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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Name: "The Fallen One" Ame Cotuna Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: He has a slightly muscular tone and has long cerulean hair and cerulean eyes, has an all white robe and no shoes and has two cerulean earings in both his ears. Personality: Since his ordeal of killing the almighty God he's become a changed man, he now spars absolutly noone and has a sarcastic yet sadistic look apon his face. Bio: Ever since he died and was sent to Purgatory he was on a search to find his fiance and spar her from the demon of hell Satan and rescue her from the angel of salvation God and at the same time kill them at all cost. He's completed the first part of his plan now comes the next. Weapon: He still has the knitting needles in his bag, but he now also carries a small demonic red dagger he recieved from Baal.
  2. I abhor zombies and if a day ever came to that I personaly know how to make a small bomb out of paper and I'll blow them to pieces....I...HATE....ZOMBIES*shivers* but if that fails I'll go Link on there ***** just without the bomerang and elf costume.
  3. My one absolute regert in life was telling my mother and father that I hated them...that was the most terrible feeling I ever had in my entire life...it felt like someone was hitting me in the stomach over and over, and not only that I got a mean *** headache and on top of that I later (about 10 seconds later) starting feeling my eyes watering and before I knew it I was crying and rushing to my parents for forgivenss...why I regret this...they left to the store and got into a car accident and died before I could say I'm sorry and man I'm still holding that damn feeling from that day. I'm sad now...
  4. A young man looked over a feild of blood drenched dead angels and of a large man with long white hair and a white rob splashed with crimson blood. "And you fool actually thought it would be over simply because I prayed to you...ha, I'll never, never ever forgive you for what happened that day...she prayed to you and believed in you with all her very heart and you personally told her she would be forever protected, hell I even prayed to you but what happens...she dies and I die...worst thing about it...hmph, she's still in hell and were am I...in heaven...for what almighty GOD", the young man said harshly, "You...misguided...child...you", the almighty God stopped as the young man drove a glowing red needle right in his head. For the first time ever the almighty God is dead and blood of the true innocent is bathed on the holy halls of heaven. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alright this is a continuation of the events of Terror Town 2 (of course) and this time there is no salvation only survival or continued damnation. Sign ups... Name Age Gender Appearance Bio Weapon Just like before...this is mine Name: Ame Cotuna Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: He's 5'll and has a slightly muscular body tone, has cerulean eyes and long cerulean hair, he wears an all white rob with no shoes and has two small black earings on each of his ear. Bio: After a little hassel in Purgatory, Ame finally reached his destination...heaven...were he sneakily carried out his devilish plan of revenge agianst God himself by killing him with a demoic red dagger he recieved from Baal ever since then he's been recreating Purgatory on heaven trying to invoke Satan in order to carry out his final parts of his plan. Weapon: A small dark red demnic dagger and his bag of knitting needles.
  5. "Well, he chose to reveil himself so early...", Leondis thought in his head. He looked at Sky with a seemigly angry face, "What I'd do wrong now Leondis", she said sarcastically, "Nothing...it's just...you just...surprise me...that's all", he said smiling "What", she replied confused a little, "I said, YOUR STILL A ROOKIE...but maybe you'll turn out to be a good leader...MAYBE", he said a little harsh.
  6. OCC: Crap...I'm sorry I haven't been online that much :animecry: Leondis looked at Sky with a angry expression on his face, "Sky if you go around attacking everything like that your going to make my job a lot harder", he said running at the archer in the tree preparing to deal a death blow. "What the hell are you doing here", Leondis said harshly, "I'm here to kill you what else idiot", the little boy said sternly, "You look about 9 or 10...still so young...tell me...who told you to do this little boy", "No-nobody...", the boy said reluctantly, "Well then...I have no use for you", Leondis said unsheathing his sword, "Wait...some ugly thing did, h-he gave me lots of money and this arrow, h-he said it'll never miss...are you go-going to kill me mister", the boy said crying, "That's up to her", Leondis said pointing to Sky.
