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[size=150][b]Lolth-Drow History:[/b][/size] Long before the elves first travelled to Abeir-Toril from the original elven homeland of Tintageer on the magical world of Faerie, Lolth was known as Araushnee, the "Weaver of Destiny", a Lesser deity of the Seldarine, the elven pantheon of gods. As a goddess of weavers and a spinner of fate, the destiny of the Ssri-Tel'Quessir (dark elves) was placed in the hands of Araushnee by the decree of Corellon Larethian, Creator of the Elves and leader of the Seldarine, in addition to being the consort of Araushnee. The union between Corellon Larethian and the Weaver of Destiny in the form of two children, the Lesser deities Vhaeraun, the Masked Lord, and Eilistraee, the Dark Maiden. Despite all of this, Araushnee was a jealous schemer who envied Corellon and secretly planned to overthrow him and replace him as First of the Seldarine and Coronal of Arvandor. Allying herself with Gruumsh, leader of the orcish pantheon and an arch-nemesis to Corellon, Araushnee attempted to have her consort assassinated by using her position as a loved one of Corellon. Her many attempts to kill the First of the Seldarine failed and eventually these plots were discovered by Sehanine Moonbow, the most powerful goddess of the Seldarine, who had also been suspicious of Araushnee's true motivations. Upon confronting the Weaver of Destiny, Sehanine Moonbow was imprisoned by the traitor goddess. Seeing an opportunity, Araushnee was roused to action and she, Gruumsh and her son Vhaeraun, another co-conspirator in Araushnee's plots, gathered together a great alliance of Greater and Lesser deities of the orcs, goblinoids, kobolds, giants, ogres and many other gods of the evil races. This army of deities was also joined by Malar, god of evil werebeasts, Auril, the savage Frostmaiden and Ghaunadaur, or That Which Lurks, a primordial evil and a future member of the Dark Seldarine. The god-army marched on Arvandor, facing Corellon Larethian and the rest of the Seldarine (bar Sehanine Moonbow, who was still imprisoned), including Eilistraee, who was unaware of her mother's treachery. During the battle that followed, Araushnee and Vhaeraun feigned to fight for the Seldarine while attempting to aid the opposing army, Araushnee even going so far as to redirect an arrow fired by her daughter to hit Corellon. Amid the course of the battle, Sehanine Moonbow managed to escape her imprisonment and revealed the treachery and betrayal of Araushnee to Corellon. The battle for Arvandor was eventually won, the evil army of beast gods eventually driven off by the combined might of the assembled Seldarine and the other fey deities of Arborea. As the battle was being fought, Corellon Larethian faced his betrayer. Araushnee once again tried to kill her former lover but the intervention of three elven goddesses prevented this. Sehanine Moonbow, Hanali Celanil and Aerdrie Faenya had all come to battle Araushnee the Weaver and, coalescing their collective powers into a new form they created the goddess Angharradh, a new consort to Corellon and an equal to him in power. Araushnee was swiftly defeated by Angharradh. Corellon looked upon the defeated form of his betrayer, mother of his children and once beloved by him, it was then that the First of the Seldarine broken-heartedly cursed his love, Araushnee the Weaver of Destiny, into the form of a hideous spider-bodied tanar'ri, stripping her of her divinity and branding her with the name Lolth and casted her into the Abyss, never to return. Corellon also banished Vhaeraun, knowing of his son's duplicity and involvement in his mother's plots. Though Corellon knew his daughter's innocence, Eilistraee chose to share the fate of her mother and brother, the Dark Maiden no doubt sensing that the dark elves would one day need a reprieve from the path of hate and evil that they would eventually set upon, following their dark goddess; their Spider Queen. In the Abyss, many millennia passed by as Lolth raged bitterly over her failed plans, along the way rejecting the advances of Ghaunadaur and sending it into a terrible rage, during which it stole the intellect of many of its followers, effectively robbing itself of most of its power, power which it has only recently regained. However, the Queen of Spiders learned an important lesson from That Which Lurks, by gaining the worship of mortals she could return to her former level of power and beyond. Revealing herself to the dark elven races on various worlds, especially Abeir-Toril, Lolth regained her divinity, achieving part of her ultimate goal to wreak terrible vengeance on Corellon Larethian and the Seldarine. Lolth was the secret power behind many of the dark elven houses of Ilythiir during the terrible Crown Wars that waged between the great elven empires of an age long ago. When the clerics of lost Illefarn prayed to the Seldarine for salvation from the evil elves of Ilythiir and the avatar of Corellon Larethian cursed all Ssri-Tel'Quessir to share the fate of their Abyssmal mother, naming them dhaeraow and divorcing them from the light of day, Lolth led her people into the Underdark, mirroring her own fall from Arvandor so long before. Again, Lolth broke Corellon's heart with this Descent. The dark elves were sundered forever from their creator and all Tel'Quessir, and again Lolth had taken another step in her quest for vengeance against Corellon and his Seldarine. The drow, as they came to be known, grew strong in the Underdark, infiltrating and dominating their subterranean environment with zealous fervor. Lolth's worship became paramount to the power hungry, status-obsessed drow and the Spider Queen's dark majesty has flourished as the dark elves have grown in power. Great temples and cities were built in Lolth's name, foremost among them Menzoberranzan. Founded by Menzoberra the Kinless, a refugee high priestess of Lolth who had fled the destruction of Golothaer (which fell due to infighting among the city's rival clergies), Menzoberranzan is the favoured city of the Spider Queen: so much so that it was her refuge during the events of the recent series of events known as The Time of Troubles. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Forgotten Realms, the dark elves were once ancient tribes of Ilythiir and Miyeritar. They were transformed into drow by the Seldarine and were cast down and driven underground by the light-skinned elves because of the Ilythiirian's savagery during the Crown Wars. The drow had fallen under the influence of Araushnee, who was transformed into Lolth and was cast down into the Demonweb Pits along with her son Vhaeraun by the elven god Corellon Larethian because of Lolth's and Vhaeraun's attempt to take control of the elven pantheon (which included Araushnee's seduction of Corellon Larethian). Prior to the Spellplague descendants of the Miyeritar dark elves later succeed in reversing their transformation and are recreated as a distinct dark elf race. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The RP would start during the beginning of the crown wars. Rpers will be given the choice to pick a side, or stay neutral. All questions and advice can be posted here. I would also like to note, that many Elven races and kingdoms were involved in the crown wars. It would do this RP no justice just to have Drow and High Elves. Its open for discussion. Ideas welcome.
