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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. I'm just doing what I do best and that's relaxing and I may be going to Hawaii for a few weeks
  2. Hey come on guys we should show a little compassion for other I think I can say we are all here subconsiously to talk to someone or share ideas or whatever(I think) but I think a big meet up would be kinda....nice I guess, but I guess compassion died out decades ago :( ....
  3. Tical I like your sig and I like it because(correct me if I'm wrong) you expressed yourself and anyone with the courage to express themselves to me is great and I give it a 10/10 :)
  4. I love reading peoples sigs because I believe it says something about them and by reading it I can learn something about them :)...oh and I just changed my sig does anyone like it...
  5. Yeah it happens every single time I try to load and save my games it annoying :animesigh
  6. My memory card has corrupted data in it(its a PS2 memory card)and I don't know how to get rid of it and I've tried everything..can someone help :animeswea
  7. I love that look of the Siberian Husky its savage to many and serene to me and I just really love those dogs and I like wolves, but I mainly like them because I'm primitivly(if that's a word)similar to them..its kinda hard to explain... :animesigh
  8. I liked Tenchi....but anyone know where it is now....
  9. Well first of all I'm of african-american heritage and my dad's african-american and I most definatly know what that is well the "black definition" its that food that jo not your but jo mama cook that food that jo grandmother cook that food that just makes jo mouth water with just the smell of it and what it consists of: collard greens, neck bones, black-eyed peas, sweet potatoe pie, baked macaroni, speggetti, peach cobbler, and a lot of other things(I could go all day) oh and my favorite fried chicken, oh and pig feet(I don't like it) but soul food can be anything that you cook a long as it makes ja soul feel good :D oh crap I didn't read all the posts I didn't read the art guys...sorry... but I hope I added on what he was saying
  10. My signature the fickle waters in ones mind means those ever turning waves in your head to put it more simply your thoughts and I can read a person like a open book no matter how hard they try to hide their true intentions or whatever and I learned this ability after many years focusing my thoughts and clearing out my mind and it really comes in handy...oh and relaxing you gotta relax :cool:
  11. What are some of the old but good anime shows that you wish were not cancelled or just stopped showing and by old I mean like back in the 1990's
  12. Name: Martel the Yukiame Age: 16 BABY! :D Description: I'm about 6'12 I should just say 6' Favorite Color: Cerulean the color of my soul Location: If you must know Michigan Personality: I'm very sincere a little on the shy side if I don't really know you but over all I'm extremly nice...actually...a little to nice :animeswea Hobbies: Relaxing and reading History: I don't have to much to say about that Likes: I like wolves and parties and for some reason assertive girls Dislikes: Deception....I absolutly HATE IT :animeangr My Questions: 1) What are your views on life 2) What in life brings you happiness 3) Do you ever take time to calm the storm of your mind
  13. Well because I've got excellent accuracy I'd leave a part of me wide open for her to attack and while she's attacking I'd ask her on last time does she love me and if she says no I guess I knock her uncounsious and flee and send her random letters not telling my identity untell I actually knows and am sure she give us another chance if not......who cares there's more fish in the sea :devil: :2women:
  14. I just want to know how do I move up in the ranks if any on the otakaboard...I wanna make it to the top :D
  15. I love the cerulean color it is just so pleasing and relaxing to look at and it just relaxes me soothing my every worry... :love2: :)
  16. I achieved my signature by my sensei he told me that I can easily become the fickle waters in ones mind meaning I can really alter ones mental status :)
  17. Just trying to see how horrible brek-ups can be or how funny they can be.. :laugh: :flush:
  18. My name on otaku is Lonley Fighter I've been called a lone wolf for all my life to be honest... (I totally spelled lonely wrong :animeswea ) but my real name is Martel but my friends call me Yukiame and that's Japanese for I think snow/rain because I'm just like the two of those elements I'm 16 and I'm what I like to call a "pure blooded aquarius" meaning I have 100% of the aquariuses nature I"m from Grand Rapids a not so popular city in Michigan I'm a rather sincere person along with being: nice, honest, and loyal my bad side I can be cold hearted at times when I become angry, the things I enjoy are mainly reading in solitude and relaxing and because I'm so relaxed I really don't talk to people much so I'm not very good at sociating with people.... :animedepr :animesigh
  19. I gotta agree...Bobobo is pretty wierd.... how weird...weirder than Livorochi.... my friend told me to say it yell at her :sweat:
  20. I personally know how to draw a little something and when it comes to searching for things go to google.com
  21. Ha, ha, you two thought you smelled something funky well do I have a story to tell you :) ...Okay it all started when I went out to eat with my friends we found a table and sat down and we're waiting for a waiter to come to our table when my chubby pale Lex shouted "Hey can we get some ******* service here", then I could of sworn for a split second there was this guy one of the waiters there he was talking to someone and I say there entire body just twitch for split second I thoght I was just seeing things when all of a sudden I see the other waiters kinda giggling I looked around to see if one of my friends say it but they were to busy talking to eachother my best friend of the group looked at me and said "What's the matter", I said nothing so the guy's walking closer to us now and my friend says finally and then that second before he opened his mouth I held my breath, my chubby pale didn't no all of my friends all 4 of them didn't no what hit em' Lex's hair literally kinda stood on end and his eyes kinda teared up his gf started coughing a little Dawn kinda had that look like...WHAT THE ****!!!...and my best friend Mishell...it hit her so hard that if she were as white as the snow she would have turned dark as the night :faint: ....I kinda felt bad not warning them of the disaterous stink that was heading there way but I like a good laugh :laugh: and my chubby friend just said "Ah...**** it" so I politly said sorry we're at the wrong place and we have reservations elsewhere so we all left and my best friend looked at me with a glare that would strike fear in the gods themselve :flaming: all I said was "People stank these days" :rolleyes:
  22. I'm a creater of my own fighting style and I have always based it upon how I move my hands with the brush and I put all my art skills into my footwork it sounds a little weird to some but I was wondering would anyone consider it a good thing to run a dojo on and it will include painting as well.
  23. If there was one thing you'd search for in life what would it be and how much would you sacrifice in order to learn of it's existince of to have it....
  24. I think we are fighting for a unseeable cause and we are losing I think of it as we are a mouse in a box with a wide hole in it and then there is cheese in there and from the sky acid is raining down we are the mouse the hole is whether to leave or not and the cheese is what whoever wants and that want is so intoxicating that it's blinding people to the truth....maybe oneday there a be a :animeangr period in time for earth in which there is peace and no conspiracies
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