  7. Man people need to chill these days because everyone is just to up-tight and crap man...I couldn't live with a stick stuck in ma' *** man so this Atheist dude needs to lay back and take a chill pill or drink somethin'. And you ask me, his case is a hopeless one...but seriously people are too sensitive these days.
  8. Ame looked at Taiyo and started laughing. "Rest easy I wouldn't dare kill you two it just wouldn't feel right...plus it'll be to eays, he said with a smirk. "That demon...he just doesn't know what I have in store for him...and Taiyo the girl if you want to know is someone...very...special to me and believe me...he'll regret the day he ever messed with Ame Cotuna...him and your supposed savior "God"...they both will".
  9. After the little run in with Hydra Martel went straight into his room. "Man...that was emmbarrasing", he said blushing a little, then seemingly from nowhere he got an enormous feeling of fear. "What the hell is that...it's actually got my sub-cousious worried". He walked calmly to Alue's room and knocked on her door. "Alue...we have a HUGE problem", he said with a serious look on his face.
  10. Leondis ran towards Sky with his swords sheath in his hand and aimed directly at the demon she was fighting and let loose a slash that slashed the wind itself. "Sky I didn't really get a chance to introduce myself properly to you I'm Leondis Roronl a free-lance swordsman and my employer wishes to stay unrevieled at the time, but know this...I'm here to help you and ONLY you", he said as the demon's arm and head fell off.
  11. OOC:monipo1928 your so nice :D "Now I'm here and she's here so I have to...", he stopped noticing he had to walk for another whole mile. 2 hours later he made it to his first destination, "So the house is...right here", he walked up to the steps and started to knock on the door, "Hey stranger who are you lokking for", said an old man, "Hi I'm Leondis and I'm looking for a woman named Hiruki have you seen her by any chance", Leondis said in a stern voice. "Ah Sky she left just a few hours ago, but with her speed I don't think you'll be able to...", he stopped as he watched Leondis dash off seeing nothing but a blurr of his crimson red hair. "Hmmm, maybe he'll catch up to her" 1 hour later he saw a woman that matched the picture he was given of the girl Sky and started to approach her but was instead greeted with a shower of shuriken. "Sky, hold your fire, I've been employed to kill a certain demon ravaging a certain place and my employer has placed me at your side Sky. She looked at him skeptically at first but decided to trust him for now.
  12. "DAMNIT, DAMNIT, DAMNIT, DAMNIT, he's just jurking me around...oh' just you wait ol' satan the next time u'll be YOUR LAST time", Ame yelled. He then looked at the minotaurs with a diobolical look in his eyes and swiftly threw 10 needles at one of the minotaurs face each one piercing pressure points on its face. "NRRANGGG", the beast cried in terrible pain. "Oh, don't worry you won't die yet I just want you to feel exactly how I felt when she died right in front of my eyes", Ame said sadisticlly. He walked away as the minotaur yelled in pain. OOC: That was awsome onlyonespecialed!!
  13. Name, age, race, personality, appearace, weapons, bio Name: Leondis Roronl Age: 23 Race: Human Personality: He's very blunt about everything he does and keeps a very solemn look on his face and a serious step in his demeaner, besides from that he's an average 20 somethin' year old who loves to drink and party. Apperance: He has a athletic build and is exactly 6', he has red eyes and shoulder lenght red hair, he wears a black long sleeved t-shirt and red baggy pants along with all black shoes. Other things he has are two black small amethyst earings in both ears. Weapons: He has two swords that are exactly 4 feet long that he reveils litarally from under his sleeves and a small 4 inch blade concealed away. Bio: Leondis hails from an honorable line of swordmasters and takes his ancestrial history to heart. From the age of 4 he could already slay a full grwon demon blind-folded. At the age of 13 he was already signing slayers contracts for the "high and mighty" and earned the name Crimson Flash. He currently is doing more of his free-lance work and has been employed to track down and terminate the supposed "prince of evil".
