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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. Mallione gave a small chuckle as he watched the mug in the doctor's hand turn a bright red for a flash second. "Alia...we meet again hu..." Mallione said with a rather dissatisfied look upon his face. She spoiled his fun so he was a wee bit sour about that. "That's not a very nice thing to do Mallione and you are you in on this prank as well?" Alia said a bit smugly. Before Elliot could get in a word Mallione stepped in front of her and looked deeply into Alia's eyes. He wished simply to test her. "So...you think you can spoil our fun eh?" Mallione said solemnly. He was joking in the back of his head, but he was always one to push people's buttons. "Let's see if you can avert this wonderful disaster..." he continued as he began to submerge the entire room in icy cold water while encasing himself and Elliot in a large bubble. OOC: To revive the rp I'll pull a few bizarre strings...
  2. Should I maybe post or should I wait until everyone else is exiled/banished? I'm anxious right now...:animeswea
  3. Natsu was as well baffled by the sudden change of the environment, but he quickly adjusted himself to the soft and cold land. "...Izanami...keep your senses sharp..you don't have your sight yet...everyone keep your vitals well guarded..." Natsu said after taking a surprise hit to the side. He was now bleeding quite badly from a surprise attack from one of the newly formed demonic bears. The claws of these bears seemed to be venomous as Natsu took a knee. Although his body was capable of producing poisons of all kind this toxin was different. He couldn't quite sum up the strength to withdraw his cloud of needles to his side and settled for a mass of ten or so needles scattered over his body. The poison seems to cut ones ability to gather and release strength in any form. He was overall a bit shocked because he couldn't believe how swiftly the demons attacked. If anything at all on him was scathed it had to be his pride. It has been centuries since a single attack has been successfully landed upon him. Angered as well as little confused from the poison, he lashed out at whatever was in sight and it seemed his first target was Sasuki. OOC: Still alive baby! This fire won't go out yet!!
  4. [quote name='taperson'][SIZE="1"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]My mom & I had to buy new supplies for my fish Kyle today, & we were going about 20 the entire way home & passed maybe 6 or 7 accidents, at least. It was only a few miles. Anyway, yeah. Indiana's getting hit really hard with sleet. It's not so good.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] Taperson try me your neighbor up north Michigan! We are gettin' it up here! Last week Friday we had a huge snow storm across the majority of our state and it literally snowed about 2-3 inches every hour! It sucked because I had to drive in the crap, but meh. Every school was closed too. Really fun that day was... The crappier part of this is that it's still not done. Right now at this moment another is blowin' in. Michigan gets all four seasons so it's very fun to live here...unless your looking for work that is.
  5. "Pay up loser!" yelled Inek as he pounded his fist into the earth. "Ya' know...for a prince you sure aren't to refined are ya' Souisano!" yelled back Gerik whom was Inek's partner in crime. Hesitantly, he gave Inek several remarkably beautiful jade jewels. "Yo, ya' such a cheat-a-" Gerik stopped as a little girl came rushing towards them holding what appeared to be a rather large book. "Mioni! You done with the book sis?" Inek said picking her up into the air as if she were a toddler. "Br-Brother please put me down I'm not a child anymore!" Mioni said flustered a bit. "Little brother...father demands that you meet him in his chambers" said Inek and Mioni's older brother Asutru. His voice was detached and cold at the same time and they could feel a hint of anger in his voice. "Inek...compared to all your other deviant activities this is by far the worst son!" roared his father King Hilrty. Inek knew right away what he was talking about and it brought upon a slight tremble threw out his entire body. "This vision you claimed to see has rooted itself deeply in our kingdom son. What say you to this in your defense and pray it soothed my anger..." Hilrty said with his eyes burned into Inek's. "Father what I saw I can't fathom...it was like a nightmare only real...it happened right before my very eyes...I think...no, I tell YOU father it was real. I think it's a vision of what's to come and-" he was stopped by Asutru's keen blade at his throat. "You tell father nothing but lies little brother and you will be punished for that and the toxic words you have spread..." Asutru said harshly. "Inek my son...you are always true to your words and your heart and have never faltered once, but this is something that I will not have faith in..." King Hilrty said with a glow of shame into his eyes. Inek was crushed at that moment by the look his father gave him. It was the complete opposite of the proud and adorned look he usually received. "...you have shamed the the great kingdom of Ka' yur Prince Inek Souisano and as king of this kingdom--King Hilrty Souisano of the Sacred Winds--I...." King Hilrty was stopped by an inner voice inside him that screamed not only in anger, but also of pain. "Father...please you gotta listen to me about this! I haven't been so sure of anything like this in my entire life! Father!" cried Inek slapping away Asutru's blade. "...I banish you...Prince Inek Souisano of the Sacred Winds...leave when today's sun and moon pass..." King Hilrty said lowly. It pained him deeply to do this to his most beloved son, but it was unavoidable. His son must leave the kingdom for his blasphemous claims of the supposed Sy' kunoit Winds and the Two Sons of Destruction. A month later after his banishment, Inek had the vision again, but only this time he did not seem to wake up... OOC: ...Gotta a killer headache that has plagued me for 2 days now. I'll likely change this a little but nothing to significant. It just feels like it's missing something.:animedepr
