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Ol' Fighter

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Everything posted by Ol' Fighter

  1. "Scarlett huh..." Izu said to himself as he comfortably positioned himself on the side of the mast. "What a beautiful woman she is but, I'll have to approach this with discretion otherwise, I'll feel the wrath of Vixen..." he continued, thinking to himself. As he looked over from above at the sea and the rest of the ship he felt himself at ease seeing the ever-lasting darkness. "The darkness and the shadows that it casts...it's kind of a warm feeling being surrounded by it" Izu said lifting his very shadow. Configuring it to look like a sea dragon. "That will keep unwanted guests at bay..." he said positioning the shadow at the very top of the mast, so the moonlight would reflected off of it and cast its shadow far and wide. "As much as I like this power of mine...it sometimes disgusts me and frightens me at the same time..." he whispered as he looked up at the moonlit sky.
  2. Izu felt a little bad about his manner earlier so he decided to follow Vixen in order to apologize to her. "I'll go below and start dinner" was what he heard Vixen yell as he walked towards her. "Um, Vixen I was hoping that we could talk..." Izu said looking with a slightly flustered face. "Look, I don't have time for hormonoly driven crew so-" "Forgive me for acting the way I did earlier I didn't mean to upset you I actually hoped to do the exact opposite same for the other woman..." Izu said cutting her off. She looked at him with a raised brow, obviously not taken by what he had said. "Vixen...have you heard of a man by the name of Gecko Mori..." Izu said sternly while unsheathing his tonto as its red tint casted a slight glare. "Gecko Mori..." she replied while watching Izu closely as he began to walk towards her. "He's my great grandfather...and I share his legacy as well as his misery..." he continued as his shadow began to grow as the sunlight faded. "I share his fate under different circumstances but I wish to one day severe these chains of mine..." Izu said handing Vixen his tonto. "What's this for?" she said puzzled as the tonto's red tint disappeared. "Just in case I ever get out of line again...think of it as my lesh" he replied tugging at his shirt.
  3. From within the crowd, Izu Mori looked, at what he believed were pirates, with a small smile upon his face. "That must be Vixen and the big guy must be Hammer...and Eleff D. Garlock...and-" Izu stopped as he layed eyes upon a rather rowdy, but beautiful woman standing over a convulsing man. "Hmm, who is that...she is quite stunning..." Izu said slowly moving threw the croud but was stopped by a sudden gasp from a man. "Y-y-you're...that, tha-that man...the one who killed all those people...Izu Mori!!" the man yelled while training a small handgun at Izu's head. "Yes...I am...are you here to collect the bounty on me? Please say no..." Izu said with a smile. "Of course! Get 'em boys!" he said flicking his wrist. As he did this several large man surronded Izu, each wielding weapons ranging from guns and rifles to swords and axes. The crowd once again formed around, each individual wanting to see the action. "Ya' dead Mori!" said one of the bounty-hunter's men followed by the others all charging at Izu. Izu on the other hand staid perfectly still as several swords and axes met his body only to be seemigly bounced off and reflected. "What the he-" was all the hunters were able to say as Izu's body became pitch-black, melting down into the city streets and seperating, connecting with all the shadows of the hunters. "To bad...I was hoping you would all just run away" Izu said smiling a little while ripping what appeared to be black paper and right before everyone's very eyes , the hunter's bodies began to vanish like ash into the air. "Now, let that be a lesson to all the other hunters in the crowd" Izu said appearing two paces away from Vixen. "Vixen right, I am Izu Mori...I wish to join your band" Izu said bowing. He then turned around and stared at the woman who caught his eye minutes earlier. "And you, my dear...I must know your name..." he said taking her hand.
