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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]There have been a lot of good points, and a bunch of varied opinions tossed out there. Some I agree with, others, I don't. . . let's get to it, shall we? [spoiler]I agree with JesusChicken about the Oracle not being the 'mother of the Matrix' It really seemed that the Architect scoffed at the idea that she was, well, the mother. . I have a few other reasons why I don't think that she is, but who knows. . Another comment I want to touch upon would be the Neo/Trinity love scene. Someone mentioned that it seemed like just a 'quickie' I laughed when I read that, but in honesty, that is exactly what it was! Think of it from the view of a soldier (as both Neo and Trinity are). They are constantly out of Zion, the 'safe-haven' to all humans. Z yelled at Link in Zion that their ship stays out longer then almost every other ship. So, thinking of it like that, you have to imagine how hard it would be for Neo and Trinity to have any. . alone time? When constantly on the alert for sentinal attacks, and dodging in and out of the Matrix, freeing who knows how many people from the Matrix - There really wouldn't be too much time for . . quickies ^_^ So when Neo heard that they had 25-30 hours, he said, "Some people go their whole lives with out hearing news that good." So while it may have seemed a bit misplaced in a huge action movie, it does show that they love each other, and any time together is great. . . What else. . *thinks*. . Ahhh, the Matrix in a Matrix. My brother and I touched upon that, and while it seems very obvious, both of us agree that we would hate that idea. The main reason, is that they only have one movie to put that idea into play. I just see putting that type of story into play would take far too much time then allowed for such a short movie, especially with everything else that they are going to have in it (including the Neo vs. Smith showdown, as well as the defense of Zion, just to name a few). . . [/spoiler] Overall, the movie really makes you think, and if you don't really pay attention to the key moments, you miss out a lot! I am not saying I am 'right' on anything I am saying here. . . I could be wrong about everything. . but that is just my opinion. I think after watching it for the fifth time today, I happily give the movie: a 10 out of 10[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Boba Fett: The Hammer if I remember correctly. . [EDIT] -- Ok, I just read the thread that told how to do the spoiler code, so I edited the thread to reflect it. . I just got back from watching the movie for the 4th time (Yes, I know I am wierd ^_^), and have been talking about it with my brother for quite some time. I have to say that I was blown away by this movie. Yes, parts were drawn out, and by the third time watching it, I was using the 'rave scene' to get more coke and go to the restroom, but still, I have gotten a lot better understanding about what is going on. An important bit of information that I wish I would have known about when I first watched it was that it wasn't really a sequel by it's own. My brother made a good point in saying that they should have let people know in the trailers that it was more like the first part of a sequel. Matrix would be movie 1, Matrix: Reloaded would be movie 2-A, and Matrix: Revolutions would of course be movie 2-B. That would have kept me from being a little let down at the end, but nothing I can really do about that besides wait till November =P [SPOILER]The fight scenes were really great, and though most people probably felt a bit annoyed at the amount of them, I supposethe only problem I had was the Neo vs. the bodyguards fight. It just seemed to go on a bit longer then really necessary. I really did enjoy the fights with Morpheus and Trinity vs. the Agents (yes, both were seperate fights from each other). They really showed that Neo is still the only one that can take them.[/SPOILER] I will post more about my impressions and thoughts later. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The game is looking really good. I don't have an X-Box, but I am sure I will have to rent it and steal my friends X-Box. . .lol. I have played quite a few Mech games, and I just hope that this game plays out as good as it looks. . . too many games are coming out that look good but the controls suck, or the storyline is awful and on and on. . you get my point. *shrug* That's it I suppose. . *nods*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have to say, I have been getting more and more involved with Halo. We play a bunch with anywhere between 8 - 12 players. It's pretty awesome not having to worry about your enemy looking at your screen, sniping you from behind because he watched where you were going *mutters* Anyways, from what I am saying, I am definitely looking forward to Halo 2. I hope they have some more weapons, including a larger clip for the sniper weapon, and some more large levels to run around in and 'hide' in. . mwahahahaha *cough* sorry. . Though, I am sad that Perfect Dark will not be coming to the GAMECUBE, I will definitely have to get it for my friend who has an X-Box to play it on. