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About BlackRose

  • Birthday April 26

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  1. WHOO. Ok make no collect YES. I have about 60 om my hardrive not and about 10 zip disks full of em! Obsessed...maybe....:blush:
  2. I have heard too many wierd things from people I trust to not believe in the supernatural. I haven't seen mnay myelf though
  3. for the first one....I think your right that it was a river teehee Good answer:) But the second one ummm wild guess here...Some kind of really nasty soup?
  4. I roleplay in e-mail...and in converstaions and life. But other than that....no:toothy:
  5. I hate Needles UGH. But really your not wierd for having a phobia a lot of people have them;)
  6. I'm a book worm... heh I go through so many books it's hard to have a favorite author. But I do Like Mercedes Lackey with her Valdemar Series :D
  7. I noramally do some kind of outline or general shape of the entre thing. Of course it's takes me awhile to finish anything but hey :cross: I try right
  8. Ok I found it it is sceduled to be released in feb 2002
  9. Me I have major mood swings areg. Happy...sad..HAPPY..sad :D :bawl:
  10. What's wierd is they all make attractive girls...although Wufi really needs to lighten up and smile. Goes for Heero but he seemed to have adjusted pretty fast. Hehe
  11. I love Gundam Wing hehe:blush: (Gotta have my Duo)
  12. True are they doing this in the USA or somewhere else. (please be the US please be the US)
  13. I Have just decided tonice that my fav is Utena. :cool: But I also Like Gundam Wing, Bubblegum Crisis 2040, Serial Experiments Lain, Princess Mononoke.... umm ok I'll stop listing now.
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