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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Awesome, sounds good to me, man. Let's get this ball rollin'!
  2. [quote name='ExcelExcel']Was my character as mostly being a machine okay? If so, Inu has a few ideas about some integral weapons he wants to use....[/QUOTE] Yeeeah, I was wondering about that myself, well, pertaining to my guy and all. I believes we need to make a list of all the races of people. Example... Mizuhito, human, cyborg, monster-evil-bad demon-... Ya' know something like that. Whadya' think?
  3. Alright, I'm a guy, but I sent this to my gf to hear her words about it and here is what she had to say. Woman nowadays (maybe even before time...) are always trying to fall in love they just don't realize it. I remember saying to myself when it happens it happens and I'll accept it , but when it truly happens it's like a brick hitting you across the face introducing you to your new reality and depending on what type of relationship you have bad or good it can be a pillow or cinder block. I always hated the idea of being stupidly in love with someone, but it happened and we have a daughter together and I am beyond in love with him. I feel like he's a part of me, but I just wanted to say don't give up on love. You may have a crappy relationship here or there, but don't give up. Mr. Right will come your way just be patient, take your time, and don't jump into anything dealing with men to fast. And I agree with what she said completely. Don't rush into anything serious. Really get to know the person in and out otherwise you getting hurt will be a high probability.
  4. Louise let out quite the long sigh upon hearing what the twins spoke. "I-I am Louise Tyolt of Gerlty of the Empire. I am the son..." Louise stopped in the middle of his sentence. He wanted to trust these people, but he was still a tad bit hesitant. "Umm, forgive my drawing of my weapons upon you. I just... I won't let Hope be harmed even if my life is forfeit..." he continued with a stern face. Lucas stepped forward towards Louise with a kind look in his eyes. "You remind me of... me. Right, Ayeika?" he said looking over his shoulder for her. Nodding in response she approached Hope with a rather troubled look in her eyes and again Louise tensed for but a second. "Please, forgive me for saying so, but... please keep your distance from her..." Louise said with a little heat to his words. Ayeika was insulted, but hid it well. She walked back towards Lucas slightly shaking her head as if saying, "I give up.". "Louise. We mean you absolutely no harm nor her. Please can you trust my words?" Lucas said sincerely. Something about Lucas reminded Louise of his father. How each word seemed especially for you. Louise decided to trust Lucas, but the rest he was still questioning. "Lucas, you seem like an honorable man and I will trust what you say, so let me express my sincerest apologies again to you who healed her..." Louise said kneeling to him. Lucas gave a tiny smile to him. "Please if you will. Tell me of yourselves. I, as I've said am Louise Tyolt of Gerlty. My profession is with my flute, song and dance as well as my daggers." he said while bowing.
  5. Louise was finally in Renseng. His horse, Kumi was surprisingly still ready to go as if sensing something greater. "Ah, you are Teyrn Serra Tyolt's son, Louise Tyolt yes? My lord, I welcome you to Renseng." a gate watchman said with a kind tongue. Louise dismounted his horse and bowed respectfully to the man. "Kind sir, I am indeed and if I may ask of you sir, where is our Lord Dalmasca's daughter, Hope?" Louise replied with haste to his words. He had a rather weird feeling in the back of his mind. "You mean that witch. She is being put to the fire as we speak my lord! You may watch this spectacle just up ahead near the middle of the town." the watchman answered. Louise's eyes for just a moment were filled with anger and the watchman was quick to pick up on it. "She is up ahead then? I-I thank you kindly sir for I... I must take my leave." Louise said a bit flustered. As he mounted Kumi the watchman raised a brow as they passed and to Louise's horror he saw a large crowd of townspeople surrounding a large fire. "Burn for your sins you WITCH!" yelled a priest. Louise charged without a second thought as he heard this. Bolting threw the crowd towards the fire. "What are you doing? You saw the demon yourself! Why would you save the creation of evil?" the priest yelled again as a rather mighty looking warrior attacked him. Louise saw this as a chance to charge through the flames. "I-I can do this, I can do this!" Louise chanted to himself as he clutched his daggers, but to his utter surprise, there was no fire only Hope tied so by using his horse's strength he shattered the bottom of the stake and somehow managed to catch the woman. Seeing this the priest eye's glared with fury, but the warrior seemed intent on thwarting his actions. Louise felt the gods had helped him. "Hope, I am here to rescue you and I refuse to let even a hair upon your head to come to harm." Louise whispered to her. He would continue to gallop on the back of his trusty stead through the town's streets until they both were at least hidden and safe. He felt like--at that moment--a knight of the old tales of yore...
