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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Yeah and when you think about it if you have enough support for anything almost you can achieve almost anything. Like Bush getting back into office.
  2. Well not to "bash" anyone or anything but some people are just plain ol' mean or they just want to laugh in your face do to your suprised reaction or whatever ya' know. And that's good that he atleast tells you a little about himself and you feel you know him....Hey Sojiro47, that's one for the list- do you feel you honestly know the person.
  3. That's absolutly right, and if you ask me there are a few words in the many dictionaries that need to be either erased or corrected, but then agian if one wasn't really thinking about all the scientific facts about an object that isn't moving then you could casually get away with calling an object inanimate or stationary.
  4. To put my one cent in on this lil' matter I would have to say be yourself and constantly ask yourself questions like: do I really like this person, do I see myself with this person in the near future, you know questions like that and if 5 of the 10 questions are no I think it's time to call the relationship off eh. And guys stop trying to turn her gay...
  5. Hopefully if I got this right an object is always moving because again if I got this right the atoms or electrons or whatever are constantly moving in order to form whatever the object is. And DeathKnight TOTWS (The Off The Wall Syndrome) is very contagious.
  6. Iceykis comtinued to look all around the sacred realm of heaven speaking to everyone and everything he ran into. "This place is really wonderful, but I wonder...how is everyone doing and are they okay", he said with a semi-smile. "You know you could visit them if you like, but you musn't interact with them", a voice said from behind them. "Really, I can how can I" Iceykis said joyfully, "Just go threw those gates right there and you can visit them, just promise me you'll go threw those gates", the voice said sternly as two golden gates opened. "Thank you, thank you", he said happily as he rushed to the gates. "Good phase two is under way", said the voice.
  7. "Sky...", he said in his mind, "I think...I'm falling for her...", he said smiling at her as she started to lead the group to there next destination. "Man...emotions are so...complicated", he said with a big smile on his face.
  8. I was thinking that same exact thing we must get rid of that inanimate object known as "Bush" and his crazy ways of using the government to his every whim, then possibly we can spread the spores of ours and really open peoples' eyes. THE TRUTH WILL BE TOLD! And sorry for calling you a dude, I'm a dude of course haha.
  9. Leondis looked at Sky's blushing face and felt himself starting to blush, "Uh...your....pretty cute when your blushing", Leondis said smiling at her and with a face as red as his hair. "Perhaps when all of this is over I can teach you a few skills of mine...if you...want of course", Leondis continued trying to hold back his flushing face.
  10. Yes ma' brotha' ...now if only we could spread the word to others eh maybe the world wouldn't be such a mess.
  11. Lostvoice...welcome to the club of the "off the wall thinkers" of our century our numbers are greatly increasing. But most definatly, thinking about crap like what is supposedly perfect and what is supposedly flawed will drive you absolutly crazy especially if we go further into what is truely flawed and what is truely perfect...I'm telling you we may never know.
  12. "Hmm....you kind of remind me of myself when I was younger...I was always the outcast you know the black sheep of my clan and I was always alone all because I could manipulate the sacred winds and because my father was the village chief", Leondis said with a kind voice, "Why are you telling me this", she said still weeping a little, "Because back then, when I felt exactly like the way you do right now, all I really needed was this", he said hugging her.
  13. Now this topic is "off the wall", but then again so am I. An inanimate object that I'm completly fascinated by is a perfect circle...it sounds dumb but let me explain why... Supposedly, everything in this world isn't perfect you know as in everything in this world isn't the same size in yet, when you make a circle from a supposedly perfectly measured tracer or something it looks perfect right, but here's my theory...if we can shrink ourselves to the supposedly exact size of a molecule and we look at the supposedly perfect circle it won't be a perfect circle and it will have some stray lines or something like that atleast. Now why it fascinates me so much is because I'll never know until technology finds a actual way to shrink that size...right? Oh and screw a microscope I want actual proof before my eyes.
  14. "Sky...look if your going to be the leader of this little group of yours you'd best pull yourself together", Leondis said in a relaxed tone. "Leondis...just go away", she said still crying, "Sky in the conditon your in right now a demon could kill you with one good blow because of all this anguish you have inside of you and that won't look good on my record if I let one of my clients die so pull yourself together, I'm sure everyone else is right behind you, right guys".
  15. [quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]I think the typo is kind of endearing.[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] The second person to think the lil' mistake of mine to be okay, thanks Dead But since I think it was kind of my fault this thread went on to a completly different topic I'll put it back on topic... If zombies were to attack and I was absolutly forced to hide, I'd hide in a boat and bring tons of food and supplied to be honest and let the waves carry me wherever...hopefully the zombies don't get smart and learn to do crap like drive a boat because if they did it would be nothin' but "curtains" for me.
  16. "Well the little kitten has claws and sharp ones too", Leondis said looking at Sky. "But the little kitten looks like its hurt, hu", Leondis said extremly sarcastically, "LEONDIS...SHUT THE HELL UP", Sky yelled, "I'm just kidding with you, but seriously your hurt and I'm sorry I didn't see that earlier...I am after all supposed to be protecting you and only you so I apoligize Sky", he said with a smile. He then unsheathed his sword and once again slashed the air this time creating a small gale that swirled around Sky slowly sealing and healing her wound. "There you go...rookie", he said laughing.