  4. [B]Name:[/B] Natsu Haru [B]Age:[/B] Seemingly to be in his early 20's [B]Appearance[/B]: He stands at 5'11 and has a slim but well-toned body. His hair is rather long nearly touching the ground, is a very dark shade of purple matching perfectly with his purple eyes. Natsu's face is easily reconized by the distictive '7' embedded on his forehead and his unique taste of clothing which usually consists of a long sleeved white shirt with slits on the shoulders and an all-white half of an kimono. He prefers not to wear anything on his feet. [B]Personality:[/B] Natsu is terribly quite and reserved and won't speak at all to anyone. He is always lost in thought and is always seen with a vacant look upon his face. He preferes silence over everything and has developed an disorder because of it which was the sole cause of his needless killing and his death. [B]Weapon:[/B] Natsu has millions of needles threaded into the very fibers of his hair, each one is coated with a lethal neurotoxin that causes a slow, numbing, and relentlessly painful death. [B]Power:[/B] Natsu has a rather peculiar ability that allows him to meld with his surrondings and seem virtually invisible but this ability is hindered when the soles of his feet are covered which is the reason he doesn't wear anything on his feet. [B]How did you decide to join the group?:[/B] Natsu Haru was trained from a very early age to become an assassin and went threw a rigoruos training routine for years constantly fighting and training, everyday taking lethal doses of abuse physically and mentally. He didn't mind all of this and grew accustomed to it, but there was one thing that struck him harder than the blade threw his chest everyday, and that was the yelling. He personally never understood why he disliked it so much but he did and that hatred for yelling grew into a deep-seeded hatred for speech which quickly became a bizarre disorder. After assassinating the very people who trained him to be an assassin he decided to travel, wanting to rid the world of speech for his disorder began to engulf his entire mind, he later on met a man by the name of Artemis who intrigued him. After years of killing he ran into a little half-demon girl who he for some reason hesitated to kill after murdering the child's parents. Once again puzzuled by his train of thought, he forced the girl to join him in order to further analyze this thought. A small part of him hoped to understand this little girl's feelings in an effort to understand himself.
  5. [quote name='Vicky'][size=1]Can you [i]imagine[/i] throwing that up? =p Seriously, milk twists your stomach with alcohol I think. I had about a sip of milk when I was hung over and I threw it all back up (in a plastic bag on the bus!). I never throw up when hung over, except when I've drank milk with the beer/remaining beer.[/size][/QUOTE] Yeah, it's not a drink for everyone but I LOVE IT! Oh, and I threw it up once, looked exactly like cream cheese mixed with lil' brown chunks. And Vicky, never mix beer with like, anything it will rob you of your previous meal.
  6. This is advise from an actual alcoholic and that advise is to get a gallon of milk, whatever type of drink you can afford, and chocolate syrup, although this is optional. 1) Pour glass of milk in a cup and fill up the cup to about 2/3... 2) Fill the remaining 1/3 with the drink... 3) Mix it of course to let the drink and milk become one...zzeenn it... 4) Taste it and if you like it the way it is enjoy but if not add a little chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk (my girlfriend loves it; I think it's too sweet). There's my lil' contribution.
  7. That's adorable Chibi it makes me look forward for what's to come. On to my 31st, it was pretty laid back and relaxing with the baby coming and all. My girlfriend and I just passed out candy to the kids and listened to music and did a little dancing and afterwards I gave her a lil' massage because lately she's been so tense, but then again who wouldn't, so, overall a great Halloween.
  8. [B]Name:[/B] Izu Mori [B]Age:[/B] 23 [B]Appearace:[/B] Izu, overall, has a very agile build, pale-white skin, and long blood-red hair. He always wears a rather unique jet-black cloak that slightly glows in the moonligh, but under that is a plain outfit that consists of a long sleeved black shirt and soft black pants with black boots. His face is rather easy on the eyes and easily remembered because of his piercing-red eyes and otherwordly, small black earings in each of his earlobes. [B]Devil Fruit:[/B] Mori-Mori (Shadow-Shadow fruit in english, eh?) [B]Weapon:[/B] Tonto (small, japanese blade about a foot long) that has a odd red tint to the steel. [B]Bounty:[/B] 100,000,000 Beri [B]Bio:[/B] Izu is a desendent of the late Gecko Mori and was always feared, even as a child, because of it. The city he was raised in was once used as 'ammuniton' for his late grandfather's Thriller Bark and thus increased the unease in the people of the city. When he was just 4 years old he was forced to eat the Mori-Mori fruit and brutally trained to become an assasin and proficient user of devil-fruit, for 15 years he went through the rigors of it, until one day he had a weird dream and awoke to his horror to see that he had massacred everyone in his city. Over 25, 000 people dead by his hands. A month later, still trying to cope with what he had done, he noticed a wanted poster that read, 'Wanted...Dead....Izu Mori...100,000,000 for the corpse' so from that point on he decided to hide amongst that shadows using the power of his devil-fruit to seek out answers and ease his mind.
