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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] [Edit here] Name: Aaron Ciesliga (dare you to pronounce it right!) [End Edit] Age: (21 - B-Day 2/23/81) Height: 5'10" Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown Weight: 180lbs Occupation: Assistant Manager at. . Price Cutters
  2. NorykoAngelcry


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]I can bash whatever I want whenever I want and don't need to take crap from you. And what about this world is so great?[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . I think I would be in trouble if you were standing next to me. . I would probably get hurt ^_^ Seriously though - I was not trying to ensue a fight with you, I was just saying, why come out with fists flying? I know what it is like to hate/dislike people/things, but I think you are taking this a bit far with yelling at everyone. . Could just be me though ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. NorykoAngelcry


    [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . while not going to comment on Brittany Spears (trust me, I am fighting back with every fiber of my strength here) -- I do look forward to the release of this movie. I like Eminem's music. I think he would do well in the movie. A few lines from the previews I think are pretty cheesy with him trying to act like a philosopher and all that, but overall, I think this movie will surprise a lot of people. In stead of looking and bashing someone, shouldn't you at least try to give it a try? Isn't that what this great world is all about?! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I suppose I agree with certain censorship in cartoons/anime. For the simple fact that if a kid is flipping through, and sees bright and colorful cartoons, he/she is going to stop and watch it. Parents can't be there all the time to make sure their kid is watching the right thing. I think editing is alright in my opinion. I think it is a bit much when they start taking out gun drawings from shows (Yugioh). . that just makes me laugh. As for bad language - I hear enough of it from my friends - if they want to take it out of a show, I don't think it's that big of a deal. In fact, it just makes me laugh. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Don't doubt Rick and his knowledge of anime. . lol. As for Pilot Candidate - they had their moments, but it took so long to do anything in the show. . half of the time, I didn't understand anything that was going on. It seemed to have a lot of holes in the whole story. The voices were also very annoying. I would have liked to have seen all episodes, but I never saw an ending - if there WAS one, and I know I missed one or two in there. Oh well *shrug* no loss if I never see another episode ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I actually thought that it came across as having a 'posibility' of a sequel. Oh well. . that's just crazy old me talking ^_^ As for the ending - I really didn't like the whole - computerish feel last battle. It seemed a bit out of place, with everything else revolving around strong action in both space and on land. You see guns and explosions, and then, there is the internet?! Oh well. . once again, that is just me. I didn't really see ALL the episodes, so I don't know how wrong I could be. As for the ending of the show - the very last bit I mean - It seemed like it was missing some. Fiona is a robot, yet her and umm. . pilot guy fall in love? Or am I way off? *sigh* I don't even know what I am talking about - hopefully someone will clear me up on all my follies? ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I don't watch it on a regular basis, I happen to record the show on a couple hour block that I usually DO record. As a result, I suppose I can put my input in here? ^_^ I don't really prefer the series. The show has it's moments, but to be THIS popular, and on for this long? That is pretty pathetic. I will say though, that Matt LeBlanc and Matthiew Perry are absolutely great in the show. They are just so awesome to watch. As for the others - Ross (the 'whiner') I can't stand, Jennifer Aniston and Courtney Cox are so awful of actresses that it sickens me. To be as popular as they are and still be that awful to watch. . I just don't get it. I don't mind Lisa Kudrow. She can be pretty funny at times, though I think they carry her 'sillyness' a bit too far. . As for the plot of the show. . . umm, no comment. It's pretty repetative - and they just try to add one or two new things a season to . . 'throw people off?' Well, you can be sure I really don't spend too much time over this show, and will only watch it on my recorded shows video if time is available, and I am bored.