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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Lighting his cigarette, he told his tale. A long breath of words he could not further explain. It was simple yet, complicated. Deep, but shallow. His life was open to others but closed to himself. How can I tell this tale to someone who doesn't know me? How can I elaborate this....? It was beyond reason. Far from him level of comprehension. He told himself it was just meant to be told. A book that was meant to be open. Maybe if I said it right... worded it right... it would be understood. People would listen. Resonate. He made another long drag and exhaled slowly. Thinking about all that he could say. So many word and yet, so much time. Modern day philosophers would be astounded even shocked he dared say.
  2. A simple question.... If something life changing was right before your very eyes... would you notice it? Better yet, would you pursue it? Accept it...? I continue on and say would you notice it?
  3. Lesson #2,000 and something... After playing D n' D you may get hammered, but don't act like your character because when you go around running on nothing but ice with two bottles of booze in your hands both being glass and you suddenly yell, "I'M AN ASSASSIN!" you WILL friggin' bust your ass and drop both bottles. Oh, and don't tempt your black-out barrier. It will screw you over wonderfully.
  4. Onidus looked around his room as he laid in bed. He was still having a little trouble controlling his alter form. "A wolf's gotta have his pride." Onidus was far too flustered to sleep and far too angry. The battle earlier was tearing him up inside and he just couldn't understand why. Killing came easy for him. A little too easy, but that was his family's business. Death to him was the equivalent of taking a shot: a moment of discomfort followed by pleasure. There was nothing he could come up with that justified this feeling he had. Walking the streets now, he was desperately holding off his yearning to go feral. He just wanted to go berserk for some reason. Admittedly, he wanted some poor bastard to come his way, but he quickly stopped this train of thought. "A beast like you should be destroyed on spot..." a winged figured said from above a tree. Onidus could see that it was an angel and a rather cute one at that. "Watch it or you'll be my next meal, girly." he said with a slight chuckle. She was not amused by this at all leaping down from the tree and staring down Onidus with pure hatred. "A walking abomination is all you are. Show me your true self, beast." she commanded. Onidus obliged her almost to quickly as he dashed at her with destruction in his eyes. The angel was caught of guard by his speed, but avoided the fatal blow. "I can smell your fear. Taste it even." Onidus said while projecting his aura towards her. She was indeed shaken. Her hands trembling and her teeth gritted. "Monster, I won't lose to you!!!" she said forming a sword of pure energy in her hands. The looks of it was a sight to behold. It seemed to swirl with a perilous light that would obliterate anything it touched. Onidus was really fired up now. It was refreshing to see such a formidable foe. His feral nature now taking over he bolted at her or rather her sword aiming to shatter it. His aura was still infecting her. With each dodge she became slower and slower until finally Onidus struck a deadly blow that destroyed her magical sword and sent her deep in the earth. Onidus was growling ferociously at her further shattering her will. She had absolutely no fight left in her and the wound he inflicted was already clouding her vision and hampering her breath. "Damn you... y-you... MONSTER!" she said crying. Onidus was far too gone. There was but a shred of himself left and the rest was nothing. He grabbed the angel by her arms and stared at her. She did nothing but tremble as she looked into his empty black eyes. "What is your name?" "...Se-Serene...." "Serene." "What are you going to do to me?" "...nothing..." As he said those last words he resumed his human form and released her. Immediately, she formed her magical sword and struck Onidus. There was a supernatural silence as his blood slowly trickled down the blade and onto her hands. "That was fair I guess." he said pulling the sword from his chest. He then began to walk away from her as if nothing happened. How calm he was after savagely attacking her was unfathomable to her. "Onidus, by the way." he commented. Attempting to sneak back inside, he hoped he didn't give himself away as he yelped a little from his wound.
  5. Note to self: DO NOT, once again DO NOT drink like a fish when you know you have to work in less than 5 hours. YOU WILL still be drunk.

  6. Dude. Mega Men 8-bit Deathmatch. That's all I wanted to say.
  7. Vitamin Water. I love you for nurturing my hang over.

    1. The Spectacular Professor

      The Spectacular Professor

      Vitamin Water is made of tastiness and good things.

