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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]This game looks very nice. I was a huge Street Fighter fan, and sort of lost it when they started with their Super Crazy Killer Waddling Turbo Stree Fighter series. . I was just like - what's the point?! Oh well, perhaps it is time to pick up another of the games? Well, if I have the money, and see it in the stores, I will definitely get it. I need more fighting games for the GAMECUBE. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The closest thing I have been to was racing friends down the streets around. . Franklin O.o riiiight! No, really, we had some serious races. Flying down VERY windy roads, trying to race around cars before oncoming cars slam into you . . *shudders* We have had our share of close calls, but luckily, no one has ever wrecked or been pulled over while doing these things. We would probably get totally screwed in fines, I am sure. I have seen a few street races on home video. Some were really good, and I remember watching one where some guy totally lost it and slammed a beautiful car into some other parked car. OUCH! I don't think I will ever get that type of car where I would be racing it. I don't ever think I would have the knowledge to be able to work on cars like that =) Just no knowledge. . though I suppose I could learn if I wanted. Oh well, I think I would settle for a very sweet Cadillac ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I can put up with people talking computerish - as I call it - as in - gtg, C u l8r - though I don't really enjoy it. Acutally, no one I know is THAT bad with it. Most of the people I talk to KNOW how to talk, and I am thankful for that. I use the basic ones though - lol or lmao or even imo. I think the abbreviations are a lot better then the whole screwed up words like people subbing U for You, etc etc. Sometimes, you need to shorten your message if you are in a hurry to say something - brb is good, since I don't feel like typing it out, just to have someone reply and make me stay around a bit longer ^_^ I don't know, perhaps that is a double standard? *looks at double standards topic* . . hmmm. When I used to play Everquest, some of the more experienced players would use 'L337 74lk' . . as you can tell, I could never talk like that. Every time I did, I just wondered if anyone else knew what I was talking about. The biggest problem with that was that it took too long to understand what someone was saying, that the text was either scrolled up too far, or I zoned and couldn't see what they said =P (zoned has to do with leaving one area and loading up the next)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I had not heard of the lady entering the PGA, here in Tennessee, there was a lady who is racing on a small scale racing circuit. I have to laugh about this, because there was this one race where she made a mistake, and somehow did a no-no. I am not too sure on the specifics. . since I really don't care about racing (well, besides F-1), but this one guy became totally animated about wanting her out of the circuit. I thought of this because you mentioned how women are wanting to be equals. Well, I suppose this is somewhat related, since the ONE mistake she makes, he is down her throat, screaming his head off of how reckless she was. If a guy had done this, it would have just been a day at the race? I am competitive, but in no way sexist towards women. If a woman offers me a challenge, I gladly welcome it. Some people think it is sexy, I just find it well worth my time! Now while I am not sure this is the same subject, I think that it still works in here...though I am slightly hesitant on how to word this so not to sound offensive. Oh well, here goes =P Comedy - Why is it alright for black comedians to slam white people, but not alright for white people to slam on black people?? If white people make jokes about black people, they are racist, but the other way around, it is comedy?! This has really bothered me, especially since actors like Chris Rock and others make a living off of it. The 'Kings of Comedy' (btw, who gave them that title?) also slam on white people a lot. I have never heard of any white comedians putting down black people. Sure, there are maybe one or two out there, but almost every black comedian seems to revolve their routines around it. I really just don't get that. Can anyone explain it?? I don't mean to come off sounding really angry about this, and hope that no one thinks I myself am racist (which, I am NOT!! - just want to make that point clear), I am just VERY curious about this. It is also in movies and television shows. Ok, I will not talk about this anymore, just thought I would ask about that. . sorry if this offends anyone, that is the last thing I wanted to do with this question.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Though I suppose it has already been mentioned, but women usually go for the bad-***** types of guys. They don't really care what the guy does to them until they really cross that line, then it just comes flooding back in. As for nice guys, we usually play the role of a good friend or you might not know us at all. Later in life, nice guys seem to be what women look for. They have had the hardcore bad boy type, and decide - wow, look at how much time I have wasted here, guess it's time to look for someone that will really treat me right. Now, I am not just saying this because I am in the 'nice guy' catergory. I have had many female friends who have done this route, and been hurt time and time again. I knew one who was engaged at a very early age (19) cause she thought she was in love. Well, he would hit her, abuse her verbally (and I suppose mentally and physically). Well, I slowly started to lose touch with her. He became very jelious of who she would hang out with, and that basically meant NO guys. Time and time again, all of us would try to warn her about him, telling her that he was NOT the right guy for her. So, when we heard that she left him, we were all REALLY excited and proud of her. Turns out, that lasted a whole month. He came crawling back to her, and she took him back with almost no problem. While I am not saying giving a person a second chance is a BAD thing, I think that if you don't know what's best for you, you should probably listen to friends or family, who usually seem to see what we are blind to. Anyways, to answer the original question, *points at self* Here is a nice guy ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The proposed release date is Summer of 2003. As for not hearing about it - I think the press release really just came out like. . two days ago. Looking on Blizzards main site, they just put up the information yesterday, and I check their site pretty frequently. They have some wallpapers, screenshots, photos from in game, etc etc.