  6. Man, sweet idea! Count me in!! [B]Name:[/B] Bequlu Oplia [B]Age:[/B] 63 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Race:[/B] Mizuhito. (Translates to 'water human'. I hope this is cool and if not tell meh.) [B]Appearance:[/B] Bequlu, being a Mizuhito has rather unique and some would say captivating features. His long hair is an icy cerulean and is usually always down adorned with many brilliant sea shells. The eyes, unique to Mizuhito's are a light shade of pink and rather fox-like with slitted pupils, but the main feature that distinguishes him is his ears which resemble fishes fins. They, like his hair are the same shade of cerulean. Bearing no facial hair at all he has the look of a human half his age. Bequlu's physic is well toned and balanced and he stands 5' 11, weighting about 180 plus pounds. His usual clothing would--at first site--be considered a normal white tunic except the lower half reaches the ground. He also has black armlets decorated with sea shells. Preferring to not wear shoes he wears anklet-like protectors that are as white as snow and just as soft to the touch. [B]Alterform:[/B] Thresher Shark. (It's just a fancy name for 'slashes while attacking' shark.) [B]Alterform Skill: [/B]As a shark, Bequlu is not one to be trifled with when in bodies of water. Attacking with brutal slashes from sheer momentum gathered while swimming. He hardly ever uses his horribly keen teeth except when going for an immediate kill. His sense of smell while underwater is incredible, but just seemingly a touch above normal while on land. The down side of this incredible form being his eye sight fails him every now and then even while he's in his normal form. [B]Alterform Appearance:[/B] The form of shark that Bequlu takes on in appearance resembles your normal shark. His soft leather-like skin is as dark as coal. His eyes give the impression that he is blind as a shark which is deadly wrong. Besides that, Bequlu looks like your average great white with the most eye catching feature being the slight slits on the ends of each of his fins. [B]Personality:[/B] Bequlu values wisdom above all else and is always ready to share a few words even if those words are harsh to the ear. After so many years of living in the harsh environment of Wudluve his mind and heart are as icy as the deep seas, but if he sees something in you, a glimmer of something special, he may just warm up to you if only a little. [B]History:[/B] Bequlu Oplia was born above the icy sea's of Wudluve. Orphaned as a child he learned quickly that only the strong as well as the cunning survive after witnessing death each and every single day. He over time learned that it is better to be alone then in the company of someone so for years he has been secluded from any form of life--except for the occasional tiny fish--focusing only on perfecting his natural abilities. It is only recently that he has decided to venture the world to learn more about his connections with the Xebirth.
  7. [quote name='M.Ali'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Gray"]Im assuming this RP is dead lol....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Dude yeah. What happened? I was a post or two away from happy-fun-sinister-nice-guy-time. >:D
  8. A lavish life without any worries whatsoever in the heart of the grand Empire... That is the lifestyle of a young man by the name of Louise Tyolt. The son of a living legend who is now Teyrn and a respected priestess all would say he is quite the fortunate one, but fate has something more instore for this young man. "Our... our lord is dead?" whispered a rather beautiful woman with long sandy brown hair. She was Louise's mother, Miyana Tyolt. A graceful and deeply compassionate woman and a priestess of the Church of Pelos. "Killed by the very people and lead by a priest...." replied a dashing man with short black hair. This was Louise's father, Serra Tyolt. A noble yet snide man with an uncanny tongue. He is Teyrn of the small town of Gerlty of the Empire as well as the leader of a spy network known as the 'White Eyes'. "I will not say he deserved his fate, but... it was to come to him." Miyana said rather lowly. She in truth felt that this was divine judgment for Lord Dalmasca's sins. "My men also tell me that our lord was associated with 'otherwordly forces'. Our lord Dalmasca was more a demon than a man." Serra replied with a lowered brow. Like his wife he thought what happened to his lord was karmic retribution. "Father... what of our lord's daughter, Hope? Is she well?" Louise chimed concerned. "The poor girl... she might share the same fate as her father." Serra remarked with his hand over his forehead. Louise was shocked to hear this. He met the lord's daughter on more than