  6. I'm soo taking Cressida. Going hammer the fist of oblivion into the freakin' place!
  7. [B]Name:[/B] Inek Souisano [B]Age: [/B]18 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Appearance:[/B] Inek has a fairly refined build for being so slim. With his lightly tanned bronze skin and wildly eccentric curly black hair--that kind of resembles a weeping willow's branches only in shock--most are blinded to his eerie white eyes. His clothing is quite odd as well to those who are not accustomed to seeing the regal. Around his hair-line is a snow-white headband with little half-moons on it. His chest is covered by a fine silk sleeveless shirt that is the exact same color as his headband. On his bare arms are twin dragons that one first sight would be confused for clothing. His pants, equally white, are rather baggy and are carefully tucked into his charcoal-black boots. Upon each of his ears are priceless gems nearly the size of rice that glare crimson every now and then. [B]Personality: [/B]Inek is a bit of a pig-head and is forever arrogant. Always first to swing then ask questions later. He never backs down from anything and would fight the gods themselves to prove his might. Sometimes his brash attitude is covered by his sincerity and straightforwardness. [B]Power: [/B]Inek has supernatural strength that allows him to carry out much of his unfathomable ideas with a hardy punch. [B]Interests: [/B]Inek has always been fascinated by the healing arts. From herbs that heal injury to spells that bring back the dead, but this is usually hidden by his main interest of fighting and gambling. Sorry it took me so long Lunar...:animeswea
  8. Hell is going to break loose in the form of Vasya...hope you guys are ready for some mind-rotting fun!
  9. [B]"Lord Vasya...the boy has been found..." whispered a fairly good looking woman covered in a red shroud. "Good...I shall take my leave my [I]pahdrooga[/I]" Vasya replied will seemigly vanishing into thin air. "The [I]hund[/I] will die like a [I]hund [/I]soon, yes? laughed a german soldier as he banged his rifle against the cell walls. "Yes, he will die in 3 days by this rifle..." the soldier said caressing the muzzle of his rifle. The man in side--if you could call him that--was sulking on the cell floor listening to the two men of his fate. "Is this...how it ends..." the man said weakly as he began to close his eyes, but instead was rudely awaken by the muffled screams of the two german soldiers outside his cell. As the man pressed his ears against the cold cell walls he could hear what sounded like the tearing of clothes and flesh. "What in th-" he stopped his mental thought as the steel door of his cell flew just a foot shy from his body. The man quickly got to his feet, but by insticts he cautiously exited. What he saw next would stain his memory forever... "...Draco Alero..." a sinister voice echoed inside Draco's head. As he looked around to find this voice he nearly fled upon seeing its owner. A man nearly as big as himself if not bigger with pale-looking skin was holding one of the german soldiers with what appeared to be nothing but his teeth in mid-air. Blood streaming down from the twitching soldiers neck as well as body onto the metal floor. "...Your instict does not betray you wolf, but today is a good day for you..." the man said dropping the lifeless and bloodied body of the soldier. Draco tried to muster up words but to no avail. It was as if his entire body was under pressure by an invisible force. "Draco...in time you will know me...until then you'd best make yourself vanish..." the pale man said with slight humor to his voice. Draco dashed of almost immediatly. The danger he sensed from the pale man was something he had never felt before. "Run little wolf...you will see me again under diffrent circumstances..." Vasya said as he picked up the two broken soldiers and vanished.[/B]
  10. [B]Name: Vasya Ochinnovich Code Number: N/A Only know as The Advisor Age: Believed to be over 2,000 years old Weapons: Besides Vasya's deadly fangs with their neurotoxic capabilities, he can reconfigure his very bone structure to change his nails into pernicious talons. Appearance: Vasya has a rather intimidating look about him because of his chaotic lineage. His body masterfully chiseled like a stone statue would seem godly if it wasn't for his sinister pale white skin and his perilous crimson eyes. His hair, although usually covered by the hood of his snow-white shroud that conceals nearly his entire body, is braided together in a single large platinum braid stretching nearly to the ground. Vasya also has one earring in his right ear that faintly glows red. Personality:Vasya is a very collected and calculating man always thinking ten steps ahead of his enemies as well as friends. He is never far from rationality, but over the centuries his regard for all living life besides that of his own he could care or less for. History: Vasya is the result of a demon lord who raped a goddess pregnant at the time with a child who was destined for greatness, but cursed with destruction as well. Out of disgust and fear of the evil now spreading inside her, the goddess abandoned the child leaving him to die on top of an mountain in what is now Russia. Feeling sympathy for his ill-born child, the demon lord transfered the boy a bit of his demonic blood that slowly bonded with the child's divine blood. The overall reaction was dreadful. Twisting