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . for the most part, I don't really know too many people who do this. My sister says j/k (jay slash kay) quite a bit. I really find it funny more then anything. My friends and I will us LOL ever so often, just trying to be annoying more then saving ourselves any time actually laughing (I will let you think about that O.o) One thing we tend to do is say "kk, la~" When we used to play Everquest (an MMORPG that several of my friends played), one of the things that people used to say at the end of their sentence was kk, la~ . . . well, we just do it for kicks now I guess. We don't really run around saying it to strangers or anything, since I know they probably have no clue, and wouldn't get it. Well. . . just my two cents. I think some of the slang can be annoying, but it just depends on how often it is used, and who uses it. *shrug* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am a sniper. . so, of course, I love the Sniper Rifle. I wish it held more ammo then just four shots, but I think the general theme of the game is limited ammo *shrug* The pistol, the shotgun, and the rocket launcher are pretty much tied for a close second. The pistol is great for mid range sniping, and even better for scouting out bigger levels. The shotgun can't be touched for close range fire-fights, and the rocket launcher is just that. . . a launcher of rockets ^_^ KABLOOM!! The frag grenade and the plasma grenade are awesome too. . . that's all. I am not the biggest fan of the game, and hate the X-Box controls, but the other day, we had 12 players hooked up on three t.vs, and just went at it. So, you can't beat that! This is extremely fun because my oldest three brothers (two of which are not FPS gamers in the least) are really into the game, and it is very enjoyable playing games like this with my family (which we are all very close). We have planned for another night like this, trying for 4 X-Boxes and 16 players ^_^ It will be great if we can do that . . but who knows.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I really have to agree with you Smoky Joe - being directed from the creators of Chrono Trigger is definitely enough to stir up some interest for me! ^_^ The game looks pretty wierd, but then again, so do a lot of games that I really enjoy. It will really be nice to see yet another RPG coming to the GAMECUBE. I will just have to wait and see. Thanks for the heads up. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The images are surprisingly very clear. Normally when I see screenshots on websites, they are a bit choppy looking. So already, my curiousity is peaked about this game. Makers of F-Zero made this, so that is just another reason. I was a huge fan of Maximum Velocity, and if this game is anywhere close to that awesome, this will definitely be added to my library fast! ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I suppose I am in unison with most people on this topic. If you are legally allowed to be in a sexual relationship . . . who is anyone else to stop them? If there is love (or even a spark), they should be allowed to. Maturity is the biggest thing to look out for though, as many of my friends have dated younger women, only to be burned by them because they were not ready to be commited. I won't really go any further besides what I just said, since I have not really been in many relationships, and can't really say anything besides my own feelings. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]No you wouldn't have. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]*raises eyebrow* you sure?. . . *ducks* I can't really comment on hating rude people, seeing how my family is a bunch of smart-'butts' They really can irritate me though. I remember so many times where things have gone wrong in my life because of things people have said or done to me. In one instance I can remember, I was a Freshman at high school, and as I passed this upperclassman, he just hauled off and slammed his shoulder into me. Now, I have a big family (6 siblings total - 3 being older brothers), so I really didn't get hurt, but a few things messed with me. I was speeding through the halls (not running, but a very fast weaving motion I used to always do), I was right next to the wall, and I wasn't paying a BIT of attention. Well, when the guy hit me, I sort of spun, slammed into the wall, and almost lost my balance. The guy was laughing, and I almost retaliated there. The guy was MUCH bigger then me, but from my family, we don't get intimidated because of size. I dropped my bags, tossed up my arms, and was just like, "what?!" The guy just laughed and walked off, but that is still a memory I carry. It's how you handle yourself that makes the difference, and I think by keeping my cool, I proved to be the better person. *shrug* Just my look on it I guess ^_^ *ducks again* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have seen a few episodes, and from what I have seen, the show has a lot of promise. Parts are sort of slow, others, extremely funny. I will probably have to wait a bit longer to make a final decision (or. . . at least a more solid one), but if the show makes me laugh at all, it gets points. . so, *claps for Clone High* hurray! =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by stratigyless [/i] [B]The last episode was kind of disturbing. They had subtitles when they were making out in the dark. They had like slurp:therock: , mmmmmmmm(?!), and more disgusting disturbing noises. