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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Hey there OB. Uhhhh, I had another... ummm, scare let's just put it like that. ^_^;

    1. CaNz


      You scare me sometimes.

    2. Ellerby


      I told you the grow-op wasn't a good idea.

  2. KG, I have no idea where to chime in for the Legend of Dragoon rp. .-.

  3. Pitcher races are dangerous. You could end up vomming on people. <_>

    1. Ellerby


      Dude. Respect.

    2. Ellerby


      What kind of beer was it?

    3. Ol' Fighter

      Ol' Fighter

      Bell's Two Hearted. A local beer of Michigan. Ohhhh, what a night, lol.

  4. Wtf. I actually stopped drinking at a reasonable time. O_o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. PiroMunkie


      And yet it's 9AM and I'm having a beer. Hmm ...

    3. Ellerby
    4. CaNz


      I feel like drinking more now.

  5. This caught my eye. [b]Name:[/b] Axul Lanfert [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Axul actually follows a code of conduct that is the equivalent of a noble thief. A very whimsical guy at times he seems as though he's thinking deeply about something of importance, but is in fact probably thinking about what to eat. Overall, he's a lax guy whose doesn't have that much of a care in the world [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c35/vampire_freakgrl/Anime%20Guys/------1.jpg[/img] [b]Relations:[/b] Axul has only two ultimate cares in the world and in order they are simple. The first is his little sister Flaer and the second is keeping his guys alive and well. [b]Bio:[/b] Axul Lanfert is a half fairy who was taught to handle magic from birth. Orphaned at 7 he adapted quickly to life on his own. He would often help other children in need by offering what little food he had or shelter which would in later years to come set him up to become a fine leader. The day in which defined the rest of Axul's life was the day he met his little sister Flaer. Axul was 17 at the time and her 11. Unfortunately, they both were at the wrong place at the wrong time and found themselves the targets of a gang of relentless demons. It was only thanks to Axul's mastery of his powers that they were able to escape. The deep black scar on Axul's chest is but a reminder to him to fight for those he wants to protect. At 21 now, he leads the Left Thorns. A noble organization that helps those in need, but he also personally leads a side sect that combats the increasing troubles in the city. [b]Other:[/b] Axul's powers are directly connected with nature. By drawing energy from the sun and nearby plant-life he can manifest spheres of pure thermal energy and detonate them with a degree a lethality if need be. He tires quickly if he sets of too many thermal spheres and can't use his powers at all if he isn't exposed to sunlight.
  6. Friday the 13th. This day just encourages my mischief.

  7. Ahara ran a finger through his hair and looked at the horizon before him. Slowly, he unsheathed his two swords and looked at them closely. "I know you two are there. No sense in hiding...." he said while slightly turning around. Two large men then appeared before him. Both of them clearly veterans of combat. "Ahara Essa. Heh, they did say you were a smug bastard and boy, were they right." the bigger of the pair chuckled. He brought out his spear and dashed towards Ahara. His size didn't at all seem to slow him as he began to slash and thrust at Ahara. "Not bad for someone of your size, but you alone are no match for me." Ahara said sweeping his feet from beneath him. The hulking man fell with a loud thud to his side dropping his spear and exposing him to a quick death. "Stop! Lower your weapons and release him Essa. We have you cornered." the other one yelled with his crossbow trained at him. Ahara smiled ever so gently at the downed man then lowered his swords and motioned for the man to move. Reaching inside his armor he pulled out a whistle, but before he could blow it Ahara, was right before him with his blades at his throat. "There are 52 of you in all. You disturb this forest just by breathing. So I'm going to do the forest a favor by killing... every... last... one of you." he said slitting the first one's throat. Although a bit unnerved by Ahara's words he attacked him with flawless strikes. "I just have to keep you occupied until the others get here. Hell, I might even kill you and just forget about the bounty!" he roared. Ahara could have taken him down in an instant, but what fun was that? He toyed with the man. Attacking at specific points to not only mock him, but reveal where his position in the forest was by the rattle of their arms. It wasn't long before Ahara was surrounded. "Give it up, Ahara. We have orders to kill you if your resist!" the commander of the men yelled. "All of you are pathetic. I'll cut each and everyone of you down right here and now." he replied smugly. He corrected his stance and put away one sword to its sheath. He only needed one. "Get him." their commander ordered. The men rushed at Ahara with spears, swords, and crossbows. Their confidence was evident as they attacked from all possible angles. "Why don't they see that they've already lost...". It didn't take long for the Commander himself to be the last one standing. His arm wounded from an unfathomable strike. He was now running for his life. He decided to try and find higher ground to spot Ahara before it was too late and signal for backup, but little did he know his every movement was being eyed by Ahara. As he climbed the mountain he was amazed as well as momentarily distracted by the otherworldly beauty. He gathered his bearings and addressed his wound. He began to look around the area and stopped when he spotted a doorway of some sorts. He quickly noticed a tiny trio who seemed to be waiting. They themselves looked at him. "I am Commander Inkel Doon of the 10th! I ask of your assistance!" he said slight of breath while bowing. "They can't help you." a voice said from behind a rock formation. It was Ahara. The commander fell over in disbelief. "H-how!? H-How are you here!?" "Your blood." "Every one of them... cut down by you..." "Except for you, Commander. I saved you for last.". After he said those cold words he dashed at him with steeled eyes, but Ahara stopped as the jewel embedded into his left sword began to glow violently. Even more so of a surprise to him was the light that began emanating from the other 3 people. "Who are you people!? You must all be in league with Ahara!" he said scrambling to get up. "I believe your men are waiting for you..." Ahara said with a lightning quick stroke leaving the man now headless. "Excuse this. I had to send that man to his proper place, but it now seems I have business with you all. Tell me. Why did the stone in my blade glow just now?" he said whipping the blood from his blade to the earth.
  8. So, the girl I've been seeing for the past few weeks totally told me she feels like she could be around me forever. Not only did this make my (semi-drunk) mind wonder I also failed at saying anything as uhhh, nice.

