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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter
Okay, I haven't really had anything to contribute here lately but I am badly in need of help... My problem or situation I should say is my girlfriend has told me that she could very possibly be pregnant, now this hit me like a bomb shell and I'm still kind of shell shocked by it but I'm also just very nervous right now and I care about her very deeply I'm just extremly nervous about a lot of things pertaining to this and my question is... 1) What's the things I should do if she's pregnant? 2) If she's not what should I do? 3) If she is how do you break something down like that to your parents? 4) I'm pretty damn nervous right now so what the hell can I do to ease this feeling besides my under-age drinking? 5) Could this be a bad thing or good thing? And I'm just 17 by the way...
"Chris", Kyrik said suddenly, "...I...I feel so ashamed of myself right now...how could I have been so careless...I lost too many good men during this journey...I...I should of prepared them a little better for the trials ahead instead of just giving them all big heads". Chris stopped and looked at Kyrik, "Death is one thing that is enevitable in battle, I'm pretty sure they knew that already", "But", "But nothing, you survived and that's all that matters because, with your mighty ax, which is in this room right here, you'll be able to avenge their deaths and make sure that they didn't die in vain", Kyrik laughed at this statement and grabbed his axe. "Your absolutly right...I'm going to make sure who ever is responsible for this gets my axe right in their head", he said wildly swinging the axe around.
Accompanied by 50 men, Lord Kyrik starts his journey towards the Western Kingdom in order to personally speak with Lunataria about the "Innocents" position. Along the way they were ambushed by a hord of demons leading to the deaths of many. "My men...we must perserver on or else...", he looked at them with anger in his eyes, anger that his men seemed inexperienced and not nearly ready for battle, after all they haven't seen a real battle for a decade. They continued there travels, fighting fight after fight, losing more man. "We should rest here...you all are going to need it becasue it's ovious there's an ambush awaiting us ahead...", Kyrik said this grimly and a little despirited because more than half of his men were now dead. The next morning they awoke to see seemigly millions of demons before them, ready to attack. "WAKE UP OR DIE IN YOUR SLEEP", Kyrik yelled, and with that the demons attaked, arrows and spears thundering down on there small encampment like needles of rain killing of many of the already fatigued men. "YOU COWARDS, YOU SHALL ALL PAY FOR THIS", Kyrik screamed at the demons with his huge axe smashing into the earth. Hundreds of demons swarmed towards him, but each one was slaughtered, scattering into nothing more but bits and pieces. The demons soon backed of as if there job was done leaving only 3 of Kyrik's men alive and 1 of the 3 were badly wounded. "There leaving...but why, they could of just finished us off...", one of the men said panting. "It matters not...we survived...but only barely...just...us 4". Kyrik said this looking over the battle field, at all the honorable men who fell to these demonic demons. "You all shall be remembered...as heroes of the Eastern Kiingdom", he said this kneeling down on one knee. They continued on until they finally made it to the Western Kingdom's gates, famished and tired from their vexing trek they all fell to their chests, struggling to get up. "Such courage...you shall all be...comended...", Kyrik said panting, he painfully arose to his knees and grabbed the 3 men, putting 1 on his shoulder and the other 2 in each arm, he then rammed the gates open, walking threw the town like a bum until he finally came upon the castle doors. Literaly bashing the doors down he slowly moved inside and yelled through-out the castle, "I AM LORD KYRIK OF THE EASTERN KINGDOM AND I HAVE SOME MEN IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE", as he yelled these words he collasped to the floor.
"My men...", Kyrik said as he looked at a large crowd of men, "We have lost contact with Commander Yun...as you all know his group was the only connection we had to finding the "Innocent"...but we haven't recieved word from him for days now and the only thing I could possibly fathom now is there deaths", Kyrik paused for a second to look at his men. "Lord Kyrik...we must act fast if...", "I know that...", Kyrik said cutting the solider off. "This is my plan...we must go towards the Western Kingdom and ask for assistance in finding the location of the "Innocent". The entire room went into an uproar over this. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN ASK FOR ASSISTANCE", was what some said and "THE WESTERN KINGDOM...WHY", is what others said but soon the room fell quiet as Arriele gracefully walked into the room. "Warriors of the mighty Eastern Kingdom, what are you all complaining about...are you all frightened by a rival kingdom...are you all mice and not men", the entire room went into another uproar, "Quiet, quiet please", Arriele said calmly, "I was mearly testing your moral and it seems to me you guys need some action right", the men roared with energy at this comment and all said, "WHAT SAY YOU LORD KYRIK", the room fell silent as all eyes fell upon Lord Kyrik. "What say I...WHAT SAY I...I SAY WE GO TO THE WESTERN KINGDOM AND FIND THE "INNOCENT" THAT'S WHAT I SAY", the entire room thundered with courage as they heard these word, "Not only that, I will be personally going with you my MEN", as Lord Kyrik continued with these words the room was filled with excitement. Arriele looked over at Kyrik and blew him a kiss. "My men...we leave at night-fall and we shall arrive in the morning, I have already sent word to the Lady of the Western Kingdom, ready yourselves...we have a lot of things to do", he said crashing his mighty axe to the ground.