  17. Iceykis overheard the conversation between Zane and Katsura and started to walk towards them. "Uh, hi guys...I'm sorry for ease-dropping but I heard you guys talking about this half-breed and exactly what does it mean to be a half-breed here", Iceykis said with a slighly nervous voice.
  18. Iceykis looked around when suddenly he saw for a quick second his hand glowing a light-blue color. "What was that...oh wait...I remember now...from earlier...that power I had", he said focusing hard on his hands. "Maybe I can....", he stopped as he noticed his hands turning that same blue color from before but he could now feel it as if wind was blowing up against his hands. "Wow, this feels really great...but I guess this same power also killed me and save them", he said with a bitter-sweet smile. "But since I'm here at this sacred place and has been blessed with these wonderous powers there must be some type of ultimate meaning to all of this", he said curiusly.
  19. "*sigh*...once a rookie always a rookie", Leondis said running after Sky's captur with his sword in hand. "Leondis get your ass up here and HELP ME", Sky yelled. Leondis then dashed forward towards the demon and slashed the air around him producing a tiny light-red aura that swiftly moved towards the demon peircing threw the back of the demon's skull stopping it in its tracks. "Hey rookie", he said to Sky, "Go ahead and ask him any question you like, that little red line you see there is my Sirroco Wind and as long as the winds around here keep blowin' he's under my control", Leondis continued smiling at his new pet.
  20. ...you guys are so mean...but about that...you see what had happened was I didn't know I spelt lonely wrong and my friend she actually pointed it out to me and I said "Ah...****", but still you guys are soooo mean you bastards.
  21. Hey dude just go to your local library and ask to get on one of their computers and there you go, but you get 1 hour which probably won't be near enough time but eh.
  22. Iceykis looked around this seemingly divine place with utter astonishment and fear. "I pray that whatever power that I possesed save my family", he said as he prayed to himself. He continued to look around searching nervously for his family but didn't find them. "Thank the gods they're safe, but I guess I didn't make it....", he said with a shaky voice. He then continued looking around his new surrondings.
  23. [quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']Heh. (^_^) I sincerely doubt you're anywhere close to being another MacGyver, buddy. Good luck, though.[/FONT][/quote] Oh trust me...you'll be suprised at the things I know how to make Mr.Allamorph.
  24. Leondis looked around and specificaly saw Amaya with a determined but painful look in her eye and noticed she was wounded. "Amaya I know you off all people shouldn't ever let a demon touch you especially these little pathetic weaklings here", Leondis said slashing a demon to shreds. "It's nothing...", she said smacking a demon square on its head. Leondis then casually walked towards Amaya with his sword in its sheath and slashed the air in a ritualistic way summoning a wind that lifted her up away from the battleground. "What are doing", she said confused, "Don't worry it's my Blossom Wind and it's mainly for healing injuries and it'll let you down when your healed...it won't take long, so relax...we'll save you some demons to pound", Leondis with a smile floating down on the winds.
  25. OOC: Here's an angel.. . Name: Iceykis Casaki Age: 24 When and How You Died: Iceykis died trying to protect his family from an actual demon. That day he noticed a weird power inside of him and summoned it in order to protect them but used far to much of it which was the cause of his death. Appearance: He has long black hair and blue eyes and has a average body tone and is about 5'11. He wears an all black kimono with formal white shoes and also has one string-like red earing on his right ear. Race: Angel Bio: Iceykis Casaki was a normal college student at a university in Tokyo who enjoyed a casual drink or two, until he came home one day to screams of terror and pain and the temple grounds he grew up on splattered with blood. "Mother, father, and Kuruma, where are you", he yelled as he ran to his house in the middle of the temple grounds. "Your here", a sadistic voice said. Iceykis looked around in horror as he saw blood splashed everywhere and corpses lining the floors. "What has...befallen my family...", he said with tears in his eyes, "I-Icey...kis", a faint voice said. He immediatly ran towrds the voice and saw that it was his father holding his mother and little sister in his blood drenched arms. "Iceykis...your...here...my son", his father said in a faint tone, "FATHER, MOTHER, SISTER, WHO HAS DONE THIS TERRIBLE CRI-", he stopped as he saw a shadowy pitch-black figure floating towards him. "Hello Iceykis Casaki, I've awaited your arrival for some time", the figure said laughing, "WHY HAVE YOU DONE THIS EVIL TOWARDS MY FAMILY", Iceykis said angrily, "Oh you poor human fool you drew me here your powers drew me here so now I'm here", the figure continued in a calm voice moving towards him and his family. "...stay back..."Iceykis said faintly as the figure continued moving towards him, "Stay back", he said a little more loudly as it continued its movement, "STAY BACK" he yelled as a burst of blue light shot towards the figure. "There it is...NOW SHOW ME MORE", the figure said finally fully showing himself while still lunging at Iceykis. "STAY BAAACCCKKK", Iceykis sreamed as the blue light around him exploded blowing away eveything around him except his family. "Good", the creature said as it faded away in the fury of light. "Father...mother...sister...are...you all...okay", he said in a small voice as he fell to the ground and layed there lifeless. Weapons: None Magic: He has the ability to generate a sacred blue light and use it as a kind of exploding bomb and also as a shield.
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