    1. Akieen Cloud

      Akieen Cloud

      Smooth dude, smooth

    2. Ol' Fighter

      Ol' Fighter

      As smooth as a broken bottle.

  9. I went from making easter eggs and eating chocolate to playing with me bunnies while playing Axis and Allies. my Easter's are always weird.

  10. I think I have an addiction to coffee.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. James


      Haha, I'm so used to the caffeine now that I don't get the kick anymore. It makes me a bit more alert...but that's all.

    3. Akieen Cloud

      Akieen Cloud

      >.<; I'm so much worse than that...I get a good strong cup of coffee in me and I'm like a kid in a candy store...problem is I don't slow down til almost 5am...^^

    4. CaNz


      You guys should switch to tea.

  11. Looking at Anue, Onidus couldn't help but laugh a little. "Guess you are some type of canine after all. Going feral is kinda our thing." he joked. She seemed to try to laugh a bit, but it seemed as if she was in a great deal of pain. As he walked her he felt completely helpless. He thought about the times he went feral... how horrific and uncontrollable he was. It was a terrifying thought that made Onidus grit his teeth and hasten his stride. Anue was struggling more and more. Onidus could sense her mind's shifting thoughts so, without thinking he lifted her up and transformed into his wolf form and began to dash through the city like a ray of light. "Hang on, Anue...". Onidus was nearly there, but as he neared the last stretch he caught wind of a familiar scent... a scent that he just couldn't resist. It was that angel's scent. He stopped and sniffed the air deeply trying to figure out where exactly she was. It became obvious as a blade of swirling light came twisting towards him. "Finally I've found you..." "Selene." "I'll kill you this time. For sure." "You looked at the face of death once, but you want to test it again?" "I did some research on you, wolf shikabane. You can manipulate feelings. Project auras." "You are no match for me. Your blade is my only foe." "My sword? So, the celestial scar is planted." "Explain this or I'll be sure to kill you this time. What have you done to me?" The angel called her sword to her. In a burst of light it appeared in her hand. "This sword was forged specifically to kill shikabane. The swirling light that surrounds it is a curse that effects a shikabane much like their very own curse." she said with a stern face. Onidus could feel his focus leaving him as his temper grew. The very sight of the sword made him seethe with anger. "Your curse... you hate being confined in all forms and you can't strike down the weak. I take it my sword confines your control and makes you feel weak. It bypasses your pride." she said with a bit of a smile. Onidus couldn't take it anymore. He held Anue close as his form became even more perilous. He was preparing to not only defeat her, but kill her. "I gave you your chance... Now I'm going to kill you." he said peering into her eyes. He held Anue closer to himself to protect her from this massive mental assault. The angel readied her sword and said a few quick words which seemed to ignite it like dry wood to fire. In a matter of seconds the entire city block was in a supernatural black-out. The atmosphere took up a feeling as well as look of death. The air turned thin and the wind fell silent. "Your mind tricks won't work on me this time you foul creature!" she said lunging at Onidus. The blow connected slashing his arm deeply. His blood dripping on the desolate earth. The angel quickly flew back expecting a counter-attack, but he didn't seem to have budged at all. She began to feel uneasy about the battle for a second, but her resolve quickly returned. She darted at him once more aiming for his left leg. The blade pierced through painting the ground, but still he did not move. This worried her more so she decided to go for a deathblow. Empowering her sword with a wicked golden light she flung it into the earth. The ground around Onidus howled fiercely then erupted with a terrible light. His instincts alerted him immediately to the threat this attack posed to not only him, but Anue. He regrettably had to move. By keeping still he was able to shield Anue from his attack on the angel as well as focus it, but if he didn't now they both would be obliterated. Onidus literally exploded into a mass of pitch blackness and with unbelievable speed engulfed the angel. "I warned you." he said in a haunting voice. The angel tried to escape his cloud, but found it impossible. She was somehow contained within it. To make matters worse she was losing her senses. The smell of death that he exuded she could