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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B] [color=teal]Sorry, gal, the season's over for now.[/color][/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Bah. . is it the smilies, or the name that everyone always thinks I am a female? . . I am just a happy person!! IS THAT WRONG?!? . . *sighs* 21yr old male with a good sense of humor though. . so. . yeah! As for Futurama being cancelled, that really sucks, but I missed way to many episodes to even know what is going on now. As for Family Guy, I hope that UPN picks it up (FOX's station anyways), or anyone else for that matter. I hope it is someone with a much better picture reception then UPN - that being one of my biggest downers to that station. Oh well. . long live the comedy animations! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kool_aid13 [/i] [B]she's probably too excited to get online. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]LOL, or just a tad bit pre-occupied to care about us at the moment ^_^ Just kidding Deborah. I am super stoked about your marrage, and of course, I wish you all the best. I hope that everything goes well for you two, and enjoy long lives together filled with lots of . . 'excitement' . . :D See you back on the boards whenever, and get back to my email! I command you!! just messing ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solid Snake [/i] [B][color=teal]Other well-known addictive titles for other systems include Halo, Metal Gear Solid 2[/color][/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]LOL, that makes me laugh. . but then again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But in all fairness, yes, each system does have their own addictive collection of games, and I also sound off that Nintendo has the biggest library of those, whichever system you want to name. I find myself going back to old N64, SNES, even NES games for their total fun factor, and pure addictiveness. Playstation 2 has a few good ones out there . . and there there is the PS1 and X-Box, and some of Sega's systems. . but well. . those last few don't come close in my book. Another thing that really helps Nintendo with addictiveness is the speed at which you can play ANY game. Nintendo games (yes, even the GAMECUBE) are just so fast to load. Sony and Microsoft don't come anywhere close in my opinion. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]The movie was pretty good. I am not really that huge of a Tom Cruise fan, but thought that this movie did a pretty good job. It seems that lately, his movies have been going down the drain a bit, but this is better then Minority Report or some of his other ones (which we won't mention now). The storyline took a minute to get used to, but I started putting things together, and slowly came to understand what was going on. Ut made me laugh, becuase a friend that I went with was totally lost the whole time, so another friend laughed, and said something like - "Don't worry, we know Aaron still knows what's going on." Ahhh. . good times. . I probably won't see this movie again, but it wasn't bad for a one-timer view, or if you want to impress someone with knowing all that is. . lol[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I love Futurama. The show is well done, and just like Simpsons, how do they keep coming up with all the great stuff?! To make it even worse for Futurama, Simpsons has a leg up, since they can talk about 'present day' events, where Futurama just has to make fun of it a bit as history. I have not been able to watch Futurama in such a long time, seeing as how I work till 6:30pm, and the show starts at 6:00 >_< But lately, I have been recording the Sunday night animated shows. I LOVE Simpsons, happy to be watching Futurama again, but have to pass on King of the Hill *shudders* As for Family Guy, I love that show too, but it doeesn't play anymore that I have seen. Anyone know what channel it is on/day/time? Any help is appreciated ^_^ As for my list: 1. Simpons 2. South Park 3. Family Guy 4. Futurama ^_^ That will do me for now =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I also like Hoobastank. Their sound is really good, and I think the band could be really big. I especially like the way that their music videos are done. They are really awesome to watch. . . on a side note. Does anyone think that the vocal's guy (doug?) looks like John Cusac? . . must just be me. Oh well, they are a great band, and I passed an oppertunity to get their CD. . won't happen next time I see it. just hope it will be the same price ^_^ lol, oh well either way.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Well, I really like his movies. Though he doesn't play an idiot in ALL of his movies, he usually does have something special about him in each movie. Well folks. . .movies now-a-days aren't really the mind stimulating events that they used to be. *shrugs* That isn't a big deal though for his movies, because guess what -- They are COMEDIES! . . . they are supposed to be mindless and funny. Why? Cause they are supposed to make you laugh! Are his movies predictable? Yes, but what movies aren't? I can sit in almost any movie now and predict lines, or tell what is going to happen in the next scene, or even how the movies will end. Why is that? Because movies are formulaic. They have a simple storyline that they follow, and it works. . I will definitely see his movie, predictable or not. I love his humor in the movies he does. While I can already tell how the movie will turn out, it will still be a blast to go watch. More then likely, we will probably go to the movie in a huge group, and just crack jokes throughout =) That is what we usually do. Oh well. . ^_^