  9. Boo...*holds nose* Stop:blulaugh:. I'm a little late to this party but I'd love to meet everyone here on the OB and have a 'who can drink the most white-russians party'.
  10. [quote name='Drizzt Do'urden']I'm all for resurecting it. This RP had potential, just lack of posters.[/QUOTE] Exactly, they need some motivation... Hey, maybe we should try a lil' tactic here like, inflicting the unmotivated posters characters death-dealing blows and if the person(s) doesn't respond in set period of time they DIE!!!! Muhahahahah....
  11. Prometheus, now fully awaken felt an uncontrollable rage from the bottom of his once strong and staunch heart. The happiness he held for mankind was still there, despite all that had happened these many years, but his anger and fury was undeniable towards the gods. "I can sense them all...leagues away...all except one...the demi, no, the human who saved me so long ago..." Prometheus thought placing his hand on his right side. "Hercules...my friend...where could you be and Ray...where are you?" he continued looking about the city streets. He felt compelled for some reason to call out to Ray, but he couldn't fathom why. "...I'm here..." a gentle female voice said from behind him. Prometheus turned around only to be met by the eyes of his wife, Ray. "Ray, you talked to him a while ago didn't you..." Prometheus said a little harshly. Ray looked away from him, distress was clearly upon her face. "Prometheus, the titans are done...their rule is over...and it saddens me to say this but...but..." she stopped as a few tears streamed down her now flushed face. "....but I must die...is that what you were going to say Ray?" he replied stomping his foot into the ground, cracking the pavement. "...yes...and I'm sorry for this...sorry as your wife and as your friend..." she weakly said dashing towards Prometheus with a large ball of blue light clutched in her hand. "I'm sorry as well..." Prometheus whispered as his iron cuff's chains, with great destructive force, ravaged the streets and surrounding buildings eventually reaching Ray and suspending her in mid air. Thousands of chains retaining her. "Goodbye Ray..." Prometheus said as he pointed two fingers at her chest producing a giant flash of bluish-white light straight threw her. "I love you still and always will...Theus..." she said in her final breath as the chains retracted. "Ray...I'll join you soon enough and love you like I should have, but until then...I shall shed the blood of the gods onto this world" Prometheus replied as he began to walk down the debris ridden street.
  12. Is the fish still alive and cooking on the grill or is it done?
  13. Theus walked down the torn streets of his city with a huge grin across his face and a large black bag flicking a quarter in his left hand as well. "I really got a good load of things today, man are they goin' to be happy!" he said now starting to pick up his stride. "Hey! The brat's right here!" yelled a man in an army uniform waving for his comrades. "Damn!" Theus said under his breath as he began to run towards an alley. "Bastard! Get back here you little thief!"screamed another man. "Come on you slow-pokes is that th-" Theus was cut off as he was struck on the back by a steel pole. "Now you little punk, we knew someone was hitting us, where are the rest of your little friends!", a third man yelled punching Theus in the face. "S-s" Theus feebly said still clutching the bag. "Speak up you little punk!" the man said preparing to punch him again only to be met by Theus devastating kick upwards to his elbow snapping it. "SCREW YOU!!" Theus said hopping over the fence away from the man moaning in agony. "Wait 'till they here what happened to me!" Theus said still running while wiping the blood from his lip. "Yo, guys I'm back!" Theus said ecstatically holding the bag above his head. "THEUS!! Your okay I-" "OF COURSE I'm okay, it'll take an entire army to stop me Ray!" Theus said laughing will handing her some food from the bag. "Nice one man!" yelled a boy about the same age as Theus accompanied by 4 other people all eager to see what was in the bag. Theus on the other hand was happy but very troubled. He felt as if something was about to happen, something bad. "Hey guys, eat up, just save me an apple or something..." he said walking outside the building. "Are you okay?" Ray said walking up besides him. "I'm fine just-" he stopped as watched the sky turn red noticing a steadily growing red dot in the sky come closer and closer. Theus suddenly began to feel pain surge over his entire body as if he had chains of searing flame wrapped around his entire body. "Th-Theus? Your body...what is happening to you? Theus?!" Ray screamed as she saw, right before her very eyes, his body reconfigure and boil. Theuses hair, once a puffy cotton-ball of hair, now a twisted mess of crimson; his body, now rippling with muscles, and lastly, his wrists seemed to have huge iron cuffs with some weird and exotic text written on them. ".....Ray..." was all that Theus could muster before everything around him was swallowed by the abyss of an explosion. "...Theus, wake up..." a voice yelled. Theus awoke only to find himself chained and an unexplainable feeling of rage and sadness. "It's about time you awoke...reclaim your forefather's glory...punish those so called gods" the voice roared. "Prometheus...the one who helped out mankind and in favor was chained and tortured...that is who I am...but it is about time I got my revenge on those who have wrong me so..." Theus said breaking the chains. "Prometheus is back...and with an attitude might I add...Ray...I trust you will keep him at bay?" Zeus said to rather attractive woman with red hair. "I guess I'll have to...even as a human he always did have a temper" she replied vanishing. Gonna rock the story here!!!