no longer smell, she couldn't hear, she couldn't feel her sword's energy nor her own, she could no longer see the powerful glow of her sword, and last the horrific taste she had in her mouth from Onidus' smell... even that vanished. Desperately, she fought against it, but in the end her resolve shattered and she fell to the ground robbed of her senses. "I have more important matters to deal with than you." he said drawing in the darkness around him. The angel stayed there on the ground. To her utter surprise there he stood still holding Anue in his arms. "As I've said... my foe is your blade... not you. I will seek you out after I have taken care her.". As he entered the building he placed Anue in her bed and sat down in a chair next to her. He hoped she would be alright.
  12. [b]Name:[/b] Ahara Essa [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Appearance:[/b] He stands at 5'11 weighing about the average amount someone would for his size. He's slightly muscular, but also on the slimmer side. His eyes almost seem to be crimson when they hit the right light. His silver hair is always let loose upon his shoulders spilling a tad bit down his back. Ahara's clothing is simple, but elegant. His arms are covered by black sleeves up until his shoulders that hide his hands allowing only a glimpse of his fingertips to show. His chest and back are usually exposed showing off his unique x-like tattoos that cover every inch of his chest and back. Ahara's white pants are somewhat baggy, but are always neatly tucked into his black fur boots. Last, he has two eye catching jems on both of his ears that shine with a supernatural red. [b]Personality:[/b] Ahara is a very driven individual that will stop at nothing to obtain what he wants. Although reasonable and understanding he can turn merciless in a second. Ahara takes great pride in his own strength and is well adept at estimating his foes as well as allies strengths and weaknesses. Overall he's a very prideful man that knows how to get what he wants out of himself and others. [b]Weapon:[/b] From an early age Ahara's admired the versatility of the sword so, it was only natural that he picked up on swordsmanship. Years later, the katana became his arm of choice for he was able to wield not one but two at the same time. You will never see him without his his two blades resting at his sides. [b]Dragon Spirit: [/b]Wind
  13. KG. I soooooo want in on this. May I reserve wind?
  14. I just wanna say. Screw legendary Pokemon in tournaments. :P I can fight fire with fire by bringing out my Articuno, but I ain't gonna do it. I raised my fellahs from eggs so I'm looking forward to seeing how well they do.
  15. I claim the harshness of winter. Dewgong Lapras Walrein Mamoswine Vanilluxe Beartic Friend Code: 3697 0125 2071 Sorry 'bout that. Got too excited. Mamoswine Ice Ground. Golurk Ghost Ground.
  16. Dudez, I just wanna say that the Piccolo Sogno in Chicago has some damn good dishes. Expensive when buying for two, but soooooo worth it.
  17. Dude, kittens are evil.

  18. Onidus was slowly feeling himself getting restless. Slowly waiting on a target was in his nature, but ever since his battle with the angel Serene his blood boiled just a bit hotter. "This is silly. We know what she's doing and we know exactly what we have to do." he barked. Anue rolled her eyes at him. Onidus then felt his wound from earlier act up. "Is that little wound of yours still bothering you?" she said examining his eyes for the slightest hint of deceit. He closed his eyes and shook his head. The wound just felt odd to him. It wasn't a life threatening wound, but it left him feeling uneasy. You could almost say the wound 'called' to him. "I forgot my manners earlier, Anue. Thanks for the kit...." he said rubbing his chest. "A thank you. Wow." she laughed. Onidus wasn't at all concerned with the upcoming fight. This wound on the other hand made him worry. It resonated with some type of power that calmed him yet, boiled his blood. The very thought of the angel he fought made him want to seek her out. "Oni, what are thinking of over there?" "I assure you it's nothing I can't handle." "There you go again with your loner talk. Give me a break..." "I'm just stating that this is nothing to worry about." "Seriously, what's the matter?" "I fought an angel the night I went out..." "Why and who was it?" "A woman named Serene. Any more than that is unimportant. I just know that once we finish up here I'm going to look for her....". Anue didn't ask more out of irritation. She sighed and looked away. "Anue, if you'll do me a favor and come with me I'd appreciate it." he said staring at the ground.
  19. Had quite the awesome date. ;)

