[quote name='Pumpkin' timestamp='1301643915' post='706168']
[font="calibri"][size="2"][color="#000080"]This basically sums up my whole arguement. I'm one of those people who RELISHES change. I use to be the opposite, but now I feel like if I don't progress then I'm not happy. It's why I even get bored with my hair so easily, I've been every style/color etc. I feel like life is an experience and if you never venture out then you might be faced with regrets in the future. Everyone I know is getting married/having kids so young (23/24) my age is like the time to start a family and live your life where you grew up. It's why I've been wanting to move east coast (New York) my dream. Because if you never try, then you'll always wonder what if?
If you think change is good, do it. It might be hard to adapt but in the end, I think it will be worth it. I've moved to a different city before, but it was in the same state. I want to experience much in my short life before I can say "wow that was amazing". Also as for bad changes can actually seem bad at the time but turn out to be positive later. For exampe you might have ended a relationship but who's to say you won't meet the love of your life later?
Change is good. It's just most people are too scared to realize the possibilities. Just because you live doesn't mean your alive. [/color][/font][/size]
Absolutely. That's my stand on change as well.
And to share a li'l something epic that I did that I probably wouldn't of have ever done if it weren't for a little encouragement was my hitch hiking adventure from Michigan to Colorado to Hawai' i.
My friend and I were just kind of chilling out and looking outside and we're both just thinking screw this it's cold so, let's go somewhere warm for a bit. Our choice was Hawaii and we got plane tickets under $300 because we booked them way ahead of time, but the extra time was needed because we decided we were gonna hitch it. In the middle of friggin' winter. Now, if that isn't crazy I don't know what is, lol. We thankfully got a ride through most of Illinois courtesy of our friends who were just going to Chicago but decided to take us that extra mile or two and we found ourselves stuck at a truck stop for 3 day which was agonizing for me because I can't sit still for crap, but we eventually scored a ride from some kids our age who drove us to the airport in Davenport, Iowa. Now, we ran into them once already and they were busy at the time but said they'd come back. I didn't put too much stock into that, but it weirded me out when my bud and I went to Mc Donalds and ran into their little cousin (also about our age) who was waiting to meet them there. After a burger and cig break or two they drove us to the airport. We stayed there for the night then continued our venture by city bus to get us to the next truck stop and there lady luck really favored us because the first trucker we asked was like, sure why not? I say we were really lucky because most truckers--if they work for a company that is--can't allow any one else in there trucks unless they too have some type o' license. I forget what type exactly, but we found that one guy who again happened to be our age and was a freelance trucker. On top of that he was going directly to Denver, Colorado and that was were we needed to go. So, after about 2 or almost 3 days of chilling with this trucker on the road who, was a rather crude guy but hilarious we made it to Denver. Beautiful place, man. There we set up base in a Starbucks to find a place to crash. I made a few calls and got us a future place to crash while my pal got us a place for the night. It pays off to be a part of the couch surfing world, lol. So, having a week to kill until our flights we just messed around and chilled with a lot of random people. We later on made it to Boulder, Colorado home to the so called "granola children" of Naropa University. Honestly though, I thought most of them were stoners if I may be so boldest to say, but nope, totaaaaal hippies... cool ones though, lol. After that we hitch a ride from a random guy while walking on the highway. Funny thing was I actually talked my friend into walking 20+ miles to get back to Denver. Irony here is the fact that later on while in Hawai 'i I end up walking 23 miles in just over 1 day which put me in the hospital, lol.
Now, it was January 23 which was my 21st birthday and my friends back in Michigan sent me some money so I could party even harder. Got god knows how many drinks and woke up with a werewolf mask... on... for some odd reason...? I don't know either. We met up with our other pair of travel pals apparently. I don't remember that very well, lol. Continuing on from that drunken episode we chilled out, sobered up and made our ways to the airport and waited there for our flights to wonderful Hawai 'i.
I wanna talk about what all I did while in Hawai' i but man, it's a lot to say. I'll rap it up and say that I love change because you never know what'll change in you, about you, about someone else... Change is awesome.