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Everything posted by rene23

  1. [COLOR="Plum"][SIZE="1"][FONT="Book Antiqua"]Well just yesterday I was watching a movie called "Big Trees" with Krik Douglas. It was made in the 1950's so it is an old movie. It was enjoyable I guess. ^ ^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR="Purple"][FONT="Verdana"]This movie did have its perks. But I would say that this movie was very predictable! It wasn't what I thought it would be. Just like the way the boy journyed into China?! Come on now, [spoiler]falling off a building into China??[/spoiler] Anyway the fighting style of it was the only thing keeping me awake.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  3. 'Phoebe in Wonderland' is the whimsical story of a girl who has an aversion to rules. Played by Elle Fanning (Dakota's little sis!), Phoebe can't seem to get by in the world she lives in, which is preoccupied with rules for everything. Enter her unique drama teacher, who opens a whole new world for the young girl, who is just about to begin her journey of self-discovery. 'Phoebe in Wonderland' is now playing in theaters nationwide. Okay who has seen this movie? Anyone have some insight on it?
  4. Okay so I have never seen this movie but I want to. Is it as bad as everyone else is saying? Should I not waste my time and money? :animeswea
  5. This manga sounds very interesting! I would love to read it! I hope you have fun completing this manga! :D
  6. [COLOR="blue"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]The three most anime theme songs I hate are Kamichama Karin because its very high picthed and hurts my ears, Tokyo Mew Mew because its just plain annoying (you'll now what I mean if you listen to the japanese version) and Sailor moon. They are just plain horrible :animeangr[/FONT][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="3"]This is one of the best short anime series out there! It is so funny! Its a very good anime/manga to watch if you are into comedy and just a splash of romance :blush: Very good!! [/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  8. Do you mean Kamichama Karin? If you do then it does rock. I love the theme and plot to the story. I love the part where [spoiler]kazuma tries to kiss karin and karin doesn't know what to do! that part is halarious![/spoiler]
  9. [COLOR=Navy][FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I do prefer the romantic, action drama type like Fruits basket, DNAngel, Bleach, Inuyasha, Naruto and Ouran High School Host Club ^_^ But more romantic/drama than action [/FONT][/COLOR]
  10. rene23

    Your Theme Song

    [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]I guess it would have to be: Just like You by Three Days Grace, Listen to Your Heart by DHT or Miracle by Cascada ^_^[/FONT]
  11. [QUOTE=Kredion_Akima]Oh jeez it's been so long let's see... (opens the musty old chest full of anime related memorys..) WAY back in the day i used to want to be TK From Digimon season 2. Now why is tricky back then i loved the armored digimon they had and Pegasusmon was like my dream ride.. ( were going back to when i was 12 people) I also held i strange fasanation with Sliverknight from .Hack//sign ( he always seemed like a cop to me.. and i used to want to be one.) the finally character oh boy i haven't thought about this one in ages.. Does anyone rememeber Nail from the Freiza saga of DBZ? i couldn't help but admire how selfless that guy was as he got the crap beat out of him.. ( yeah i know i am a wuss but sometimes i wouldn't mind geting the crap beat out of me over something important.)[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Century Gothic]LOL yeah I do remember Nail! Really? Wow that was a LONG time ago. Not saying you're old I mean the anime is old :animeswea [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=Navy]You need to explain who the person is and why you would want to be that person. 1.)I would like to be Tohru from Fruits Basket because she is kind and loving and always in a chiper mood! 2.)Rukia from Bleach because she is an awesome fighter and has alot of knowlegde. 3.) Temari from Naruto because she has an awesome personality and loves to kick butt!! :catgirl: [/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=3][COLOR=YellowGreen][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I would say Fruits Basket volume 17 is on my list but unfortunatly I have to wait until August for it to come out :animecry: Another i would say is for the Sailor Moon DVD's to come out. I mean a whole box set in english. I have been waiting for years for it to come out but saldy it hasn't come out yet. :animesigh [/FONT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [FONT=Comic Sans MS][COLOR=Blue]I think i would like Both because you never know if you would like some animes in sub or dub. I would watch it both in Sub and Dub just to see which i like better ^^ Most of the time though i like it in Sub, but hey thats just my opinion :animesmil [/COLOR] [/FONT]
  15. yeah i really miss sailor moon. :( i used to watch it as a kid. i grew up with sailor moon. Pokemon too. its sad how they keep changing it :animeangr but i wish i had the DVD set of Sailor Moon :animesigh
  16. UM does anyone like it and if you do why? :catgirl:
  17. [FONT=Comic Sans MS]I think that it would be HOWLS MOVING CASTLE, FRUITS BASKET BOX SET, SPIRITED AWAY and many others 'cause i like romance and comedy so most of my DVDs have this. :animesigh[/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=Navy]I'd like to go on a date with Riku 'cause i would probaly want to know more about him and what he likes to do! :D :animeblus[/COLOR]
  19. rene23


    Never seen it there before... :animesmil
  20. rene23


    :D Naruto is awsome but DBZ is kinda cool!
  21. I think mine would be trunks and vegeta!! :animesmil
  22. Well its when inuyasha [spoiler]kisses kikyo right in front of kagome![/spoiler] I tease my sis for it because she hates kikyo! [INDENT][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1]rene23, I added spoiler tags to your post. Please be sure that your future posts have them whenever you're talking about plot elements that other readers may not have seen yet. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=46199]For more information on spoiler tags click here[/URL]. If you have any questions, PM me or any of the other mods and we'll be happy to help. -Arvi[/SIZE][/COLOR][/INDENT]
  23. i havent seen the movie can anyone tell me what it is?
  24. I so love Fruits Basket anyone else?!!
  25. Yeah inuyasha is cool but I haven't seen it that much. I've only seen the funny episodes. oh and im new....
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