and reconfiguring Vasya's body into what could only be described as 'fiendish'. He later gained a need for another form of nourishment thanks to his newly formed body...blood and specifically human blood. Its properties were exactly what Vasya's unnatural body needed. Centuries later, Vasya now well over 2,000 years old has a firm invisible hand deep in the hearts of several human as well as demonic organizations. The most promising of them all the Geist-Jugend. The longevity of his life and unusual abilities allowed him to easily infiltrate the humans' headquarters as well as gain their leaders' trust. As a near quadruple-agent his strings run deep in the seams of several organizations around the world, instigating many of their action and from time to time getting his hands dirty to rejuvenate the bonds of sinister friendship. One day, while feasting upon a small town of humans he came upon a dying little girl who intrigued him. He could see her beginning to breath her last breaths so he decided to take pity upon the girl. He gave her a flask filled with his very own blood and told her to drink. As she did so, she could feel the warmth leave her body and replaced by a slight eerie coldness. Vasya took the girl under his wing, teaching her about the wonderful thing that she had now become, but after fourteen years he released her. Erasing her memory of him and their time. That day Vasya devised a plan that will very soon come to fruition.[/B]
  11. Mallione was startled by the woman's kindness, but instead of a 'thank you', he just laughed. "It's been quite some time since someone has shown me a shred of kindness and sincerity...I must say I'm not accustomed to it. I'm Mallione by the way" he said with a chuckle. "Elliot and you really should rest an-" she stopped as a round of coughs consumed her voice. Mallione listened carefully to her coughs trying to determine what ailed her, but to no avail. "Caught a bug have you...I could clear the mucus for you if you want..." Mallione said twirling his index finger and pointing it down. As he did this, a line of mucus began to exit from Elliot's nose and float in the air. "I-I didn't say YES nor did I ask you to do that!" she said a little red in the face. Mallione laughed at Elliot while she covered her nose. He didn't know why, but he felt at ease by her for some reason. Although that he had just met Elliot, her felt he could trust her. "Agents shouldn't be playing around at a time like this. I believe it would be best if you went back to doing whatever it was you were doing Mr and Elliot you still need rest" a doctor said harshly as he sat down, placing his coffee on the table. "Whatever you say doc" Mallione said sarcastically. He turned to Elliot telling her to watch. He slowly infused the the stream of snot into the dotor's coffee without him noticing and watched as he began to sip it.
  12. Mallione was siting near the medical rooms regaining his strength from earlier. Although he has excellent control over his power, it tires him rather quickly since he lost two of his earings, but he rarely ever shows any signs of weakness. He began to breath slowly, deeply, and quietly. As he did this, the very moisture in the air began to grow and take form. To most it was beautiful sight as the water swirled and spiraled in the air, surrounding Mallione. A few nurses came to watch him as well as a young woman that immediately caught his eyes. He could see that she was rather sickly, but at the same time quite pretty. Mallione was now basically boasting, feeling a little prideful now as the young woman watched the streams of water dash back and forth in the air. While doing this he completely forgot that he was not yet back at his full strength. His body began to tremble a little as he maneuvered the water over himself, again creating a veil, this time over his body. The water slowly dissipitated over Mallione's skin. His usual sandalwood color skin now a very light shade of hazel. "So...how'd you like the show" Mallione said with a slight wince of pain covered by a smile. OOC: Almost completely forgot, but this will not die! I have yet to see an Rp finish that I've participated in. This time it shall be done with feeling!!
  13. Natsu felt a sensation thunder threw his entire body. It was feeling of bizarre warmth that he reconized as Vael. Natsu gave a near emotionless smile as he looked over at the others. They too felt their brother's energy. As the band started to become restless, they noticed the chariot stop in mid-flight over what appeared to be a garden. "This is it...my master says to get off here..." Acolytes' servant said with a string of fear in his voice. As the group looked down they could see a large horde of demons waiting at their would-be drop zone. Preparing for battle, Natsu's dark purple hair began to twist and twirl as very small, fine needles began to erect from every strand of his hair. As he contiued, the needles ejected from his hair, surronding him in what appeared to be a black cloud. A glare of light bouncing off the metallic needles' surfaces every now and than to show the deadly contents of the cloud. Natsu dived down at the ground, the cloud of darkness twirling around him like fire on a torch. As Natsu hit the earth, it shock violently sending a wave of his deadly cloud outward. Slaughtering countless demons in its wake. "...this shall be fun..." Natsu said summoning the cloud back to him.