  14. "Pretty good guy, what's your name?" Mallione said laughing will trying to fix in on the voice. "It's Ashton, why did you do that? Your an agent as well right?" he replied still holding Mallione in the air. "Just a little test my telekinetic friend just a test, but boy oh boy did you pass..." Mallione said as he burst into drops of water, drenching Ashton. "A fa-" was all that Ashton could muster as Mallione appeared behind him placing his hands on Ashton's shoulders laughing. "A duplicate made of water, no wonder I hardly felt a presence..." Ashton said with a slight chuckle. "He's been right here the entire time actually" Alia said with a small smile. "Have to say, it's nice to meet you two, Alia...Jarvis and of course you too Eclipse, right?" Mallione said giving Eclipse a little wink. "But this guy...Ashton, you oughta' pat yourself on the back for catching me off guard like that man, nice, but...if at all possible...do it when I don't have scolding hot coffee in my hand..." Mallione said extracting the coffee from his kimono.
  15. Name: Yukiame Tsubane Age: 20 Personality: Yukiame is the very definition of sadism and is kind of proud of it. He enjoys bringing people's minds to the brink of oblivion and laughs at their anguish. Never letting anything get in his way, he is more than willing to cut down anyone foolish enough to do so. Appearance: 6' foot overall, long raven-black hair reaching down to the ends of his shoulder blades, light brown skin tone with a fairly muscular physic. He usually always wears an all black long sleeved shirt and black jeans. On his ears, he has two crimson red diamonds (on each earlobe) the size of your common pea. Weapon: A pitch-black and very slender rapier infused with the very essence of darkness. Spirit Proficiency: Telepathy of the Dark and Light Mind (Basically, he can get inside someone's head...) Infused Demon: Raven-Snake, Akuntsune no Aiyobi (Raven with a snakes head...) Day of: "Mr. Tsubane, hear is the first half of your payment the rest you will get when the job is done...by order of the Burning Birds" a man said to Yukiame as he relaxed in his pool. "Consider it done already and tell Lunella we'll catch dinner at 7:00 sharp alright" Yukiame replied drying himself off. It was just another job for me, another nice mill' in my pocket when all of a sudden the toothless dog grew a new set of teeth. "Yukiame Tsubane, you evil wretch...I won't let you kill my master!" a man in a kimono yelled charging at Yukiame with a large sword. "Fool..." was all that Yukiame said as the man crumbed to the floor, eyes rolled into the back of his head. "Now for you old man...any last words?" Yukiame said looking directly into the old man's eyes. "Yes...Aiyobi!" the old man yelled. Aiyobi....and that was the last thing I remembered that damn day. Damn that old man. I promise to make everyone and everything suffer until I see him again.
  16. Mallione watched from atop the football stadium's stands drinking his coffee with a giant smile across his face, satisfied at what he was seeing. "So that's Alia huh, reminds me of a little guy in tights I once met and the other two must be Jarvis and Tetra..." he said taking a sip. He carefully studied the movements of the Chaos and noticed the thing was out of its league and was only seconds away from meeting a mediocre and predictable death so he decided to help it a little. "Your a big guy but man are you weak in terms of power so let me infuse a little water in you..." he said twirling his index finger summoning a small spout of water that slowly engulfed the Chaos. "What in the...what's going on?" Alia said startled by the water now veiling over the Chaos. The Chaos on the other hand easily accustomed itself to its newly obtained powers lashing out at the three with pitch-black watery arms easily reaching 50 yards each. "Heh, hope they don't mind my little fun-time test, besides I'm sure they can handle it" he laughed.