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]There are quite a few Daffy Duck lovers in here, I am surprised. Most of my friends love . . Bugs. But I agree that Daffy is really underappreciated. He was such a great character in the show! I love him, and even though he always loses against Bugs (well. . all that I can ever remember), he is great in his own bits =) As for other favorites - Speedy Gonzalas, Wyle E. Coyote, Marvin the Martian, and Yosemite Sam. I love a lot of the lesser characters who never catch a break =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I am not too sure who has seen the previews or read any reviews, this movie looks . . stupid (that may be a bit harsh). . . The story from what I have read/seen, is that there is this tape, that if you watch it, you get a phone call that says you are going to die in 7 days. Ummm. . . now I may be selfish at times, and even if I WAS going to die, I am pretty sure that I would just break the tape O.o or is that too high of intelligence for Hollywood? Oh, I am sure I will be forced to see it someday, and that it might be a better movie then what I am leading people on to believe *shrug* sorry. As for the Japanese movie - I have never heard, nor seen it. . so I can't make any judgement off of that. On a more irritating side note - did anyone remember the commercials a few months back that were airing? They had the picture of an eclipse or whatever - a ring - and there was this background voice saying, 'before you die, you see the ring. .*lower voice, echo if you will* the ring. . the ring' . . . I saw those. They gave NO plot, NO mention of it was a movie, a joke, a hoax. . NOTHING. . just a couple quick flashes of scenes from the movie ->(I came to find out later it was a movie - I am not contradicting myself). Anyways, later on, they start showing longer previews, still. . little knowledge is given, besides that it is a movie. NOW, like a few weeks before release, I watched a trailer in a movie, and find out the point. What a dissapointment =/ Oh, I am shutting up now, that is enough complaining for me tonight ^_^ . . . lol, sorry if I offended anyone who is really looking forward to this movie.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . no one has mentioned puzzles yet. . lol. I always seem to pick the puzzle out of the closet that is missing the most pieces. I don't know where they go, they just. . *poof* vanish~ As for LEGO (yes, I have LEGO - they rule, and I have been collecting them for quite some time now ^_^), I have a few sets that are missing their original pieces, and they ALWAYS have to be the hardest to get pieces. Many pieces you can re-order from LEGO themselves, but the ones I usually seem to lose are really wierd ones O.o Although - I always seem to have one or two different colored pieces that are exactly the same - so I don't know why I worry so much. I had one big ship for a space collection that was missing one very small piece. I found a duplicate, but it was in a different color. Oh well ^_^ I used it, and you can hardly notice the difference. It is a piece that is pretty much covered up by other pieces. As for models - I only know of one set that I got screwed on, it seemed that they forgot to give me a whole sheet of pieces. So I ended up with a model that was. . very tacky. A jet model that was missing it's tail fin, and some other things. . . it was rather sad. Hmm. . come to think of it, I did have an AT-ST model that was a snap-fit set. It . . didn't snap, or fit, now that I think about it. wierd. . just the way those things work. Oh yeah, and when I did get it together - via superglue and other tricks - it was lopsided. . LOL!![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B]:'( i'm really upset because i have liked a guy for about two years now and he knows i like him and he is very sweet to me but there is one thing standing between me and him and its this girl in my class she is kinda a smartie-pants-know-it-all-that-is-never-wrong type of person and she likes the same guy i do and i feel sorry for her because no one will go out with her but the guy i like would probably go out with her........ this makes me sad because i don't know if i should burst her bubble and ask him out for my self when she has been nagging me about him NOT KNOWING I LIKED HIM!!! and she was like i'm going to ask him out for myself and this worries me because i know he will say yes. also numerous guys have used me to get to my friends i'm like a decoy i feel that no one likes me and everyone just uses me to get to other ppl its not fair and i get hit on cuz i look like the attached pic. GAH has this happened to anyone or does anyone have advice and should i ask the guy i like out first .... oh man i'm soooo confused i wanna cry its sooo annoying plz plz help me!!!! ~GG~ P.S. i don't really look EXACTLY like this my mom is a photograher and my dad used an sging program to make me look older and my nose id longer also i had to suck in my cheeks to make them look flat but really they are all chubby! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . if there is ever anyone out there that sounds like a mirror image of my life. . . lol. To be honest, something similar to that happened to me. It started with my first job. I made a really good friend working there, and we both met this really great girl. Well, she was really really sweet, and the three of us became close friends. We would hang out a lot, and she never really gave signs as to liking either one of us. I slowly started to 'fall' for her, and on my day off, my friend comes in and asks her out. Y_Y well, long story short, he got the girl, and I became the 'fifth wheel' of our trio (that makes sense. . . leave me alone). I don't know if this helps you out or not, but in stead of just being there wishing you could have done something, I would probably move ahead and ask him out. You may be surprised, and he would accept. Who knows, if you wait even one more day, she just might beat you to it and then end up with the guy *shrug* sorry if my advice isn't too helpful =) Just thought I would toss a bit of a personal opinion out there. Many people have already stated that if you really feel that this guy is worth it in your mind, then you would only be hurting yourself not to go for it. You have to make the ultimate decision on that matter, since it really appears this guy is thick headed and isn't going to make a move any time soon. On one more side note - love the picture ^_^ regardless of how you think you really look, most good people see right through any 'faults' you think you may have to your inner beauty. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . I am very happy with the GAMECUBE myself. They have greatly surpassed N64 in my opinion (not to say that I didn't love that system ^_^). I have loved almost every game I have gotten on the system, and while I don't have all the games I want, I will be planning on them fairly soon ^_^ A lot of the third title games that our out on multiple systems, I will most likely get for the GAMECUBE. Fast load times, and quick saves are very big for me. As for upcoming games, I am really looking forward to Metroid and Zelda as others have stated. As for older games, me and many friends still get together for weekly / bi-weekly Smash Brothers tournaments. It is so much fun, and since everyone has a really good skill in the game, you never know how the night is going to go. None of us ever really complain when we lose either, which makes it a lot easier to play for hours upon hours! =P Mario is a great game, and I am really enjoying trying to squeeze out all of the hidden secrets in the levels. The game is big, what can I say? ^_^ As for any complaints - the camera . . . but that really isn't THAT big of a deal, the game rules, easily the best Mario to date ^_^ and definitely a top for the GAMECUBE. As for down notes with Nintendo right now? Late releases -- I really don't like waiting pushback after pushback for certain games, hearing that they have again been delayed for yada-yada reason. But to be honest, I know that it happens, and a lot of times, it is for the better. I would rather wait a few months for a great game, then get them on their original release date and end up with a very sloppy game. It seems that more and more games from PS2 and X-Box turn out that way, and that is pretty sad. Yes, Nintendo has a few themselves, but in hindsight, their taking time to fine-tune the games is REALLY worth the wait. A huge upset for me is that Nintendo is REALLY, REALLY lacking in the RPG department. I know they are coming out with some great titles in the next year, but I am having to use my PS2 for all my RPG needs - as well as many future games coming out for the system - and Nintendo for all my other games right now. . lol I suppose the only other complaint is a few of their bigger titles are pretty short games. Many don't take longer then a day or so. Luigi's Mansion and Star Fox Adventures are two titles that come to mind. Both very fun games, just . . . not long enough. On one other side note, I want to say that I recently picked back up Madden 2002. It was actually my older brother that picked it up, but watching the game, I saw how great of a game it was. Before, I just got it because of a special Target was running for the release day of the GAMECUBE. I didn't think that I would play it much, but I definitely wanted it more then Waveracer. Anyways, I tried playing it today, and was deep into playing it until my friend brought over Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 ^_^ This is just my opinion on the subject ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I loved the movie. Much better then the first movie in my opinion, but we aren't talking about that =) I loved his no non-sense attitude towards everyone and everything. He never backed down from a fight unless he felt something was different about that said fight (like fighting Mieir on the top of the carriage, and he hears the woman call out his name). . . whatever =) The fights were actually done really well in this movie, and I love the whole romantic gothic feel to the whole movie. Sometimes movies that include older feeling setting with it actually being the future, they can turn out pretty pathetic in my opinion. This movie, of course, is not one of them ^_^ Oh well. . I suppose if you have seen this movie, you don't need to know my opinion about it ^_^ I have the movie on DVD, and the special features are really good on there. =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I really loved the humor in DBZ. The episode I can remember in particular - Goku knocks out a few Red Ribbon officers, he then charges off to rescue