What ever happend to the Roleplaying catagories? They seem to have dissapeared. I have not been on this site for about two and a half years. So can someone give me a heads up on whats going on?
Name: Trojan- 01, Tanthanus Age: 17 Gender: Male Race: Trojan Rank: Corpral Appearance: Thanthanus or Trojan-01 Is the first of his kind he is the first bio-engineered soldier created by the army. He wears the almost the same battle armor as a spartan would using all the same materials and tech. But the design is slightly diffrent being a bit lighter. His suit has a new feature on it that can blend into the enviroment not as well as an elites can but from a medium distance away or if he is in the shadows he is almost virtualy invisible. When he has the invisibility turned off or when its charging (only lasts 1 min) His suit is dark black. Undernieth all of his armor and clothing Tanthanus has black messy ear length hair, dark blue eyes, 5'11, 160 pounds. Some people call him feather weight. Weapons: Battle Rifle, Sniper. Specialty: Accuracy, Staying hiden. Bio: The first of his kind, or the first succesful version of his kind. He is a trojan built by the army, they wished to keep up with the marines in bio tech. so they built there own bio engineered super soldier naming them trojans. They are basicaly copies of spartans but with diffrent suit designs (I will have a pic soon) There has been a lot of controversy about his commander sending him to harvest but they finally let him. He has just been dropped off by a pelican. [font=Verdana][size=2]OOC ( hey trojans were a rumor going around in the halo world. I thought me being a trojan might add something new to the rp? If its not ok tell me and I will switch everything around to being a marine..) [/size][/font] [SIZE=1] [COLOR=DarkGreen]Do not double-post but use the edit button instead. - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[i][size=2]The wind hammered on a tent made of fine silk, it swayed violently neath the moonlight. Inside rested three men, one dressed in fineries and two clad in heavy eccentric armor. The discussion of the two armored men raged loudly, yet the body did not awaken. It would never again awaken. As the discussion came to an end the left most figure moved for the door, his scarlet cape lagging behind. [/i] [i]As the figure stepped outside the tent he stood before a massive flat land. The large plot of plains was infested with many smaller tents that, due to the bells sound cries, advians raised the curtain door and came out into the open and stared respectively at the figure.[/i] [i]The lonesome figure before the central tent waited patiently for all to assemble before his lips opened dryly to form a few words. [/i] [b][i]"Our lord king is dead, assassinated in his sleep this night" [/b]he began, his voice emotionless to the large uproar before him. [/i] [b][i]"The land of [/i]Advia[i] is ripe for the picking for it bears no Heir, no legal owner to call a claim about it. Their will be nothing but bloody conflict until a new ruler is decided, for all those who stay loyal to the Capital city then I plead you to return and await further orders. This campaign is officially over, we have lost my brothers, the southern barbarians have won this battle."[/b] [/i] [i]With these last words the figure turned about and left, leaving some loyal soldiers to scramble their few possessions and dutifully follow the officer. Then the other Advian, the one previous came out of the tent with his second in command . He also had a few words to speak yet his were a fair bit less holy then his scarlet capped counterpart. He opened his mouth with stern arrogance and spoke; [/i] [b][i]"I call claim to all the lands of Advia! I have worked, poured sweat and blood into the lands for the past 46 years of my life. This land is mine, my own, and for every man who will follow me then a generous portion of this lands wealth will await you!"[/b][/i] [i]And so began the falling of the greatest empire, the Advian Empire, the world had ever seen since the day the gods blew life into us all.[/i] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [/size][b][u][size=4]Info:[/b][/u] [/size][size=2]You will basically be fighting a war I will decide the outcome of battles. you may choose to become an ally with the Old Empire or Advias Empire or be on your own side. [b][u]Sign ups:[/b][/u] [b]Name: anything....[/b] [b]Allegiance: The Old Empire, Advias Empire , and Outside State.[/b] [b]Race: (see below)[/b] [b]Age: (depends on race)[/b] [b]Estate: If you own a peice of property give me a name if there is a castle on it and what they call the castle and the general military population note: no got modding by having millions or thousands of soldier most of the soldiers would have been sent of for the barbarian wars so there is only a small amount left to defend.[/b] [b]Physical Appearance: 1-2 paragraphs please)[/b] [b]Background Info: (1-5 paragraphs please)[/b] [b][u]Allegiance:[/b][/u] here I will explain the different teams you may join. [b]Old Empire:[/b] The leader is the Scarlet capped man in the intro. These are the people who have stayed loyal to the capital of Advia, Agreetha, the soldiers here are well trained and found in a wide variety. [b]Advias Empire:[/b] The people in the intro who did not follow the Scarlet man but joined the other one, these are the men who wish to make profit from the kings death. Their goal is to take over the land of Algrathea. [b]Outside State:[/b] One of the soldiers from the beginning who did not join any of the too camps. If you chose this you are free to create your own band of men and try your claim at the capital or ally with them. Your choice. [b][u]Races : [/b][/u] [b]Advian: [/b]Advians resemble blue skinned elves they have very long pointed ears, dark blue skin , purple or silver eyes , dark hair though some have light. Their skin is very sensitive and can be hurt easily in the sun so most wear thick [/size]
