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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Ah yes. That is why, as much as I am interested in the novels...I can never take them as being the "official" story. What you just described demonstrates that. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I agree with James. . as much fun as the EU books are to read, I really don't like the feeling that those parts are just made up 'so to speak' I have read just about every EU book that has been put out, but it just rings in my head this wasn't really GL's creation. It was another author's idea.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B]And yes, i did here Qui-Gon's voice. And did anyone see the red-robed Imperial guard standing behind Palpatine at the end when the watch the clone troopers board those ships? You only see his head, but he's there. [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Yup, noticed the voice. . that whole scene with Yoda and Mace Windu was just brilliant, as I said before. As for the Crimson Guards, you see them at the beginning too, standing at each side of the room, when you see Padme' and party enter the room. They are some bad dudes =) I hope you see them fight in the third one. Son Goten. . I hate you =P Seriously though, if I didn't have all the bills I am paying right now, with such a ****** job that I am working at, I would have all of them =) I really want that X-Wing and TIE Interceptor *drools* Those would be smooth.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I also think it is the Naboo N-1 Starfighter, but I would like to know what is meant by 'advanced'? It is all nice to say that you have the best powers, and the best ship, but then again, where is the fun in that? Running around with the most powerful stuff doesn't seem like much of a challenge, does it? And I hope this doesn't seem like an attack on anyone. . just saying to make a game more fun, you need the challenges =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Not to try and criticize anyone, but if you actually watched the Jango Fett vs. Mace Windu scene, Jango was run over, and couldn't fly off. His jetpack was damaged during the stampede, so it was basically fight or just die. He tried to fight, but was obviously outgunned and outmatched. A lightsaber vs. a single blaster pistol? Not too hard to see who would win there. Somewhat sad that Jango had to die though, for the simple fact that he was one of the VERY liked bad guys. Darth Mual is the topic of many conversations for me and my friends. They all hated the fact that he was killed, but honestly, he was just a mercenary in my opinion, not really any sort of diplomat. Who better to try and join together all those different guilds/federations then an ex-master Jedi? I thought that Count Dooku was a very good choice to have in there for that role. As for the games you have Son Goten - do you have the Stratego game? I didn't see you mention that, or the Trivial Persuit, but I am guessing you must have those too, right? As for me, I really prefer the Lego sets. I really don't have any of the 'big' sets, due to the fact that I never have the money for that, but I have almost every single set out there. I still need the full size Yoda, the Tantive IV, the Millinium Falcon, the Republic Gunship, the three-piece Pod Racer set, and the two exclusive high-detailed ships (X-Wing and the Tie Interceptor). Once I get those as well, I will be extremely happy ^_^ Oh, and I don't have any of the lego technic sets of all the figures. Those I REALLY want ^_^ but then again, I don't have ANYWHERE to store those =P As for the figures, I need to get just about ALL of them for the second movie, and sadly, I am missing like 2 - 4 from the first Episode. . . *sigh* . . Other then that, I have a ton of props from working at Target, that was pretty sweet =) Oh well, shutting up now, since I know NO ONE but me cares. . hoho~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Racial Discrimination in Star Wars Episode 2!!!!!????!!!!
NorykoAngelcry replied to a topic in Noosphere
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Well, to me it honestly sounds like someone trying to get on TV, and make a name for himself. It is just like the people in Episode 1 that complained that the Gungans were Jamacans and the Trade Federation were something like Japanese. It is rather a bad stain on the name of Star Wars, and what it is all about. I am rather saddened that there are people around still like that. I really hope that people don't believe he is trying to insult them in the least, because I can almost garuntee that he didn't intend for anyone to think of them that way. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I know this might seem a bit corny, but I really didn't pay attention to the dresses or the 'nipple' shots at all. . *shrug* If it is as bad as you all are making it seem, I am actually feeling a little bit bad about insisting my sister goes to see it O.o I really did like it though, how she looked a lot more elegent being more natural in her apperance. Her hair just seemed to fit her character a lot more in this movie, even though it WAS supposed to. I guess that is very cool to see =) Oh well . . I will have to see it again. . just hopefully it won't be too bad. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[B]NAME[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Noryko Angelcry[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]AGE[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]21[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B]SPECIES[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Human[/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]LOCATION/HOME WORLD[/b] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Travels around, but calls Coruscant his home now. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]WEAPON[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Lightsaber (Teal blade) Also carries around a heavy blaster for ?safety? purposes. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]ALLIANCE[/b] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Republican - A rebel since he can remember, Noryko is a patriot for the New Republic. He stands solidly for what they hold true in their beliefs, and would lay down his life in an instant if asked. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]VEHICLE/SHIP[/b] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Pilots an Incom T-65 X-Wing (with Red highlights on his ship). His droid ? R2-D4 (Red colored model).