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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Hmmm...this is a bit repetitive but how about the one who is secretly working for the agency suddenly turn against the agency...kinda like at a kinda dire situation the whole plan goes dead because of one little annoyance....
  2. OOC: Sorry I haven't been posting much "Hmm...I guess I'll show you why I had to be escorted here personally", He walked down the hall bearing a gentle sarcastic smile towards Alue and entered the doors. "I hope this thing can take what I dish out...haha", he said a little concerned. Martel looked around the room as the door shut tightly behind him and then seemingly from the ground a few bots that looked similar to the one who detained him apperared. "Is this some kind of joke...if it is, this isn't funny...those things look exactly like the ones...who...", Martel stopped his trained of thoughts and felt that power that he felt long ago...the power that he wanted to have...he felt it surging threw his body. "This...this is that power...that I wanted to have...", he continuned in a malevolent voice. Others looked from beyond the other rooms in astonishment, the machine beepinglike crazy then a cystalline dark blue aura seeped all around Martel's body starting to form a image. "So that's why they call him "Dragon's Eye" he has a dragon circling around him...it's a really relaxing color", said a student. "I HAVE IT AGAIN...", Martel said agrily, "...and I can't control it". He suddenly stopped his outburst of power and simply walked our the room blasting a hole threw the reinforced door. "Hey", Martel said suddenly in a good mood, "I thought these doors were reinforced".
  3. "Miss Alue...", Martel said in his mind, "There's definativly something special about her. He continued to look around at everyone following the man in red. "Alue...for some reason...hmm", he continued in his mind. "And that Amp guy...gotta saty away from him...his powers u'll mess mine up...but on the other hand their fairly weak...hmm", Martel said relaxingly in his mind. He started walking with the crowd when he spotted Alue and he strarted walking towards her. "Alue", he said nicely, "Yes", she replied, "Just who was that girl with the water powers", he said in a relaxed tone, "Hydra...", she said kinda ominously, "I got a wierd felling from her",
  4. "Alright let go of me you bastatrds", Martel said hystrically, "Ma' am", said the cyborg as they approached a train station. "If you don't", "Alright let him go", the woman in red cut off Martel and said, "Now go there". She pointed to a man surronded by others who seemed to stand out. "And be a good little mutant if you want to see her again", she continued sarcastically. "You'll dearly regret this", Martel replied humerously. A second later Martel walked towards the croud towards the man he was instructed to go to. "MARTEL", the cyborg from before said, "What the hell do you want I'm doing as you instructed", he replied angered and out of nowhere the cyborg slapped a collar around Martel's neck. "What's this for", he said trying to take it off, "JUST IN CASE YOU GET DISCOURAGED", the cyborg said as he walked off. "Great...just great..." Martel said wincing from the collar. He walked up to man he was pointed out to meet. "Hello, my name is Martel Sakuraba and I am hereby under your leadership...butthead..., Martel said in a relaxed tone. Eveyone around him burst out in laughter. "The famous "Dragon's Eye" you finally arrived", replied the man, "Yep, what do you need me for...", Martel said nugging for his name, "Jax and first thing first go me people...her..go", he said demandingly. Martel walked over to the girl he was instructed to meet, "Hello mis, may you give me the pleasure of your name", he said to her kissing her hand, "Alue", the beautiful young girl said, "Such beauty" Martel said in his head.
  5. What...the hell...was he thinking, honestly the world already views us as ya know little powerful idiots but this is like tottally adding wood to the fire.(I would of replied to this thread sooner but I'm lazy) He is trying to justify so much crap that can absolutly not be it sickens me as a American and all this just for that...I don't know it's just something specifically about that, that disturbs my very soul especailly the part when they mess up and detain the wrong people...gezz... Bad karma written all over this one... :animesigh
  6. Goodness...this little talk has slowley walked away from the "little demon child" that was on the top of our tongues to a little stupid *** scuffle between TWO individuals. You both have some extremly powerful beliefs to back you up but Sandy, Domon cut it out...please for the love of humanity, kiss already :love2: . To get back on topic I too think we should tread towards this little situation with caution and rationallity to prevent it from becoming a catastrophic situation. I think the U.N. and others should continue to do whatever ther'er trying or hope to do and on a personal point of view(and to quote what someone else said)Kim needs a political "PIMP SLAP" and for someone to say "no, no" :nono: .