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Ughh. . Fischer is out a game =( How sad. He was one of my favorites to watch. While the blow WAS deemed totally intentional, looking back, I don't honestly thing that he meant to do it. I think it was just adrenillin that carried him for the hit. But it is not for me to say what happened and why. Obviously me being a Detroit fan, I would n't see anything wrong with the play. And I am sure some people are going to speculate that the game would have been much different if they would have gotten the major on that play. Anyways, with Fischer, he was the best hitter in the series, and was a total blast to watch. Carolina would come at him, and time and time again he would just level them. He also set up the beautiful pass to Larionov for the second goal of the game. Oh well. Even though Detroit is going to win the Cup in Game 5, it is sad that Fischer won't be in the game at all. It always sucks to be sidelined on such an important game. Oh well . . overall, going back to what I said, the Cup is coming back to Detroit! ^_^ Oh, and on a side note, I hate ABC broadcasting of the games. They are such idiots when it comes to calling a game. Al Michaels especially . . he had a analogy in the game, when Carolina was slamming hasek with goals. He said, "Looks like Hasek is really in the eye of the hurricane now." Now at first, this totally lost me, and I couldn't figure out why. But as I thought about it, I remembered the eye was the CALM part of the hurricane. *sigh* Another thing, game 1 and 2, Detroit was totally being slammed by the media. They were saying how great Carolina was, and how bad Detroit was doing. . now, this was a compilation of different channels, but all in all, I don't think Detroit was getting any respect to begin with. I am glad to hear that they are finally getting props, but it still feels like they are not getting enough of what they deserve. Just a concerned fan I suppose. . so, this is me shutting up now ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]DETROIT!!. . LOL, I have ALWAYS been a fan of just about every Detroit team (not too say I don't have other favorite teams). Born in Detroit, I just grew up loving them all. They played a great series vs. Colorado, and we knew from the first goal that it would be Detroit all the way. Stanley Cup is coming back to Detroit baby! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, though I can not remember the name of the Jedi you play as, the game is somewhat of a sequel to the first game - Star Wars: Starfighter. You take the role of three different people, all of whom are out to try and stop some evil plot from hatching. In the new game, you play the female Jedi, who is in charge of testing the Jedi Starfighter (I believe). This game was released before the movie, so I don't think they wanted to use anyone like Obi-Wan or Anakin. Plus, getting the voices from Hayden or Ewan would be a bit more expensive then who they decided to use. I am glad that they have a game based off of a lesser known character. While I love flying around my X-Wing as Luke or Wedge (Star Wars Rogue Squadren 2: Rogue Leader for the Nintendo GAMECUBE), it was really fun playing Starfighter as a bunch of nobodies. It will always be easier to create a story from scratch, then having to work around a bunch of details such as style of dress, appearance, the way they talk, what books or movies have them doing at that time. . . this way, they can make up the story as they see fit, instead of having to follow a set storyline. Hmmm. . I might be repeating a lot that I said here, but all in all, it gives the game makers a WHOLE bunch of freedom in designing the game ^_^ I have yet to play THIS game, but I have played the other, and was very impressed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kristoff119 [/i] [B]I actually like the 64 one more than the snes, but I like the gba one the most. What is so bad about the 64 one compared to the snes one. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I agree. . I really liked the N64 version. Me and my good friend Jay would spend countless hours playing vs. each other, and the circuit 2-player mode was really great. I thought the graphics were very nice, and the game was challenging. Granted, it is a Mario Kart game, so the computer will ALWAYS be able to catch back up with you, no matter how much you kick it's butt, but . . well, I suppose in a way that makes it all that more interesting. ^_^ Oh well, I also loved the other two versions of the game as well (for SNES and GBA), so . . just a fan of the series you might say =/[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]LOL, I only got to watch the first few minutes of that when it aired on Conan, but missed the rest when I had to go meet up with some friends. Thanks for finding that on the web MysticGohan, glad I finally got to watch the rest ^_^ As for the 'nerds' . . well, count me among them. I dressed as a jedi for the opening night in Franklin, TN. I had a blast, and got to entertain about 300+ people(midnight showing - not dressed as a jedi =( how sad) that were there to watch the movie. I had a total blast, and will do it again when Episode 3 comes out. Nerd, sure. . fun lover, you are absolutely right. