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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. "Hello everyone my name is Leondis as Mistress Neko said already, I'm very happy to meet you all", Leondis said with a gentle smile. "I'll help with whatever I can....by the way Kobo I'll love to spar with you because It seems most people I fight with can't even dream to keep up but you look pretty strong my friend".
  2. I'd have to go with the Sharingan because I love to play with people's mind like how Kakashi played with Zabuza's mind and I from personal experiences found out that messing with one's mind can really altar ones state of thinking especially while fighting it really throws them of...hahahaha :naughty:
  3. WAAAAAAA IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!! My stupid memory card that I just recently purchased(8mbfor PS2)for freaking $25 somehow got corruped data in it I'm guessing it happened when I was playing Metal Gear 3 and I already tried deleting it...it's...very vexing... :animesighand on top of that I was pretty far in the game too...please if someone knows how to get rid of it help me out...
  4. Ol' Fighter


    I really liked the 24 series that was airing on Fox and I was wondering does anyone else know about and like the series?
  5. My power went out too for a few hours because of the hellish weather where I am but I found several things to occupy my bored little mind... 1) Call people who I haven't talked to in years on my cell phone. :blah: 2) Torture my little brothers because their simply annoying. :animeangr 3) Play my ds until my eyes hurt or the energy gets low :animestun ...which ever comes first. 4) Sleep the day away :sleep: ...and those are the things I do on such a day.
  6. Character Name: Iceykis Age: 16 Gender: Male Powers: A jet black vine that is indestructible Apperance:He's about 6', has a slight caramel skin tone, straight long cerulean hair that meets the end of his spine, has a slight muscular build, he always wears a long sleeved white shirt with slits on the shoulders and slightly baggy black pants that covers his white shoes Equipment: He has two carefully concealed daggers that are 2' inches wide and 7' inches long with cerulean tents to the steel Biography: Iceykis was born into the royal family of the Casakis in a galaxy much like our own 2 billion light-years away from the Milky Way galaxy. He was revered as a child for his kindness towards everyone and everything but during his mother and father's reign a conspiracy was unfolding and young Iceykis was the first to find out and unfortunatly the only because when he tried to tell his mother and father what was happening one of the once loyal vassals of the kingdom knocked him unconscious...he awoke later in the mists of a orb that he realized was moving when he tried to stand he looked threw the orb and say what he believed was his parent's castle engulfed in flames. Young Iceykis couldn't help but cry. He turned away from his home and looked around the orb for an exit when out of nowhere a dark entity appeared before him it was his terrible nightmare come true it was a cloud of dark vines reaching towards him he was so horrified he did nothing but shed quite tears, he struggled for a second to fight of this creature but of no use, he realized his vision was blurring so he did what a little kid would do to something foreign touching them he bite it to his surprise the moster lossened up its grip alittle so he continued to bite it until it set him free he then ran around looking frantically for an exit, realizing there was no way out he searched his young memory for something he was taught when he remebered his necklace his mother gave him it supposedly was enchanted so he held it up hoping for the best the creature seemed to chuckle and it lunged itself at Iceykis whan all of a sudden a luminous light shunned from his necklace literally disintegrating the creature leaving behind only a single dark vine, Iceykis took of his necklace shinning it upon the remain, to his surprise the vine began to loose its dark aura and began to shine the same color as his necklace. "This must be a purification enchantment...thank you mother", "your welcome my son", a fading voice said. "Mother where are you...", "My...son...your heading into...a new way of life...sleep now...and stay strong", and the voice faded away. He knew what it was that was happening, he knew what had been done and he knew what he had to do it seemed to all hit him at once as he began to lose consciousness. He awoke later seeing himself as another, he remembered everything that happened he clutched his now rusted necklace and said to himself,"I know what I have to do and who I have to find...the one named Magneto", with that his necklace seemed to glow. Additional Info: Personality wise Iceykis is a pretty compassionate person and is very loyal. He has complete control over his powers and is quite a force to be reconed with.
