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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. So, I laugh about these stories where people let fly their Wii-motes, and they crash into their television.. Honestly, my friends and I have gone to town on the actions involved with playing Wii Sports, never once having an incident, so.. I scoffed that this was actually listed as a problem.. That is, till I took it to a friends house, during an after-Thanksgiving Dinner party.. My buddy Paul was playing around with Tennis, and he just went to town swinging it around. Well, one particular time, it flew out of his hand, the strap broke (seriously, he was flailing around like a newborn baby that needs his bottle) and it flew into the wall.. After it hit the wall, it took a bounce towards the front door, hit my buddies dog in the back of the head, and skidded to a halt near the front door. It was.. an interesting experience, luckily, no broken TV or Wii-mote. Plus, I gotta get a new strap now -_- (btw, my 6 year old Nephew has NOT had a problem with letting go of the controller, and he's played it much longer then my 26yr old buddy Paul.. just saying)
  2. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']I've played it quite a bit at this stage and it's remarkable to me that anyone can even have an overall negative opinion of the game. It has its flaws, like anything else... but graphics and gameplay complaints (from an action title perspective) just seem almost entirely invalid to me.[/quote] Soooo.. it's like, you hear people complaining, but just aren't listening to them? Just wanted to touch upon another quirk I had with the game.. is the aim speed sensitivity.. even on high, it's still too slow. This is just a minor irritation, rather then a real problem. It just needed to have a 'even higher' setting or something.. on a scale of 1-10, 'High' seemed about a 7, and I play games on a 9 or 10 level... Hope that made sense... lol.
  3. Honeslty.. I wasn't terribly impressed with this game.. The story was weak, and that's an overstatement. It was just all about survival. It took way to much ammo to kill just a standard infantry type bad guy. Visually this game was on par with what is out these days. It was pretty and pleasant to look at. However it was nothing really special. Plus, taking under 8 hours to beat the game was just sad. I borrowed it from a friend, and just got a personal copy from Gamefly, so, I'm hoping that maybe playing online with my friend and getting to learn the boards will make it a little more entertaining.. doubting it though.. still have high standards of online play from Halo 2 (zomg, not a fanboy, chill out).. Timesplitters .. and Goldeneye.
  4. [QUOTE=James][font=arial]No, I'm more than happy to read more impressions. Talk about whatever aspects you like. The more impressions I read about this game the better - I like to see what people are enjoying and not enjoying about it. I've read most of the impressions from online gaming sites, but it's always good to have impressions from people who you can ask direct questions to.[/font] :catgirl:[/QUOTE] Agreed.. I usually take word-of-mouth over some critics review on a gaming site. Sure, I'll use it for new games, but if I can, I prefer to hear what friends of mine think on games. They can answer questions I have better then a pre-written review. -_- [quote name='Lunox][color=dimgray'] Another question for everyone who has Twilight Princess. So, what's with the storyline? Are you guys too early into the game to tell or is it really that good? [/color][/quote] Here's the condensed version: [spoiler]The Twilight King (from the 'DARK SIDE') sort of invade the realm of Hyrule.. stealing powers from the Light Spirits (from the 'LIGHT SIDE') .. get it? dark vs. light.. Your job is to stop the king, and thusfar, my task is to gain power to stop him, including the power of the 'DARK SIDE' .. I hit the dungeons for these dark fusion pieces.. [/spoiler] sloppy rundown, but, there you go.. I'm only past the second dungeon. I left a lot of stuff out (a LOT of detail) .. but, this just gets you an idea of what the story is so far... Aaron..
  5. [quote name='James][font=arial']So, White, what do you think about the game's difficulty? I've asked this elsewhere but I might as well ask here too. You seem to be a little further in, having been through a dungeon and such. How are the puzzles and the battles compared to previous Zelda titles?[/font][/quote] I'll put in my two cents on this question.. simply because a few different opinions are probably better then just one. So far, I haven't run into anything too difficult.. a few complaints about camera angle, but the monsters I encounter are easy enough to grasp the strategy behind. The boss fights (just entered the third dungeon) are really fun, especially the second one (Wii controller makes aiming fun =P) Honestly, I've played enough Zelda / adventure games to understand how most developers expect you to fight bosses.. so, never really a problem there. Some of them so far are just a learning curve, and then 'pew-pew' and they are dead. From the opening movie for the game, and some of the movies I've seen out there, I know there are going to be more interesting fights. The learning curve for the game is really nice, first monsters are your bats and simple one-hit kills.. then it progresses to a few hits, then some that get knocked down for Finishing Moves.. All in all, I am loving this game..the difficulty isn't so hard that it will frustrate you, and yet, don't expect to just walk through the game, for every fight.. some of the boss fights are so clever, I want to go back through and replay them =) I'll stop now.. more ramblings then you probably wanted =P Aaron..