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]The game looks jaw-droppingly, eye-poppingly, gorgeous. Samus rules, and this game will too. From what everyone here is saying, the game will be huge! James, or anyone else, do you know if they are planning on using one disk or two? Regardless, I am very much looking forward to playing this game non-stop till I have it mastered (I know. . probably not possible). Oh well. . I am sure that the game will be a huge hit for the GAMECUBE. I really hope that I will have enough time to dedicate myself to this game ^_^ instead of just having to . . what's the word. . work?! Perhaps I will just ask off the day or two after it's release.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Super Mario Sunshine is looking very pretty. . and no need to comment on many of the other ones out there such as Zelda, Metroid, or even Eternal Darkness. But has anyone noticed Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2? That game is just beautiful looking, and I am VERY impressed with the VERY few ingame movies/screens that I have seen. This game is shaping up to be one of the best racing games that will be out for the GAMECUBE, and I am very happy to see that it is going to come out. I would have definitely bought it if it was just for Playstation, as NFS: HP was one of my favorite racing games EVER for the Playstation. I was shaking a bit when I saw the preview, not wanting to wait till it was finally released. Anyone have any comments on this game or any others? ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]On his way back to his room, Noryko couldn?t shake what Lord Youn?Du had confessed to him. There could be any number of people that might want him dead. This business was a rich one, and the opportunities it presented were huge. If someone was to swoop in and take over, they could increase prices as well as the size of their pocket books. Noryko had absolutely no clue who would want to see him dead, but he had only been on the planet a day, and already hated what he was hearing. Regardless of what was going on, he had a job to do, and would trust that Korton would be looked after by Youn?Du, though he wondered if even the chief of security could be responsible. As he neared the door to his room, he punched a few keys on the control panel, causing the door to slide open. He rubbed his shoulder as he entered the room. The cockpit of his X-Wing was sufficient for short travels, but on long journeys that he often found himself taking, the space was much too cramped for any real comfort value. He figured it would be best to get some sleep, and think about the day?s events. Noryko ? Artoo, remind me tomorrow to ask for a security detail. I need to see what?s going on with those miners, and I have the feeling that I could use what assistance they could provide. The droid chirped happily, and Noryko fell backwards onto the bed. Though it was not the most comfortable bed, Noryko was more then happy to be out of his ship. The servant that showed him to the dining hall said that they had converted an old miner's living hall into a location where off-world guests would stay. Though they had more elaborate rooms, Noryko preferred to stay in rooms farther away from all the hustle of democracy. Though he could hold his own in any heated argument, Noryko preferred to be with normal people as he called them, the ones who had to fight every day just to get by. Noryko closed his eyes and started to breathe rhythmically, silencing all the thoughts in his head till he was at peace and slowly fell asleep. The next morning, he called Korton from his room?s comlink. After arguing with the grumpy man for the better half of an hour, Noryko finally bested the man without even needing to use the force. He would have half a dozen guards waiting by the closed off mineshaft. Noryko thanked him with a smug grin and switched off the device. Over by his bed, Noryko lifted a large metal case. He opened it slowly, revealing a small arsenal concealed in the blast-proof case. He pulled out his heavy blaster and strapped it into the holster which was tied to his leg, and fastened it to the belt around his waist. He pulled out a few concussion grenades, and clipped them onto the left side of his belt. Though he didn?t intend to use the explosives in a place that could collapse as easily as a mine, he would rather face Youn?Du after losing a mine, then simply lose his life. He laughed, as he felt a bit silly for putting his life in perspective like that. He shrugged and reached back into the case. Opening a small compartment in the back