[font=Century Gothic][color=darkred][font=Century Gothic]Sera, inhabited by the human survivors of a once-glorious civilization. For a millennium, however, they fought among themselves. Eventually they knew the hush of peace that blanketed the land. That was until the discovery of Imulsion, a phosphorescent, low-viscosity fluid. Discovered by an oil-exploration drill, it was unusable until a woman named Dr. Helen Cooper created the Lightmass Process, which enabled production of cheap energy. The world economy soon collapsed due to its extremely low price and the elimination for the need of hydrocarbon and nuclear fuel sources. The few countries that had an overabundance of Imulsion under their feet soon found themselves at war with nations who were not as lucky, and so began the Pendulum Wars. During the seventy-nine year war, the Coalition of Ordered Governments, or COG, became a legitimate minor political party. Founded long before the Pendulum Wars by fanatical socialist Alexiy Desipich, the party was based on an obscure world-government philosophy based on eight guiding principle values: Order, Diligence, Purity, Labor, Honor, Loyalty, Faith, and Humility. The Pendulum Wars ceased on what is now called Emergence Day. Humans had to stop fighting each other in an attempt to face a new threat. In less than twenty-four hours, a ravenous species known as the Locust attacked every major city on Sera, leaving a quarter of the population dead. By the time human forces pulled together to form an effective defense, it was too late. The Locust Horde had already taken control of the majority of the world's urban, military, and manufacturing centers. Billions lay dead. The COG took matters into their own hands and re-enacted the Fortification Act, allowing martial law to be placed on all remaining survivors from the initial invasion. All survivors were ordered to evacuate to the Jacinto Plateau, a safe haven that the Locust Horde could not penetrate from the underground due to its thick granite substrata. Survivors who could not make it to the plateau were given the following apology: "For those citizens who can't make it to Jacinto, the Coalition appreciates your sacrifice. Please forgive us, this is the only way." Chemical and orbital particle laser weapons were used in a scorched earth strategy to deny the Locust Horde survival on the surface, forcing them to stay in their underground warrens. This war would continue for another fourteen years. Somewhere around the tenth year, Jacinto was being fortified into an unassailable fortress. Its once magnificent cities, envied for their beauty, were soon converted into military defense platforms. The plateau's natural fissures and utility systems were destroyed or flooded with nerve gas to delay the Locust Horde's eventual attack. The survivors, or Stranded, living in horrible conditions and malnutrition, had to find ways to defend themselves. When the Locust Horde began their attack. Ok you start off on the front lines off Jacinto there will be 1 assault team of humans and some locust if you are on the assault team you get a distress call from a fortified position (an abandoned cathedral) to the south of you on the way you find some resistance from there it is up to you. for locust information on ranks and races go to [/font][url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o"][/url] [size=2][/size][font=Century Gothic][size=3]... e_Locust_Horde . and for weapons go to [/size][/font][url="http://planetgearsofwar.gamespy.com...es.detail&id=12/"][u][font=Century Gothic][color=#0000ff][size=3]http://planetgearsofwar.gamespy.com...es.Detail&id=12[/size][/u][/color][/font][/url][font=Century Gothic] [size=3]Human sign up from. Name: Anything Age: 13/30 Sex: male/female Rank: Captain, Lieutenant, Sargent, Private. Description: what you look like. Weapons: only gears of war weapons. 3 weapons History: A small clip of history of how you got to Jacinto and how you were put into the military. Locust sign up form. Name: something simple yet exotic Age: 5/100 Note Locust age is different Race: What type of locust are you? Rank: Description: take into consideration your race. Weapons: only gears of war weapons. 3 weapons History: not required. Name: Prowling Dawn Age: 14 Sex: Male Rank: Captain Description: Cropped black hair , blue eyes , 5'8 , 130lbs , wears customized gear armor that is thinner and lighter to allow better movement but still has a fare amount of protection he also wears a black cloak over his armor to allow him to have better camo in the shadows. Weapons: Longshot Sniper Rifle, Lancer Assault Rifle, Revolver. History: Picked up young because the humans were getting desprate Prowling has went up the ranks at a fast rate of speed mostly because his commanding officers end up getting killed and he is the next one in line he is the commanding officer of the small Assault Squad that is on its way to the place were the distress call came from.[/size] [/font][/color][/font]
...Never had anyone fallen so far, so fast. Vladimir Xuras, once the most celebrated paladin in the land of Feraen, had finally been defeated in his crusade against evil. He had grown up in a broken family, a bastard child of an alcoholic father and a mother who died in childbirth. He always stood out from the others in some malign, but nonspecific way, and there were rumors of daemonic blood in his veins. Still, he had fought all his bad influences and took up the life of a holy warrior, at which he excelled. He was fearless almost to the point of recklessness, but always came out on top. He had destroyed exactly 665 evils, and it was on his 666th quest that his luck ran out. Slain by the vampire lord Dragthel with the foul creature's last ounce of strength, Vladimir was buried a hero, with thousands of mourners, each one somehow helped by his golden heart and tireless sword. But he wouldn't stay a hero, for he had been bitten by his killer, a minor wound that no one noticed, least of all Vladimir himself, but that it was there was enough. Three days later, he rose as a vampire, free-willed but irrevokably scarred, both physically and spiritually. He fell rapidly into sin, and took up the mantle of anti-paladin, twisting his experience with fighting evil and using it instead to create it. The most famous paladin in a century had become the most infamous anti-paladin practically overnight, as news of the fallen hero's depraved acts spread through the land like wildfire. He had taken a particular liking to the undead, and after wrenching a copy of the fabled Necronomicon from the cold, dead hands of a particularly powerful necromancer began to animate the dead for himself. He built a fortress upon the ruins of an abandoned keep, surrounded by a huge graveyard of the fallen warriors that had besieged it, and commanded a small army from beyond the grave. This was all in just two weeks. At three weeks, the steady growth of his force had drained the boneyard around his keep to nothingness, and he had already laid claim to a