  6. I've never pre-ordered any gaming system.. I just go to the store a few hours before it opens, and have always gotten whatever system I was going for (N64, Gamecube, Nintendo Gameboy Advance)... so, why break from tradition. I usually just grab a friend with as little of a life as I have on that particular day (read: nothing to do that night), and we bounce to a local Target, and hit them up when they open. Now, for the price, and the buzz, I'm expecting maybe a few more people there then the whole event probably calls for, but, meh.. I'm ok with that. Gives me a chance to enjoy some cool morning air ^_^ Anyways, I just hope I have enough cash to blow on all the addons that I'm sure I'll be all too happy to purchase. As for the games, Gamefly exists for a reason, so I will probably just pick up Zelda to start things off. Best of luck to everyone who's going to pick one up~ Aaron..
  7. [COLOR=darkred]This is a fairly easy question.. but I suppose it could go into great depth fairly easy. Do we, as gamers, get screwed over on content by game developers, in hopes of garunteeing new content in later games? What I'm asking, may better be explained by giving an example.. Halo 1 - A very fun game, it's multi-player is sharp, and it's multiplayer maps give something different each time. The weapon selection is very diverse, and there are hardly ever a 'repeat' game due to spawn points, and general flow of battles. Then comes Halo 2, with the dual wielding weapons, and I'm left wondering, why wasn't this just put into the first one? I suppose you could say that if a game is fine enough where it is, leave it.. but it seems that the main selling point of the second game was that you could dual wield. For a game that has followed hundreds of other FPS type games, why didn't they just include it in there? Was it to make sure that people would go, "WOW! They really listened to us (years after we first brought this up)! I guess they do care!" I don't really play a lot of games out there anymore. I'm busy on WoW -_- and just don't have the cash to blow on games like I used to. So, when I get a game, and play around with it, I'm often times wondering why certain things weren't implimented, when all sorts of games well before it's time have had those certain elements included long before it was anything 'special' Any thoughts?.. (hope this was clear enough) Aaron.. [/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I hate mods that help people cheat in online games. I mean, I personally have been taken advantage by people using cheats in Halo 2. It's not only unfair, but it's annoying.. Luckily, this hasn't really happened a lot, but I've run into people who have had people 'mod' their PC for games like Counter Strike and other FPS.. giving them more powerful weapons, faster run speed, etc. Then again, there are fun mods out there.. I played a mod in Half Life that changed the setting/level/weapons to that of World War II era.. It was really fun, and presented unique gameplay oppertunities for us. Basically -- good mods = FUN!.. haXXor mods = Not fun.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='SilentSecurity']My uncle gets on average 6 city and 11 highway. Why would I pay sooo much to have a tank in my garage and have to fill it up so often.[/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I think the point of owning a vehicle like a Hummer, is because you really don't have to worry about filling it up. Many of the people I know that own a Hummer (not like it's a lot), are businessmen with really cushy type of jobs, that are really well paid. So, the inconvenience of having to fill up a car like that, really is outweighed by the fact that they drive an attention grabbing vehicle. Same with the really exotic sports cars.. Not big on gas mileage, but how many times does a Honda Civic catch your attention while you are driving down the road (note: the non-neon colored ones, the ones that make you shudder, lol).. bet you not as often as a Lamborgini does.. I'm not really taking their side on this, but if I had tons of money just blowing a hole in my pocket, I'd have a flashier car too.. Not that I would drop as much on a car as they would =P [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I tend to be the guy that makes people in my group - or surroundings - laugh. I try to get people to laugh. It's like crack, and I'm addicted to the sound of laughter. I myself have been told many, many times that I should be a stand up comedian. Personally, I've never really thought of it, because I knew that I wasn't 'that' type of funny. Lately, I've been getting bummed that I'm going to be the 'funny-guy' for all of my life, but have recently come to terms that it isn't a bad thing! To make people laugh? In these days, where everyone gets upset or frustrated over the smallest things? Anyways, I recently went to Michigan (live in Tennessee) to visit family for a wedding. While going up there, my brother brought his XM radio, and we listened to comedy non-stop. It was a blast to just hear one funny comedian after another (with one or two tossed in that I didn't think was funny, or .. just weren't). As I sat there and listened, I realized that my type of humor is really not the type that is for stand-up. So, I thought about it, and tried to come up with jokes and such. I had some pretty good ones (in my head), but I didn't bother to write any of them down. Oh well.. I find it funny that I am as shy as I am, yet love to be the center of attention.. lol Anyways, my point? ... yes, I think that if you have a passion for wanting to make people laugh, and think that you would be best suited to be a stand up comedian, then I think you should continue in that path! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE=Rachael]My name is Rachel Bood. I hate it with a passion. people are always calling me boob, when it actually means Boat in dutch. Rachel means a quiet gentil lamb. So to sum it all up I'm a gentil lamb in a boat! ............I hate being dutch :p[/QUOTE] [color=darkred][SIZE=2]That really made me laugh, lol :animesmil My last name is from Polish origins.. It's [spoiler]Ciesliga[/spoiler].. I don't know what you are pronouncing it now, but I'm telling you, it's wrong! :animeswea I'm just kidding.. the rate I think I get is about 1 in every 100 are right. Anways.. it's pronounced (very easily.. jk) -- 'sis-liga' Fair enough, right? Think 'sis' as in, sis-ter.. and 'liga' as in, liga-ment.. there you go! Gonna take a sec to run by a few pronounciations I've heard: siesleega siesliga suliga sisleega siesluga and the winner: sisligligligliga (no joke.. the vice principal at my elementery school called out that one morning.. and after I wept from laughter for a minute or two, I looked at the teacher, and said, "I think he meant me." Usually the ones who get it right, mess it up as soon as they are told that they were right.. Them: "Ciesliga?" Me: "Yes! That's it!" Them: "Cieslugala?" Me: :animedepr My favorite is when the Telemarketers call me up, and mess up the name.. Then it just becomes a matter of having fun, and saying stuff like, "Close, but you don't win today! We'll try this again, say.. dinner time tommorow?" or "Nope, no one here by that name, sorry!" It's fun to me.. so leave me alone! lol[/SIZE][/color]
  12. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]I don't think I've ever really had a problem with gas prices.. My car goes a pretty good distance before I have to worry about breaking down in the middle of no-where. My problem comes into the cost of having to pay so much for everything else.. I mean, I pay as much for a tank of gas as I do for a dinner at some resteraunts.. and those dinners don't last nearly as long as a tank of gas. It makes me cry =( lol.. I think if they just popped up the price a dollar at a time spread out over a long period of time, instead of the little increases at a time, maybe that would help people see that getting a better car is perhaps more in their interest? But, overall, it's like stamps.. we'll complain about each step in price till we're blue in the face, but we'll still be there in line, getting more, because we have to mail that next letter/bill. [/SIZE][/color]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Honeslty, I don't see myself returning to this thread, as I am going to say what I can, with what knowledge I have, and leave it at that. To the lady who lost her son, I'm sorry that you are having trouble dealing with it. I know it's no easy thing to lose a loved one, especially one that you brought into the world. While I'm sure you think it's very noble, heroic, or right of you to try to go and talk to President Bush and get answers, I would like you to look around. You are sitting in a country that allows you to just sit around all day long, with out having to worry about getting killed, for no reason, other then that you are there. Want to make a point? Join up the Red Cross or something, and go over to Iraq and help out people over there! Try your best to honor your sons name, not to suffer from your own personal bouts of depression over the matter. Sure, I'm being unfair, but how many mothers, fathers, brothers or sisters or sons and daughters lives are you trampling over, because you think it's wrong that YOUR son died. I know, I know.. You're doing this for everyone, right? Like I said, very noble.. to be petitioning a war, in your own country. Whatever the reason that your son chose to sign up for the military, it's unfortunate that going to war was a possible side effect of that decision. I guess it's unfair that one signing up for the armed services to take money from the government for schooling, or whatever, should be met at all by a request that you serve your country? But then again, I guess it's always easier to critisize someone elses decisions.. Perhaps I'm being a little harsh, but currently, I have a brother who is in the Air Force, with a real possibility that he may be called into active duty. Do I hate my government for it? NO! Do I think that we need to pull out of Iraq? NO! I keep him in my prayers and thoughts, as I did with a very good friend that served two terms over in Iraq. I can't imagine what it would be like to have lost a friend, let alone the possibility that my brother may go over there and himself be killed.. I just can't. But what I won't do, is try to pin the blame on the President because he is chosing to take