    2. Sangome


      Vitamin Water is indeed one of the most amazing things ever :D

  8. OOC: Sorry for my vanishing act. Work has been crazy. .-. "An angel burger sounds wonderful right now." Onidus joked to Tahlia. "Heel boy. No angel burgers for you." she chuckled. Onidus actually wasn't very hungry. His hick-up earlier caused him to be extremely restless and a little hard boiled. It was his first time ever making such a dire mistake and it really pissed him off. He couldn't completely stop himself from morphing into his wolf form. "Back in a bit. Two wolves in the same room just spells trouble." he said transforming fully now. He couldn't help but growl a little in Ken's general direction feeling his blood boil even though he was out of site. Rayne gave Onidus a look that implied for him to stop whatever feral thoughts were flowing through his mind. Smirking at this he bolted towards Ken with vicious intent startling everyone, but to their surprise he simply leaped over the angel. "I bet you'd taste horrible anyway." he said landing atop another building.
  9. Onidus shot Anue a smug smile as he ran to assist her. Approached the young Shikabane it growled fiercely at him. "I wanna play with her some more!" it said. Onidus smiled gently at it, almost fatherly. "Don't you miss your parents?" he said softly. The Shikabane seemed confused at this. Its stance now awkward and unfocused. Onidus was altering its emotions. Silencing some and exploding others. "Mommy..." it said looking down at the rain soaked ground. What Onidus said shook its mind and rattled it to the core. Slowly it reverted back to the small child it once was. "Now. Let's go see mommy." he said taking the small girl by the hand. Anue lowered her scythe as she watched. "Did you thank the pretty lady for playing with you?" he said to the young girl. She quickly ran to Anue like a child to its mother hugging her as tightly. Onidus gave Anue a rather somber look. He knew she wanted children and that this must be tearing at her. "You should give him a hug too. For walking you home, okay?" she said with a bit of a quiver. The young girl ran for Onidus and hugged him just as close. "Okay, let's get you home, kid." he said playfully to her. The young girl released her arms and as she did she fell to the ground. Lifeless. "Didn't want you have that one on you, Anue." he said turning his gaze to the other two Shikabane. "One step closer to becoming a monster. Heh..." he said. Onidus however, would soon find out that this Shikabane was nowhere near dead yet.
  10. Bar time. The same ol' same ol'.

    1. Horendithas


      Don't lose your car this time. :p

  11. [b]Name:[/b] Onidus Zok [b]Age:[/b] Onidus died originally on the day of his 21st birthday, but has been living as a Shikabane for 11 years now making him just about 32 years old in total. [b]Race:[/b] Shikabane [b]Human Appearence:[/b] [img]http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x370/laura_loves_anime/Anime/7508a10a.jpg[/img] [b]Second Form Appearence:[/b] [img]http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c361/jessicainnest/werewolves/324c.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Onidus is as his Shikabane is. A calculating and power mongering wolf. He thinks a thousand steps ahead before he makes a single decision. He desires power and thinks of himself as a singularity. His gentle and calm demeanor hides his truly horrifying aspirations. Though the one little thing that has allowed him to keep his humanity is his utter hatred for those who kill for absolute no reason but to kill. It may be a bit of a contradiction, but this one thing is what keeps him going. Aiming towards a sense of mental omnipotence that will make this obsolete in his own little word. If he kills... he kills for a reason. [b]Curse:[/b] So calm was Onidus as he breathed his last breath that it mocked death as if it didn't exist. His sinister cunning, yet calm demeanor was what forged his deep bond with his Shikabane. This dangerous pride and sharp mind has been molded into something terrifying that gives him the ability to take on the form of an 8 foot tall werewolf-like creature with eyes that scare Death itself. Though he has no fear of true death he does harbor a deep fear for being confined or controlled. [b]Weapons:[/b] Only while in his second form does he bare a weapon, but this weapon is himself. [b]Powers:[/b] While he was human, Onidus had a handle on manipulating people's actions with his clever tongue and seemingly harmless demeanor. This strength has manifested into quite the ability since his death because he can now greatly influence another being's emotions. [b]History:[/b] Onidus Zok was born into a family of great wealth bought by blood. He had everything that a young child could possibly want, but he always wanted more. He felt like there was always something else he could obtain. This though became ever stronger as he grew older and began to walk in the shoes of his father who was a hired assassin. Each time time he killed someone he watched carefully as they clung to life. The scuffle of dying intrigued him and empowered him giving him a deep sense of pride. It wasn't until his 21st birthday that he realized just how powerful this pride was as well as perilous. A rival section of assassins one fateful day entered his families estate mercilessly murdering every living soul within. Onidus was enjoying a rather intimate moment with his wife-to-be at the time and was completly oblivious to the hands of death that were about to embrace him. 3 of the assassins entered the double doors of his bedroom each with silenced pistols pointed directly at him. Onidus embraced the moment and laughed as one of the assassins shot his wife in the head covering his face and chest with her blood. [i]Mr. Zok. You laugh at the face of death and it will laugh back.[/i] One of the men said as he fired 5 shots into Onidus. Each one covered in a lethal toxin. Unable to move due to the location of each bullet as well as in excruciating pain due to the toxin they began to torture him relentlessly. A weaker man would of died off within the first hour, but Onidus kept a smile as the blood flowed from him. On the 5th day the assassins were horrified at the fact that he was still alive after withstanding death sentence after death sentence. [i]A demon should be put down like a demon[/i] is what one man thought. So upon this 5th day at 12:00 midnight, the 3 men put 6 swords through Onidus centered around his heart, but just deep enough for a slow painful death. 10 hours later as they returned to check on his corpse they were instead met with the door slamming behind them violently. The steel door looked as if it had been slashed with giant claws as they looked upon it. This shook the men to their core as they looked around the empty room still fresh with the smell of blood, but they also picked up another scent that they knew all too well. Death. The smell of decay was overwhelming even to these seasoned killers as they fell to the floor gasping for air. Then suddely one of them began to scream uncontrollably as if absolutly terrified. The other two began to feel an urge to run for their lives as they moved towards the door, but instead they were met with a figure that literally scared one of them to death. A large creature with deadly eyes now stared them down and began to walk closer to them. Each step closer taking their breaths away until the creature stood right before them. The two men could do nothing. Petrified by fear they stared into this creatures eyes. It laughed a seemigly human laugh as its claws ripped one of them in half. The other man reached for his gun, but as he raised his arm up it wasn't there, but on the now blood splattered floor. He wished to take his own life over looking upon this evil creature. "You can't possibly comprehend what I am about to do to you..." Onidus said with a sick laughter. The man then pleaded for his life. He flailed on the ground praying for this creature's mercy. Onidus stared at the man. His monstrous form reverting now under a cloud of darkness. Something then happened to Onidus. Seeing this man... this single man who had tortured him beyond words now begging for mercy and utterly helpless. What a great surprise it was to the man as Onidus walked away. "I took something from you that you will eventually get back. Especially after this. I cling to this now and I thank you." Onidus said with a sad expression. The man could do nothing, but lay on the ground crying. He felt as he had indeed been stripped of something. Something deep and meaningful. "My... humanity. What in the gods name...." he whispered.
  12. I've been a wee bit distracted with me movin' to Hawaii and all, but I agree. We should start this back up again. Hell, I'll push it in my devious l'il direction if you guys want. Oi and I forgot to ask somethin'. May I control the actions of Sierra?
  13. I'll be in Hawaii in the next few hours. Ohh I should say I'll be 21 and in Hawaii.

