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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Drawing is one thing that I consider to be a release from one world and a door to the next because when you draw you are expressing yourself and by expressing yourself you usually feel better right, but it's not just expressing myself that made me want to draw and keep on drawing it's the feeling I get from seeing one of my own peices of work and the hope I have that one day my little characters will be in an actual anime show. And I too must say good question dude. :)
  2. OCC: Whoa YoukaiAlchemist you suprised the crap out of me, but did ya' read what I did to ya'... IC: Leondis looked over at the now sleeping Kokolukia and decided to wake him up, "Hey, get up, I'm guessing you found what you were looking for since your awake", Leondis said staring at Kokolukia with a half smile. "...I guess", he said kind of lowly, "I most certainly know that look, it's the same exact look I had when I was about to go somewhere and didn't know if I'll come back...so...where to Kokolu", Leondis replied wrapping him in red cloud to stop his movement.
  3. Name: Miles "Tails" Prower Race: Fox Age: 21 Physical Descripition: I'm pretty sure everyone knows how Tails looks so just imagine Tails with longer tails and a bit, just a bit taller. Personality: Tails is a bit skittish, but at the same time he can portray an incredible amount of valor and courage, and he's also a bit of a wise guy but is pretty friendly. History: Tails has always been the tech-head of the group and has a nack for creating awsome machines and gizmos, he's never been too much of the romantic type but has secretly had a crush on Amy for years until one day he finally confessed to her. He currently lives together with Amy in a little cottage by the beach. Abilities: Tails has the uncanning ability to rotate his two tails at an extremly high speed allowing him to fly, he over the years has completly mastered this ability and can create a low category tornado. And the image of lil' Tails u'll be there soon.
  4. My conflict is inside me...I feel I'm not doing enough and I feel like I'm supposed to be doing something completly diffrent from what I'm doing right now. I honestly feel a little empty inside but at the same time I have a natural high and I'm a very positive person so it contradicts my emptiness. Wow I actually defined myself....a glass that's always half empty, that's me.
  5. Hmm...I like this topic... I'm good at something that society says is good to be at (that confused me) and that's kissing and somethin' else I ain't gonna say heh heh, but some other things that I'm noticed for at being good at are writing stories, I love writing them, and poetry because I'm constantly lost in thought, and my favorite relaxing because once you see me relaxing it makes you seriously think, "wow, he's good at that". And just because I'm in a good mood something I'm bad at is computers...I'll never get a hang of 'em.
  6. Ame look at the supposed place of salvation now in complete ruins with blood stained walls everywhere. "Hmmm...I still can't believe that I've come this far...in yet, I still can't find her", he said with a tear in his eye. He walked around continuing to slaughter anything that stood in his way, "Ame Cotuna...you'll never...find...her...with a heart as...evil...as yours", a dieing angel said faintly, "And you'll never see the light of heaven again, a fare trade don't you think", Ame said picking up the angel and driving his dagger straight in the angel's heart.
  7. Leondis's head was now filled up with almost nothing more than love. "Hmm...I guess my father wasn't kidding when he said if love ever hits me, it'll hit me like a rock on the head", Leondis said in his mind will looking at Sky's cute little blushing face.
  8. [quote name='Charles']Lesbians aren't into guys.[/quote] Oh yeah that would make them bisexual... Opps...
  9. Wow...this thing has gotten some real fire to it eh. I'm strait and to be honest I like lesbians... ...as long as I get in on the fun.
  10. Nothing that first part of this is awsome if you don't mind me saying. It really will make you think about the "true" world around you which is actually all precieved by what is believe to be your brain from what I hear.
  11. Well from this little thing here it's kind of alright...just a few errors but it's alright. 7/10 from Lonley Fighter because I love the show and almost anything that has to deal wit it.
  12. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Mine was pretty awesome too, but you know, speaking for the majority and all. We're in the minority, man.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] Come to think of it, my first kiss was wonderfully goffy, because my first kiss was given to me when I was in the fourth grade and it was by all means the most goffiest kiss ever but the feeling that I got afterwards was like blissful.