  17. Hope you don't mind Knuckles. [B]Name:[/B] [I]Mallione Kasak[/I] [B]Age:[/B] [I]18[/I] [B]Gender:[/B] [I]Male[/I] [B]You Are:[/B] [I]Fresh Agent[/I] [B]Appearance:[/B] [I]He's 5'11, has long, jet-black hair with crimsom red at the end of every blade of hair. Although quite slim, weighing in at 165, his build is quite defining; his skin color is reminiscent of sandalwood with a hint of red. He also has four onyx earings-two on each earlobe-that slightly hang down. Last, he always wears an all black kimono with white crescent moons generously stiched on it.[/I] [B]Personality:[/B] [I]Mallione seems to always have a shy but gentle smile on his face that can soothe even the saddest of hearts. He never worries nor panics no matter what the circumstances, on the contraire however, he has a sadistic side to him and secretly loves to toy with people's mind.[/I] [B]Weapon/Power:[/B] [I]Mallione has the ability to control all forms of water no matter how small the concentration as long as he's wearing his four onyx earings otherwise, he has little power over the element and becomes easily exhausted. If he however, is ever parted from even one of his earings, he has a one foot long, black dagger with a keen serrated edge concealed in his kimono's left side.[/I]
  18. [I]"Dear Shizune...please rejoice and suffer no more...". As I whispered this I felt her entire body in my arms run cold. I still couldn't get a grasp on the entire situation that has unfolded itself so wonderfully in my lap. All these memories, unexplainable actions, and worst of all these urges and wants. Walking towards the house made me realize how tired I actually was. Not tired on a physical level nor mental, just tired of watching everyone else die and not take me with them. It has made me so angry and so sad at the same exact time. "Shizune, why can't you take me with you, WHY!". Looking upon her into my arms I felt a peculiar sensation throughout my entire body, that same exact feeling I have when I do something I know is foreign to my normal actions. When I figured out what was happening it was to late as memories started to flood my already crowded mind. I had just absorbed Shizune's memories. "Death, you are a cruel man aren't you...awarding death to ones who don't want it but denying death to ones who deserve it...". After thirty minutes of walking I approached the house only to be met by gunfire. The shot grazing my shoulder, the blood now slowly running down my arm. "Good, death has finally heard my cries...COME ON KILL ME NOW!", I yelled at my invisible assailant, but the gunfire ceased and I heard a woman's voice. I couldn't hear what she or they were saying but I could feel a presence almost similar to mine and Shizunes, that same pain. "If you've come for death your at the right house...", is all I could make of the woman's voice. "Good...I've waited for this for some time now...", I replied loudly with a hint of arrogance in my words. All I could think of was death and how sweet it would be but there was something else in my mind that still wanted to cope with this and beat it if possible. It all came down to whether I would die at this moment. If I lived, I'd search for a release from this hell but If I died it would make me so very happy. [/I]
  19. [I]"My dear little sister...I will not allow you to suffer any longer...".[/I] I stepped away from her reaching for my sword resting in its sheath, slowly and gently waking it from its rest. [I]"This ancient sword dates back to the time of my great ancestor Minamoto no Yorimitsu in yet, it has retained its beautiful sheen for well over 1500 years never once faultering in any way...". [/I] As I continued to admire the durability of the weapon, I felt a sudden sharp pain in my head yet it was a familiar pain almost soothing. [I]"Great ancestor Yorimistu I must to help her...,"[/I] I said now realising my body has gone numb. [B]"Boy...do you think doing this will help your sister...," [/B]the thunderous voice Minamoto no Yorimistu replied. This voice was soon followed by another then another and another. I had forgotten my mental condition up until now. These voices in my head were not my own but of my great ancestors and one of my late wife. [B]"LET THE BOY CONTINUE THE MINAMOTO LEGACY OF PARRICIDE!," [/B]yelled the voice of Minamoto Yoshistune. Yoshitsune, who I've read about in my families scrolls was killed by his own cousin who I've yet to find out more about because he was exalted by my ancestor Minamoto Mareyoshi. [B]"Death would be a release for her if anything...Marriru don't think much of it."