good part of the countryside, cleaving through the civilization of the living easily with the cursed sword and armor of his killer and mounted atop a skeletal horse. Practically overnight, Vladimir, Champion of Light became Vladimir, Commandant of Undeath (the title he had given himself), and he was now a world power. He sent lesser vampires to rule over the remaining living as lords, armed legions of skeletal warriors with weapons and armor created through the endless toil of his living citizenry, and if one fell from overwork he or she (Vladimir was not one to discriminate) were simply raised from the dead by one of his the necromancer taskmasters as a zombie, who continued to work in undeath. Obviously, the other lords in Feraen were not about to let their lands be crushed by an army of undead, but their forces were utterly crushed by the Commandant's legions if they did not turn tail and flee from the start. It was after this that Vladimir promised that he would stop his invasions if the other lords of the land recognized his soverignty and allowed him to wed one of their daughters to secure this. Initially they accepted, each thinking that it would be one of the others who would be forced to marry off their daughter to the undead Commandant. So when he finally chose, Lord Miligthan of Thorwood was in for a rude disillusionment. He cut off the deal, but by then it was too late for him. Vladimir had already arrived with three of his 13 legions (he always kept the number at 13, he simply increased the amount of soldiers in each one), ready to besiege the keep should anyone interfere (he hadn't recieved the letter Miligthan sent, as the runner carrying it unfortunately ran into a pack of hungry zombies. His body was never recovered, but the zombies confessed). When Miligthan gave the Commandant the news, he slew the fat lord on the spot, draining the corpse dry, and made off with the princess, as he insisted that the marriage take place in his own land of Icingvale (which was something of a misnomer, since it was actually quite warm there). The lord's corpse was found nailed to his throne two days later, as the doors had been similarly nailed shut as the Commandant left, although the head was missing. The head now resides on a pike in front of Icingvale Keep. The marriage took place as planned, but although Vladimir kept true to his word (he still had enough honor left in him to not go back on a blood pact) the other lords did not. They sent marauders into Icingvale, even convincing the savage tribes of Ogres, Orcs, and Trolls to attack the undead forces. The Elves were stirred from their long isolation by an attack made by Vladimir (he said nothing about expanding his territory into elven lands), the Dwarves disturbed by one band of orcs who got 'misdirected' by a vampire posing as an innocent bystander, and suddenly it seemed like all Hell was breaking loose. Vladimir's 13 Black Legions held back the onslaught, his long-prepared defenses working as perfectly as he had planned. Eventually, they backed down and recognized Vladimir Xuras, Commandant of Undeath, as ruler of Icingvale, and called off their weary armies. So a council of representatives from the lands of Men, Elves, and Dwarves was formed to discuss the best course of action, and decided that a small group would be best to take care of Vladimir by traveling into Icingvale, bypassing the 13 Black Legions, and killing the vampire in his own castle (ironically, this was the same strategy Vladimir had suggested before had a situation like this happen). Posters were put up in every town square, and they read as follows: [center][font=Arial][size=5][b]ATTENTION[/b][/size] All able men and women of Feraen, your land needs you! The Council of Feraen has called upon you to step forward and defend the good peoples of this land! Generous pay to all who are accepted! Now is your chance for fame and fortune! APPLY TODAY![/font][/center] What it doesn't mention is that they're completely expendable, without any support, and traveling to a land where the dead rule and discovery means certain death... or worse. ________________________________ Rules: -PLEASE PM me before joining! -NO Godmodding -NO Controlling of other characters -Humans, Elves, Dwarves,lycanthropes, and vampires only. No half-breeds, daemons, angels, or deities. -Keep your power reasonable. No über-powerful characters or spells, etc. Character sheets are optional. If you use one, it should look something like this: Name: Age: Gender: Race: Physical Description: (both written descriptions and pictures are acceptable) Bio: Weapons/Armor: (not required) Spells/Abilities: (PLEASE limit these! No instant death spells or anything of the sort) After a few people post their intros, we will begin.
Name- Prowling Kain Darkness Race- Lycan Age- 15 Personality-Prowling is aragant, prideful, and immature. he loved making up jokes even if he is the only one laughing at them. some of his old friends and pack thought him perverted but he never took and noticing to it he just spoke his mind. Appearance- In human form Prowling is 5'9 and weighs 135lbs. he is slimly build but he uses this aganst his advisaries. He has cropped black hair and cold blue eyes, his skin is deathly pale almost giving him the appearance of a vampire but his scent gives him away. In lycan form he stands 5'11 and weighs 170lbs. In this form he is still slimly build and uses his lack of brawn and his abundance of speed aganst his enemy's he has dark black fur but still keeps his blue eyes in this form Weapons-2 45 colt anaconda revolvers. Side- vamps. Bio/Writing example- Prowling is traveling with the group of vampires for his own gain but for some reason they havnt found out his little secret yet, that he is a werewolf. they think he is vampire, if they found out his true form they would probobly kill him./ Prowling was checking out the new york night life when he heard something behind him he spun around to see a man with a gun pointed twards him "what do you want?" he asked the man but the man didnt seem like he wanted to talk and fired off a round at him narrowly missing prowling. Prowling pulled out his two guns and unloaded into the man almost killing him he was still barley alive on the ground gasping for air as blood splutterd out of his mouth "who do you work for?" Prowling asked but the last thing the man said was "Burn in hell vampire". Prowling looked at the man in confusion he wasnt a vamp... but he supposed he could pass as one.
