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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . if I remember correctly, in the Gameboy game - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (is that right?) - he woke up . . umm, the wind fish? >_< Grrr . . I really can't remember. . Anyways, The Wind Waker could work -- the one who wakes the wind? . . lol, ok. . so I am just blabbing a bit. I don't really know much about this game, except for the fact that I have to wait to get it -_- *sigh* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Could it be that you are putting more on this because of everything you went through to put that night together? You sound like you did quite a bit of running around to turn out with nothing to show for it (well, at least nothing that you were expecting). I am not saying this to sound mean in the least, but I know when I would plan a party where only five or six people show up, it tends to wear on me. I don't know what kind of personality you have in real life, but maybe you are thinking it's your fault that he didn't show up? I don't know any way to get you any resolution to your problem. Maybe he just wanted to be alone that night. . Anyways, I don't mean to presume anything, even though that is just what I did. . you really can't let yourself start thinking things like that though. And Schratn9 -- I am guessing Rock n Bowl is like Cyber Bowling in Tennessee -- it's where they kill the lights, play some more rock/alternative style of music, and throw on laser lights, strobe lights, and black lights. It's pretty cool, a good way to make bowling look hipper then many think it to be ^_^ Lots of fun too. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I liked the movie. It was a bit corny, but hey, did you expect it to be a side scrolling movie where you actually did everything like in the game? lol, though, they did try =) I liked a lot of the little touches they had throughout the whole movie. It was nice, and I was thinking about getting this movie if I can find it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Homer: Well I'll be damned. God: Yes, I'm afraid so. That has to be my most memorable line yet ^_^ -EDIT- thought of another one, thinking of Wrist Cutter's qoute. Homer: Save me Mr. X! Oh wait, I'm Mr. X. . . dooooooh![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]but of course EQ ^_^ Got pretty high till I got burned out (had to restart my character since I was originally on a friends account). . well. . tried to get back into it, but it just didn't fit well. I tried D2 (and still have my account on there), but once again got burned out. Tried to get back into EQ, but found that my account was hacked and all my characters deleted >_< Bad enough having everything I earned taken, but to have it all deleted? That was it for me. . tried to talk to a GM (game master) to get my account and character's restored, but it just didn't go so well. . I try to play D2 just to pass the time. . level 72 with some good gear as my main (barb by the way). But with my computer THAT slow, I lag too much to even make it worth it -_- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Very interesting idea. Game will be interesting depending on how well the light sensor works. I really don't go outside much to play video games, but perhaps that would get a lot of people outside playing some games in some fresh air *shrug* And I would hope they would come up with some sort of protective cover for the sensor (and the exposed board). A clear plastic cover would work fine I suppose? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have seen Galaxies, and it looks great. . I would love to pick up that game, but there are a few things blocking me right now. First -- I REALLY need a new computer. The one I have now is like 4 years old, it's been reformatted more them my brain has *looks around* It takes forever just to search the web. I have cleared a ton of junk off my computer, and it's still just as bad -_- Perhaps I will finance myself a new computer *ducks* lol, I really don't think that I could ever save up enough to go out and get one. Too many bills standing in my way right now. Second -- While the whole idea of running around in a Star Wars game is VERY appealing to me, I just don't think that I could really get into another MMORPG. It took up way to much of my time, and I wasted a year and a half of my college life playing it. . . For a monthly charge, I would have to be 'into' the game. . I don't think I could be one of those people who just pick up for a few hours and leaves till next week. In games I play, I tend to develop a lot of relationships with other people in the games. If I can't keep up with those relationships, it sort of kills the game with me. Another thing would be real life friends. . with my last game I played, I had several friends that lived around me that were usually always on. It was such a nice touch to joke around, and know that you aren't going to ruin your relationship with that person. . Oh well. . I babble, and knowing me, I will end up with this game *shrug* But I suppose my safety net is that I don't have the money to afford a new computer yet ^_^ mwahahahaha . . . ya. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]It's about time. . I have been waiting for one of those for a while. To be honest, I am much more happy that they are doing it this way instead of just a link from the GBA to the GAMECUBE. One thing I am hoping is that they keep it like the SuperGameboy for the Super Nintendo -- what I mean is -- I hope they have the ability to let a second player to draw around on the sides of the screen. . we'll see I suppose *shrug* ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . to be honest, I have not played too much of this game. I played a bit at my friends house, but really just got a taste of the game. A few levels and a bit of the Chao raising. . it was pretty fun. . Sorry I can't really say anything else =/ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . ok. . time for an honest opinion from NorykoAngelcry ^_^ I just want to say that when I saw this game, I figured -- awwww, it's just a simple kiddie game -- now let me say that I am a HUGE Nintendo fan, and an even bigger Nintendo GAMECUBE fan. Well . . finally my friend Steve got me to try this game. . what a fun game ^_^ Let me just say that I am VERY easily amused -- that being said, the voices that they have in this game had me rolling around on the floor laughing. I went into a friends house, and was goofing around like I was trying to steal his stuff. . well, I hit this tiger toy, and it's head moved, bobbing around -- I just freaked out, ran out of the room laughing ^_^ It was so great. Now, like I said, I have not played much, but I was still very impressed about all of the clever features that they had in this game. I would like to play more to get a better idea of the game, but will just have to wait I suppose *shrug* I give this game two thumbs up . . simply for the fact that I was laughing so hard in just 10 minutes of playing ^_^ lol[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . sorry I have not responded to this yet. . I saw this threat earlier, but got pulled away from my house (yes, I sit on my computer so long that people have to come and kidnap me *looks around* Anyways, the level you are talking about -- just before Freeza? -- yes, I also had a bit of difficulty on that board ^_^ What can I say . . I was just expecting to breeze past that stage. . Well, guess what, I think that the makers of the game expected that too. Ok. . I believe. . . note that I said BELIEVE that you find the answer on the first level. You go the the farthest right side of the board . . and well, check the right side wall. There will be a hidden passage way that you can go through. . guess what ^_^ the last artifact is at the end of that hallway. . Again -- I am really sorry that it took me so long to respond to this. . and if I am found that I am wrong, I appologize *bows*. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AnimeAddict [/i] [B]Urg... G/S/B Masters' quote just made me mad. Mai Valentine is such a stereotypical blonde!!!!! *stalks off while mumbling "airhead" * [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOr=darkred][SIZE=1]Oh, come now ^_^ That was a great line =) And Mai is a very smart person, in my opinion, on the show. You gotta have humor, and that particular episode (if I am remembering correctly), no one had ever seen the toon deck played, right? So that was a little new to everyone, she was just the first to say something about it *shrug* Could just be me though ^_^ I like her character. . well, I think I like most of the characters in Yu-Gi-Oh. . lol [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Nah. . . nothing listed holds a torch to Bruce Campbell playing the narrator in Spiderman ^_^ That is all I have to say =P (getting Toby McGuire(sp?) to do Peter Parker was pretty cool too). . .but still nothing compared to Bruce Campbell! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Harry is one of the best reasons I love the show. . his character can be so awesome some times ^_^ I really like all the teachers, and how each one has his or her quirks. . no one is perfect after all. Many of the issues they bring up are really good, even though I grew up in a pretty safe school environment. . really though, it does put some light on many situations that you can't ever really be prepaired for. I have not seen the show in quite a while, sadly, and the last few times I have tried to record it, my power on my VCR was on, disabling the timer feature >_< Well. . I will have to try harder next time. . *sigh*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I saw this a while ago. . and I am stunned. . is Capcom becoming the Squaresoft for the Nintendo GAMECUBE? ^_^ well. . regardless . . I could really care less. . 5 exclusive games is a pretty nice early Christmas present =) I will definitely be keeping an eye on a few of those, and the others, ahhh, who am I kidding. .they all look great =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]*smacks forehead* Some people have selective hearing. . I just can't read *looks around* . . riiiiight. *bows* Sorry bout that FF ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]*drools* Suikoden 3. . what a great game -- best opening I have ever seen. Excellent game, and a great ending (working on the other two characters now. . not going to say anything more). . oh right, back to topic. My good friend Steve's girlfriend works at Circuit City. . they have these Lanyards with a two sided laminated picture -- one side Metroid: Prime and the other Metroid: Fusion -- A great collectors item if I do say so myself ^_^ About the game. . Oh wow. . I just keep watching different demos, or looking at shots of in-game images. . It is just . . too much for me, I can't wait till this comes out -_- luckily, I hope I have the day off, so I can kill the night away. . (if my check lasts that long. . >_