a few formal occasions and always held her in high regard because of how nice she was. He couldn't stand the thought of her being killed because of her father's actions. "Such a pretty young woman too. It is truly a shame we will not see what type of ruler she becomes." Miyana added with a heavy face. Louise was still a bit stunned over everything, but decided on something. "I'm... I'm going to rescue her. I won't let Hope be harmed!" Louise said dashing off to the upper floor of the estate. He quickly gathered some supplies and grabbed his daggers and flute and stuffed them away in a sack. His mind was set and he would not be moved. As he came running down the stairs towards the main hall to leave the grounds his mother and father were there waiting for him. "Ahh, Louise my boy you grew up to be quite the man. I am beyond proud to be your father and to have you as my son." Serra said walking Louise's horse towards him. "Be true to yourself Louise. Never stray from your true self lest you be lost." Miyana said embracing him once more. Louise respectfully bowed one last time to his parents before he road off towards the town of Renseng. His mind racing and his heart beating. "I will save Hope no matter what. I will be her knight. Her sword and shield if I must. I will see to it that she is not harmed!" Lousie said to himself as he galloped towards Renseng. Back at his family's estate his parents were heavy with thought. "Our boy certainly has grown up." Serra said with a chuckle. He then called for a few servants to fetch extra supplies for Louise. "He must be in love with her for him to suddenly become so rash. Kind of reminds me of you, love." Miyana chuckled. "Indeed. I'll have my men keep tabs on him just to make sure he's safe, but for now... for now let's see what our boy can do". Serra said with a smile.
  9. [quote name='CaNz']i have been up all night... and i am maybe half an hour away from finishing... but i drank too much wine and must rest... i will finish when i wake up.[/QUOTE] CaNz, that's exactly what happened to me 'cept wine was beer, but back on topic I'm posting something today and I'm roaring to go.
  10. Alright sweet. Like Random I gotta read up a li'l bit then I shall begin the horror. >:D
  11. Alright, I'm remaking my guy now. I know a little bit about D&D and yeah, with that ability I kind of went overboard so hopefully I get this right. Yuin's new specialty... Specialty: Sweet Talk. He constantly has this spell upon him at all times to aid him in his missions as well as just to charm people into his favor. He further uses this while playing his flute to captivate his intended target or targets even more so into his liking. Besides this he is quite light on his feet and naturally has a gentle singing voice. So, there we go. If something is still amiss do pop me one. ^_^;
  12. Guess I'll try my hand at a li'l Dnd. [B]Name:[/B] Louise Tyolt [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Class:[/B] Barb [B]Appearance:[/B] [url]http://i436.photobucket.com/albums/qq84/hyelf/rpcs/o_09.jpg[/url] [B]Specialty:[/B] Clairvoyant Eyes. Louise's eyes enable him to observe many things that the normal everyday being could only hope to see which makes him a natural at obtaining information. He further uses this specialty to more efficiently carry out his jobs as well as deal with foes. Besides this, he as a bard is quite the gentle singer and fluid dancer. [B]Weapons:[/B] Louise has duel 4 1/2 inch daggers that have been enchanted with magic to sharpen them to an extreme degree. The harder Louise concentrates on the daggers, the sharper they seemingly become being able to pierce the strongest of armors at their maximum potential. [B]Magical Items:[/B] Hidden away in his flask is a small but precious jewel that Louise's father gave him. This jewel seems to add an enchanting quality to Louise's singing as well as his flute's music which further captivates his audiences. When others hold his jewel it seems to uplift their spirits. [B]Bio:[/B] Born into a wealthy aristocratic family who made the Empire their home Louise Tyolt was raised to be polite and respectful to others no matter what their physical appearance or background. His father was once know through out the lands as "The Walking Wish" due to his incredible persuasion skill even once stopping an all out war by his lonesome just with his rapier tongue and wit. His mother isn't quite the famous figure as his dad but is greatly respected for her compassion towards the poor and needy. Louise hopes to one day live in a world without strife and above all war and to obtain this goal he will live by his parent's principles and venture the world healing the emotionally drained and physically battered with his talents.