Hey i have a couple of questions first of being can we be any branch of the military i signed up so that i was in the marines but if i cant tell me and i will change it. another thing is were are you going to be starting us off at? are we all going to be in a squad or in a couple fire teams? Is there going to be a main plot like maybe the US going to war with iran and us having to go there? just wondering.....
[b]Name: Travis Basham[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Rank: Captian [/b] [b]Appearance: I have hazel green eyes dark brown cropped hair (when it isnt shaved off) I weigh 160lbs and am 5'11 inches tall i am slim built but still have a good amount of muscle on me (training and bootcamp).[/b] [b]Duty(MOS):[/b] Marine, Sniper. "Hoo-Rah" [b]Origins:[/b] "hey you dont know me and odds are I dont know you either. I grew up in a small town outside of medford oregon called applegate. The reason I joined the marines was because I had always wanted to be a sniper after I took the training and went on the first few missions I realized it realy wasnt all that fun but I was skilled at it and I always hit the mark.
[font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkred][color=darkgreen]= Blood Dawn went to go to the landing pad to get a better view of the giant tortuis class drop ship coming down on a landing pad not far off. He used sera's radio code and spoke.=[/color] [/color][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=#8b0000][/color][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=#8b0000]"The drop ship is almost safely landed. why dont you come out and have a look?"[/color][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=#8b0000][/color][/font] [font=Franklin Gothic Medium][color=darkgreen]=He smiled watching the drop ship land and almost 2oo unarmed marines come pouring out and looking around.. the marines looked they felt a little uneasy without there weapons especialy around so many armed republican guards... He sat down watching as he waited for Sera to come up.=[/color][/font]
[i][size=2]The wind hammered on a tent made of fine silk, it swayed violently neath the moonlight. Inside rested three men, one dressed in fineries and two clad in heavy eccentric armour. The discussion of the two armoured men raged loudly, yet the body did not awaken. It would never again awaken. As the discussion came to an end the left most figure moved for the door, his scarlet cape lagging behind. [/i] [i]As the figure stepped outside the tent he stood before a massive flat land. The large plot of plains was infested with many smaller tents that, due to the bells sound cries, advians raised the curtain door and came out into the open and stared respectively at the figure.[/size][/i] [size=2][i]The lonesome figure before the central tent waited patiently for all to assemble before his lips opened dryly to form a few words. [/i][/size] [size=2][i][b]?Our lord king is dead, assassinated in his sleep this night? [/b]he began, his voice emotionless to the large uproar before him. [/i][/size] [size=2][b][i]?The land of [/i]Advia[/b][i][b] is ripe for the picking for it bears no Heir, no legal owner to call a claim about it. Their will be nothing but bloody conflict until a new ruler is decided, for all those who stay loyal to the Capital city then I plead you to return and await further orders. This campaign is officially over, we have lost my brothers, the southern barbarians have won this battle.?[/b] [/i][/size] [size=2][i]With these last words the figure turned about and left, leaving some loyal soldiers to scramble their few possessions and dutifully follow the officer. Then the other Advian, the one previouse came out of the tent with his second in command . H[/i][/size][size=2][i]e also had a few words to speak yet his were a fair bit less holy then his scarlet caped counterpart. He opened his mouth with stern arrogance and spoke; [/i][/size] [size=2][i][b]?I call claim to all the lands of Advia! I have worked, poured sweat and blood into the lands for the past 46 years of my life. This land is mine, my own, and for every man who will follow me then a generous portion of this lands wealth will await you!?[/b][/i][/size] [size=2][i]And so began the falling of the greatest empire, the Advian Empire, the world had ever seen since the day the gods blew life into us all.[/i][/size] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=4][b][u]Info:[/u][/b] [/size][size=2]You will basicly be fighting a war i will decide the outcome of battles. you may choose to become an ally with the Old Empire or Advias Empire or be on your own side.[/size] [size=3][b][u]Sign ups:[/u][/b][/size] [b][size=2]Name: anything....[/b] [b]Allegiance: The Old Empire,Advias Empire , and Outside State.[/size][/b] [b][size=2]Race: (see below)[/size][/b] [b][size=2]Age: (depends on race)[/size][/b] [size=2][b]Estate: If you own a peice of property give me a name if there is a castle on it and what they call the castle and the general military population note: no got modding by having millions or thousands of soldier most of the soldiers would have been sent of for the barbarian wars so there is only a small amount left to defend.[/b][/size] [b][size=2]Physical Appearance: 1-2 paragraphs please)[/size][/b] [b][size=2]Background Info: (1-5 paragraphs please)[/size][/b] [size=2][u][size=3][b]Allegiance:[/b][/size][/u] here I will explain the different teams you may join. [/size] [size=2][b]Old Empire:[/b] The leader is the Scarlet caped man in the intro. These are the people who have stayed loyal to the capital of Advia, Agreetha, the soldiers here are well trained and found in a wide variety. [/size] [size=2][b]Advias Empire:[/b] The people in the intro who did not follow the Scarlet man but joined the other one, these are the men who wish to make profit from the kings death. Their goal is to take over the land of Algrathea. [/size] [size=2][b]Outside State:[/b] One of the soldiers from the beginning who did not join any of the too camps. If you chose this you are free to create your own band of men and try your claim at the capital or ally with them. Your choice.