of the case, he pulled out a velvet sleeve. Folding back the opening, he pulled out a short cylinder object. He held it in his hand for a minute, then pressed a small switch. The weapon ignighted, and a blue colored plasma stream extended from the hilt. Noryko adjusted a dial on the hilt, shortening the blade a little. Once satisfied with the length, he pressed the button, and turned off the blade. He opened a small zipper pocket in his pants leg, and slid the lightsaber into the pocket, zipping it shut once it was concealed. Before leaving, he grabbed a small comlink from the table beside his bed, incase he needed to contact R2-D4 for any assistance. As he walked down the corridor to the mining lobby, he felt an uneasiness about him. Something wasn?t right, and he shivered a bit, just thinking about it. He closed his eyes as he waited for the repulsor life to reach his level. Silencing his mind, he slowly turned off the negative feelings he was having. While it sometimes served him better to be clear headed, Noryko knew that he should mind his thoughts, not wanting to totally dull his senses. He would of course rely on his eyes and ears, but this extra sense he always had about things was usually dead on. As he opened his eyes, he noticed the repulsor lift had finally reached his level, and he stepped into the lift. Once he reached his destination, the doors slid open once again, and Noryko slowly walked out. He saw his security party waiting, but was a bit puzzled when he saw Korton there as well, dressed in full battle gear. Noryko sighed and walked to the waiting group, upon reaching it he looked up with a smile. Noryko ? Glad you could make it Korton. Korton ? No way will I let you alone with my men. Youn?Du trusts you, but you have yet to prove yourself to me! Noryko ? As you wish my stubborn friend. Lead the way then. Noryko bowed deeply, wanting to both frustrate him, and show him that he really didn?t care about his presence. Both intentions went over very well, as the larger man grunted as he walked towards the main door. As the massive mining doors slowly opened, Noryko sighed, thinking what a long day today would be. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Sorry Son Goten, Sony Online Entertainment is making the game, and they will have next to ALL of the realistic names off. Especially for Star Wars, almost all the main characters names will be forbidden to be used. SOE was in charge of making Everquest, and almost any mystical/fantasy/mideavel name was not allowed to be used in the game at anytime. It sucked, but then again, I would hate to see some 4 year old who can't type running around with the name Luke Skywalker. Smart of them to do it that way ^_^ I just need a better computer, and I am all about Star Wars: Galaxies. The game just looks great, and has so much potential. ^_^ shutting up now. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]They're supposed to have a 'deep spiritual bond' because he dreamed about her every night since they first parted. I nearly vomited when Padmé said, "I truely, deeply love you." to Anakin. Ugh...the only pair-up that I have EVER liked in Star Wars has been Han and Leia. Padmé and Anakin, and Luke and Mara all just gross me out...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Honestly though. . I am happy that it turned out as good as it did. The whole relationship was obviously needed, no one is doubting that, but it could have been much worse then as bad as you are making it to seem. =P Anakin - Hey baby, lets say we go rent some speeders and play a game of tag~ LOL, that would be great. . or even better, trying to make their relationship a pretense of things to come. . . *shivers* . . Padmé - Ughh! I'd rather kiss another Jedi! Anakin - *thinking* must kill all Jedi!! LOL, ok, shutting up now ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo] I just figured he was nine hundred plus years old, so of course he would be wrinkly, a little shrunken, have complexion problems, and occasionally be a tad bit senile.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]LOL, that is just great. . I just figured he liked to confuse people, since only the strong minded would be able to actually understand what he was saying ^_^ LOL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Hmm. . we had a topic started like this a page back, but it was closed *shrug* just got out of hand I suppose. Oh well~ I am a HUGE Chrono Trigger fan. I can't get enough of it. It has to be my absolute favorite RPG of all time. The storyline is great, the characters rule. The music is also very awesome. It has a dark tone, but at the same time, it can make you feel really upbeat. I can only say good things about this game. I really don't have any complaints. The Dual-Tech and Triple-Tech combos were just so amazing. One of Squares all time best games in my opinion. Final Fantasy takes a back seat to this game! ^_^ Just my thoughts though.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Also, his homeworld is unknown. Yoda says there are more of his species, but he won't tell where. He is the only one of his species to ever be seen. His species could live farther out in space than anyone could go tho, cause Yoda did live to be 900 years old. So, in normal hyperspace, it might take a ship like 150 years to reach his planet. So no human could ever go there. But I don't know. I'm just imagining things again...