  14. "Baal mokes me with that little feat of strength...HA, if he wants a real fight perhaps we BOTH should use our full strenth", Ame said in his mind. He walked towards the others specifically towards Taiyo seeing her wince a little. "Your hurt, let me see it", he said demandingly. She showed him the burns reluctantly. "This u'll hurt for about 5 seconds alright", she nodded her head as he reached in his bag and pulled out some ointment and applied it to her burns. "Be careful out there rookie", Ame said with a sarcastic smile.
  15. Money, money, money, I must say I'm sorry for this but I hate money it's a key element on why people do the corrupted things they do and I believe if we had something other than money I don't know what things could be a liitle different. On the other hand(I'm about to contradict myself)I believe its the greedyheartedness of people that makes money seem bad when it's actually just a object that people view as a outlet to power. "Feel the magic spores as they sprinkle on your face".
  16. Christmas is glorious its the one time when I see a lot of smiles on peoples faces and the one time when I think you should be happy. But to get back on subject the things I want is well...to be honest its more like an emotion( and I already have it)I want everyone to have and that's happiness and to just relax ya' now. I believe you shoudn't feel pressured, sad, mad or anything but the two emotions of happiness.
  17. Martel quickly got up smelling a strong scent of blood for some reason he thought it was Alue and without thinking rushed outside litarally running threw the walls until he got to the spot where he smelt the scent. "Alue are you...", he stopped when he saw it wasn't Alue but two others instead. "Who are you two and why exactly do I smell blood around here. "Dragon's Eye...nice to finally meet you in person I'm Hydra and this is...", she stopped as she noticed he was gone. "Not to talkitive is he", Martel said laughing, "Guess not, but your names Martel isn't it I heard a lot about you", she said smiling. "Yes it is and you have quite the lovely smile", Martel said winking his eye. "Thank you but I'll see you around Martel I have to try to find Nanishi", she said waving to Martel. "Hmm...", Martel said solemnly in his head. "That's Hydra".
  18. "Looks like they can use a little help", Ame said as he walked towards them and the Hydra. "Please everyone stand clear of this evil monstrosity or your going to be covered in it", he continued as he reached in his bag and threw 5 tiny needles at the creature each one pierceing threw the Hydra's skin and seconds later the Hydra explodes gore spashing everywhere. "If your wondering how it exploded...simple, paper bombs just amplified a little and what I did was delicatly tie a line around the needle along with a few tiny ingrediants and bye-bye mister Hydra", Ame said with a smug smile.
  19. Ame looked at the group from a top a large tree. "What a weird crop of people they are but apparently I missed judged them, I guess their all what, angels then...and here I thought crap like this was just in the books of old. He skeptically looked at the entire group and lept down from the tree. "Hmm, maybe if...I join there little fight I can see both of them", he laughed at a thought and started walking towards Sora and the rest hopeing they'd except him.
  20. After Martel finished eating he immediatly went into his room. "Damnit", he said laughing "That grubby liitle bastard actually nicked me with a nice one". He then looked inside his bag and pulled out a picture. "Rose, Karstin, Hildro, Mia, Jim and Me the best of the best we were, until that day", he closed his eyes to hold back the pain he felt. "Top assassins, trained killers, but then why did everthing turn out the way it did".
  21. "Hmph...so that's Baal not to much of a demon if you ask me, but nonetheless I need to talk to him", Ame said as he walked completly out of site from everyone. "Baal were are you, I got a little proposition for you if your interested", he continued yelling. He then reached in his pocket and pulled out a silk bag filled with nitting needles. "These needles are all I have left of her and they'll go strait into those two bastard's heads".
