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Everything posted by Par-Fait

  1. [QUOTE]Why bother to make a game then make a manga.[/QUOTE] Because if the manga is based off of a really popular game like Kingdom Hearts, the publishers know it will sell to fans of the game - no matter what the quality of the manga is. Also, if people are curious about the game and haven't played it, reading the manga at a bookstore is a lot cheaper than buying the game and not even knowing if you'll like it or not. But also, it's fanservice for fans of the game. I guess its kind of like saying "thanks for buying and playing our game, here's some an extra thingie of it for you fans (us to make money off of)". Or something. o_o'
  2. YES! Thankyou! I didn't know that. TokyoPop will probably do a good job, tho I don't know of any visual novels they've licensed at all. But I really hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those things where they wait 2 or more years to translate after it's been licensed. *STILL waiting for an English Papuwa here* >_>' I can't really imagine how hard the gender thing will be to translate. x) Maybe they're still trying to figure out how to do that and thats why they haven't issued a release date. But I think they'll just make her say "I" since that's pretty much the only way people refer to themselves in English. The again since it has somewhat to do with the story...WHO KNOWS. x_x
  3. This is my absolute favorite anime ever and has been for years. ^^ I love how it covers different deep aspects of life and totally gives you insight to simple things you might have not even thought about before. I dunno, the whole thing is just a beautifully told story that doesn't have to use uber amazing visuals, a ginormous cast of characters, or fanservice to make the show plain awesome. x) And most anime that can make me cry is awesome to me. Even the movie was good, it explained a whole lot of previously unknown stuff about Kino. I REALLY want an mp3 of that ending song. But come to think of it, pretty much all the music from KnT is nice to listen to. Any KnT fan should also watch Episode 0. Kino is female, but I'm sure everyone's figured that out by now. xD Does anyone know if the visual novels are translated anywhere?
  4. It's a shame cause smaller breasts are hella' sexier than those that resemble balloons. I've seriously seen it get to the point where the breasts are so big they just look like two big lumps are fat. @@; It's kinda scary... Really I think it's just for fanservice tho. I can understand that men in Japan aren't around big breasts that often because many Japanese women lack them...but I think REAL girls with small breasts are a lot hotter then cartoon girls with big ones. Sometimes tho, big breasts potray a character's personality better, like Rangiku. But really, it's just a fanservice thing. [color=#4B0082]- - - - - - - - - - - - -[/color] The same ideal girl in real life (who I'll never find xD) - intelligent, silent, but deadly to a fault. A girl who's open-minded about other's beliefs. A deep thinker. Someone who's independent and can take care of herself. One who appreciates all the little things in life. Physical appearences don't matter a whole lot to me, but if I could decide then short dark hair, deep green or blue eyes, and boy-ish clothing. An androgenous voice is also good. ^^ Kino, in other words. [color=#4B0082]Merged the double post that resulted from the merging of the threads. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  5. Indeed. I'd play that game for sure, and I'm sure a ton of other people would too. A card-based RPG is something unheard of, so you'd have a lot to work with. Not to mention the cards are simply kick-arse. =)
  6. I like the angle you drew this at; it gives the composition an edge. It's also really well drawn and the coloring is nice. The only critique I have for it is that I think the resolution isn't that great - it looks a little grainy - but it probably looks better on paper anyway. I also don't really like the choice of colors. With this piece, I think you could've done something really crazy with the colors to make it completely stand out and I don't think you accomplished that. But overall I like it and I think it's an interesting picture. : D
  7. I am a 19-year-old Katamari rolling pirate-obsessed ADD yaoi/yuri fangirlie. I'm an uke. And I'm Italian. Italians own you, view my profile to see one. : D I LOVE girls. Boys are ick. *throws up* I have pets - 5 hermit crabbies. I have dark brown medium-length hair that is usually messy no matter how much I brush it. Roleplaying, painting, and DDR-ing are my hobbies. I also like cooking, Ramune, and long romantic walks on the beach. Except I don't really like long romantic walks on the beach because I've never dated anyone, ever. Being the loser I am. >D My favorite anime are Kino no Tabi, MONSTER, and Mushishi. Favorite manga are Eyeshield 21 and Death Note. My choice of games are Katamari Damacy, Dance Dance Revolution and Kingdom Hearts. My idols are Tetsuya Nomura, Yoshitaka Amano and Misato Mutsumi. I listen to They Might be Giants, The Delgados, Gorillaz, Joe Hisaishi, Nobuo Uematsu and Yoko Kanno. And that's about all I'll rant about myself now because I think theres someone breaking into my house right now. (. _ .)