1) What day is your birthday? January 23... 2) What is your zodiac sign? Aqaurius, the bearer of water... 3) How does your zodiac sign describe your personality? Great intellectual power, ability to communicate and to form and understand abstract concepts, love for the new and avante-garde.Aquarius is open-minded and usually holds no prejudices. Aquarius is serene and friendly. Aquarius will listen and learn from anyone to find the truth. Aquarius has so many interests that there are times his energy is spread too thin.Aquarius makes a sincere friend. Marriage for Aquarius may take longer as he does not open up easily, and the bad... Coldness, rebelliousness for its own sake, fixed ideas...what's weird is all this is pretty much what I kind of am. 4) Does the description of your zodiac actually describe you? Why? To put it simply, it PWN's me... 5) How does your zodiac sign PWN over the rest? It doesn't it's just a good sign to be born under. Aquariuses are awsome... :cool:
"So many things are happening right now and so much deciet is everywhere", Lord Kyrik said to his wife. "Kyrik, if anything happens to the "Innocent" the whole entire world will pay for it so we should be scouting for her now", she said to him solemly. He walked over to her, slowly wrapping his arms around her looking directly into her eyes. "Arriele....our kingdom is lacking when it comes to defense, our people abhor fighting, let alone a war, I must atleast find some support for the...", Arriele gently put a finger to his lips silencing his talk, "Kyrik...you do what you feel must be done and I will tend to all the other matters that come up in your absence...so go on ahead and leave with no worries", she said as she looked out at the night sky. "Lord Kyrik", yelled a solider as he bombarded into the throne room, "Forgive my rudeness but we have lost track of the "Innocent" by the shore, not only that but there are signs everywhere of a battle", "What, so the time has actually come after all", he said this very disturbed, "Solider, inform all men to be ready for departure tomorrow, we have a long journey before us", "Yes my king", he replied as he walked out of the room. Kyrik looked over at Arriele, noticing a very worried look on her face, "Arriele, do not worry yourself...", "Quiet", she said kindly, "You are going to need your rest for the battles ahead", she said leading him to the bedroom. Sorry it took me so long to post. :animeswea
Name: Kyrik Lord of the Eastern Kingdom Age: 25 Race: Human Kingdom: The Mighty Eastern Kingdom Appearance: 6' 2, has long dark brown hair, and has a very muscular physic. He wears an all black long sleeved shirt with his sleeves always rooled up, white pants with his families sacred writings on them, and black boots. He also has his axes holder on his back which is a durable slender cloth that has been hardened to extreme measures and 2 small onxy rings in both ears. Weapons: A 6 foot battle-axe with a bluish tent on the steel and his families sacred writings written on the entire axes body. Abilities: Kyrik has the ability to increase his usual power by unlocking mental blocks in his brain allowing him abnormal strength. Past: Kyrik, full name Kyrik Tundranian was once a exile of his own land because of a coup' during the time of his father's ruling. During the exile his mother and father were attacked and killed by a hired assasin, Kyrik at the time was only 5 years old; the assasin who seconds after noticed he was there took what she belived to pity on him by allowing him a quick and painless death but stopped in her tracks when she notice the boy pick up a axe bigger than herself and swing it at full force. She looked at him and for a short second and felt a strange connection between them so she instead of killing him took him under her wing and repeated the words, "If you ever wish to take revenge then come with me and do so". 10 years later, he returned to the ruined Eastern Kingdom and demolished its corrupted leader and army with nothing more than his mighty axe and his master at his side and reclaimed his kingdom. Presently, he's trying to from a small army to secure his kindgoms saftey. Personality: He's a well-focused and mild-mannered man and always has the saftey and prosperity of his people as his top priority, but when trifled with he can become rash and unpersuasive making him very stubborn.