  7. I was about to completly disagree with you DeadSeraphim but I completly understand where your coming from...yes their minds are under-developed but I believe if anyone or anything has the brain capacity to plot out a slighly cunning or intelligent way of killing someone they should have to "sleep in the bed they made" but then again I would judge them apon the severity of their doings and what they personally had to say for themselves.
  8. My dreams are always terribly complex...like a dream I had last night...it started when somebody grabbed me from a hole or ditch or whatever and I looked and there was this really beautiful girl looking down at me saying more like whispering are you okay and then she vanishes into thin air and I wake up usually or it continues into a whole nother' dream...WTF and it's one of those reaccuring dreams too and I still can't figure out the reason I keep on having this bitter-sweet dream. If anybody knows why please explain it to me. :animesigh
  9. Alright...I'm curious...what do you think, know, or found out about, or just about any other thing that you think messed up or just plain ol' **** up your life and if your in a good mood what helped your life become what it was. Me myself, to be completly honest it was when I was about 9 or 10 and I learned if your doing something out of freedom of expression(in U.S.) noone can do anything about it so I've been hard at work finding out many diffrent ways to mess with the big pompious types and man is it funny...but I think I'll be arrested soon hahaha...but from learning about freedom of expression it became a big influence on why I'm so free-spirited.
  10. OOC: I hope I'm not to late :animeswea Name: Mizukaze(by the way Ginkaze I think you got the Japanese right because I know for a fact kaze(or was it kazu)means wind, but gin...totally forgot). Age: 16 Animal: A all white wolf with charcoal black paws. Side: Good Look/Like: In animal form a all white wolf with charcoal black paws and white pupils(or was it the iris... :animeswea) and in human form a 5'10 light skinned male with long white hair and eyes, who has a slim but well-toned body. Clothing, he has an all white kimono(males kimono). Personality: Mizukaze is a kind, gentle, self-righteous, and cunning individual. Majority of the time he is pretty much calm no matter what the circumstances. History: Long, long ago lived a properous village of all wolves with charcoal black paws with a variety of diffrent colored fur coats but white coats being the rarest. One tragic day nobles found out about the village and had everyone and everything torched to the ground. The 4 survivors that got away successfully despised humans everywhere for what they had done and decided to launch one final attack to attest their anger on the nobles they believed to have done this. They lost miserably and 2 died from the wounds leaving only 2 wolves from the village left. The two siblings decided to do something in order to preserve their ancient race. After a few months the female wolf gave birth to 4 baby wolves, sadly 3 died leaving only 1 the dying wolf naming him Mizukaze. The male wolf raised Mizukaze to be strong and not to trust humans no matter what. Then tragidy struck again, Mizukaze's father was ill-strucken and died. Having a sad history behind his coming into being Mizukaze puts on a very strong front and hided his reservations of any kind. Rp example: "So your the last of the black paws kid", replied a jet black wolf. "Indead I am...and since the humans didn't attack you, you must work for them...disgrace", Mizukaze replied serenly, "How dare you black paw EERRRRAAAA", the jet black wolf said agrily. He lunged at Mizukaze with astonishing speed grazing his snow white fur. "Ahh" Mizukaze said stunned. "Come now black paw is that the best you can do...the mighty black paw knocked down by a mere charged...hahahaha", the black wolf chuckled as he stepped on Mizukaze's tail. "Gotcha you idiot", "WHAT", and with that Mizukaze lunged his keen egded teeth straight into the black wolf's neck crushing it and killing him. Blood dripping from the mouth of Mizukaze he howled a nightmarish song.(Sorry its a lii' more than PG :animeswea)
  11. OCC: Oh, a little love thing huh ;) Name: Oni Saru Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Human Personality: A romantic at heart, Oni is a very kind person and extremly relaxed. He is never reluctant to speak or fight for all he believes in and for the things or people he cares about. Appearance: Ame is 5'10, weights 149, has jet black shoulder length hair and brown eys, and has a slighty slim but toned body. Clothing, he has an all white dress shirt and black casual jeans, and all white shoes. Other things, he has a small onyx gem on his right ear. Bio: Ame is a middle child and was born into poverty. He worked hard for things all the way up to age 14 and retained his free-spirited nature. When he was 16 he inherited a fortune frome his late aunt and bought many things for his loving but shallow family. He attends a local high school choir where he sings to spread happiness and joy to all and is always telling people "to let go of the chains of society and sing your own personal song" and because of this he is well liked my many and disliked by some.