a stand on terrorism, that most people think we have no right to be there at all?.. right.. I keep looking in the news, perhaps thinking that the mother of a World Trade Center victim is over near a terrorist camp trying to get an interview with Osama Bin Laden to call for an end to terrorism.. but so far, I haven't seen any. I don't know all the facts surrounding this war (nor am I really looking for anyone to try and tell me 'your' facts.. I'm not the most political person, nor am I the smartest when it comes to this war. But I've talked to my friend, who served two terms in Iraq, and how proud he was that he saved lives over there, lives that Sadam Hussien would have taken for any given reason, or none at all.. Oh, and if you want to yell at me, that's fine. PM me all day long. Like I said, I'm not sure that I will be returning to this thread, as I've said what I had to.. If you want to try to argue with me, go ahead. But I don't think it would be in your interest to try and 'correct' me, or to set me straight, in this thread. Aaron~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [color=darkred][SIZE=2]It's no secret that I am not a big fan of Sony, nor of this PSP that is coming out. . I mean, I figured it would be an attempt to try and grab a chunk of the handheld market. . Then I saw the price tag. $250 for the PSP alone? $30 - 50!! per game? I mean. . ouch! I'll just wait for the Playstation 3, and spend a bit more for a home consol system (assuming a $300 launch price). . and of course, this is coming after I buy my next-gen Nintendo. Honestly, the launch titles aren't that impressive in my opinion, and even if I was to get it, I would still have to drop at least another $10 for some sort of protective cover for the screen. WHY, oh WHY, didn't they just add some sort of cover? Did they not learn anything with Nintendo coming out with the SP and the DS? . . Then again, I suppose they are still busy trying to fix their 'new and improved' PS2. . rofls~ Let the good times roll I guess? [/SIZE][/color]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I suppose that looks matter. . If I am looking at a female, I think there has to be a level of attraction. . I can be friends with anyone, no matter their looks. . but if I am interested in a relationship, they have to look pretty good to me. I have pretty high standards, considering my looks aren't the best out there. . Oh well, it's my right! As for everyday people, I tend not to pay attention very much. I have had beautiful women come up to me, and get the same amount of respect as a guy with a lazy eye. I'll give anyone a chance.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE=kabapu]how about the commercial for that new diesel fuel? it sort of has a song in it. i think it goes: "can hate be good...? can hate be great...? can hate be good, can hate be great, can hate be something you don't hate?" and then it starts singing about diesel engines that go "brawm and bang thwak and thrum and clatterclack?" it ends by singing "hate something? change something! hate something? change something! hate something change something hate something, make something better!" i personally find this advert hillarious[/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Guess it's one of those commercials that you have to see to get? . . I think I need the music and the song to find how funny it really is. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Hmm. . don't know if anyone has mentioned this one or not, but I love the new Bud Light commercial. More specifically, the 'parachuting' commercial. Two buddies are in an airplane, and the one buddy is trying to coax him out of the plane. The other buddy doesn't want to jump, so the main one tempts him with some Bud Light, by tossing it out the window. Almost a second later, you see the pilot come running from the cockpit and dives out the window without a parachute. . . After the product placement, the two guys look at each other and the main one sort of gives a farewell and jumps out. . The main 'funny-moment' of the whole commercial is just the delivery of the pilot jumping out of the plane. . I couldn't stop laughing. This commercial single-handedly saved the Super-Bowl ads.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Wow. . This movie was really awesome. I have been waiting for a movie that put a heaven and hell story into the works for a long time. I suppose I am one of the few fans of Keanu Reeves. I think that he may not be the BEST actor, but when you put him in less 'speaking' roles, and let him just run rampant with action scenes, the movie usually rules. I love his manner'isms in these movies. He plays 'pissed-off' very well! [spoiler]Like when he tried to exorcise the demon in Weisz's character, and his 'apprentice' gets knocked around. He sort of stands up, and rolls down his sleeves. It was just awesome watching his expression as he was kind of like, "Ok, fine then!" attitude. [/spoiler] I loved Gabriel in the movie [spoiler] even though it was played as a female. She is a beautiful woman, and she was just perfect for her role. [/spoiler] I also really liked [spoiler]Satan. It took me a while to place the actor who played him, but I