[/size] [size=3][b][u]Races : [/u][/b][/size] [size=2][b]Advian: [/b]Advians resemble blue skinned elves they have very long pointed ears, dark blue skin , purple or silver eyes , dark hair though some have light. Their skin is very sensitive and can be hurt easily in the sun so most wear thick cloacks and goggles. There Strengh can easily overmatch any elf but unfortunaly they can not use magic. Most are very tall and thin being anywere from 6ft tall to 8ft tall. Age:15-900[/size] [size=2][b]Human:[/b] (if you dont know this you dont deserve to be in this rp.) Age: 14-50[/size] [size=2][b]Elf: [/b]everyone knows tall,fair,can use magic,strong, and can live for almost ever.... Age: 5-5000[/size] [size=2][b]Dwarf: [/b]short,stocky,strong, enjoys mining and being under ground, they have beards.... Age: 15-500[/size] [size=2][b]Drow elf: [/b]Dark skin, tall , some are fair , can use magic, live in caves, dont like elves...Age: 10-800[/size] [b][u][size=3]Sub-Races :[/size][/u][/b] [size=2][b]Lycan: [/b]you know.. werewolves , part wolf part man ect. Age Addition: 150[/size] [size=2][b]Vampire: [/b]fangs, blood, imortal. Age Addition: Forever unless killed[/size] [size=2][b]Reaver: [/b]if you have seen blade 2 then you know what this is if you havnt look it up on yahoo or google im sure you can find a pic and a discription somewere. They are basicly a sub species of vampires that feed on vampires and turn them into more reavers they have pale skin with alot of blue veins running threw it and instead of conventional fangs there jaw splits in half and they have fangs on both side and a sucker like tounn...*shivers*. Age Addition: 500 [/size]
SIGN-UPS Name ? Aaven Dantanus Age ? 16 Gender ? Male Appearance ? Aaven is 5'9 and weighs 130lbs he has a slim build but most of his weight is made up of muscle although he doesnt look like a weight lifter he does have a 6 pack and medium sized muscles he has black cropped hair and cold blue eyes. Clothing: Aaven wears mostly black cloths do to stealth and camo in the night and shadows he wears a black shirt and some loose black pants with a very dark grey cloak over the top he also wears a pair of black army boots and some gloves.. in night missions he has night vision goggles so he can see without his scope. Skills/Powers ? Sniper: Aaven is an amazing sniper one of the only reasons the rebels are letting him fight at such an early age. The other reason is because they dont have sufficeint numbers and everyone helps. Weapons ? Aaven uses a modified 50 cal. Barrett sniper rifle that shoots aluminum rounds without casings they are fired at high volocity by pressurized nitrogen this weapon also has a infared scope so he can see were his enemys are night and day. He also carrys 2 45. magnum colt anacondas and a kukri in his belt. Sides ? Rebels Class ? Sniper, Soldier Personality ? Aaven is always looking farward to go on missions he is immature and is mostly considerd a pervert by his friends but he takes no notice to this he just enjoys speaking his mind and he doesnt really care what others think including his commanding officers, if they give him and order and he thinks its stupid he with carry it out the way he deems it fit. Bio ? Aaven looked over the large town by one of the industrial towers it was night and the rebels has attacked it. he could see tracer rounds being fired all over the city "This is going to be a little tough considering the glare of the tracer rounds is going to get my attention when i try to place my shots..." He thought he brought the Sniper rifle up aganst his shoulder and aimed at one of the enemy captians "BANG" The shot went right into his head cleaving it straight off. He looked around in his scope a little while before finding a squad of rebels under attack by almost a battalion of the enemy there officer was standing out in plane view by a building Aaven knew that if he killed the enemys officer the squad would have a chance to escape threw the confusion even if it was a slim chance he aimed and placed his shot in the enemys chest "BANG" the shot cleaved the man in half as the rebels ran away under the cover fire of another nearby squad.
[COLOR=DarkSlateGray]=Blood Dawns was pissed off now he could feal the blood rising in his cheeks. He was just happy that he had his helmet on right then so that Sera could'nt see how pissed off he was, he attempted to stay calm.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] "First of all Sera im not starting anything on this planet they fired first. And about the drop ship that is so our people can resupply according to the calculations of the recon that was here before us they said that any race was aloud to land here as long as they had peace in mind which I do. And I assure our Marine and Civilian population on the spire have also. As for rank I requested to come down with your squad because mine was off on another ship bacause I didnt want to come down later. I am infact the same rank you are, Lieutenant! So dont go and try to give me orders deal with it."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray] =Blood Dawn spoke into the radio again.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Continue to bring down the drop ship, only fire if you are fired upon. Get that?! Anyone who decides to do otherwise will have to deal with me."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=Navy]Name: Clyde Dawn Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Human Loyalty: Underground Resistance. Description: Clyde stands 5'11 inches tall he has short black cropped hair and cold steely blue eyes he has a long red scare streching from his left ear down to his chin he weighs Aprox. 160lbs he has a slim build but most of his weight is from his muscles. Weapons: Clyde was a natuarly born sniper he uses a barrett sniper rifle and 2 45 cal. colt anaconda revolvers he also keeps a kukri at his side at all times incase the fighting gets to close. Special Skills: Clyde is a good sniper and is a officer in the Human fraction of the Resistance. Personality: Clyde enjoys making jokes even if they are funnier to him then they are to the people he is telling them to he is very immature and most of his friends know him as a semi-pervert but he doesnt take any notice to this he just speaks his mind.[/COLOR] Short Bio: [COLOR=DarkGreen]=Lasers were flying all around him, he and is squad were bogged down i a park square Clyde didnt realy know were his actualy position was all he knew was that he was near the capital.= [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Fire at will"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=He screamed at his soldiers he took his head out of the smoulding foxhole long enough to see a sniper up in the tower across the street. He ducked back down and cocked a shell into his 50 cal. rifle and slowly inched his way up to the edge of the foxhole he aimed quickly and fired off 2 rounds one blowing the snipers head of and the other destroying the snipers laser based weapon. He leaned over to one of his luitanets.