the village chief from some giant tower? He heads straight out, and the mom and daughter are left in the house. The girl wonders if they will ever see him again, and before they know it, there is Goku at the doorway, half frozen, saying - It's freezing out there! -- I nearly fell out of my bed when I saw that for the first time ^_^ It was way too funny. I guess I like parts of the DB because Goku is so innocent and he is always being taken advantage of =P It's great to see him overcome so many obsticles in his battles, and it's awesome that he never gives up. Obviously this is the foreshadowing to the next series ^_^ I have not seen too many of the episodes, and they skip around so much, it's hard to tell what part is what?? There are also episodes that I really can't stand to watch. The ones with too much 'love' story going on is pretty pathetic. Some of the episodes have too much storyline that goes nowhere. Just my opinion. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I am not as quick to jump down your throat for this -- No one on this site thinks that DBGT is fake. We all know that there are episodes of DBGT out there, and know the story behind it. If you don't, you can head to theotaku.com and read up about it in the Dragon Ball section. If you were refering to someone in particular that doesn't believe that DBGT is real, then you should probably address them in a Private Message, it will cause a lot less name calling that way. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]TOO MUCH WRESTLING!! The final few fights had way too many wrestling moves in it. I really couldn't bear half the crowd cheering and hooting at any of the moves I was watching. It was really embarassing *sigh* I also sound off about the CG battles being absolutely horrible. I don't know what they were thinking with putting that stuff out. The actions were too fast and stiff to be considered real, and when people fight, I never knew they lost like 30 pounds -- they looked like twigs! I prefered the first Blade over Blade II. The music was better, the action was better. I loved Steven Dorf in the movie. He was a really awesome vampire. I loved the whole idea with trying to shove out the old and replace them with the new. If anything I didn't like about the first movie, it was that Blade seemed to just rip through everyone. There was maybe one or two fights that gave him any trouble. *shrug* back to Blade II I liked the idea of Blade getting help from his enemies. That was pretty awesome. I wish the battles resulted a bit better then they did. It seemed that they just put them in there so that the 'good guys' would lose some of their numbers. The evil mutated vampires were a bit too powerful, though I did like how it seemed that they lost any humanity that they would have normally had.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I also miss Titus the comedy show, I won't go into that (yes, you all are welcome ^_^) As for the movie Titus. . . I LOVE IT! It was the first Shakespeare movie that I really got and actually watched the whole way through. Anthony Hopkins was brilliant in that movie. The whole movie seemed to flow really well, and the setting of time that they used - a somewhat retro era rome? - oh well ^_^ My favorite scene had to be where Titus' daughter was standing on a tree trunk in a white dress, cross armed with a few tree branches in her hands. Her uncle finds her, and asks what's wrong, and she just looks at him with very sad eyes. He further insists and she opens her mouth to speak . . . blood poors from her mouth, spilling on the ground. (her tongue was cut out, thus, why she was bleeding from her mouth). That scene was just. .amazing. Sadly, I can't remember names in the movie, I have only seen it twice. I will be getting this movie on DVD soon enough though =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]As much as I love bringing up old topics (as opposed to just starting new ones, only to have them locked, I decided to pop this one back to the top. I am "Noryko the Topic Recycler" after all. For those that used to post in this topic that didn't have the game - do you have it now? If so, what characters are you playing? Do you have any complaints about this game? Have you unlocked everything yet? Post here if you have anything else to comment too. . this isn't just limited to newer players of course. Oh, and on a side note - I still play Link, though Ganondorf has taken over my top spot. It is just a lot easier to finish matches quicker playing him ^_^ Link is tied with Ganondorf in terms of favorites. Young Link and Zelda have taken a distant third and forth spot. I think DK is above Peach now. . Oh well. . just me ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]So I happened to be searching the web tonight, and I noticed an article about DivX teaming up with Factor 5 to work with video compression formats. From what I read, they are able to put DVD quality movies in a third or a quarter of the space in that of a movie-DVD. The best way to do this is with MPEG-4. DivX was the perfect partner for Factor 5 because they are the best and widest known MPEG-4 encoder. Well, that