[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Though you might have known this, and only forgotten, Yoda was NOT the only one of his species to ever be seen. Don't forget Yaddle ^_^ The female, but silent, version of Yoda. She was on the Jedi Council in the first movie. Just had to say that =P As for the theory of living way off somewhere. . no comment =P Maybe he is really a martian? Woah. . *singing* "It's . . a small galaxy. . afterall!" EVERYBODY![/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Wow. . feeling like I would die? . . hmmm. Ok, so my older brother used to be in Boy Scouts - NO LAUGHING - anyways, my dad was big into assisting with setting up campsites, and helping with the administrative aspects of the troop. Well, one time they all went out on a trip, and I asked if I could spend the night. I was not big into camping, but I thought, what the hey! It will be fun =/ Well, that night, it dropped WAY low. . I was in a nylon'ish sleeping bag, and WOW, was I freezing. I could not stop shivering, and it got so bad, I had to go to my dad's van, and start up the heater just so I would get back to a 'normal' body temperature. I think the whole next day, I was just shivering, and all I could think of was taking a long hot, HOT shower, and passing out under 30 blankets. Now, what am I talking about you as? My dad told me the next day that I was cold as ice, and was somewhat worried about if I would be ok . . thanks for rushing me to a hospital dad *sigh* Anyways, I am very fortunate that I did not suffer from hypothermia or anything while I was out there. I really love the cold now, and I think it was because of that night. . sorta like super powers. . but. . for . . weather conditions. O.o riight. . BAH, that's my story, so leave me alone! Ok, another quick one. Many times I have taken long road trips, and gone to sleep in rather uncomfortable laying positions. Well, on a few occasions, I have woken up, UNABLE to move. . I mean, I could not move my mouth, my toungue, or anything else for that matter (besides my eyelids, and I was able to breath). It was the most terrifying experience I have ever had *shudders* . . scary! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred] As Noryko neared the landing pad, he spotted a Mon Calamari standing next to two humans. The Mon Calamari was dressed in a light-weight shirt, which hung freely from his shoulders. He also wore very loose fitting pants. Noryko had known many Mon Calamari, but none that really dressed this way. He looked next to the first human, a security guard by the looks of it. He had a blaster rifle swaying to his side as his posture was slouched in nature. He favored his right leg, carrying the weapon with his left arm, balancing out in an awkward looking position. Noryko let a small smile slip through his most serious look. Even as a security guard though, Noryko noticed that he too was dressed with light-weight clothing. Perhaps that was the customary style of clothing here? Noryko put the thought out of his head all together. The last man standing at the hanger door was dressed in long robes, but the way the wind caught it, the cloth seemed to be very thin. Noryko smiled again, hoping he wasn?t overdressed for the seriousness of the situation. As the man in the robes pulled back his hood, Noryko spotted his man. The tallest of the three was the mining colony leader, Lord Dust Youn?Du. His facial expression bore no emotion at all, and Noryko almost immediately regretted smiling at the group at all. First impressions were very important to smaller colonies like this, and Noryko didn?t want to seem weak at all. He was sent there to investigate and intercede in unruly matters, and that was what he wanted to do. R2-D4 beeped, letting him know the craft had settled without any problems. Noryko thanked the droid, and began his shutdown procedures as he clicked a button, releasing the cover of his X-Wing. As the cockpit canopy lifted, Noryko was slammed with an intense amount of humidity. He now understood why the outfits here were made of thin materials. Even before he got his gear from the craft, he felt the clothes start sticking to his body. Noryko hoped the interior structure would be cooled, but had a feeling they wouldn?t spend the money if they had a way around it. As he turned around, he saw Lord Youn?Du approaching him slowly. Youn?Du ? I am glad to see you here ahead of schedule Captain, allow me to introduce my aids. He mentioned back towards the other two, who slowly met up with their boss. Pointing towards the Mon Calamari, he smiled. Youn?Du ? This is my trusted advisor Bren Cesloo. He is in charge of handling incoming and outgoing spacecraft. He also has the extremely important task of keeping track of all the shipments we process here. Without him, we would be lost within a matter of weeks. Noryko bowed to the Mon Calamari who in return bowed back. Bren ? I got word just after we spoke of your close encounter up there. I am glad to see