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Sooooo. . . Starcraft going FPS? Very interesting looking. I found this on another site, but Blizzard is saying that it is coming to multiple systems, and I found it in a GAMECUBE section - thus, why posting here. So, you play as a Ghost - a character from Starcraft - I am not THAT sure on the storyline, but I really didn't spend too much time reading it. Instead, I decided to look at some of the pictures. *drools* They are absolutely beautiful! While the screenshots are not for the GAMECUBE, I still don't think it will be a problem making the game shine on such a great system ^_^ Anymore info anyone has, please post, I want to know as much as I can about this game![/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Paul, to an extent, I know what you mean. I visit IGN.com often, and am often upset myself when they have the walkthroughs or cheats to games that are not even out yet. Or, as you say, there are webpages out when I do a search for the game, spoiling every bit of it. While I am only like 10% sure of why they wait, I won't post, cause I don't want to cause any confusion at all. I will just let someone else who is sure fill you in. ^_^ Aren't I helpful? . . lol [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. NorykoAngelcry

    War Movies

    [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmm. . favorites? We Were Soldiers Black Hawk Down Patriot Glory Full Metal Jackets Braveheart Saving Private Ryan Enemy at the Gates (thanks Amphion, almost forgot about this one) Starship Troopers (lol, love the storyline on that, even if it wasn't what anyone had in mind. I totally never caught it till I actually sat down and payed attention. . . just had to include it) Other notables for me would be: Pearl Harbor Midway (seen it so many times, I have to say something about it) Movies I would like to see, just because: Windtalkers ______? (the one with Bruce Willis in it? They are all POWs) The Thin Red Line (heard nothing but bad - still want to see it) Oh well, just my thoughts ^_^ Wether or not anyone agrees, I like these[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ughh. . once Dax was replaced, the show went straight downhill. They had a few decent episodes, but for the most part, the loss of Dax hurt the show too much. I wish the show didn't end on a down note, but I am very happy that it had such a long run that it did. ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, I loved MST 3000. It was a good series, and in TN, it would come on later at night, so I could stand to watch it with out being interrupted by people calling me. Some of the shows seemed a bit drawn out - i.e. - not that funny, but each one managed to keep my attention through most of the shows, till I would search for something new (short attention span and all). [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Armadillomon [/i] [B]Things like Section 31 and the Dominion (those other guys from the wormhole) Enterprise fans: Who thinks Porthos could run the ship by himself? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]*raises hand* I do. . lol. Enterprise probably has to be number two in my book. I just love the early setting of the series. And thanks for the Dominion. I could not think of it at ALL. . felt rather stupid ^_^ but I didn't feel like searching for the name. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am somewhat curious about this movie. The action will no doubt be normal Jackie Chan style fighting. Him using lots of stunts to impress people. The story will be pretty easy to guess - but they basically gave that away in the previews. As for Jennifer Love Hewitt - why does everyone hate her so much?! I guess she is just cast in the role of being a bi*%$ in a lot of her roles, but come on! I don't know. . a lot of my friends really hate her too. . am I one of the only people who like JLH?! Oh well. . I doubt I will watch this movie in theaters, since I have not seen any movies in so long. I might watch it on DVD if I can ever remember to rent it when it comes out. . but then again, I have not rented any movies lately =) Oh well, we will see. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I loved Deep Space 9. The series was really cool, and it seemed like they gave a lot more personality to each of the characters, and it didn't seem like cheesy overacting like which was present in Voyager. I really liked all of the Star Trek series, but DS9 was my favorite. The whole war was just awesome, and the huge battle that they showed between the Federation, Klingon, Romulans vs Cardasians, and those other guys from the wormhole totally blew me away. I had been waiting to see a huge battle like that forever. The movie where the Federation vs. the Borg was nice, but a bit fast, and in the NG, the fights with the Borg really weren't shown. Anyways, another thing about DS9 that I liked was that they brought both Miles and Worf into the show. Miles was from the beginning, but the show really got even better with Worf. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have had my share of bad hair cuts. I have found a pretty good place to go now, but a while ago, it was at an older style barber shop. The guy who cut my hair was good, but sometimes, he just didn't get it. I was usually the passive type when it came to complaining, so I would just grin and bare it. Anyways, now, I am sort of in between two ideas what to do with my hair. I want to grow it out, though my sides and back are getting WAY too long for my own good. . . My other idea cutting it really short. . going for that modern gq type of look. NO, I am not GQ in any way, I just have my moments with short hair =P I used to spike it up, went through a flat top look for a while. . though, that was back when I was in like the fourth grade, lol. Oh well. . perhaps I will go get my hair cut soon. . think I am going to keep it long for now, till something happens to make me regret it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]While I do talk a lot in IMs (feel free for anyone to drop me a line - Noryko81), I am not really into chat rooms unless they have a specific purpose. I am not slamming on anyone, and hope no one takes it that way. But unless the room has some point, it tends to go a little off track very easily, and only a few people will stick around. I was invited to a chat room by a diablo2 friend. I didn't know anyone in there besides him. The rest were random other friends from all sorts of places, including real life. . Well, everyone was getting on everyone's nerves. People were coming and going so fast, and there was no purpose. . I suppose some rooms just. . happen. It works, and more power to that chat room. I think I have only been to OtakuChat once or twice. .is there a specific link or something? I usually sit at my computer watching TV and IMing my good friends, so one more thing to keep me busy would be fun =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]This movie looks very amazing visually. I am not too sure about the storyline, and yes, I DO know what it is about. I will definitely be seeing this movie, and pray it will be as good as I hope =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I like the series. The battle scenes are pretty cool. I like the fantasy feel of the moves each of the Gundams have. It is also cool seeing all the different designs the Gundams have. Shining Gundam is pretty cool, and the Burning Gundam looks pretty sweet. I am looking forward to the next batch of shows this week. On a side note, I kind of like the love story - It isn't too cheesy in my opinion. Some shows make it more of a convenience then anything else. In this show, he sort of needs the love to help him fight stronger. Could just be me though =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow, what was I doing - I woke up early (quite unusual for me to be up anytime before noon on a day off), but I got up and got on the net. I checked my guild's webpage (from Everquest, a MMORPG). One of the first topics in our forum page was entitled - "We're going to WAR!" Now at first, stupid niave me thought - "Cool! A guild war! This will be fun." Then I went into the link and started reading. There listed was the 'army soldier' of our guild. He posted what had happened and that they had no idea if it was a bomb or not, but that the WTC had been hit, and was in flames. I stopped breathing. No way. . this can't be real. I read on some more before I had to pull myself away from the monitor. I ran down to the television and EVERY CHANNEL had it on. There it was. . smoke billowing out of the side of the WTC and I could just not believe it. It was almost a surreal picture to take in. I remember sitting there watching as one shot captured the second plane hitting the other building. I wanted to cry when I saw that. . I just sat there helplessly watching. I can not say anything else I am afraid. I have grieved, and I can't look back at those images. I will never forget that day, and will always remember how I felt. I am happy we had the leaders that we have at that time, and am thankful that they handled the situation as they did. I am behind George W. Bush in his decision to take out terrorism one-hundred percent. I love this country and will stand behind it till my death! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Car accidents. . Hmm, thankfully I have not been in an accident in about a year, and even then, it was not really with anyone else. I HAVE been in quite a few though. . but let's not get into those. My last one was with my Olds. Achieva. I was driving to the mall on my lunch break to visit an old. . friend. . and had to run to get lunch and run some errands. Anyways - I was driving around a normal turn and slipped out of control, overcompensated, hopped a curb and slammed into a tree. Now before you think I am that messed up, allow me to elaborate: 1) My back tires were almost bare, and the brakes were shot. I spent $1,000 alone on the front brakes and tires, but they decided to wait on the rear tires *sigh* 2) It was raining, and cold enough where there was ice on the road. I didn't realize that until I started to lose control. 3) I was actually going the SPEED LIMIT! Just goes to show myself whenever I do the right thing, nothing goes right. . lol Oh well. . now I am driving a Saturn (I love my Saturn) which has it's own problems, but will work for me I guess =) *sigh* I did get the rest of the day off of work, as well as the next day. On a slightly more frightening note - I didn't have insurance, and when I hit the tree (sideways I might add) my neck sort of bobbled left and right. . I was afraid I would have gotten whiplash, but there really wasn't anything I could have done. Thank God I didn't get hurt. That would have been bad for me. . . I suppose that just means another notch/ another car under my belt ^_^[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  21. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]With me, I was not that impressed with Halo. Repetitiveness, simple in challenge (and yes, I did try many of the difficulties), annoying X-Box controller (this game would have been awesome on the PC) . . list goes on. When I first saw this game, I was like, "whatever! It sucks!" Then a friend got an X-Box, and raved nonstop about this game. Well, he brought it over my house one night, and I sat down and played it. First impressions besides the X-Box controller were that it was a pretty curious game. The story was a sci-fi natured of course, but the storyline was still a bit lame, even for gaming standards. The opening was pretty good, having to rush around the ship. . And then came all the negatives. Switching guns was a unique approach, but annoying one, especially when dying, or trying to find more ammo for a certain gun. . . having to keep going back to the basic guns was so limiting in fun. I loved running behind my partner with a sniper rifle, tagging aliens before they even knew what hit them, that was GREAT! . . but on levels where you only had the automatics or the simple alien weapons was really annoying. Most of the levels were way too repetitive to be any fun. Running around the ships with all the halls that looked alike got to be headache inducing. Some of the outdoor levels were pretty fun, and jumping into a tank and loading up with troops all down the sides was very awesome, but it felt like there were far too little of those scenes going on in the game. Now again, I didn't think this was any ultra awesome FPS. I did however think that it was much better then I really gave it credit for. I would like to see this on PC (are there any plans for it? . . *shrug*), but not really holding my breath. It was a pretty nice game save for the controller =/ This game was unique, but not really something that really caught my attention while playing. Oh well. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Hmm. . if there are portals to Middle Earth over in New Zealand, what were those things I saw in Canada last time I visited? . . As for the movie. . *drools* It looks great. . can't wait to see it, but well, what can I do about it? ^_^ If you can't wait to see the preview Asuka, you can always go download the trailer from Quicktime. They always have the best presentation and easy to guide site there. The trailer can even be seen on a full screen, though it will obviously be a bit choppy. I saw it on the 'large' setting, and it was still enough to get very excited. Plus, seeing it from home saves you from drooling on people in front of you in movie theaters (ok. . so this must be something that only I do. . shadup!). Though I have never read the books, I have gotten a nice dose of the story from my manager at work (really cool/smart guy), who is practically going to kill me till I can see the movie on the big screen. *sighs* "Gotta wait till August till I can get the Fellowship of the Ring on DVD. " [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]LOL, wow. . a lot of people REALLY don't like Ben Affleck. I personally loved his role in Mallrats, Dazed and Confused, etc. He was a perfect actor to play the a**holes that the cast needed. But on a more serious note. Could he play a more serious role? . . I think he can. While I really didn't think the plot or the acting was really stunning in Pearl Harbor, I thought Ben Affleck did a very good job with his role. I also liked him in Armagedon, and though he was a bit whiny - what with the world ending and all, who wouldn't be, right? - I thought he really played the role of a young adult with a few kinks thrown in to his life besides the hustle and bustle of the everyday thing =) As for Daredevil, sure, the costumes may look a bit funny, or wierd, or awful, but I remember when I saw X-Men for the first time, I was like - They totally screwed the costumes! - but after watching the acting and good storyline and special effects, I came to realize that the costumes weren't THAT big of a deal. I also think this will be the same way with Daredevil. Good acting, great fight scenes, good special effects, and hopefully the story will be good as well - even though they will have to change parts of it. As for the story (since I mentioned some of it up there), I really do hope they go away from the comic books a bit. I really don't want to see a movie where the ending is already known by everyone who has ever read the comics, but then again. . I may be overreacting a bit there. . *shrugs* And on a few personal side note. . I am really looking forward to seeing Kevin Smith in the movie ^_^ He has a small cameo in the movie, and though I recently found this out, he actually wrote some stories for the Daredevil comics. That was pretty wild to find out for me! I know he is a huge Star Wars fan as well as a huge Comic fan. . but I didn't know this far. . O.O Secondly, Michael Clarke Duncan as the Kingpin! That will be awesome. I love him as an actor, and his voice I feel will fit the role of the huge(ok. . that works several ways) crime boss. I think his size is going to fit the comic book depiction, and think that it will surprise some people when they see him in that role ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Desbreko, you are right. .neither Rare nor Nintendo have confirmed or denied those rumors. Personally, I think that they are just letting those rumors circulate to torment PS2 and X-Box owners ^_^ That will rule. Solid Snake - sorry man. I just don't like Metal Gear Solid 2. . or 1 for that matter. The game is just. . well. . boring (and no, it isn't the stealth aspect, I prefer those games over the absolute straight up shooters). I guess the 8 billion hours of mind numbing text and videos that they show also gets pretty boring. Could go on, but I will shut up . . please don't eat me. . [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Hmm. . I am somewhat wierd when it comes to fashion. . I will get in my spending moods once in a while, and will go out and get some pretty nice clothing with it. But at the same time 'momma didn't raise no fool' I definitely know how to find good deals on clothing. I don't get crappy clothing, yet at the same time, I probably get slightly outdated clothing in the 'fashion realm' *gasp* LOL All in all though, I usually just waste (did I say waste. . I meant. . invest, yeah, that sounds better) my money on video games, computer gear, clothing(which I wear till it's dead . . litterally. . I mean, falling apart and all), and lots and lots of junk food/fast food/store bought food/etc food. I like food ^_^ *thanks good matabolism* Guess that's it for now. . yeah~ [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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