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"****!. They have us surrounded Kain order your squad to brake a hole in the east side we will make our way down 5th street and set up position at the small bank near there"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=Half the men layed down cover fire while the other half threw grenades at the east line they went off sending the enemy soldiers flying and screaming.Clyde yelled.= [/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"CHARGE!!!"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=And alll of his men including himself charged at the enemys weakend east line but it was not ment to be for at that moment the enemy had sent reinforcements to the east line and Clydes men were cut down by enemy machine gun fire killing all of them and wounding himself he lay there with blood running out of his chest and leg as the enemy commander strode out and looked at him.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"You have cause us much trouble human and you have fought bravley for that i will spare your life but for a price to remember me"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=The commander took out Clydes Kukri and slit the left side of his face to the bone also going threw his cheek Clyde screamed=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"You ****ing bastard"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=One of the enemys men hit him with the but of his gun laying him out flat. Later he awoke with the sound of a transports engines in the air and saw some human soldiers running over to him he tryed to get up as one of them spoke.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed] "Its ok sir stay down"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=The young captian yelled out some orders for his men to bring a stretcher before turning back to Clyde.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"were are the rest of you men sir"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen] =Clyde let out a laugh.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"they are all around you, you havnt noticed?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=he young captian looked around with horror spreading across his face.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"what happend?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkGreen]=clyde laughed agian before speaking a tear slyding down his face as the stretcher loaded him up.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"I killed them....All of them.. if i wouldnt have given the order they would still be alive and we would have had reinforcements."[/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkRed][FONT=Century Gothic]"Oh so you dont consider me a real spartan? I can hold my own in any military conflict i just dont have time for crying JEDI and buthurt body guards maybe if they didnt want us to attack them they should have thought about training there guards to keep their fingers off the trigers and the safeys clicked on in a unhostil situation"[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]=Blood Dawn looked up at the sky before speaking into his radio=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"All clear bring down Military drop ship Omega-9468 there seems to be enough food and space on this planet to sustain a few more people though im not sure if there will be any resistance stay all clear the of the weapons arrays and land in coordinates.... fuck just land were the first pelican drop ship landed i will have it moved. Although i dont think they have any ports large enough to house the spire i will have to get back on you with that one when you land have a couple of recon teams unarm and go check out the rest of the surounding area."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]=He looked over at were the pelican he landed in was landed at and yelled out some orders.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"get that hunk of metal off of the landing pad and over by were pyro's pelican landed pronto."[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkSlateGray]=He looked back over at Sera.=[/COLOR] [COLOR=DarkRed]"Im taking control of this situation."[/FONT][/COLOR]
Name: Prowling "Prowler" Dawn Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Prowling is imature and careless he is arogant and cocky and loves getting into fights but he is also skilled in his art with the sniper rifle the reason for him being in the military so soon was because he shot a target from about 3/4 of a mile away with a 270 in front of a marine sniper he was recruited and trained shortly after knowing balistics sheets by heart and not needing a spotter he is skilled and highly trained in shooting from long distances when he was in training he got the nickname Prowler for being so damn sneaky. Appearance: Prowling is 5'9 and weighs 140lbs he has black cropped hair and cold blue eyes he is thin and lean and isnt all muscle and sinew but can still beat fairly large targets by dodging and taking it to the ground with submission holds. Weapons: Prowling caries a few weapons The Barrett Sniper rifle for long range shooting. [url]http://club.guns.ru/eng/barrett/rifleb.htm[/url] The 45 Cal. Colt anaconda for shooting at close range. [url]http://www.militaryimages.net/photopost/data/533/2g1c15.jpg[/url] And a Kukri short sword for close combat when he runs out of bullits.
"wow now I can really tell how powerful the JEDI are." he said sarcastically. He smirked "come on sera ,pyroblade these people are of no use to us why are we wasting our time here when we could be on the ship preparing it for attack or out doing recon missions I?ve never really been good at diplomacy anyway..." He started walking towards the direction of the pelican once again.
"shut up bitch my marines did nothing to hurt your master so unless you want to kill us all and then have the rest of the fleet decened upon your back shut the hell up and go home and play with the force." Blood Dawn turned back around and went to the pelican "are you coming Sera? Or do you wish to stay with our funny little friends?"
"Sorry about what? My men and I did not fire upon this woman she must have slipped and fallen down when we came crashing into the room?" Blood Dawn smiled almost evily. "Sera the only thing these people will give us is trouble and lectures about us bringing a war to them. Lets just leave." Blood Dawn walked up the steps twards the pelican. He turned around. "Oh and sorry for making you slip miss."