  22. Ahh love...if you ask me it's the best thing that can happen to a person. It can do so much good for a person. Me I haven't fallen in love but from personally seeing the effects of love on so many relationships its wonderful. My closest friend says she feels like "pop rocks" are in her stomach every time her boyfrind says her name. I thought for a sec like what but then I did the dummy thing and actually went up to the store and bought some and just downed em' right in my stomach...that feeling sucked but I understood what she mean't I think :animeswea
  23. Ame looked around at his surrondings and let out a slight chuckle. "This is gonna be real nice like killing two birds with one stone", he continued looking and started walking away from the crowd when he was stopped by one of the young ladies from earlier. "What are you going didn't you...", "Quiet", he said assertivly, "I am not here on a path of salvation nor damnation just resolution and revenge, I haven't the time to be talking to you or any other pathetic idiot either I'm here to first of all kill a certain devil namely Satan...do you know where he is, if you do TELL ME NOW!!
  24. "Hmph...who would of had guessed I'd be knocked out by that grubby little bastard", Martel mumbled. He got up from his bed and walked out of his room and started towards Alue's room. "Oh yeah gotta thank that Sho guy too", He looked around the hallway to find Sho's room. "What the hell happened here I know I didn't do this...I think", he continued laughing. He looked around more in order to find Sho's room and weirdly slipped on a puddle of water that slid him in Alue's direction. "I guess the fates want me to go see her first eh", He walked towards her room and knocked at her door. "Hey Alue you there", "Oh, it's you, do you have any idea", Martel cut her off. "Before you scold me I'd like to say thank you", he said kindly, "Oh...um", Martel looked at her and noticed her blushing a little and started laughing. "What's so funny", she blurted out, "Oh...nothing, but there is something very important that I have to tell you but keep it under your hat alright". She agreed with a nod. "Okay first of all I work for an...agency that...well..."quiets" certain unruly mutents", he stopped for a moment to let Alue take it all in. "Okay I'm pretty sure I would of figured that out duh", she said sarcastically, "Good I knew you would now about that guy that was out there that I just got rid of was part of that agency", "And", she replied "And they must already know that I don't intend to carry out this latest mission of mine", "Really", "Yes really and this agency I work for has orderd me to..."quiet a few loud mouths", "Okay Martel are you going to get to the point any time soon", "Alright the point is I quit and so they sent that chump out there to kill me", "From the looks of things he almost did", she replied with a slight chuckle, "Hmph, almost doesn't count but to get back to what I was saying", "Spit it out already your pissing me off", she said cutting him off. "Be careful", he said seriously "Hu", "Be careful Alue that's all I really can say I'm sure even now they can hear me".
  25. As Martel walked out of Alue's room a student with a bizarre demeaner walked towards him, "Getting cozy with the one called "Pheniox" are you 'Dragon's Eye", the student said in a sarcastic tone, "Well...just who are you and what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me like that, you want to get yourselve killed this early", Martel said laughing. "Let's just say I'm a friend of...an...friend...", the strange student said hesitantly, "And what exactly do you want with me", Martel repied intriged. "Hmm...I've come barring gifts...a...little present...you what it", the student said with a chuckle. "Hmmm....hahahahaha, so your here to give me a gift hu...hahaha I'm sorry to laugh but, I saw you coming from a mile away...Roseveltine...", "HAHAHAHA as keen as ever aren't you Martel...you know why I'm here...don't you", the student said with a smile. "To kill me...right...then let's get this over with", Martel said as he summoned up his power. The student then shifted into a pitch-black rosevine-like entity and lunged itself at Martel striking a glancing blow to Martel's side. "You really want to die don't you, you bastard", Martel said chuckling, "JUST DIE ALREADY YOU SARCASTIC PIECE OF-", he stopped as he was cut off by a small cerulean beam going strait threw was his head, green gore splashing everywhere. "Damn...you...", the creature said as it died a quick death "They are really funny and here I thought they didn't have a sense of humor and-", Martel suddenly stopped wincing from the wound he was inflicted. "Ouch...that...bastard...he actually got...a nice blow...in...", he stopped as he lost couisounsness.
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