  13. Seems Yuin has become the butt of the band, lol. ...ain't going down like that! Yuin: *awakes from the dead* ....that pancake was.... evil....*makes mental note, "....avoid the one called 'Karyn' and 'Anya'. They have terrible things called "Pancakes of Doom".* A'drass: Arrrggh. Despicable humans. See master! When I am returned to former my glory I shall smite them. Nahahaha! Yuin: ....... A'drass: Master, what is the matter? Yuin: *starts trembling* A'drass: Master!? Yuin: I believe I am experiencing the emotion called 'fear'.... A'drass: O_o Yuin:
  14. Lol, I can already imagine some of the later conversations that'll be had. It'll be a clash of egos. ...I kept wanting to spell egos as eggos. ._. Guess I want eggos.
  15. Guess I'll spill a few beans about A'drass. The Eclipse Realm An alternate realm that is made up entirely of magical energy and inhabited by Eclipse beings. They are or were rather considered to be gods due to their ability to unleash endless amounts of magical power, but only when in a group. This allowed them to travel to many different worlds as well as conquer over thousands. Over time they grew too complacent and soon found themselves conquered by mere humans who were able to cast a powerful binding spell on them detaching them from their physical bodies and attaching them to designated vessels to lock their power and control it for themselves. (That's why A'drass hates human.) So, Eclipse beings are long but gone except for A'drass himself who's wish is to one day regain his physical form and restore his fallen brothers. How this applies to Yuin... By drawing power from A'drass who is like his soul in a way, he can use tremendous amounts of magical energy which he uses to amplify his ocular magic, but this comes at a great price to Yuin's physical body resulting in sometimes fatal internal wounds. So Yuin isn't some all powerful mage he has a weakness and his limits which will become apparent in time. Any other questions just ask, I just wanted to clear things up a bit.
  16. Yuin quickly caught up to Dean and the others still a little hesitant to do so, but there was something that now plagued his mind. "Dean...?" Yuin says suddenly. "What is it?" he replied. "...you said Sierra, did you not...." Yuin said somewhat lowly. "Yeah, we need to kill her for good." Dean said gritting his teeth. Yuin's eyes narrowed at this. "I believe this 'Sierra' is my master...." Yuin mumbled. "Your master?" Dean said a bit shocked. "Yes. It is because of her that I am who I am. She taught me how to master my ocular magic...." Yuin continued. "So she's your master. How does that matter now?" Dean said looking directly at Yuin. "...I sense your thought. I am still her disciple, but I am not fighting for her...." he glared. "So you are against her then?" Dean said with a bit of interrogation. "...against her? Meaning I do not fight for her? Yes. I fight for myself now...." Yuin remarked. The usual empty look upon his face replaced by a look of severity. "...I admit I still harbor a... fondness for her, but it is only a fondness of her power. I wish to one day become as strong as her and this can only be accomplished by defeating her. I must prove it to myself...." Yuin said while lighting a cigarette. "We share a common enemy then... Yuin, was it?" Dean said planting his blade into the earth. "...yes, and I am Yuin Ilexscu." he noted to Dean who chuckled a bit at Yuin's monotone. "So tell me. What do want with Calil?" Dean said with a stern face. "...I have not determined why we need her, but we do." Yuin replied as A'drass phased from his body. Dean raised a brow as he looked at the mess of vines slowly assume an identical form to Yuin's. "We? Okay, so who's this?" Dean said with a slight smile. "Behold frail human. I am A'drass of the Eclipse Realm." A'drass proclaimed. "Am I supposed to be scared of you or something?" Dean replied tapping on his sword. "Oh you humans. So smug... How I wish I still had my true form." A'drass hissed. "True form? What exactly are you anyway?" Dean questioned. "A being from the Eclipse Realm. An actual living spell. A GOD to you!" A'drass roared with pride. "A living spell from the 'Eclipse Realm' and your a god huh." Dean said with smug smile. "Yes! A GOD! I have enough magical energy to destroy an entire galaxy if I wanted, nahahahaha!" A'drass laughed. "...enough A'drass. He is an actual living spell but he requires a vessel to inhabit otherwise he would destroy himself with his own power. I draw energy from him as he draws life from me." Yuin said drawing A'drass back into himself. "...enough talk. I have been asked to protect you and that is what I will do." Yuin said closing his eyes. "Thank you, I guess." Dean said trying to control his laughter. The way Yuin talked just seem to tickle Dean a little bit. "...but I will say this. Sierra is my master and I do know weak points in her abilities but I will not reveal them. I believe it be cowardly to do so." Yuin said opening his eyes now infused with a black glare. It seemed a few demons wanted to play and they brought some human friends.
