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Everything posted by BlackRose

  1. 1) favorite character? Ohh Umm Sailor Neptune 2)favorite season? 3rd ...or maybe the 5th 3) least favorite character? artimus 4) Least favorite season? umm 2nd I think 5) Do you hate DIC and Cartoon Network for dubbing the show? Well I wish they would have done a better job Ugh and different voices..Ok the dubbers I hate. The networks no 6) Have you seen the fifth season yet? Yes and it's awsome. Seyia rocks
  2. I love it's it's just soooo beautiful ugh. I watched the movie a few times but I wish there was more. I recommend if you don't mind a little incest
  3. I love that movie. The night walker was so beautiful. Hehe The kodamas are sooo cute . I am thinking about cosplaying as one hehe:love:
  4. I have cosplayed a few times. It's really fun. Anyway I think I found some pictures for you. [url]http://www.planetnamek.com/hairguide.html[/url] I hope this works. She is near the bottom of the page
  5. Worst fear. Well I'm in floriida...dead center just abouts. But sotrms don't bother me really ...it's the Needles.. UGH I HATE needles. All sharp and pointy :worried: eep
  6. Hmm ok. Well you can try to ignore the person like the other people said... Hmm Maybe this person just needs a friend or something, maybe you could introduce her to some ppl? Long shot in the dark here granted but maybe she only bugs you because you are the only person she knows around there.
  7. Trademarks .... ummm well I do this little kitten thingy =^-^= See well I don't really have any other real trademarks except I used to do the (greek?) signs for the planets ....I drew them on just about everything... Ummm if you have seen any part of the Sailor Moon series well then you probably know what I am talking about. Of course that could be just wierd.....:freak:
  8. I'm a florida girl. Ah the joys of endless swarms of mosquitoes, snowbirds, and thunderstorms......
  9. FAKE is a really good Anime it really really really is. I want more! Darn those evil anime ppl for not making more of them. oh yeah. Dee X Ryo forever (first post ever eep)
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