[/B] a smaller voice replied that I have yet to determine how exactly we are connected. The entire situation was tearing me apart not only physically but mentally, no, a lot worse mentally. Every day I would feud with myself, listening to the words I speak, but knowing it's not me whom is talking but my late ancestors. The entire thing as I've said previously is incredibly vexing. [I[I]]"I could end all of this now if I just drive this weapon into myself...," [/I][/I]I said aloud redirecting the tip towards my heart. [B]"No I can't allow you to do that my love!" [/B]screamed a serene voice. It was my wife, Ayame whose persona I take upon whenever the thought of death comes to mind. She always was a very gentle and kind person every since we were little. I loved her without bounds and I still do. I could hear others as well but I found out that just a quick slash to my leg or arm drowns them out if only for a minute. I can't handle them all. "Brother...take me there...," a frail voice said before me. I couldn't believe it...it was my sister who hasn't spoken a single word for an entire week. [I]"Were...were dear sister!" [/I]I said holding back my tears and dropping my blade reaching for her hands. "....there....," she replied closing her eyes. As I lifted her up to take her towards the house she pointed out I could feel her pulse fading and I could hear her already fragile breath slowing. [I]"Dear sister, I promise that I shall see to it that whatever curse has been inflicted upon this world be lifted no matter the cost..."[/I]. As I said this I felt my sister's life fade away.
  20. As Trace stood there he felt a pain he had long since forgotten deep in his chest. "Your father...I was just another sell-sword at the time along with my little sister when I met him....", Trace said from over his shoulder. "So you met my father...", Jaster said a little excited. "Fought more like it, he told me that I was endagering my little sister and we had a bit of a skirmish which I lost with flying colors...I tell ya' your dad has a special brand of power", Trace replied with a chuckle. "But tell me...do you know if he's still alive or...", Jaster stopped as Trace placed a hand on his shoulder. "Kid...he's still alive I believe...no I want to belive it because wherever he is my little sisters with him.
  21. ( Stuck in a hole here... ) Trace looked at boy claiming to be the kin of Johnny 5 with a sad look in his eyes. "So...that kid too has been hurt by my damn father's empire as well...I should of destroyed that place when I had a chance taking everything with me strait to hell. My damned father cares of nothing but money and advancement always saying that, "It's only natural that the weak should work for the strong",...I'll kill him myself soon enough along with that woman who claims to be my mother", he said to himself. He sat up from his chair and walked over to Brutis who was secretly cursing himself because of Demi. "You realized that kid was Johnny's didn't you Bru", Trace said calmly flicking a needle threw the air. "I can see it from miles away Trace...just hope the kid is going to be alright", Brutis replied with all his hands the table before him. "Hm, don't worry I'll watch the kid and keep him out of harms way, just don't start crying on me old timer", Trace said laughing a little. "Besides he has Johnny's blood, I'm sure he can hold his own". Trace said looking a Jaster with a small smirk.
  22. Up above, the sky was littered with scores of stars shining far away in the distance but below these stars there is a man desperatly searching for his younger sister. "Well, if isn't the traitor Trace, how dare you show your damn face around here, especially in my DAMN PUB", yelled a man who at first glance would seem human but upon further inspection you would see he had six arms. "Bru...what happened several months ago was not my doing and you know that all to well...", Trace said harshly while sitting down. "Just seeing if ya' still had some life in ya' friend, it's good to see ya' still do and sorry about your sister...she was-", the man was cut off by the sound of a collasping body only inches away from him. "My sister is still alive but you on the other hand won't be if you don't watch out for these back-stabbers...by the way were is she", laughed Trace putting away one of his throwing needles. The man looked at him, astonished at what he didn't see and amazed at what he did. "O-over there, the pretty young lass with the real man's drink", he said pointing to a woman with a drink in her hand. Trace approached the woman with a slight smile but solemn look upon his face as well. "The infamous captain of the Black Swallow, Lyuann, it's an honor to meet you and that goes double to you Zee I presume", Trace said sitting two arms length away from them. "The heir to Cusingnio Empire is here of all places...you here to join me", Lyuann said taking another shot of whiskey. "Please don't call me the heir of that damned place...I want nothing more than it's destruction and yes...I want to join you", Trace said with a small chuckle. "Hah, good, but we got a while before everyone shows so-", she was cut off by the pub owner sitting down on their table, several pitchers of whiskey. "Little lady, this is courtesy of Trace", he said laughing. Lyuann looked around to see where Trace had gone but it appeared as though he had vanished. "Well, atleast we know he has money", she said to Zee.