[quote name='NIKI12345]Thats what I tried to say and I knew that not everybody would be givng highfives because you can't do that to people if your on the computer. Yes people will have a opinion I knew that, but I didn't wnat one person saying he is right and saying everyone else was wrong TherapySessions. That is what I ment and now that you have crushed my feelings I will cry to myself on how wrong I am and how only the [B]COMPUTER HAS ALL THE ANSWER!!![/B'] Thank you for showing me the light TherapySessions. Now I'm out of this mess. :animeangr[/quote] I know this is completly off topic but isn't funny how contradicting the person with the name "TherapySessions" turned out to be you made a person cry :laugh: .
What honestly scares me and I mean actually just strikes fear into my entire body is seeing a deep shade of red in a person's eyes but what's weird is, red is the color of blood and I don't have a problem with seeing blood so it's kinda weird since it's just the red in a person's eyes that scares me not any other form of red.
Why am I here on the OB...don't know really just bored and ya people here seem pretty sensible so I guess I'm here to associate with intellegent beings, but then again I...confuse myself sometimes....so does that make me mentally retarded or just one wierd indivudual who spells words like "lonely" wrong.
A really good quote I heard of from a friend is, "why talk to a trash can when there's nothin' in it", man when I heard him say that I laughed so hard they almost kicked me out of the lunch room.
Jobs are really nice especially if you enjoy what your doing me I like my job because it envoles helping people, I'm a CNA which is a certified nurses assistan and it's pretty fun especially since I work with some really hot women and on top of that I'm going to college to become a medical microbiogist.
Ame awoke from his humiliation seconds later with a diabolical look upon his face, "So...Naru...you don't want me to find my Milfuelle...do you...", he whispered while semmingly floating up from the ground. "I'LL STAIN THIS ENTIRE FORSET WITH YOUR BLOOD!!!!", he yelled as he dashed threw the sky on the trail of Naru.
Something like this would absolutly tear me apart if it ever happened to me I mean, just thinking about having to actually make a decision to have your own child frozen and there's a great possibility that you'll be long gone or near it sad to say but from just thinking about that I really feel for them because that is one tough decision.
The Story Thus Far... "Father", a young man says wearing regal clothing. "Ah, my son you have finally returned from your travels, tell me my boy, were is your beautiful mother", replies his kingly father, "Um...she was tending to a little girl's wounds...i-it wasn't anything life-threatening just a little scratch", "Ah, ha, that's the compassionate woman I married, as sweet as ever", "Father...the-there's something I wanted to ask you...I-I don't know if it's of any significance or not but there was this...this really old looking guy and he said some things that disturbed me...", the boy said troubled, "Like what in particular my son", "Uh, he said, and these are his exact words, I wrote them down...from a gate of the gods a celestial in a demon shall be brought from strife...should he be abhored or decieved the sky will bleed and the earth will rot, should he be bathed with benevolence civilizations of yesterday shall wither and a golden age shall be born, but should he be killed all shall prosper but the withered flower...father what does all this mean", "My son...", the boy's father says grabbing the boy, "...do what you feel has to be done...", "Father..." "This comics awsome...but I'm bored now", a young man says as he falls onto his bed. "Man when am I going to be lifted from this eternal curse", he says laughing. Hmm...by the gods it's boring, on top of that I technically have a mediocre life and it sucks, but I'll make do with what I have...which isn't much ehehehe", he continued sarcastically. He leans over to check the time on his clock, "Whoa, it's 4:15...AM, I have some serious insomnia", he said laughing at himself once again. He looked around his room languorously sighing at his boredom. "There is absolutly nothi-...what the hell", he says as he looks with complete astonishment at his comics, "Well, I'm most definatly not bored anymore...my freaking comic is glowing a...really nice shade of blue...wow". He moves closer to the estranged comic drawn by the glow he clutches the comic, glaring at it ominously, "What's going on, did I do something or what...", he opens the comic and stares at it, puzzeled at the very site of his own name in the comic, "Why is my name in this book", he yells in his mind. He continued to look threw the comic when he suddenly feels as if his entire body being pulled, he yelps a little with fear at the top of his mind as he struggles against the tug until he slowly started to feel himself losing consciousness. "Man...what the hell...is going on...I think...I'm dieing...I can hardly breath", he says as he feels his eyes become heavy and his head even heavier. He frantically looks around fearing death when something catches his eyes, "Now what", he musters out as a glowing figure hovers towards him seemingly spreading what was arms. "Whatever the hell...you are...it's not going to end like this...you here me", he faintly says at the figure before his eyes became clouded. "It's okay Maroni", the figure said with a nurturing voice. Maroni stared hard at it noticing it was a very beautiful woman with he arms now caressing him. "it's okay...it really is", the woman said