  13. After sharing a sweet but accidental kiss with Sky, Leondis looked over at Kokolukia seeing a kind of stressed look apon his face. "Hey, Kokolukia is your name right, look I'm going to tell you right now if you got a problem it becomes Sky's problem, if Sky has a problem I have a problem...so spill it", Leondis said demandingly, "It's just something that happened earlier and you see...", Kokolukia told Leondis about his inner power and his trance he fell into earlier. "Well, that isn't good at all, you absolutly have to be at your best at all times even at the smallest of situations so, I'm going to do something for you", Leondis said with a weird smile while pulling out some light blue herbs. "What are those for", Kokolukia said suspiciously, "Just eat em', they'll give you a chance to get what you want, besides if I tried anything funny not only would I be hunted and killed by my employer but I'd be skinned alive by your almighty leader Sky, right", he said looking at Sky as she nodded to his remark. "Umm...okay I guess", he said eating the noticably sweet herbs. "Now comes the fun part", Leondis said looking directly into Kokolukia's eyes causing him to fall to the ground. "Your going to have to basically defeat youurself, your hatred of things, and your primal intentions...this journey usually kills many but I got a feeling you'll survive", Leondis continued to say as Kokolukia drifted away deep into his inner mind. "Leondis what did you do", Sky asked a little angered, "Oh nothing, just wait...your about to see a brand new Kokolukia", he said with a smile. OOC: Phew that was a lot....
  14. I don't know how much this is worth but honestly congrates on your first step to the akward path that is known as "love".
  15. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial][indent][b]joke /dʒoʊk/[/b] [i]?noun[/i] something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or a prankish act: He tells very funny jokes. She played a joke on him.[/indent][/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Sorry, sorry, sorry, I guess I am a little too defensive of others though especially ones I consider friends, but yeah sorry about that DeadSeraphim and lostvoice and whoever else I offended. T_T
  16. Leondis once again looked at her with an astonished look. "I guess you will never cease to amaze me will you Sky", he said smiling at her, "Your mother is an actual angel...that's amizing...just amazing". He then looked around at everyone noticing them talking. "What...I...I...just thought...that was amzing is all", he said swiftly turning around to avoid everyone seeing his bright red face. "Man...emotions are crazy", he said with a smile.
  17. Lostvoice I and a few others have bravely fought for you but you see people now question what your sexuality is...why, I haven't a clue...
  18. I'm old fashioned too and I think the guy should ask out the girl but of course it shouldn't really matter anyway because if the guy likes the girl a lot I say there's a much higher chance he'll ask her out first if the girl likes the guy more there's a much higher chance she'll ask out the guy, right?
  19. Leondis looked at Sky with a astonished and red face, "Wow...and I thought you were cute before", he said staring at her with a love-struck look. "That was truly amazing".
  20. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]You're such a SNAG. No one's fooled! We all know you just want a piece of the lostvoice action for yourself, but - as thousands of sitcoms have taught us - the nice guy never gets the girl. I'm sorry kid, better luck next time.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] No you figured me out.... Just kidding, I honestly can't be called the nice guy becasue to put it simply I'm not to nice and majority of the girls I've been with have called me a superficial bastard and the girl I'm going with currently reminds me everyday how shallow I am. And to add I'm just being a friend okay. And Sojiro47..for your own sake...stop admitting carp.
  21. Leondis looked in the sky and saw the now flying demon. "You killed all my slaves so I'll kill you", the flying demon said diving straight at Sky, "Man...you are honestly screwed", Leondis said with a smurk on his face. He then threw his sword directly at the demon creating light yellow winds around the demon before slashing it to nothing more then fragments of yellow tented flesh. "Well, that's what you get for having the essence of the sacred winds inside of you", he said harshly, "I wonder how that pathetic demon had such a power at his disposol anyway and why didn't he use it", Leondis said grabbing his sword as it fell down.
  22. Talking about persistance...Charles stop trying to turn her gay and her little name "lostvoice" I'm pretty sure of doesn't hid any lesbinic (if that's a word) urges, I personally think the name lostvoice signafies an small voice that has been lost in the sounds around it ya' know something like that berhaps a lost...somethin'.
  23. Like others said before me just straight up ask her out you know, but then again if your doing a bold move like that you should atleast be friends with her if not befriend her, but don't make friends with her just to be able to go out with her in the future befriend her just for the act of being friends with her ya' get my drift.
  24. Lostvoice...don't listen to another word they say, there all just trying to see some girl on girl action and they'er quite persistant too. I'm saying it again stop trying to turn her GAY!!
  25. Hmm...you know what, maybe you should be a liitle more patient with him and if that fails then maybe it is him with the problem eh.
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