  14. Alright, so I found out I'm having a beautiful baby girl soon and I couldn't be more excited, but there is one little problem that is rising. We can't agree for crap on a name. Well, technically we each have a name, but she likes Stephani and I like Amaya. There's the prob... I know it really won't make a diffrence, but which name do guys like more. Amaya or Stephani? Side note: Amaya would be easily mistaken for A-may-ya, but its A-Miy-ya. Just thought I'd clear that up a bit.
  15. Natsu gave a small smile to Sasuki refreshed a bit by her usual attitude. "...it is nice...to once again fight along side you all..." Natsu said with a chuckle. Everyone looked at Natsu shocked and bewildered. They all knew that Natsu was never really one to talk much, let alone say something nice. "What the hell has got into you Natsu!" Sasuki said waving her sword in the air. Natsu just looked at her. No clear emotion on his face. "...Sasuki...I'm pretty sure...everyone feels the same way..." Natsu said laughing.
  16. Of course! Your awsome Nessaga! We need more Rpers like you, Drizz, and I to add fire to the Rping life. ^^
  17. Let it begin again, this time with FEELING!!
  18. A master...of illusions... Natsu began to ponder deeply on this. Thinking back to a time he had to murder several shinobi who were slight masters of illusionary tactics. He remembered that they were always concealed, far from the battle. Always watching your every move and preparing their next trap. ...knowledge of the land...will help most in this battle... Natsu recalled how he killed them. By filling the villages' sky with his needles. It wasn't a very humane way because the village itself became a casualty, but the point of the mission was to kill the shinobi which was done within seconds after the silvery-black rain fell. Natsu tried to call upon that same strength, but to no avail. He too still wasn't at full power. "...this will be...a nice fight..." Natsu said to everyone.
  19. From one father-to-be to another, CONGRATULATIONS!!! It's a shot of energy for me everyday knowing that I'm going to be a father and I know it will be for you two as well.:animesmil
  20. Natsu slowly walked towards Acolyte prepared to strike him, but contained himself. He instead looked over at Maia and again softly rubbed her hair. "Acolyte, if anything happens to Maia...you will answer for it..." Natsu said sternly as he unwrapped the red ribbon in his hair. Natsu was always concerned for Maia's well being and never really understood why. Remembering that very day he first met the little girl, he vividly recalls the way he killed everyone in the village including Maia's parents. He recalled how passionate they were about protecting their child. How powerful they were. In the end, they too were filled with needles but, to his surprise, the little girl took it upon herself to carry on the fight. That connection mystified Natsu's mind and he wanted to further analyze this as well as this admirable young girl so he took her upon himself. "....she is special to me...and I now feel that bond that her parents felt..." Natsu said to himself.
  21. Foolish man...my life being restored...mistake...to him...and this entire world... With these words, Natsu allowed himself to be breath the air of the living once again. He slowly stood on his feet, surprising Aderyn a little. "...where is Maia...?...is she safe...?" Natsu said walking towards his clothing. "She's right there..." Aderyn replied, moving her head in Maia direction. "Lord Natsu, your back" Maia said happily. Natsu approached her and rubbed her hair gently. He then looked over at Acolyte, sending him a gaze of vagueness which was returned with a stare followed by a sly smile. "...Acolyte...foolish man...you brought us forth...your desire...fool..." Natsu said wrapping a red ribbon in the middle of his purple hair. As he did this, his body seemingly vanished. All you could make out, were his empty, purple eyes, but even so, it was only for a second. ....I can hear...their voices...their deaths...their screams... The farmers outside could hear Natsu's words and began to panic. They couldn't see him, but hey could hear his voice all around them. ....die... With an unbelievable amount of precision, he let loose a shower of needles from his hair. Each on penetrating at a farmer's throat as if, guided by an invisible line. All but one was left to see the terrible rain of death that had fallen on the others. "Please...don't...I-I-I-I QUIT!!!" shouted the lone farmer, dropping his sickle and running. Natsu showed him no mercy. The man was destined for a death greater than the rest because of his frantic shouting. He ran for quite a bit, thinking the entity that had killed his fellow farmers was gone, but he was gravely wrong as he began to feel his body grow heavy as well as his breathing. The last thing the man saw as Natsu's expressionless face. Minutes later, Natsu walked back into the cave. His usual lost look gone, replaced by a look of anger. "...you send wolves after sheep...Acolyte...man of idiocy...you will regret this moment in your life soon..." Natsu said with a small smile ...silence...