  17. Ayoden looked around with a numb expression on his face. He knew where he was and exactly what he was there for. "What a damn bore. I feel like this bull won't ever end." he said walking up to a rather fine looking building. He then took out a small pipe with a flaming smiling face on it and lit it with his lighter and deeply inhaled. The smoke filling his lungs with a soothing burn. "Good thing I got this or I would fucking off myself now." he said putting the pipe away. As he prepared to knock on the door he saw a figure on top of the roof. Ayoden presumed he or she was a part of this group he was to join. "A lookout huh, at least they're cautious." he thought knocking on the door. "Heh, I hope they like my girl Mary..." he laughed to himself. The door then slowly opened revealing a child and a woman or so Ayoden assumed until he saw the apple. "Well isn't this something. Names Ayoden Blackcloud but I prefer "Fog". I've been sent here to observe and assist if necessary and I ain't telling you by who cause I don't know. They paid me and that's all. Accept it or screw off." Ayoden said letting himself in. The two gave him quite the dirty look and appeared ready for a fight but stopped when he pulled out his pipe and took a few puffs from it. "I work better high. That's all. So you guys gonna fill me in or what?". he continued with a frog in his throat.
  18. Oh man this going be really fun. Neheheheheh. Will I be for your group or against... hmmmmmm.... Maybe for, I dunno, hehehehe....
  19. --Forward to CO.233/76.2-- Your "favor" and please take care of it... Name: Ayoden Blackcloud Age: 21 Ability: The clan that Ayoden hails from calls their unique ability "Shade Twisting". It allows them to manipulate the dark energies around them and make zones ranging from a few feet to hundreds of yards. These "Twisting Shade Zones" as they're called are fog-like in appearance except for the tiny black specks that can be seen floating in the inside of them. Someone exposed to these zones experience a gradual lose of functioning in many different areas the most prominent being physical strength and mental functioning. Long term exposure has been noted to cause death. These zones also appear to be at their strongest when no sources of light are in the area. Side note: Mr. Blackcloud has been seen creating these zones from a distance as well as target a specific person(s) with the "Shade Twisting Zone". Use this well. Here are a few entries from the black book that I think you should look over. January 23, 2997 Ayoden Blackcloud was discovered on a remote island near Hawaii of the United States of America at age 8. Mr. Blackcloud was detained after eliminating several members of our Retrieval Team. Mr. Blackcloud was then transfered to our facility as W.C. 2.0x/.1. April 4, 2999 W.C. 2.0x/.1. gains a drug abuse problem and is force injected several cocktails to combat this. W.C. 2.0x/.1. has shown significant increase in power output as well as control of "Shade Twisting". This result seems to be from the candidates drugs use so the candidate is allowed to continue usage of the drug. December 24, 3006 W.C. 2.0x/.1. has began to regain memory of earlier events i.e. his birthplace, immediate family, clan. A rebellious attitude towards all staff as well as training regime has be noticed. Two electrical armlets have been placed on both the candidates arms as well as weekly hypnotherapy sessions. October 18, 3007 W.C. 2.0x/.1. is introduced to the elimination unit, "Twisting Blade" and given code name "Fog". Candidate has shown significant progress with self control the only exception being that the candidate still has a drug abuse problem, but this has shown to only further increase the strength of the "Shade Twisting Zone" though studies do not determine why. The candidate has personally stated, "I work better high.". April 9, 3009 "Fog" has surpassed predicted rate of growth. He has become an invaluable member of the facility and is placed in charge of the Elimination unit's Ghost Division, "Z". At this time as well I add he was my personal pet. His loyalty was unmovable. ...as long as we gave him marijuana that is. Keep that in mind. November 1, 3010 "Fog" is fatally injured during an elimination mission while protecting "Z" squad healer "Dawn" leading to a failed mission as well as the deaths of "Z" squad members, "Rip" and "Tride". It appears "Fog" and "Dawn" have an intimate relationship. This was observed to be beneficial overall because the two as a pair