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that show was great. . they ditch the camera crew, but 'forget' to shut off the microphones? . . riiiiight. Anyways, while they were most likely just making out, you hear the girl say something like, "Would this be easier laying down?" then you hear/read the kissing(subtitles). . then: (slurp). . .(slurp). . . (gulp). . . Sorry. . that was just messed up. . *rofl* I really like the whole concept of the show. Regardless if he makes only 19,000 a year or not, overall, he will probably come away from the show with quite a bit of money from FOX. The women already have the necklaces, and one nice vacation (though, making them do work is great). Still though, just the concept is so funny, it's just such a sigh of relief to see reality shows with a FUNNY twist to it. Sure, the woman who makes it to the end will probably be REALLY upset, but in my opinion, it's not like they really NEED the money. All of them have pretty solid jobs, and from their outfits, they aren't really stressed for the cash. I look forward to watching the end of the show, and want to see how it plays out. Another thing I like, is that 'Joe' is human. He isn't a pure actor who knows all the lines, and doesn't mind taking advantage of all the women, just to see how lucky he can get. From everything I have seen, it looks very genuine. We'll see though, right? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I personally like their single that is so big right now. It may just be my inexperience of music, but the beat is really catchy, and female vocals are great in my book. As for the video, I just think they are trying make people lighten up about homosexuality, something that is really needed, especially with a lot of my friends. The one thing that I am slightly let down with is that they are both so young. It's basically flaunting, as borderline as I think they can get, child pornography. That may be foolish for me to think that, but it's just my opinion *nods* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I agree with you L.M. I don't think I ever was one to get upset easily over things my siblings would do (some would say I am too nice. . what'cha gonna do about it, right?), but it seemed that everyone got on everyone's nerves from time to time. I know my sister used to never get along with my third oldest brother, but now, our entire family is really close. My sister and I are planning to go to the same college (Yes, I am finally going back *pats self on back* lol). It will be a very unique experience, but with her being the youngest in a family of guys, we are somewhat protective of her. Well, even going out of state, I get to keep an eye out for her for a little while longer. We get along great, so I think it will be a very good experience for both of us. Well. . I will shut up now *bows out gracefully* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [color=darkred][size=1]The trailer was a little bit fast, showing very quick shots of the Hulk. From what little I saw, I am pleasently surprised with how they are making it look. CGI is giving the comic book look to the movie, as it in Spiderman. I thought the wall crawling and the building hopping was a little fake looking, but with the CGI look, I sort of had a change of heart. It was really good, and a bit of a surprise. Oh well, just hope that Hulk is at least that good, if not able to be improved upon. We will see . . . *shrug* [/size][/color]
  16. [color=darkred][size=1]Sorry. . posted this in a different American Idol thread before realizing that this thread was here. . basically just cutting and pasting what I wrote in the other thread, so when/if it is closed, no problem with me (did that sound stuck up? . . sorry.) I have to say that I am not the biggest fan of reality tv. That being said, I say that this is sort of a branch off of reality tv. The one thing I like is that the people on the show don't really need to have alliances or anything. Everyone can pretty much be themselves, and as long as they have the talent, they will be fine. I really like the judges, and think Simon is absolutely brilliant -- If people can't handle his critisizm, why are they even bothering to try out? Are they that deaf to their own singing