[b]Name:[/b] Onidus Zok
[b]Age:[/b] Onidus died originally on the day of his 21st birthday, but has been living as a Shikabane for 11 years now making him just about 32 years old in total.
[b]Race:[/b] Shikabane
[b]Human Appearence:[/b] [img]http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/laura_loves_anime/Anime/7508a10a.jpg[/img]
[b]Second Form Appearence:[/b] [img]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c361/jessicainnest/werewolves/324c.jpg[/img]
[b]Personality:[/b] Onidus is as his Shikabane is. A calculating and power mongering wolf. He thinks a thousand steps ahead before he makes a single decision. He desires power and thinks of himself as a singularity. His gentle and calm demeanor hides his truly horrifying aspirations. Though the one little thing that has allowed him to keep his humanity is his utter hatred for those who kill for absolute no reason but to kill. It may be a bit of a contradiction, but this one thing is what keeps him going. Aiming towards a sense of mental omnipotence that will make this obsolete in his own little word. If he kills... he kills for a reason.
[b]Curse:[/b] So calm was Onidus as he breathed his last breath that it mocked death as if it didn't exist. His sinister cunning, yet calm demeanor was what forged his deep bond with his Shikabane. This dangerous pride and sharp mind has been molded into something terrifying that gives him the ability to take on the form of an 8 foot tall werewolf-like creature with eyes that scare Death itself. Though he has no fear of true death he does harbor a deep fear for being confined or controlled.
[b]Weapons:[/b] Only while in his second form does he bare a weapon, but this weapon is himself.
[b]Powers:[/b] While he was human, Onidus had a handle on manipulating people's actions with his clever tongue and seemingly harmless demeanor. This strength has manifested into quite the ability since his death because he can now greatly influence another being's emotions.
[b]History:[/b] Onidus Zok was born into a family of great wealth bought by blood. He had everything that a young child could possibly want, but he always wanted more. He felt like there was always something else he could obtain. This though became ever stronger as he grew older and began to walk in the shoes of his father who was a hired assassin. Each time time he killed someone he watched carefully as they clung to life. The scuffle of dying intrigued him and empowered him giving him a deep sense of pride. It wasn't until his 21st birthday that he realized just how powerful this pride was as well as perilous. A rival section of assassins one fateful day entered his families estate mercilessly murdering every living soul within. Onidus was enjoying a rather intimate moment with his wife-to-be at the time and was completly oblivious to the hands of death that were about to embrace him. 3 of the assassins entered the double doors of his bedroom each with silenced pistols pointed directly at him. Onidus embraced the moment and laughed as one of the assassins shot his wife in the head covering his face and chest with her blood. [i]Mr. Zok. You laugh at the face of death and it will laugh back.[/i] One of the men said as he fired 5 shots into Onidus. Each one covered in a lethal toxin. Unable to move due to the location of each bullet as well as in excruciating pain due to the toxin they began to torture him relentlessly. A weaker man would of died off within the first hour, but Onidus kept a smile as the blood flowed from him. On the 5th day the assassins were horrified at the fact that he was still alive after withstanding death sentence after death sentence. [i]A demon should be put down like a demon[/i] is what one man thought. So upon this 5th day at 12:00 midnight, the 3 men put 6 swords through Onidus centered around his heart, but just deep enough for a slow painful death.
10 hours later as they returned to check on his corpse they were instead met with the door slamming behind them violently. The steel door looked as if it had been slashed with giant claws as they looked upon it. This shook the men to their core as they looked around the empty room still fresh with the smell of blood, but they also picked up another scent that they knew all too well. Death. The smell of decay was overwhelming even to these seasoned killers as they fell to the floor gasping for air. Then suddely one of them began to scream uncontrollably as if absolutly terrified. The other two began to feel an urge to run for their lives as they moved towards the door, but instead they were met with a figure that literally scared one of them to death. A large creature with deadly eyes now stared them down and began to walk closer to them. Each step closer taking their breaths away until the creature stood right before them. The two men could do nothing. Petrified by fear they stared into this creatures eyes. It laughed a seemigly human laugh as its claws ripped one of them in half. The other man reached for his gun, but as he raised his arm up it wasn't there, but on the now blood splattered floor. He wished to take his own life over looking upon this evil creature.
"You can't possibly comprehend what I am about to do to you..." Onidus said with a sick laughter. The man then pleaded for his life. He flailed on the ground praying for this creature's mercy. Onidus stared at the man. His monstrous form reverting now under a cloud of darkness. Something then happened to Onidus. Seeing this man... this single man who had tortured him beyond words now begging for mercy and utterly helpless. What a great surprise it was to the man as Onidus walked away.
"I took something from you that you will eventually get back. Especially after this. I cling to this now and I thank you." Onidus said with a sad expression. The man could do nothing, but lay on the ground crying. He felt as he had indeed been stripped of something. Something deep and meaningful.
"My... humanity. What in the gods name...." he whispered.