  14. Eya Denver Colorado. Youz a nice state, lol.

  15. Hawaii, I'll see you soooon~

  16. It was waaaaay too cold for me... even though I did have a car. << Buuuuut, a black light party with a dj playing Dubstep in a BARN!? What about that isn't awesome.
  17. [quote name='Soji47' timestamp='1293921771' post='703543'] [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#0000ff"] Does anyone else appreciate this? Anyone?! PLEASE APPRECIATE THIS!!!!!![/color][/font] [/quote] I totally appreciate this. Buuuut, gotta say I'm looking forward to: Play God Day. I'mma play the Sims. Feast of Fabulous Wild Men Day. This just sounds hilarious. Ditch New Year's Resolution Day. I decided I'mma be a vegetarian and stop smoking. Hm.
  18. So I went to a black light party for New Years. I achieved most drunk at the party along with my roommate. Those 3 bottles of wine... Just... whoa.
  19. Barefoot Wine. The one with the li'l foot on the label. :3 There's Cabernet Sauvignon, Moscato, and Zinfandel. I might pick up some cheap champagne.
  20. I'm going to keep my personal tradition of getting wasted and staying up all night and hardcore raving with my friends.
  21. Small world man. I live in Grand Rapids! Awesome. Now that I see your locale it says, "The Oven Mitt of America.", lol.
  22. Yuin readied to help Dawner's plan succeed, but to his utter surprise his wounds from earlier seemed to bother him once again. It was as if something was agitating them intentionally. "She... she must be... near...." Yuin said in a rather tiny voice. The wounds were beginning to hinder his senses. He felt as if he were about to fall over. Dawner saw sight of this, but didn't realize the true degree of discomfort. As Yuin struggled to stay on his feet he saw a flash of an image. Of her image. "...I-I must warn them. I don't think... anyone could match her might right now...." he said in his head. He turned to Dawner to speak, but to his surprise he couldn't move his lips. His entire body was numb and all he could feel was the raw magical energy in his eyes flowing. He guessed that it was poison. A poison that reacted only when she was near him. "This... is a problem... they are too occupied to sense her when... sh-she is so near...." he flailed around to think. Straining to lose his ocular magic he conjured up enough strength to make the symbol of an eye. He hoped that someone of the group would get his message before it was too late.
  23. I take it from that enthusiasm you've partied here before, lol. Fun times are indeed to be had. Can't wait.
  24. I have 3 bottles of some good ol' wine in waiting for New Years. Question is will I regret these good ol' bottles...?
  25. Inception is preeeeety sweet.

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