that they don't even know what they sound like? I am somewhat curious what some of these people are thinking when they decide what to wear or what songs they sing. I can understand that many have slept out in the streets for days upon days, and many others are EXTREMELY nervous when they get up there. Three judges (very famous people at that) is one thing, but in front of millions of viewers across America and even further. . that is pretty scary. But, what do they think they are going to be doing if they make it big? It's not like MTV Real World where they can just walk into a closet with a camera and sing to everyone without the pressure. . They will be STARS if they make it. Big celebrities really don't get the pleasure of privacy, so if you can't handle that, you really shouldn't have wasted time. On a side note -- I really thought the twins yelling at the judges was pretty funny. Their spirits were pretty high all throughout the fighting, but 1) It's American IDOL, not idols. If we wanted twins, they would have changed the name. . 2) You don't try to argue with the judges who are running the competition. Their say IS final for American Idol. If you don't like it, don't waste their time. . and 3) Though they claimed that they felt like they came out on top in the whole 'fight' they had, I have to say they only made themselves look like that much bigger idiots. That's all I have to say. They show is pretty good to watch sometimes, but after the first several episodes, it just gets to be too serious, I mean, with no more tone deaf singers, is there anything else to laugh at?. . [/size][/color]
  17. [color=darkred][size=1]I have to say that I am not the biggest fan of reality tv. That being said, I say that this is sort of a branch off of reality tv. The one thing I like is that the people on the show don't really need to have alliances or anything. Everyone can pretty much be themselves, and as long as they have the talent, they will be fine. I really like the judges, and think Simon is absolutely brilliant -- If people can't handle his critisizm, why are they even bothering to try out? Are they that deaf to their own singing that they don't even know what they sound like? I am somewhat curious what some of these people are thinking when they decide what to wear or what songs they sing. I can understand that many have slept out in the streets for days upon days, and many others are EXTREMELY nervous when they get up there. Three judges (very famous people at that) is one thing, but in front of millions of viewers across America and even further. . that is pretty scary. But, what do they think they are going to be doing if they make it big? It's not like MTV Real World where they can just walk into a closet with a camera and sing to everyone without the pressure. . They will be STARS if they make it. Big celebrities really don't get the pleasure of privacy, so if you can't handle that, you really shouldn't have wasted time. On a side note -- I really thought the twins yelling at the judges was pretty funny. Their spirits were pretty high all throughout the fighting, but 1) It's American IDOL, not idols. If we wanted twins, they would have changed the name. . 2) You don't try to argue with the judges who are running the competition. Their say IS final for American Idol. If you don't like it, don't waste their time. . and 3) Though they claimed that they felt like they came out on top in the whole 'fight' they had, I have to say they only made themselves look like that much bigger idiots. That's all I have to say. They show is pretty good to watch sometimes, but after the first several episodes, it just gets to be too serious, I mean, with no more tone deaf singers, is there anything else to laugh at?. . [/size][/color]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Matrix was a great movie, and I admit they had some very groundbreaking special effects throughout the movie. I mean, how often do you turn on the tv and NOT see some show copying the 'Trinity Kick' as I dubbed it? I really loved the mood throughout the movie, but I have to stop you on the Star Wars comment. In no way will it graphically or visually blow Star Wars out of the water. It will be impressive, but these are two very different style of movies. One is supposed to be taking place on a not too distant future in Earth. . .the other is taking place (if I may) in a galaxy far, far away. One has space ships, lightsabers, and a multitude of aliens; the other has a bunch of humans, be it real humans or computer programs set to look like humans, along with cars and a lot of bullet firing guns. I don't really see how they could be compaired. . *shrug* On a side note, if you are talking about any of the CGI effects in the movies, all I have to say is - Yoda Fight - and enough will be said. ^_^ I am really looking forward to the next movie, and hope that I am not working myself up for ANY sort of dissapointment, but I will definitely be in line the opening night to see this movie, even if I have to wait until midnight like I did with Star Wars II and Lord of the Rings II.