[FONT=Century Gothic][COLOR=DarkRed]Sera, inhabited by the human survivors of a once-glorious civilization. For a millennium, however, they fought among themselves. Eventually they knew the hush of peace that blanketed the land. That was until the discovery of Imulsion, a phosphorescing, low-viscosity fluid. Discovered by an oil-exploration drill, it was unusable until a woman named Dr. Helen Cooper created the Lightmass Process, which enabled production of cheap energy. The world economy soon collapsed due to its extremely low price and the elimination for the need of hydrocarbon and nuclear fuel sources. The few countries that had an overabundance of Imulsion under their feet soon found themselves at war with nations who were not as lucky, and so began the Pendulum Wars. During the seventy-nine year war, the Coalition of Ordered Governments, or COG, became a legitimate minor political party. Founded long before the Pendulum Wars by fanatical socialist Alexiy Desipich, the party was based on an obscure world-government philosophy based on eight guiding principle values: Order, Diligence, Purity, Labor, Honor, Loyalty, Faith, and Humility. The Pendulum Wars ceased on what is now called Emergence Day. Humans had to stop fighting each other in an attempt to face a new threat. In less than twenty-four hours, a ravenous species known as the Locust attacked every major city on Sera, leaving a quarter of the population dead. By the time human forces pulled together to form an effective defense, it was too late. The Locust Horde had already taken control of the majority of the world's urban, military, and manufacturing centers. Billions lay dead. The COG took matters into their own hands and re-enacted the Fortification Act, allowing martial law to be placed on all remaining survivors from the initial invasion. All survivors were ordered to evacuate to the Jacinto Plateau, a safe haven that the Locust Horde could not penetrate from the underground due to its thick granite substrata. Survivors who could not make it to the plateau were given the following apology: "For those citizens who can't make it to Jacinto, the Coalition appreciates your sacrifice. Please forgive us, this is the only way." Chemical and orbital particle laser weapons were used in a scorched earth strategy to deny the Locust Horde survival on the surface, forcing them to stay in their underground warrens. This war would continue for another fourteen years. Somewhere around the tenth year, Jacinto was being fortified into an unassailable fortress. Its once magnificent cities, envied for their beauty, were soon converted into military defense platforms. The plateau's natural fissures and utility systems were destroyed or flooded with nerve gas to delay the Locust Horde's eventual attack. The survivors, or Stranded, living in horrible conditions and malnutrition, had to find ways to defend themselves. When the Locust Horde began their attack. Ok you start off on the front lines off Jacinto there will be 1 assault team of humans and some locust if you are on the assault team you get a distress call from a fortified position to the south of you on the way you find some resistance from there it is up to you. for locust information on ranks and races go to [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_o[/url]... e_Locust_Horde . and for weapons go to [url]http://planetgearsofwar.gamespy.com...es.Detail&id=12[/url] Human sign up from. Name: Anything Age: 13/30 Sex: male/female Rank: Captain, Lieutenant, Sargent, Private. Description: what you look like. Weapons: only gears of war weapons. 3 weapons History: A small clip of history of how you got to Jacinto and how you were put into the military. Locust sign up form. Name: something simple yet exotic Age: 5/100 Note Locust age is different Race: What type of locust are you? Rank: Description: take into consideration your race. Weapons: only gears of war weapons. 3 weapons History: not required. Name: Prowling Dawn Age: 14 Sex: Male Rank: Captain Description: Cropped black hair , blue eyes , 5'8 , 130lbs , wears customized gear armor that is thinner and lighter to allow better movement but still has a fare amount of protection he also wears a black cloak over his armor to allow him to have better camo in the shadows. Weapons: Longshot Sniper Rifle, Lancer Assualt Rifle, Revolver. History: Picked up young because the humans were getting desprate Prowling has went up the ranks at a fast rate of speed mostly because his commanding officers end up getting killed and he is the next one in line he is the commanding officer of the small Assualt Squad that is on its way to the place were the distress call came from.[/COLOR][/FONT]
"god damn it Sera they fired on us first most of us were on edge so we fired back" Blood Dawn pushes Sera off and jumped back up. "As for hurting her master we did nothing of the sort we only fired upon the guards and then came down to fetch you!" Blood Dawn headed back twards the pelican. "Im getting off this hunk of metal before they send there military." He turned around. "Until we can explain what happend but these people are so involved in there peaceloving bullshit it prob. wont help."
*Blood Dawn jumped down from the pelican and watched Sera get led away down a long raised path he watched the blue guards twitch uneasily he wisperd to one of his marines* "If even one of those blue bastards decides to fire have everyone ready to return fire enter that building over there and get Commander Sera back also if we have to do this leave alpha fire squad to protect the pelican" * sat there waiting one of the blue guards forgot to put there safty on and was messing with the trigger the second the sound of the shot was heard the marines opend fire and easily swept away the small group of blue guard alpha squad stayed behind and protected the ship as blood dawn and the rest of the men breached the building with a plasma gernade they looked into the opening caustously* " charge!"
Name- Real: Avery Dante Code Name: Prowler Gender: male Age: 15 Likes: Sniper Training, Stealth Training, Computer Hacking. Dislikes: Agents , Matrix , the real world Personality: one word Immature Appearance: shaggy Black Hair, Blue eyes, 5'9 , 120lbs , pale skin Cloths: Black pants , green shirt, military boots, black gloves. Weapons- Barret 50 cal. sniper rifle, 2 .44 magnum anaconda revolver. Short sword. Bio- Avery is one of the few that was born outside of the matrix. He is always waiting to board a ship and go on some important mission or any mission for that matter he is board with his life in the city.
Name: Prowler Dawn Age: 14 Side: Trigger Gender: Male Appearance: 5'8 , 120lbs , shaggy black hair , cold blue eyes , pale white skin. Personality:Prowler is immature and enjoys making jokes about his fellow comrades even in the heat of battle you can catch him throwing in snide remarks and perverted jokes. Weapon:Barret M108 50 CAL. Sniper Rifle Role: Sniper/Stealth : Prowler is a sniper and is valuable for his steath skills. Bio: Young he was homeless the triggers exepted and trained him without question.
Name: Spartan 308- Blood Dawn Race: Halo-Spartan Age:14 Gender: Male. Rank: Lieutenant. Personality: Immature and never serious he is even likely to make perverted jokes in the heat of battle. Appearance- 5'8 , Cold blue eyes, shaggy black hair , 120lbs, he has pale almost un-dead looking skin from being in battle armor 24/7 he never seems to have it off. Bio- Bio engineered in a lab the closest thing he could call home is a bio tube he was on the truth and reconciliation while the covenant attacked he asked to come down to the strange planet with Sara's squad because his own squad was on another ship.