacy test I'm definatly going to have to do that. I told my step-dad about this and I was surprised at how relaxed he was about it and he told me a lot of crap, but good crap,but I just can't tell my step-mom yet until I'm 100% sure and I'm happy my step-dad won't either he's pretty cool, I think she would try to kill me if she found out...but thanks again for the advice about that. And I know I shouldn't even be having "you know what" but I mean, things happen when you like someone right? Oh yeah Big Sky, she's the same age as me and my "relaxer" I should say isn't drinking anymore it's now going to sleep, it's so simple and doesn't have any side effects accept me being very tired. One more thing, trust me, I'll be sure to put a plastic over me wee.
  24. "I suggest that we charge into this Nexues castle and rescue your sister, but first I must see my men", he said walking towards an open room. He looked around and saw the brave men that fought aside him against those monstrosities. "My brave Eastern men...how fare you all", Kyrik asked kindly, "My Lord, we are fine as long are you are", one replied "Yes, we would never have made it, if it wasn't for your axe", the other replied. Kyrik walked closer to the three who were in beds and clasped each of their hands in gratitude. "My men, rest easy, our task has been completed, but something has come up and I must leave again, this time occupanied by Prince Chris and another trusty vassal", he said walking towards the door. "But, Lord Kyrik...", one said, "But what, you don't believe your Lord has the power to survive on his own", Kyrik said with a smurk, "Hah, I was about to say the opposite", the man said laughing, "For the Eastern Kingdom...", the men said, "For the Eastern Kingdom", Kyrik said back to them exiting the room. "Now Chris and Tsubame right, we have a Lady to rescue", he said balling up his fist.
  25. I'm surprised myself, this sound like it's going to be good... Name: Marsellon Cotonuzince Gender: Male Age: 19 Apperance: Marsellon is 5''11, has a slim body tone, and weights 152 pounds. He has shoulder length black hair and wears all black 100% of the time. He wears glasses that are slighty shaped like semi-ovals. Skills: Marsellon is a skilled tactician and for his age has a very wide range of experience. He has incredible insight during the heat of battle allowing him to accuratly predict the outcome of almost any situation. Profesion: Marsellon is a tactician for hire and has been every since he was 14 years old and his prices aren't cheap. Snippet: Italia and the French Theocracy "Fine we'll pay you half now and half later...if this operation is a success", said a Frenchman in an all white uniform. "Alright, you got yourself a tact", said Marsellon in a smug tone. That gloomy night, Marsellon went hard at work thinking of many diffrent ways the Theocracy could invade Italia. The next morning soldiers ran into Marsellon's home and demanded that he reveil his strategy to them. "Here it is my good gentleman", he said with a smurk, "Good, good", said the same man from yesterday, "We'll be following this plan of yours with 100% efficiancy and if anything goes wrong...it'll be your head". After days of preperation, the French Theocracy invaded Italia using Marsellon's plan, they stealthly set up encampments inside the very nation at key cities being very careful of not revieling anything to give their positions away. They next bribed and killed city officials and replaced them with their own and slowly turned the cities to Concentration Camps killing all who even heard a whisper of the French's plan. After the cities were intact which took only one month, they slowly built up the old buildings turning them into fortresses and continued maintaining there secret until, "You said this plan is flawless...did you not", the man in white yelled, "Yes, but someone of your own ranks has decieved you all, isn't it obvious, who else could of know", yelled Marsellon hysterically. "No, you failed to mention that you worked for them too didn't you Marsellon Cotonuzince", "Heh, so you figured me out, but your a sec to late mister Theocracy...I actaully feell sorry for you", as Marsellon said this soliders rushed into the room quickly grabbing the man in white, "NO YOU FOOLS, HE IS THETRAITOR, NOOOO, HE IS", "Yeah whatever", said one solider. As they walked out the room one solider gave Marsellon a suitcase that obviously contained money. "Thank You for your assistance", said the solider and with that Marsellon snuck out off town. Hope this is okay... :animeswea
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