  12. Name: Ame Cotuna Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Ame is 5'11, weights 151, has sky blue eyes and hair, and has a slightly slim but well-toned body. Clothing, he has a long sleeved white shirt, and slightly baggy sky blue jeans. Other things, he has 2 sappire earings on each ear and a aqua dragon tattoo colored black and dark blue on his left arm. Personality: Ame is usually a very serene and compassionate person and dosen't care to much for fighting. He is sometimes extremly self-righteous if demeaned in any way and absolutly hates deception. Bio: Ame was the middle child of a rich and powerful family and always carried himself as a very respecting and regal person. He never looked down apon anyone and always veiwed everone and eveything as equals. Then one day at the high school he was attending was held hostage by "paranormal forces" the news called it and more than a third of the entire school population was killed. Angry, terrified, and dilussional from the dire wounds he recieved trying to protect his friends he prayed as hard as he could to be given the chance and might to destroy these monstrosities and was granted death instead. "I will have my revenge on you both...god of salvation and demon of hell...", he said in in relaxed tone as he was gored to death. Weapons: All he had when he died was his best friends needles for her knitting class and was apparently allowed to keep them even in the world between worlds. He uses them like darts.
  13. Oh, such a sad topic this one is... :( There is 1 thing I miss and 2 people... Compassion(actually that's an emotion..opps) Compassion because this world needs a lot more of it and I bet it's the main reason there is so much pointless scuffles going on. Lawwn Lawwn wasn't my real father but he raised me from 7 to 13...he was just the most awsomest person I ever met and is probably the reason why I'm so calm all the time. Claire Claire also wasn't my real mother but she helped raised me too from lil' 7 to 13...she was a really gentle and serene woman and so loving that evertime I think about her I almost start to cry. :((how unmanly of me) I miss them so much but I know we'll meet again in the after-life. :)
  14. This thread is specifically for those little things(or big)you do to just get away from the the world around you... Me personally I'm a pretty "free" guy but at times I just gotta get away from things and the main thing I do is go to this abandoned little colony(i think it was) in the woods near me and(!warning this is a little PG!)get free from my clothing. I know it sounds a lil' weird but it is really calming...so calming I got a little following going...and majority of my "followers" are ladys. :D :2women:
  15. Oh, baby I know I'm a bit underage but I love several drinks and they are the drinks that u'll turn your world upside down: Bacardi, Gin, Smirnoff, 5 o' Clock Gin(I don't care to much for Vodka), and my favorite E&J Brandy...yeah I know....alcoholic in the making...but it's the nectar of the gods :alcohol: :rotflmao:
  16. OOC: OH YEAH BABY!! "Humans are such persistant creatures...and at the same time so ignorant...they don't notice something valuable until it's gone...", a young man said. "Stop we just want to talk to you Mr. Sakuraba", "Yeah, so you can lock me up again you little bastards", he says hysterically. " Mr. Sakuraba...please listen...", a woman dressed in a red suit says gently", "Why should I, you bastards tried to lock me up once and I'm pretty sure your trying again", he repies laughing. "Aruna is waiting for you...she's joined is already...", the woman said sofly, "WHAT....you leave Aruna OUT OF THIS", with that a pitch black dragon circled around him emitting a crystalline aura. "NOW", said a bulky man in red, "WHERE'S ARUNA", the young man said infuriated, "HERE", "WHAT", suddenly a large metallic net apperared and subdued the young man "Deploy the supersonic waves, set the frequency to as high as it can go, "I'LL-AHHH" he cried as he was pummuled by the waves, "Martel Sakuraba, Age:16, Height:5'11, Weight:146.7, Skin Color: light brown, Hair Color:Cerulean, Eye Color:Cerulean, genetic mutation...decifered...mutant ability: overactive brain syndrome(OBS) mutated...cannot compute..." said a cyborg, "Don't worry 023 his 'mutant ability" is the ability to tap into a spiritual dimension using his mind and supposedly his "3rd eye", what he was called because of his ability, "Martel the Dragon's Eye' or just "Dragon's Eye"...got that 023", the woman said assertivly, "Yes ma'am.