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Aren't Mage Knights part of the click-base figurines that Wizkids make? . . just like Heroclix =) They have variations to the game, but still basically the same game, right? . . *shrug* A few friends and I have many Mage Knight figurines. . though. . -_- we have not yet played a real game of it yet. The game really looks interesting, and I have played a few 'practice' fights. . I like the simplicity of it, and the fights seem to be pretty easy. There are a few things that I need to hammer out, but that would best be solved by playing an actual game ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I never really watched much of the first season. . the second one I tried to watch as much as possible (and have to say I am still shocked at who they chose), but the third. . just seems a bit too over dramatized for a 'reality' show. I have not seen too many episodes, so I may be jumping to conclusions, but I also have to come to the question. . are they just trying to branch out the cheesy fake wresting into drama shows now?? *shrug* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I have to say this was a fairly good movie. I would say it IS good. .but over the course of a few months when it first came to video, I had an old. . aquantance(sp?). . who made me watch it over and over. . she REALLY wore it out. -_- Anyways, some of the scenes were really good, and the Roxanne song had to be my favorite of the whole movie. John Leguizamo did a great job too I think ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]^_^ I love easy questions =P Ok, if you want to erase certain files on your memory card, open the GC cover (or just turn it on with no game on), and it will take you to the GAMECUBE menu. There you will have several choices: Calender - where you can change the date and time, Gameplay - where you can go to whatever game you have in there, Options (?) - where you can set up some specific options for the GAMECUBE, and then Memory - where you can edit what information you have on your memory card. Go to Memory, by pressing down on the control pad, and click A. That will take you to the list of everything on your memory card. If you want to delete something, go to the specified file, click A, and it will ask if you want to delete it, move it, or copy it. I am guessing that you want to erase it, so choose that option. . . well. . hope that helps ^_^ (though, I hope you don't delete your Spiderman file if you have not completed it yet >_
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . I know the level that you are talking about, but I honestly can't think of that particular part. I loaned the game to a good friend, so I will make sure to get it back from him fast so I can help (if another web slinger doesn't beat me to it). ^_^ Anyways, just in case I might be thinking the wrong level -- the Vulture level, right? where he sends all the robots after you, and you have to dodge them since they explode? Now, I don't remember the higher part of that level, but I do know you have to run up a bunch of stairways, jump over gaps, and there are also some of the parts where you can go in the 'inside' of the stairwell that is somewhat caged in. . . Hmm. . confusing myself there. . anyways, the whole level is a huge maze, very well done, if not a bit annoying ^_^ Like I said, I am not too positive on the specific part, but if you are still on the stairwell part, just keep looking around, try to backtrack a bit and see if you can't find the right path. . obviously, this level took me a few tries ^_^ I hate those robots he sends at you. . *cough* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . I have heard some of their songs on the radio, but I really don't know if I like them or not. . I just think I am undecided on the whole issue of either band really. . *shrug* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have also heard of Linkin Park ^_^ I love them. . though, I don't have a single record of theirs O.o I have thought about getting them. . but. . well, I honestly don't know why. Oh well. . maybe tommorow. . never know *shrug* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Umm. . *scratches forehead* I have . . . like, no music. Don't get me wrong, I love listening to almost all types of music, I just prefer instead to waste my money on tons of other random stuff. I buy a lot of video games, some random assortmants of movies and dvds. Most of my money now goes to bills that I am forced to pay for -- almost 3/4ths of my money each month goes to bills, the rest, to random other junks that I decide to waste my money on =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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