  20. Though I was in for another pregnancy due to April Fools Days. I wanna kick my friend on her left boob.

  21. Friend called me. Female. She said, "Hey. Guess what?" in monotone. I reply, "Hey! ...what?" "I'm pregnant." There was a long pause. "April fools!!" What I said to her I can't say here.
  22. [quote name='Pumpkin' timestamp='1301643915' post='706168'] [font="calibri"][size="2"][color="#000080"]This basically sums up my whole arguement. I'm one of those people who RELISHES change. I use to be the opposite, but now I feel like if I don't progress then I'm not happy. It's why I even get bored with my hair so easily, I've been every style/color etc. I feel like life is an experience and if you never venture out then you might be faced with regrets in the future. Everyone I know is getting married/having kids so young (23/24) my age is like the time to start a family and live your life where you grew up. It's why I've been wanting to move east coast (New York) my dream. Because if you never try, then you'll always wonder what if? If you think change is good, do it. It might be hard to adapt but in the end, I think it will be worth it. I've moved to a different city before, but it was in the same state. I want to experience much in my short life before I can say "wow that was amazing". Also as for bad changes can actually seem bad at the time but turn out to be positive later. For exampe you might have ended a relationship but who's to say you won't meet the love of your life later? Change is good. It's just most people are too scared to realize the possibilities. Just because you live doesn't mean your alive. [/color][/font][/size] [/quote] Absolutely. That's my stand on change as well. And to share a li'l something epic that I did that I probably wouldn't of have ever done if it weren't for a little encouragement was my hitch hiking adventure from Michigan to Colorado to Hawai' i. My friend and I were just kind of chilling out and looking outside and we're both just thinking screw this it's cold so, let's go somewhere warm for a bit. Our choice was Hawaii and we got plane tickets under $300 because we booked them way ahead of time, but the extra time was needed because we decided we were gonna hitch it. In the middle of friggin' winter. Now, if that isn't crazy I don't know what is, lol. We thankfully got a ride through most of Illinois courtesy of our friends who were just going to Chicago but decided to take us that extra mile or two and we found ourselves stuck at a truck stop for 3 day which was agonizing for me because I can't sit still for crap, but we eventually scored a ride from some kids our age who drove us to the airport in Davenport, Iowa. Now, we ran into them once already and they were busy at the time but said they'd come back. I didn't put too much stock into that, but it weirded me out when my bud and I went to Mc Donalds and ran into their little cousin (also about our age) who was waiting to meet them there. After a burger and cig break or two they drove us to the airport. We stayed there for the night then continued our venture by city bus to get us to the next truck stop and there lady luck really favored us because the first trucker we asked was like, sure why not? I say we were really lucky because most truckers--if they work for a company that is--can't allow any one else in there trucks unless they too have some type o' license. I forget what type exactly, but we found that one guy who again happened to be our age and was a freelance trucker. On top of that he was going directly to Denver, Colorado and that was were we needed to go. So, after about 2 or almost 3 days of chilling with this trucker on the road who, was a rather crude guy but hilarious we made it to Denver. Beautiful place, man. There we set up base in a Starbucks to find a place to crash. I made a few calls and got us a future place to crash while my pal got us a place for the night. It pays off to be a part of the couch surfing world, lol. So, having a week to kill until our flights we just messed around and chilled with a lot of random people. We later on made it to Boulder, Colorado home to the so called "granola children" of Naropa University. Honestly though, I thought most of them were stoners if I may be so boldest to say, but nope, totaaaaal hippies... cool ones though, lol. After that we hitch a ride from a random guy while walking on the highway. Funny thing was I actually talked my friend into walking 20+ miles to get back to Denver. Irony here is the fact that later on while in Hawai 'i I end up walking 23 miles in just over 1 day which put me in the hospital, lol. Now, it was January 23 which was my 21st birthday and my friends back in Michigan sent me some money so I could party even harder. Got god knows how many drinks and woke up with a werewolf mask... on... for some odd reason...? I don't know either. We met up with our other pair of travel pals apparently. I don't remember that very well, lol. Continuing on from that drunken episode we chilled out, sobered up and made our ways to the airport and waited there for our flights to wonderful Hawai 'i. I wanna talk about what all I did while in Hawai' i but man, it's a lot to say. I'll rap it up and say that I love change because you never know what'll change in you, about you, about someone else... Change is awesome.
  23. Crap, I ate too much. Hello food coma...

  24. Alright, to be honest I didn't expect an answer to my question at all. We are all uniquely ourselves right? One person might consider moving to a new country as a change while another considers a change of wardrobe change. Of course it varies. What I'm getting at here, or rather hoping to accomplish is to see just how different everyone's opinion is on change and I should have totally specified that. [u][b]Life style change[/b][/u]. There. Also, [b]Chibi[/b] I couldn't agree with you more. A simple answer is nowhere to be found here.
  25. Stop ruling my life Pokemon.

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