as Maroni's grip on reality finally severed itself from Maroni's mind. Seemingly hours later Maroni awoke to see a crowd of people surronding him and also noticed that his movement was restricted. "What the hell is going on...where am I and-", he stopped when he realized that everything here looked exactly the same as everything in the comic he was reading. "Don't tell me...I've somehow been dragged into my comic", he looked around more with shere amazment in his face and blurted out, "This is going to be so awsome". Alright this is my first ever Rp that I actually put a lil' time and effort into so let's see how far it goes eh. :) It's pretty much about a guy who gets dragged into the world of his comic along with a few others from around the world and they must change the comic's destiny or be stuck in there forever. Sign ups... Name: Age: Detailed description of character or picture: Kingdom Gate he/she was summoned from: I should of included this earlier but the 5 kingdom gates depends on your characters powers or you can just pick a place. (i.e. you have fire powers so you come from the kingdom gate of fire, you have water powers so you come from the kingdom gate of water) The name of the Kingdom Gate of Fire is Meturasu, Water is Mizurasu, Wind is Kazurasu, Earth is Grarasu, and Thunder is Ysorasu and one more for a friend the Shadow Gate Darrusu. Bio: Just a lil' paragragh or somethin' Weapons and or Powers: Have fun here The reason why he/she was summoned here: Think of somethin' or I'll do it for ya' I hope this one doesn't get Xed out like one of my others...
Ame furiuosly flapped his grey wings bolting directly towards Naru with a sadistic smile on his face. "I'll kill this fool and finally be reunited with Milfuelle", he said as he noticed someone finishing off a flying demon. "Another demon, damn what's going on", Naru said preparing for a confrontation with the beast, but to his surprise he noticed from a distance the formation of wings and a human figure, "Is that an angel or", he stopped looking more intently on the figure when he noticed it was the same guy from before when he was in Purgatory, "I-is that, that...Ame guy or", Naru was cut of by a storm of gigantic needles that crashed into the ground around him exploding seconds later leaving a large crater in the sacred ground, "Ah, what the hell", he said wincing from the cheapshot, "Finally", said Ame as he swopped down gently with a smile on his face, "We meet face to face, but it's to bad...you must die now", Ame said calling up energy in his hand forming the demonic dagger that slayed God.
[QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=maroon]Well, if nothing else, everything that we feel and see is at least an "interpretation" of the real world. We have different systems for "detecting" reality, such as smell, touch... uh... and the other three senses. Anyway, all these forms of detection are ultimately transformed into a common form of information: electrical. One that the brain can interpret and submit to you, the conscious being. There's a condition whose name escapes me simply because it hurt my tongue. I remember agreeing to call it "syntaste" since that's so much friendlier to my mouth. It's a condition where one sees sounds and hears colors. Basically, the detection or processing parts of the two senses are switched, and... wikipedia it.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Whoa...I know I'm moving away from my original topic but that is really interesting (and my computer is on the frits and couldn't complete the search) exactly how in the world does that work...being able to see sounds and hear colors...just thinking about this is driving me nuts.
Wow...it looks like I have created a monster that thrives on perceptions of things but to to add to the bowl they say that the brain is the reason why we know what this or that is and if you think about it what really is what the brain thinks it is (I know this sounds really messing but bear with me), like for example the brain feels the sensation of heat and registers it as moderatly warm to hot but how exactly do you really know and object is hot or cold? To simplify this...is everything that we feel and see actually real or just an illusion of the mind? :animeknow
[quote name='lostvoice]The problems solved. I dumped him. He didn't want to be friends afterward so now I think hes kind of an asswhole. :animeangr But anyway I think I need someone... I don't know....mabye a guy who's less masculine. Someone strong yet still kind. (Someone less athletic and more [I][B]Poetic[/B][/I'].)[/quote] Now that's no fun at all... To be honest if I was in your shoes I wouldn't of had broke it of so easy because when your boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever you always even if it's is just for a little bit will feel unconfortable I believe you should of been just a little more patient.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
Ol' Fighter replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
OCC: I've been drinking :alcohol: Leondis looked at Sky as the portal started to vanish, "Sky you forget...my mission is to protect you no matter what and only you...my employer held me in such high regard but look what has come about of this...I-I...actually think I may fail this mission", he said squeezing his sword's sheath until hands bled. -
Lately I have been arguing with myself about this and it's about a question that has no answer, not a trick question but an actual question that has no real absolute answer... My question... Do you think there's such a thing as a question with no real absolue answer?
