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  1. okay first off, do you have your friend code? If you dont talk to copper near the town gates. If thats not it, follow the following steps.: 1) at the ACWW main menu, select other things, then choose WIFI setup 2) Choose search for an access point 3) Choose any of the 3 choices that you have 4) If an access point is found, you will get a message. Hopefully it is not locked. If it is you need a WEP key 5) after you have chosen it as your setup, youre all done! Easy isnt it? If you need further assisstance, go to nintendowifi.com
  2. (First of i apologize if this is a replicated thread or anything, as i have looked for one of these and have not found one. If this is breaking any rules i apologize in advance, since this is my first forum. Anyways...) Well, im sure alot of you DS owners have played, or own ACWW. So i was wonderin if i ould come to your town or you could come to mine? Heres my info: Char name: Zack Town name: Tokyo Friend code: 000065599312 thanks =P
  3. Well, I just registered on the board yeserday, so i guess i could tell you... My name..Classified Info, so just call me Zane I'm a Male, of course Im 14 turning 15 in July Location: Like id say that XD :p Umm well besides the loving anime/manga part, I love Video games. I'm actually kinda sensitive! i love to write stories (Im writing a fanfic right now.) well, My fave manga would have to be....uhh..alot of them actually. But for some reason, im attracted to a manga clled whistle (Its a soccer manga O__O) and i dont even like sports. Id love to make a friend or 2 on the boards. Well i suppose thats all... :animesmil
  4. Well, I wouldnt call it hidden, but it didnt get as much attention as it deserved. Disgaea hour of darkness. That is one of the funnest games i have ever played! In fact theres so much i could say about this game, itd take days! Personally, I say buy this! If you like strategy RPGs, you better put this in your PS2 collection! (btw im new =P)
  5. Aww man! Are you serious!? This really sucks! I was so looking forwad to sleepless nights playing zelda all night :animedepr
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