  23. [B]Name:[/B] Prince Aizu Riokotsukei [B]Age:[/B] 21 [B]Personality:[/B] Aizu's a real compassionate guy who is always ever so calm even when pressured. He also retains a kind of regal air about him. [B]Appearance:[/B] He's 5' 11, weighs 160 pounds with a muscular build, has a very light brown skin tone, cerulean eyes, and long, platinum silver hair. He wears an jet black kimono with with white crescent moons placed every 5 inches on the stitching. He prefers not to wear any shoes but usually has on white sandals exposoing his feet. [B]Paragraph:[/B] Aizu walked in a seemingly vacant form next to his horse, Aisu. The pair had been walking for days in the torturous heat trying to find a ancient sight believed to house the very gods themeselves in order to undo a past mistake that was caried out throgh duty. "Sister...I know your listening out there...please come back to me...your all that I have left in this world...", Aizu said now slouching as if drunk. His horse Aisu, rammed him a little as if to say, "snap out of it". "Hmm...yeah, your right Aisu I shouldn't slouch like this...nor act like this....sorry pal", Aizu said pating his horse on the back. With his strength returning Aizu looked at the coming terrain and jumped onto Aisu's back. "Your lucky pal you can-", Aizu stopped as he heard something seemingly in his head. [I]There are others like you on the way, they too have people who they wish to bring back into this world as well. You will have to work together with them to allow your loved ones to be brought back.[/I] "I shall beleive it when I see it being...", Aizu barked. [I]Do not underestimate our power, just complete the task we ask of you all.[/I] "Hmm...do not betray your words being or I shall find a way to hunt you down", Aizu replied in a sharp-tongue. [I]I will let you know when others arrive as well, you will need the help of others to complete the tasks I ask of you.[/I] "Very well...looks like we have a huge task ahead of us Aisu...", Aizu said getting off of Aisu. "My beloved sister...I shall find you or join you soon...wait for me..." [B]Horse[/B] [B]Name:[/B] Aisu "The Hardy" [B]Breed:[/B] Akal-Teke [B]Color:[/B] Every inch of her is snow white except for her light blue eyes
  24. I'd like to apologize for seemingly grouping everyone together I should of been more precise and if I were I'd say about 70% gave really good advice the 30%...you know who you are...gave questionable advice. Darren: It's funny that you brought this up because we've previously read something about that just a few days ago but it's something that we're not interested in doing because we believe we can handle it. CrimsonKnight: Even the smallest of words can be the most heartfelt but yeah looking forward to the drama that is parenthood. James, Raiha, and DeathKingh: Yeah I forgot the amount of crazy teens on here me being one of them but I do totally agree that there are some very intelligent people on the OB. Retribution: Dude, you just made my day with that one, lol.
  25. Okay here's the deal...abortion is a HELL NOOOO, I on a personal level, am against it and it's just so something I and I know for a fact my girlfriend aren't even considering. Adoption...how can you guys be so insensitive as to say that to a guy who has never really met his real parents...that's just mean, besides her mother already suggested that and she nearly got her head chewed off. Another thing...for all you guys who think I'm not "man" enough or too incompetent to handle this overall situation, you got me mixed up with someone else. I have been through so much these past 10 years and every event so far up to now has just made me stronger. I don't care how hard something will potentially be I absolutly will perserver. Marrage, like I said before is the last thing on our minds right now, we're just focusing on our finances, the baby, and housing that goes as well for college. I will however be looking into taking on LPN classes for better pay next month. Aid be it from my or her family or the government will be a last resort and I will only consider it if we really need it. I know I can be a bit of a knucklehead somethimes but I will reach out if I need help besides, she'd make me. And also I really should of from the start talked to other nurses as well as some of the doctors, I do after all work in a hospital...stupid on my part but for everyone that gave their advice I verily thank you but I think I'll go to a proffesional on this one but again thank you everyone.
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