was more or less paraphrasing from the report I read =P But all in all, this is going to hopefully lead to a lot better movies in future GAMECUBE games, and for that matter, the allowance of MANY more movies per game. I am extremely excited about this, and look forward to their future game that they are working on -- which is being very hushed right now >_< DivX is also making it able for other GAMECUBE programers to use their software to apply it to their own games. Once again, I am extremely excited about this prospect. It seems that Factor 5 is very loyal to Nintendo, and is working to make sure that they stay on top of the game here ^_^ Post your thoughts or further info :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]im not too hip on the specifics of the series, if you could (altron gundam) could you write me a pm or just post whats up with all this stuff? especially kioji and rei and the devil gundam. if you want to throw in the end of the series and the fate of the main charactors like m. asia and what happens with the dark gundam and the neo hong kong guy, i wouldnt mind that at all either. thanks, kent [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I would also appreciate a pm containing this info if you don't mind. Once I read what you had up there, it was a bit of a dissapointment to find out like that, but it definitely settled a bunch of questions running around in my head =P If you can possibly just send me a duplicate of what you send Gokents, that would rule! ^_^ Thanks in advance. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I hate to say this - the game plays like a weaker version of Zelda. The puzzles were far too easy, only one or two gave me even the slightest problems. The fighting was rather lame, with only one enemy trying to fight you at a time? Bring on the melee!! Another thing that upset me was the wasted time in HAVING to connect your whole combo to actually take off any damage. I was really 'urked' about that part. Some of the cutscenes could have done without, and I would have spent time in the gaming hall if there was actually any real need for it. The money system was reminiscent to Zelda:OoT because. . well, I just didn't need it besides the one or two big purchases you HAD to make. Money seemed like it was just too easy to get *shrug* One more thing that upset me was General Scales final fight - I won't go into details, ant this is in no way a spoiler. Those that have played will know what I mean. The space missions were a nice touch to the game, though they were FAR too easy and extremely short lived. Flying through the rings added a bit of a challenge on one board in particular for me, but for a space junkie, it was just a little too late. . well, just too little at least =P Overall, the game wasn't bad for a first attempt at a real RPG from Rare. They are great with FPS, but I just wish they would have spent a bit more time on the game. While it would have been a very nice first attempt in a long line of Star Fox Adventure series. . . we all know this is most likely the last >_< Even though I just brought up bad point after bad point, on a scale of 1 to 5, I give the game a solid 4. I would recommend renting the game fist, then buy it if you like it. The game is just too short to buy if you don't have plenty of money to waste on it. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I was a hurricane. That sort of works for me, especially over many of the others I have seen. I don't ever really get mad, and even if I start to, people know to back off. IF I do ever get set off, people KNOW not to get in my way . . . but. . that is WAY too rare :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. NorykoAngelcry


    [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that is great =) I can see those hidden weapons in the third picture better then the other two *looks around to make sure no one thinks he is serious* . . *shrug* Oh well =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . my hobbies. Well, some of you may know - I have been trying to get my drawing skill up . . higher then it is now =) I am also continueing to work on a big RPG to one day make it to a consol =) It would be pretty cool to make that anywhere close to a reality. Other then those. . I am big into video games. I love online games, though right now, all my time is devoted to my GAMECUBE ^_^ Gotta love that system. Hmm. .I don't think anything else besides work and sleep consume my time. I play raquetball quite a bit with a small group of my friends, so that is pretty fun =) Good for getting some exercise. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I really don't confide in anyone. . maybe once a year will I open up to someone, and that is really if the specific conversation comes up or if something is really bothering me and I they have to pry for any information. Other then that, I really don't normally talk to my friends about 'my life' though I will gladly listen to what they have to say and do my best to help out. I am a 'listener', not a 'talker' :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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