  17. Alright the topic of this "what the hell is going on" is the turmoil over in the Iran and Isreal(spell) area and what I have been hearing about, like...the potential use of nuclear weapons and crap I mean what reallly is going on over there if they are willing to use such a destructive weapon and why...I need some clarification :animestun .
  18. [COLOR=Blue]The main three skills that I have are: compassion(It's out of the ordinary people tell me), I can pick almost any lock out their, and I can...wait...I guess that's it :animeswea The skills I'm known for(well at my high school): I have awsome accuracy in my archery class, a smooth talker, the guy who always seems like he's high but is actually just relaxed all the time, and I think that's it. And as far as what I'm known for on the OB I think it would be the guy who spelt lonely wrong and the guy who's post are terrible :animeswea .[/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=Blue]My life really changed without me noticing...I mean I think about all the things I used to do and my original outook on life has just completly changed I thought it was just because I'm getting older but I personally am too damn self-rightous to let me getting older have any effect on my life and I'm always reminecing(spelling) about my past and things for example: I used to kill bugs for the fun of it y'know just squash 'em but now when I think about what I did to those bugs(mainly ants) I say I'm sorry,why, because they are living organisms just like us yes some are terribly ugly and some are freaking annoying but their lives has value too...and I used to think the world was a completly ugly place just terrible but now I know it's not the world that's ugly it's some of the people in it and that's just some of the things I noticed[/COLOR] :animesigh .
  20. Things like this always make me laugh and wonder if I'll ever find that perfect someone but I think the perfect girl for me would be pretty gentle, supportive of the dumb crap I sometimes think of, very nice(I absolutly will fall in love with a nice girl to be honest), independent, and that's pretty much it...I think :animeswea .
  21. I was helping my dad find some site that was gonna get him some type of connection to help him ship some crap he had and I said to me self,"What if there was a place called otaku.com or something", so I went to google for a sec and and say theotaku.com I believe and from there I wanted to learn more about it so I was clicking away and all of a sudden I found good old, anime loving, manga loving, japanaholic...OtakuBoards :) .
  22. This one is kind of stupid but hey I was a kid...but there was and still is a candy by the name of the Toostie Roll I think I spelt that right and there was these suckers with candy on the outside and chocolate in the inside and my misconception was about the wrapper. Well on the wrapper if you looked carefully and were lucky there was a star and if there was a star on your wrapper you could return it to the store and get another sucker...or so I thought...and the funny part was I always used to find the star and go to store and get a free sucker...but years later I found out that was not true...all it meant was the guy who ran the store was nice.
  23. This is plain and simple... I'd like to meet everyone of you :)
  24. The one superpower that I would like would be to be able to manipulate all forms of water. Jjust thinking of this great power gives me goosebumps....on top of that another reason I think I like water so much is because I'm an aquarius.
  25. I think I have one of the greatest summer jobs ever because I work at a ice cream shoppe and I get all the free ice cream I want...as long as it's after I'm done working or during my little break time...it soo very rocks :bow: .
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