our protector was not hurt. Korton ? Or killed for that matter. Youn?Du ? And allow me to introduce our head of security, Korton. An old space pirate who decided protecting was much easier then attacking. Noryko ? I am happy to meet all of you, but if you wouldn?t mind, I would like to get to my room as soon as possible. It has been a long trip, and I am sorry to say that I am a bit worn out, and this heat isn?t helping any. Bren ? What heat? Youn?Du - *laughing* Bren, he is not used to our climate here. Come *waving towards their new guest* You will find the compound much more suitable to your likings. They walked to the hanger door, which slid open at the touch of a few keys from Korton. Lord Youn?Du proceeded first, with Bren close behind him, talking about the latest shipment of weapons which were to be transferred to Tatooine for a local militia guard that had formed for city protection. Behind them walked Korton, eyeing back one last time to Noryko, wishing he would try something. But Noryko was not one to try and antagonize a fight. Instead, he preferred to try and resolve things as peaceful as possible, but his outstanding record in the face of danger was what kept him on the more dangerous assignments, even the ones that negotiation was ruled out. Once inside, Noryko noticed how well ventilated the compound was. Bren informed him that the facilities were kept at this temperature because Lord Youn?Du grew up in a much cooler climate, and preferred to keep his workplace as similar to his homeland as possible. The addition of multiple plants within eyeshot of each other seemed to bring this rustic, run down complex a more homey feel. Noryko was impressed with how so little could do so much. After they rounded a few more corners, Lord Youn?Du bid Noryko to join him for dinner. After agreeing, turned and left with Korton, discussing security protocols. Bren stayed to show Noryko to his room. Though he was not sure how long he would be staying, Noryko always felt better establishing a more comfortable surrounding for himself. In many cases, a private chamber such as a bedroom usually satisfied his wishes. Noryko had finally settled in, and his bags were brought to him from his ship. R2-D4 had also come along with the bags to make sure no one tampered with them. A cheerful beep brought a smile and a thanks from Noryko, being exactly what the little droid needed to hear. He started a scan of the room for any hidden listening or spying devices. Once satisfied, the droid settled in one of the corners of the room, and sat silently while Noryko went through his things. A small chime at the door, and R2 swiveled his head curiously towards the door. Noryko opened it up, seeing a young woman at the door. Women ? *bowing* My master, Lord Youn?Du, bids you to join him now for supper. If you are ready now, I would be honored to show you the way. Noryko ? Thank you, I am prepared now. Please, *motioning the way* lead on. The two had made their way down a few passageways, crossing near a large overhanging which overlooked many molding machines. Noryko came to find out that these were where a new prototype batch of Republic blasters were to be made in the following months. Noryko noticed the young woman was only too happy to be showing him all of the wonderful structures the compound had to offer. Finally they reached the private dining hall. Noryko was shown to his seat, and the servant left. Dinner was brought out, and served to both Lord Youn?Du and Noryko. It was a very delicious looking meal. A fresh salad complimented a large portion of meat that was to be the main course. Wine was served to wash down the simple, yet elaborate looking meal. For desert, a variety of fruits were placed on a dish, each one seeming to be alive with rich colors, and equally with deep, sensual tastes. Noryko was not used to the fruits, but didn?t bother the time to ask what they were before he had munched down his fourth piece. After they were finished, Lord Youn?Du bid his servants to leave them alone. Once the doors were closed, he leaned in towards Noryko. Lord Youn?Du ? I feel you have come at a rather bad time my Republic friend. Noryko - *looking a bit surprised* Oh? Do tell, why is that? Lord Youn?Du ? It seems the mining revolt was just the start of things that are happening to plague my establishment here. I believe someone wants me dead, and I don?t have a clue who. I can not trust anyone, yet I do not want to make myself seem anyhow suspicious. Please, I have done too much to be killed for something I have no knowledge of ever doing. Please help me. The look in his eyes tore at Noryko?s soul. He could sense an earnest cry for help, even beyond the words of the man in front of him. His eyes seemed to pull at Noryko, making him shake his head before he could even mouth the words. Noryko ? I will do everything I can to make sure no harm is brought to you. And I promise that I will get to the bottom of whatever is going on here. . . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I also read the book, and with most books comes emotions not really able to be captured on screen. Looking back at the movie, I wish they added many of the scenes that were depicted in the book =/ Bummer they didn't, but who knows, perhaps some of the scenes might be included in the DVD version? ^_^ I sure hope they have a ton of deleted scenes like they did with the Phantom Menace (and not the type where you have to go scene by scene, I mean where the movie just has them in it).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Never doubted Zelda (Celda), and no, I never doubted Miyamoto either. Nintendo rules, and the games just blow everything I have seen in a while out of the water. I first heard about Wario World a while ago, and those images just knocked me out when I saw them. I can not wait to get ahold of those games, but mostly, I am looking forward to Zelda. Even getting pushed back, I will definitely wait for it. Keep those great pics coming James. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Several loud beeps brought Noryko out of his dreamlike state. He jumped up, half rubbing his eyes and half punching at keys at the control console, though he wasn?t sure what hand was doing what. It was almost second nature to him by now. He couldn?t help but smile as R2-D4 howled at him. ?Artoo, I know I should drop out of hyperspace, but I don?t like the long trip toward the planet, this will cut plenty of time off the rest of the trip.? Noryko grabbed at his stomach, ?Besides, I?m starved, and these synthetic foods just won?t do.? Another short howl of defeat came back from his Astromech Droid. Noryko was amazed to this day that his R2 unit actually cared about him. Though it had been over 4 years since he saved the droid from being destroyed, he couldn?t help but laugh at all they had been through over the years. After another complaintive whistle, Noryko finally pulled the ship out of hyperspace. He pulled the ship up in a sharp loop and had to slam the reverse thrusters just to barely avoid slamming his ship into a Corellian Corvette. Most pilots wouldn?t even have noticed the ship before their reflexes kicked in too late, causing them to be another spec in the universe, but Noryko had been a much better pilot then most he knew. He finally came to a stop, floating only a few hundred meters above the freighter. Noryko could barely breath a sigh of relief when a blaring voice came over the comlink. ?Pilot! What in the stars do you think you were trying to pull coming out of hyperspace that close to the planet, let alone near MY ship?!? A strong female voice shouted. ?Well,? Noryko couldn?t help but let out a short laugh. ?Is something funny? I fail to see how ending your life and many of my own crew?s would amuse you!? The voice came back. ?It wasn?t anything personal, I just wanted to cut the time to the planet is all,? Noryko was turning red now, finally realizing how dangerous of a stunt he just pulled. ?I would hope you would be much more careful next time, pilot,? the voice came back again, as if it was a mother scolding her child. The words seemed to sting Noryko?s pride, and he dropped his head in defeat, ?You are right of course.? A smile crossed his face, ?Allow me to buy you dinner to show you how sorry I am?? ?Not likely, I have to get this shipment to Coruscant. Even after the war, munitions are still needed more then ever.? ?Blast it, can?t even impress anyone this far out.? ?Pilot,? the voice caused Noryko to jump, ?next time, close the line before opening that big mouth of yours. Out-? Noryko laughed, and settled back in the cockpit. It was going to be a long day, and he hadn?t even landed on the Thromus, the third moon of Gress, a gaseous planet. The moon was known for it?s metal that was mined deep in the surfaces of this massive moon. The metal was formed into a variety of molds that were made and shipped to many different planets. It was used for just about everything, from ship construction to weapons manufacturing. Sometimes, the finished products were brought back to the moon for final checks and shipments to the final destinations. Noryko was here for another purpose though. He had received word that there was some miners that had been revolting for some time, and had actually hijacked a shipment of personal arms, locking themselves and many hostages in some lower level facilities. No sooner had he even though about his purpose in the system then the Control Watchman chimed in on the communications line. ?Greetings Captain Noryko, I trust your trip here was uneventful?? The Mon Calamari?s voice seemed a bit rattled even though he was hiding it very well. ?Hardly a run-in at all, I am transmitting my security codes over now,? Noryko answered back. ?I hope I am not too late to be of any use here.? ?Not at all actually, the miners have been quite silent the past few days.? The Mon Calamari paused for a minute, ?Excuse me sir, we can talk about this later. You are clear to land on the private landing pad 4 in sector A-2D. We are sending the location to you now.? Noryko piloted his ship in easily enough, but could not shake the feeling that something was amiss in all of this. Was the Mon Calamari lying to him about the present situation, or was he simply a bit nervous about the close encounter he had only minutes ago? Regardless, Noryko would find out soon, it was his job after all.[/SIZE][/COLOR]