surpassed their normal levels of output. Continued observation is needed. February 15, 2011 It is decided that "Fog" and "Dawn" are to be suspended from active action and put on stand by for an undetermined amount of time. Their intimacy is causing them to want to be with one another constantly and there by making them ineffective. This is where I lost Mr. Blackcloud. That "Dawn" was the cause of that. Somewhere along the line they fell for one another and wanted to be together by themselves. That was not acceptable, but anyway I send him to you now as a favor. His memory won't come back of his past, but be warned. That woman "Dawn" escaped with the help of another organization that's not in "our" circle based in France I believe. She will attempt to find Ayoden and I warn you again her abilities are something else. Weapons: I almost forgot this. Mr. Blackcloud's weapon of choice is somewhat a technological marvel that will cost you more than a pretty penny. It is an electroplated 4 inch blade that was carefully sharpened by lasers. I can't stress how sharp that blade is. Only the dead can attest I guess. It also has a special little function which is the reason for its price. This function generates dark matter naturally and please don't ask me how that's our scientist's department not mine. The dark matter is what is needed for Mr. Blackcloud's "Twisting Shade Zones". Have fun with that. Sincerely, Ms. Z. P.S. Here's Mr. Blackcloud's usual look. Though lately he prefers to wear nothing but black. Do take care of this picture because I want it back.~ [url]http://i230.photobucket.com/albums/ee284/Razgri47/Warriors/striderprofile.gif[/url]
  20. Awwww man, I just haven't been checking out the new rps that much, but boy o' boy did I miss this one. ._.; Was wondering, can I join if at all possible so late in the game?
  21. Yuin narrowed his eyes at the approaching mass of manipulated humans. He fully understood that he shouldn't kill them because something was controlling them, but at the same time he really didn't care for their safety. He saw them all as expendable, just more unfortunates of the battlefield. "...my ocular possession does not work on them and my poisons are far too lethal..." he said to Calil. She in turn grunted and shot him a dirty look. "Use your damn hands then!" she yelled while knocking out a bewildered old man. Yuin gave a rather blank look as he stared at her. He was beyond proficient at hand to hand combat, but the problem was he was trained to eliminate the target if he was forced to fight such a way. "...that will not work either. I habitually attack with lethal blows when forced to fight unarmed..." he replied. "God damn it Yuin! Just push them, throw yourself at them, yell at them, DO SOMETHING!!" she angrily ordered. In that moment A'drass phased from Yuin's body and appeared in front of him. "Master, let me take over." A'drass whispered with a smile. "...fine. Do not...kill them..." Yuin barely made out to say. A'drass looked closely at Yuin with shock and confusion. "Master.... you said...do NOT kill them...y-yes?" A'drass mumbled. Yuin nodded in response with a perplexed look upon his face. "Let it be so then master..." A'drass remarked as his hollow body became whole. He took the form of Yuin and looked exactly like him except for the eerie white vines leaking from different parts of his body. As the human attackers neared the two A'drass extended several vines from his body and forcefully flung a handful of the humans as well as knocking several others of their senses. Calil stared at them both for a second with a bit of a gaped jaw. "YUIN! WHAT THE HELL!? I SAID DON'T KILL THEM!" she screamed tossing an attacker aside. The two gave Calil the same exact look, as if no one was home. Calil just sighed and continued holding off the humans.
  22. I'm pretty sure other habitual smokers have done this... Grabbed a fresh ciggy from the pack, lit it, and seconds later realized your puffing on the filter.
  23. KG, don't feel too bad cause I spent a good hour on mine. XD It be Yuin and the li'l spirit is A'drass. [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/34798882][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/1002/d15/1659/64ea960.png[/img][/url]
  24. Hells yeah! The true game is about to begin. Let me show ya' guys what Yuin can really do! Side note. I swear V-day is like the longest day of the year, but it's cool cause I like pampering my lady on this day.
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