  22. ...so quiet...so quiet...so quiet... Natsu whispered these words with a smile upon his face. His body floating weightlessly in the darkness. This was the most relaxed Natsu had ever been because he could hear nothing but himself, but that century of bliss began to rattle on this very day because of a silly man's desires. ...this fool dares...does he know not to disturb one who wants to sleep... At the very same time Natsu spoke this, his body became heavy and the darkness began to lift. The seven embedded on his forehead began to glow violently. It was a sign that someone was trying to raise him from his sleep. ...this man...foolish man...he shouldn't try to control...our forces...our might is beyond his knowledge...yet he tries for us...slaves to himself...his voice angers me... Continuing to feel himself being ripped from the spirit world, Natsu allowed himself a quick and tiny chuckle. Whoever this man was, not only was he bringing him back, but his band as well. Natsu couldn't help but laugh at the entire thing. He felt his body coming together and could sense his bands' as well. ...Acolyte...your voice...it is a voice that I hate most...a voice of desire...human...fiend...celestial...your death will be a messy one... Saying these final words, Natsu felt his body leave the spirit world and enter into the living. He still just stayed there, not moving a muscle. Natsu's just smiled.
  23. Sorry for the absence, but from the look of things this fire already has enough wood for the stove!:animesmil Oh, and I love the idea of a lil' adventure on the side. Perhaps we can make a few more side quest.
  24. "And I thought I had problems..." Izu said to Vixen as he extended his shadow playfully configuring it to look like a dragon smiling. "Everyone has problems..." she replied with a chuckle holding out a wanted poster with Izu's name on it. "The cat's out of the bag..." he replied laughing. "Oh, and Vixen...the tonto I gave you earlier. It's connected to shadows and me so if your ever in a situation that's over your head...just unsheath it, but please, whatever you do don't break it or drop it or anything else that would hurt a new borne baby...". She laughed a bit and thumped the tonto's hilt and as she did, Isu wobbled a bit.Izu shot her a painful smile and used his shadow to wave good-bye to Vixen as went to check on Scarlett. He felt as if they were ultimately after the same thing and that being to break the shackles of their lineage. Izu aloud himself a quick moment of weakness as he looked at Scarlett lying there. "...she's alright...I'm relieved a little..."Izu said taking a seat next to the bed. He still was in a bit of pain from his sea-salt run in, for his right arm was now swollen and throbbing with pain. "...why can't people just live on as they please in this world anymore..." Izu said wrapping a bit of his shadow around his arm to comfort it. "Of course I know the answer...".
  25. "Of all the rotten..." Izu yelled as he helped with the sails. "Marines!" Hammer yelled towards Vixen. Izu watched as wings of flame appeared from Vixen's back as she ran off towards the back of the ship and shot a ball of fire at the enemy vessels' direction. "Get ready to fight!" Vixen commanded as the vessel approached. Swiftly, the Marines boarded, rushing in small quads in tactical formations. Izu watched from atop the mast as the others fought of the Marines. Flames raging in the air, electricity bolting threw the decks, and bodies flying, as if rag-dolls, threw the air and overboard. Still, he watched not wanting anyone to see him. "...DIE YOU DAMN PIRATE!" yelled a marine, aiming for Izu's head with a rifle. Izu easily dodged the scattering round by using a shadow-clone of himself. The round reflecting off it. "....WAIT! Your that man...IZU!" the marine said with a smirk as he carefully stepped back preparing to jump overboard. "I'll kill you before you can even make so much as make a sound!" Izu roared as he extended his shadow to catch the man, but to Izu's surprises, the man quickly whipped out a bag of, what Izu noticed, sea-salt a gobbled it down. As Izu's shadow clutched the Marines it slowly started to tremble and retract. "Damn it..." Izu mumbled as the Marine dropped into the waters. Izu soon after fell to a knee. His body for some reason always reacted violently to sea-salt when his shadow was exposed to it. "...damn cursed fruit. Well, it looks like the Marines know my location now...this is going to be fun..." he said standing up. He was able to keep a very low profile for years now when it came to the officials, never once being physically spotted, but now, thanks to his carelessness he would be hounded again like before. "Great...hey, maybe they'll forget all about me when they see Garlock..." Izu said with a sly smile. "Who am I kidding, we're both worth a lot of beri...".
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