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Been playing the game for a while -- and whatever I said above (though none of it was really bad. . ) has gone out the window. This game is highly addictive, and the fun level is great. Can I just comment on how simply/fun it is fishing? ^_^ I can spend hours just fishing. . lol. I could go on about everything in this game, but I will get to my question =) I got an item from a character (and my roomie got one from a floating balloon) -- It was "Pitfall" -- and when dropped in my house, it comes up as a white ball with an "!" inside it . . here is my cool picture of it ---> (!) Anyways, is that a Nintendo game that I somehow have to play? Is there some sercret to that? or is it so easy, that I am just missing it? . . ^_^ Is it an e-reader thing? . . Blah. . I don't know -- any info would be appreciated. Thanks all *bows*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well Kevin, I am very sorry things have been down for you. As a friend, I hope you won't just ignore what I have to say here, regardless of how it may come out here. Well, here goes: With your mom -- Don't feel bad that you weren't there for her. It really isn't YOUR job to keep up with her. She is an adult, and while I don't know her personally, I would think that she should be able to keep up with herself and her health. I don't know if this is a medical condition where she doesn't feel like eating, or if she is just on a food strike. Feeling upset about her condition is totally fine, but you shouldn't have to feel responsible about it. Watching a loved one (or at least the one that brought you into this world) suffer, or at least going through a tough time, is never easy. You're human, you have that right to, and who cares what that person did or didn't do to you. Because you are not as close to your family as you could be doesn't mean you can't care about them. About Lisa. . I am happy you told her NO about moving in. Now don't get me wrong. I am sure you are like many who want to help those in need. I am that way (actually, people like to yell at me for being too nice) and depending on circumstances, I might go either way on that one. Yes, it is sad about her predicament. Once again, I don't know her, so I can't really say too much here. But it sounds like she did much of this to herself, and is looking for the one outlet that was always there for her. It seems like she found out that her 'good' friends weren't really that good of friends, and while the one person that treated her right (though, she treated that person like crap) was the only one left that she could really turn to. I really feel sorry, and myself being such a pushover, I would probably take her in till it came down to absolutly having no other choice but to kick her out. . . I know, I am wierd. . thus, why no one on the boards ever remembers me ^_^ hoho (sorry. . ) About being lonely, I suppose I am very fortunate to have a lot of friends around me. I don't have anyone 'close' to myself. Sure it is great to have people hang around with me a lot, but I usually find myself alone in my room. I try to keep up with a lot of people online AIM or emails, but occasionally, it's just hard to do that for me. A lot of good local or even online friends I neglect because I can never say the right things, or because I just find myself doing other things before giving them the time that they have given me. Keep hanging on man. . and while most would say, "Stay strong Kevin, good things are coming to you," I will just say keep on trudging through, and there may be some answers to the questions for you. Might not be exactly what you are looking for, but hey, it's something to look forward to I suppose *shrug* Don't know if this helped, but I figured if I tried to b.s. the whole post, you and everyone else would just see through it. And just for you man, a small symbol of my respect for you -- *deeply bows* -- you rule Kevin![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . I don't think I would be allowed to consider myself an Otaku, though I originally did come here for anime information. I was searching the net so I could find some info on Dragon Ball Z -- namely (for those who care) the names of a move or two, the name of a character or two, and even some power levels and info on an episode or two. . . ya. . pretty much everything I could think to get, though, mainly for an arguement -- ^_^ fun stuff, right? Anyways, I found most of the information on TheOtaku.com, however there were a few questions I still had. So. . I went to register in the Dragon Ball forum, and promptly had my question answered. Well, I was curious about the site -- the layout was really good, the people seemed very interesting, and the posts were really well written. -- I just want to pause for a minute. When I first started viewing the general topics, I saw a lot of Transtic Nerve's