  8. [QUOTE]Aww, heck, people aren't always just wadding in tissue paper (although most have done this on occasion, myself included).[/QUOTE] TISSUE PAPER IS MORE DIGNIFIED WHEN ITS WADDLED ON :0
  9. I've been a fan of 'Okage: Shadow King' for a few years now. It's difficult to find other people who like it, and it's hard to see why it doesn't attract more people. Okage is a game about a young passive boy named Ari who, in order to save his younger sister's life, makes a deal with the demon king Stan. His sister's life is saved and now Ari is the slave of the demon king until the day he dies - or at least until Stan's plan is achieved. Residing in Ari's shadow, the two leave on a quest for world conquest and to rid the world of evil kings. Along the way there are laughs, ghosts, and man-eating fishes. The most noticible thing about this game is the style of graphics. You could describe it as Tim Burton-meets-anime. Despite most of the game taking place in bright cheerful settings it still has a lurking dark mischievousness thats only too Burton-esque. All of the characters have variated designs that suit their individual persona and they quickly become a lovable cast. The music in Okage is uncomparable to most other games in that it's some of the strangest, but melodic and unique, songs. The opening song itself starts with the rythmic playing of a bagpipe in a catchy tune. Its music that you wouldn't normally think you'd hear in a video game, but mixed with the visuals and story it seems to fit right in. Okage's battle system is mostly basic ATB style you find in many RPGs with the gauging system. However, when the gauge is filled and the choice menu appears, the enemy characters will stop their attack - whether or not they're flying in the air about to hit you - until you've made your choice. Depending on how you time your attacks, you can have two or three characters attack all at once, hacking away at large amounts of enemies in no time; this isn't to say that battles are over in the blink of an eye. The diverse landscapes, quirky characters, harmonic soundtrack, and overall visuals in Okage mold it into a masterpiece of eye (and ear) candy. I really recommend this game to anyone who's willing to try something out of the ordinary. You won't regret it. ^^
  10. I would say I'm a lot like Namine from Kingdom Hearts. I'm quiet, there's a lot of things I don't let other people know about me, I feel a deep need to be cared about, and I love drawing. I'm also like Ari from Okage because once again I'm quiet, shy, overshadowed, and have a demon Shadow that will forever follow me until his plan for world conquest succeeds.
  11. Zabi, do you even know half the words you said? If you explain this theory in a way that uses smaller words and understandable sentences, I might be impressed. I'm not a genius, but it just seems like you're using big words to make yourself sound smart.
  12. I've never used PSP, but I think Photoshop is similiar. One way to do it is after you're done with the base tone and want to add shading, you make a new layer above the toning you just did and use a darker tone for the shading. So basically use a darker tone on a new layer...if you use it on the same layer I think it meshes with the previous screentone and doesn't look as clear. That's what I do at least...I hope that helps somehow. >_
  13. Isn't that just an atomic bomb? o.o Or whut. And I think you probably have to do more stuffs in order to make it than just collect the materials...
  14. The dubbing for this was a turn off and made me want to puke. >_O So I think that's why I never got much into the series. The art in the manga is pretty well done tho. When they come out with Volume 11, I'll buy it. But they'll probably edit it to death so all the good stuff is taken out. > >' Also, there's a YnM BL game thats fan-made. I'm not sure if it's still on the internet, but it was fun for an un-official thingie. :3
  15. Actually, the art is some of the best I've seen in any manga. It's a really definitive comical style with attitude. The action jumps out at you because of it's dynamic style, and it gives the characters personality. I think it suits Kingdom Hearts really well...if it was drawn in any other way it probably wouldn't look nearly as good. That's just my opinion... xD The paneling tho, could use some work. Shiro Amano seems like sort of an amateur at manga and I also think that how the manga is so fast-paced throws people off too. But it shouldn't be a problem if you've played the game. Anyway, I like it. :3 It's not even close to some of the better manga I've read, but if you're willing to buy something for eyecandy, or are a fan of the game, it's worth a look.
  16. I'm a huge Hayao Miyazaki fan and sort of a fan of Ursula K. LeGuin, so I can't wait for this movie to come out. It'll be interesting seeing Goro's take on it instead of his dad's. But Goro seems to have a really good understanding of Earthsea, and I think after studying his dad's films his entire life he'll make another Ghibli masterpiece. Despite his dad's little to no confidence in his son. >_
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