  7. Uh oh, I guess I need to start searching around alittle to make sure I don't duplicate someone elses thread...sorry Doukeshi :( ...
  8. I PM the boss James and told him about my idea of a chat room forum here in the OB. It will be a place were you can meet people online at the OB and just talk with no specific converstions whatsoever and he told me to post a thread here asking for feedback on my idea so what do you people think.
  9. I see the opposite sex as humans who have emotions just like everyone else and when I see a hot looking babe I will casually walk up to her and politly ask her name and from there I'll try to find out more about her y'know like were she's from and everything but usually they are the ones who walk up to me and unfortunatly I happen to be a too kind hearted and I find myself giving my number to every girl in town, but my best friends a babe(I affectionately call her babe)and she happens to have a really nice personality so speaking personality wise if a girl has a nice personality I cosider her hot...but sadly to say looks do matter to me a little :animeswea
  10. By the Gods racism is such a horribly ignorant thing in todays society in yet people still are racist including entire businesses I mean for what! This is something that happened to me just 1 day ago...I was at a movie theatre with my best friend she's Peurto Rican and African American and I'm Cherokee and African American and we walked inside towards the concession stand to get us something to eat and there we bumped into a few other friends and they're all African American so we all decide to watch the same movie(Silent Hill by the way) we all pay for the tickets and got the ticket stub and everything so we all are about to walk inside the room to watch the movie when the "little flash guard cops" say hold on we are patting everone down today for security purposes, of course nobody had anything on them but the thing that got me was that I turned aroung for a split second and saw everyone else walking in freely...WHAT THE HELL!!! I was thinking but I just kept my cool.
  11. Anytime I'm bored I come here and I'm even here during school since majority of my classes require me to be on a computer...hey if they based the titles upon how often you visited here I'd probably have the title "I live here" :laugh:
  12. Thank you and I had a feeling I was posting this in the wrong place.
  13. Trigun really inspired me to become an even better person than I already was because it really made me think about all the possiblities of things that could result from what I've been doing up to now.
  14. Anyone out there like the Eureka 7 anime on adult swim because I personally do but I just don't know what the show's about. [INDENT][SIZE=1][COLOR=DarkSlateBlue][B]Lonley Fighter[/B] I am moving your thread to the existing Eureka Seven thread. You have already been informed about following the rules. Members are held accountable to the rules, whether they have read them or not, and members who continue to violate the rules are potential candidates for a ban. ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/SIZE][/INDENT]
  15. I hope this is the right place to post this thread, but can anyone give me any suggestions about how to make my signature better...it will be greatly appreciated.
  16. My main goal in life is to find true happiness for myself as well as others because I personally haven't found that one thing in life that makes me happy, but while I do search for it I will help others who are searching find it too.
  17. Help me out here what am I doing wrong and why is everyone so made at me I just wanted to know how to move up and now I'm being knocked down :confused:
  18. We have endured many things and I believe we will endure on
  19. Well mods I'm going for the spot...any others care to going my campaine :devil:
  20. Your question confused me for a second but I'd choose the second one becuse I'd like to do my buisness before I get kocked out :laugh: My Questoins: Would you want to have eternal hate for everything... Or Have eternal love for eveything...
  21. It sounds weird but I like sushi with kectup....and I dislike olives :sick: one more thing I like is smoked scorpion and snake I was really surprised how they tasted
  22. Looks like a lot of the OB members are going to AX...well I'll see you there....you weird, mean people :laugh:
  23. Ms.Sakurasuka I think you should try talking to him and since he takes everything you say in high regard he should listen and if he doesn't bring the break up to him lightly....and you gotta tell me if this works or not because I've given this advice to someone else too :animeswea
  24. What is the meaning of life...so many have asked this question and I say it's whatever you want it to be and whatever you make of it..I personally like Tical have dedicated my life to helping others and protecting them with my life..to many I have failed to protect so now I am trying to make up for their dreadful loses...and if that means being on egde night and day so be it...so my meaning of life for me is protecting those I care about....
  25. You guys are confussing me...and is it true I can become a Moderator....
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