posts, and I really thought he was the boss of the site ^_^ (sorry. . lol). Perhaps a bit of his charisma and his post quality is what sealed the deal with me coming back? (well, that and me laughing whenever he yelled at someone's senseless posts) =) Just wanted to say that, don't think I have ever mentioned it before O.o ya. -- Well, I came back many times, and started branching out posting in many of the other forums, but the one that really struck me was Nintendo's forum. There were a ton of good topics, and it was great talking to people who were as thrilled about the GAMECUBE's upcoming release as I was. That became my home for a while, and I just couldn't stay out of it. My time at work kept me away most of the day, so I had a bunch of topics waiting for me to respond to when I get back late that night. I became a moderator of the Nintendo forum for a short while, but with work just draining more and more of my time away, I was finding myself on the boards less and less, and stepped down (or replaced, I can't remember -- though I am not really saying this to sound upset, I know I couldn't handle it time wise) I made a few friends on the boards, and that definitely kept me coming back. PMs were just shorter emails, and a nice and quick way to chat with some people. I have talked to a lot of board members online (AIM or Yahoo Messenger) and found the people that post here to be some of the best I have ever met in my life. I don't post as much as I used to, but I always visit everyday to see how life is going with everyone ^_^ Though I don't post as much as many do, I try to put in as much info as I can possibly squeeze into my posts, sort of quality over quantity ^_^ (hmm. . again, not bashing on anyone here, just saying. . that's me, your NorykoAngelcry) If anyone ever needs to talk to anyone, drop me a line, PM, email, or AIM. . I am more then happy to chat it up (if I don't have a room full of people yelling at me). *bows deeply* Thanks everyone for enriching my life.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkred]FAYGO!!![SIZE=1] LOL, me and my friend used to listen to ICP ALL the time. We would run through stores that carried Faygo, going on a 'Faygo Run', shouting through the stores "FAAAAAAAAYGO!!!" Their songs are a blast to listen to, and nothing would wierd people out more then having ICP of all music blasting out of our cars. It was great. I even got a few friends back in High School hooked on it, and they became even bigger fans then we were ^_^ Good stuff. As of now, I don't really listen to them -- no, not cause I don't like them -- but since I am not really a big spender for CDs or any other type of music out there. . I am glad to know that they just came out with a new cd (thanks Foredaddy for the info), and will definitely have to look into catching some of their music =) "What do you do with a drunken--" Umm, better not even go there. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I have an interesting list. . I suppose. . 1. Teflon cooking set. . . . . . . I really need a good set of cooking pans. The last one I had started chipping away. . in my food >_< I was upset =P 2. A nice pair of sunglasses. . . . . . . Don't get me wrong. I don't want a hundred dollar pair of sunglasses. . no Oakley's for me (was that spelled right?). I can do with three dollar pair of glasses. I am not that conceeded where I REALLY need those ultra name brand shades. I just want a pair that are strong enough to last for a while. Such as. . more then a couple months ^_^ 3. Replacement parts for my car ^_^ I have a 1994 Saturn SL2. It's a good car, but the way I drive it, it's falling apart fast. . as a result, I know that there are certain parts of my car that are weeks away from falling apart -- Umm, so. . .I would really like parts to replace them =) And. . just so you don't think that I did this just to be different, I want everyone to know that I still want 'normal' Christmas presents too -- a new computer, a HDTV 50" or larger, many PS2 and GAMECUBE games that I don't have yet. . . ya. . lol ^_^ fun stuff, right?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . I really love all of them ^_^ This was the series that got me, as well as many others, into video gaming. Super Mario 2 had to be one of the most unique games I had ever played for a good while. It was totally unexpected from playing the other Super Mario Bros. I don't know if this really fits, but I have to put it in here ^_^ My favorite game with Mario would be Super Smash Brothers: Melee . . sorry about that ^_^ lol[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I can only think of a few games: Street Fighter (the VERY first one) -- Ryu is the man ^_^ umm. . . Ok, I can't think of another one. . I have beaten many games with a few dollars, and a couple with even less. . but only Street Fighter comes to mind when I think of just using one quarter =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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