Ame continued walking as if a pain was inflicting his entire body. "Why...why can't I find her...WHY", he yelled slaughtering a demon that came next to him. "What are you doing", quabbled a fox demon, "Stay out of my way or else you'll be next fox demon", he said walking straight towrds it. "Wait Ame, I may have some information for you concerning her", Ame's eyes widened, "Tell me now or forever hold your peace in death fox demon", he demanded, "Go here and slay this person and only then will you be able to see her once more Ame Cotuna", the fox demon said handing him a paper with a picture on it. "I now this person, I remember them from the former Purgatory...something...Naru...maybe Inaru or something, but either way this person will be bathed in their own blood", he said spreading his smokey grey wings. "Hahahaha, that was too easy", the fox demon said turning into Baal.
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
Ol' Fighter replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
For the first time in years Leondis was actually worried about the outcome of this battle, "Why now do I have these feelings of doubt...after spending so much time sharpening my skills to better myself...why now", he said screaming it into his mind. He then looked at Sky noticing her considerably dangerous wound and also noticed Amaya's wound on leg, he actually began to panic, for the first time in hs life. "I...have to get a hold...of myself...or else I'll fail this mission", he ran towards Satan holding nothing more than his sheathed sword when suddenly he stopped, he found himself completly immobile, he tried to move but all it did was add pian to his entire body. "What the hell...is going on", he said again in his mind, "[COLOR=Red][B]Leondis, you foolhardy man, you forget whom your dealing with...me, SATAN....KING OF ALL DEMONS...and of course...MASTER OF DARKNESS[/B][/COLOR]", Satan yelled while staring deeply into Leondises trembling eyes, "I don't care...who you are...I-", "[COLOR=Red][B]Leondis Roronl, yes and you'll make an excellent addition to my army[/B][/COLOR]", Satan said swiftly driving his now black sword deep into Leondises chest. "[COLOR=Red][B]Now let the true games begin[/B][/COLOR]", Satan said as Leondises eyes glowed an ominous white color. -
RPG Legends: Shadows of fate [M-LV and possibly S]
Ol' Fighter replied to monipo1928's topic in Theater
"Hmm...I guess everyone needs a little alone time, I think I need some too", Leondis said creating a light-red gust that lifted him in the air. "Hmmm...love is one thing that back in my village it was something to be proud of something that gives you strength that can allow you to perserver through anything", he sighed looking at his now blood stained sword, "Man now aren't you filthy", he said cleaning the sword of with some water and a cloth. "Hm...maybe I should conjure up some sacred winds to keep everyone safe from demons, nah, they'll be okay", he said falling asleep atop a tall tree. -
Iceykis was over-joyed at the thought of just seeing his family once again, "I can't wait to see them, I wonder if they are alright", He continued seemingly floating threw the gates when he noticed his back starting to tingle. "Ouch, what's the matter with my back...it feels like something is growing out-", he stopped as he saw two long snow-white wings spread from his back, "WOW, I-I have wings, wait...that makes since because I'm a angel", he said now exiting the gates. He walked around the area he was in with a lost expression on his face, "Where am I...I don't remember a giant skyscraper being here, there should be a shrine here and my house should be right there", he then spreaded out his wings trying to fully learn how to fly with them. "Wow I'm flying and-", he suddenly got a really ominous feeling from atop the skyscraper and flew towards it immediatly. "Well it looks like an angel has come to play", a girl said holding a devilish looking javelin, "You must be one of those demons I heard about, I'm sorry but I'm going to have to slay you", Iceykis said instictivly balling up his hand forming a blue light around it, "Really", she said laughing at him, "Yes, but first I must learn of your name", "...Tara", "Well Tara, I Iceykis Caskai shall be your slayer", he said forming a large blue ball over his head.