really liked how he just seemed to BE Satan! He was kind of a slimy character (and not just the slime dropping from the ceiling). His little bit of 'snake-like' tounge as he closed in to Keanu. [/spoiler] Overall, I put this movie as a 8.5 out of 10. I know a few of my friends really liked the movie. A few kept checking their cell phones for what time it is, and a few still thought it was OK, but nothing great. . . Well. . I liked it, and that's all that mattered![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Wow. . a Hate thread. . I hate it when: ~People use the word Hate for 'Dislike' or 'Frustrates me' :D ~I hate when people think that MTV is a good station to watch --I hate when people think that shows like Jackass and Bam's show are awesome shows --I hate all these pointless 'reality' tv shows out there (not just on MTV, but on any station) ~I hate that people are totally obsessed with celebrities (Someone came into my work place a few weeks back, and asked me, "So what do you think about Brad and Jen breaking up?" I looked her straight in the eyes and asked, "Who are Brad and Jen?") I have a few complaints that are related to the retail industry: ~I hate when people comlain about a dollar difference in a CD ~People come to me in my workplace, ask me for a bunch of technical advice, then do the exact opposite of what I suggest to them. Guess what, if you wanted me to agree with you, you could have just told me to begin with and saved me ten minutes of my life. ~I hate when people ask me my opinion on a game system, then try to argue with me about it. Guess what?! If you don't like the fact that I don't drool over a PS2 or the X-Box, then don't ask me! You aren't going to change my mind simple because you say that PS2 is the coolest system, cause all of your friends have one! ~I REALLY hate it when people come into my place of business, complain about prices, and then treaten to go to Wal-Mart, cause they always have the same prices! Guess what!? I don't CARE!! ~I hate when people think that I'm not doing anything, because I am secluded to a more sensitive department then they are. They think that I am lazy, when I have to run around non-stop for 5 hours because everyone has a different question that, most of the time, I am the only one who can give them the right answer. I may not know everything, but I know a lot more then pretty much everyone else in the store does. . ---I'll stop there for now ^_^ I could go on for a while about driving, but I'll hit a few key ones: ~I agree with Sepiroth where people purposely go slow in front of you, and then speed up once you try to pass them (especially when it's a spot where you can pass, and then get stuck behind them again when you can't pass again) and then slow back down once you are behind them again. ~I hate when people come to a stop-sign, wait till the last possible second, then pull out in front of you, causing you to have to slam on your brakes, cause you are in a hurry. ~I hate when you pull up to a light, and there are two lanes: The left one is left turn only, but the right one is left, straight and right, and you have that ONE car that pulls into the right lane, to turn left, because he wanted to pass up the other TWO cars in the other lane, subsiquently, blocking you from being able to turn right until 5 minutes later when the light changes. ---Enough complaining from me today. . and I hate when I don't have time to spell-check my own posts -_- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, while I am a Sean Connery fan at heart, since the thread is about Pierce, I will agree with you and say that GoldenEye is the best of his movies. The others just don't have the storyline that his first movie has. The setting and mood of the movie really keep it going strong through the whole movie. It's just a much darker story then the others that I have seen. I was dissapointed with all the other movies that Pierce has done under the 007 name, but thankfully, he did leave us with GoldenEye. That is going to have to do. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, I think it is very safe to say that the 1-player mode in this game is very over-hyped. The levels aren't very 'revolutionary' or 'groundbreaking' . . however, the beam sword is a lot of fun to run around with. The storyline is very underdeveloped from what is covered in the books. What I play in the game almost feels like a pop-up book. . a few surprises here and there (In Halo 2, the giant walker was interesting). . but, I just didn't feel like the game gripped me. In both Halo and Halo 2, I felt like, maybe next level, it's going to get better. . but the ending of both just sort of. . let me down. Now is the part where I defend Halo. . It's multi-player is a blast to play. Because of the levels? No. . though some can be fun with the right settings. Because of the weapons? No, though dual-needlers have grown on me ^_^ And a plasma-pistol and SMG is a fun combination! The main reason why this game stands out in my mind is because I don't have a good computer to play multi-player games. Why does this matter? Well, there are not many games that a gamer (without a great computer) can play with a lot of friends! I moved away from where I have lived for the past 16 years. I am now three hours away from most of my family and friends. This makes playing games more difficult. Even more then that, the majority of people that I play games with only have X-Box and Halo/Halo 2. This pretty much puts me into a 1-player game or some type of sport game to play with some of the friends where I live now. Soooooooo. . . long story short (too late!), I think Halo and Halo 2 are great because of the multiplayer mode. When I go back to town, I can play certain games with certain friends, but it's a little difficult when all of my friends have their own life and work. . So the game that the majority of people I know still play at a frequent level, is the Halo series! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, it seems like a few X-Box titles have come up short of what everyone was expecting from them. Fable, Halo and Halo 2 definitely top the list. As much as I enjoy Halo and Halo 2, I don't think I ever mentioned that I liked the 1-player story mode. I am only a real fan of the multiplayer mode. I mean, when I was in college a year ago, playing Halo's multiplayer mode with a bunch of people from different rooms was just awesome! Halo 2, keeps me in contact with my friends and family back home. . but I'm getting off subject. All of these games that I mentioned were way overhyped, including titles like Sudeki and Goldeneye 2 (and isn't it interesting that all of these are on the X-Box - ok, Goldeneye 2 was on PS2 and X-Box - lol) There are so many titles out there that have been overhyped before the real jury (the gamers) could really cast their own vote. There are also games that many may love, but I didn't really get into. .it's a big list that I don't think I have the time to go into. . ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet']Ok, I don't know why I thought of this except that both of these men had apperances on the tonight show with Johnny Carson and they were both influenced by the late comedian. They were also friends for a while until Johnny chose Jay Leno as the new host of the Tonight Show in the 90's over David Letterman and Letterman started his show on CBS opposite the Tonight Show at the same time.[/color][/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Actually. . I don't believe it was Johnny Carson who selected Jay Leno as his replacement. NBC chose him for the replacement. Carson and Letterman were actually really good friends, and continued to remain friends well after all the stuff with Jay and David went on. Carson was the one who suggested that he go for the offer that CBS was giving him, instead of having to wait to see if NBC would want him if Leno didn't work out. David Letterman always seemed to butt heads with NBC officials, so I think he just decided it would be better to move somewhere else. . And now, years later, they are still having a ratings battle, but it's seemed to settle down a bit. But, in closing, I think that David and Johnny were much closer friends then Jay ever was with him. Johnny Carson was even reported, lately, from David Letterman as his secret joke writer. As for which one I prefer? I think both are good for certain things, but I am a bigger fan of Conan, and actually think Craig Ferguson is pretty funny in his own right.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [color=darkred][SIZE=1]Actually Drizzt. . I kind of liked the ending of Tales of Symphonia. As for the spoiler tags, it's better to put them up for a 'just-in-case' scenario, then have someone read it because they are curious of what different people are saying, and accidentely read an ending on a game they haven't beaten/played yet. I have read a few endings for games that I haven't played yet, but I was ready for that. And, because I really don't mind having endings spoiled to me. . others may not feel the same way, so you take the precaution. As for Halo 2 [spoiler]I really disagree with the Cortana twist that you guys are making it seem like she is going to take. I don't know if you read the books, but while she is a little rebellious, I don't think she is going to abandon the human race quite so easily. I think she is just going to help the Flood as much as it's going to take to get her back to Earth perhaps. I don't know that you can make a mindless creature intelligent. . I say most of the Flood are mindless because Bungie really doesn't do a good job, if they ARE intelligent, on showing them do anything smart! Perhaps Bungie doesn't really do a good job on showing that ANYONE has intelligent in the Universe that Halo takes place. . Oh well. I have hopes for Halo 3 (not high hopes, mind you. . but hopes none-the-less) [/spoiler] [/SIZE][/color]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well. . I call it soda, sometimes pop. . but because I live in the south, I have to call it by it's specific name, because people are easily confused down here -_- Anyways, one of my favorite drinks (which is hard to find around Tennessee) is Faygo! I love Red Pop and Rock n Rye is awesome. . Plus, Faygo comes from Detroit, Michigan (*sniff* my home *sniff*) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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