[/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]FORCE CAPABILITIES[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Though not a very strong in the Force, he has developed a few skills: 1. Has the ability to move objects around him. 2. Can manipulate the minds of weaker creatures, though he simply thinks it is his wit and charm. 3. Very skilled pilot, he can use the Force to help him with maneuvering and gunning. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]CHARACTER DESCRIPTION[/B] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Including a picture of what I look like as a Jedi =P [/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]BACKGROUND/BIO[/b] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]His parents lived on Alderaan, but left years before it was destroyed, seeking to try and assist the rebels. Noryko was raised with many of the other children in the Rebellion and grew to love what they stood for, even at such a young age. Once the second Death Star was destroyed, and Coruscant was finally freed, he moved there to assist with planetary defense. He grew tired, and his natural instincts led him to want to travel around. He now travels planet to planet, system to system in hopes of righting wrong that he finds. He is on a path to a much larger destiny then even he can not begin to fathom. Noryko is very friendly, and always enjoys making people around him laugh. He is fiercely protective of those he would call friends or even family. He is a very strong willed person, not one to be pushed around. . by anyone. Even though he often gets himself into fights he shouldn?t be able to win, he usually comes out of them with a few bruises to show for it. He is also a bit thick headed when it comes to heading friendly advice about certain events going on around him.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [b]OTHER[/b] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Umm. . can't think of anything else. . ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime Has anyone seen vampire hunter D: bloodlust?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Vampire Hunter D's topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred] I really enjoyed this movie. It was really well done, and it showed that no matter how strong you are, your weaknesses can be exploited all to easy =) The animation was really good, and I liked how they put technology being broken down all around this world. The Vampire Hunters were a really awesome touch to the movie, and I have to say that D was just. . WOW. His character ruled, and everyone that I showed this anime to loved it. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Though I am not positive, I believe what SS Trunks was trying to say was that Jango just. . well, died, and that was pretty funny. I think it was just how suddenly he went down that was somewhat amusing to everyone. Granted, most people cheered that the 'bad guy' died, I think that some people even bust out in a bit of laughter over it. He comes down, trying to make a huge deal that he is this top bounty hunter, gets run over by a creature that he felled with one shot, then BAM, just like that, he gets his head cut off? I had to stop and think - wait a minute, that shouldn't have happened like that, but at the same time, it was rather amusing to me. I really don't want to seem like I am insulting Jango Fett or anything, but looking at it, it is rather funny. I suppose Lucas just wanted to make sure he was out and in a hurry. He did have the nice long fight with Obi-Wan, and even gave that Jedi a run for his money, but up against one of the highest ranked Jedi, no way would Jango last long against Mace Windu. Oh well, no one knows what SS Trunks was thinking besides himself, so I will stop talking about that. As for Anakin, I agree, he was great. Jar-Jar wasn't so bad in my opinion, though I really didn't 'hate' him in the first episode. For those people that didn't like him, I suppose the scene with Amidala and the Gungan was especially delightful with Amidala cutting off Jar-Jar mid-speach. Oh well. . . just my thoughts =) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I also saw the trailors during Star Wars Episode II, and was fairly impressed. Same visual effects, slow down fight scenes, hand to hand combat, guns, and new to this I guess - weapons (of the bladed and blunt ended nature). From some interviews I read on the net, the next two movies are going to contain a TON more explosions, action scenes, etc. etc. Also in the storyline (which I don't remember where I read parts of these), the Agent that can replicate/copy himself is not a part of the Matrix, and I think is on a personal vendetta against Neo. The blond guys are the new bad guys in the movies I believe, and there is also some fighting going on OUTSIDE the Matrix - Zion is shown too I think? Mixing a bunch of sites words here. . so don't take these 'rumors' to heart. =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I agree with you Boba Fett. I think, if I remember correctly, that the critics blasted the original Star Wars as well. Oh well. . . if they can't watch a movie and try to ENJOY it, then that is their loss. People don't realize that George Lucas isn't in this to win any Oscars for acting or anything. He is in this because he loves to make movies, and loves to push out great visual effects. Personally, I can not wait to see the movie on digital. Perhaps the DVD will be done that way? I hope so ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]I don't know why everyone is saying Hayden is such a bad actor. He played his role VERY well. He was a teen going through a lot of problems. He was frustrated that he wasn't getting the recognition from the other Jedi's, especially Obi-Wan, that he thought he deserved. He was a child, so his little temper tantrums were well placed. He also got frustraded a bit with Senator Amidala, not being too sure on where she stood with 'them' . . women are confusing no matter what galaxy you are from =P My personal favorite scene was when Anakin slew the Tusken Raiders, and Yoda sensed a great disturbance. You could hear Qui-Gon's voice as he meditated, and Yoda (CGI or not) actually looked like he himself was in pain. I thought that scene was absolutely brilliant. I will also voice off a bit with the lightsaber fights. There was too many lightsaber vs. laser rather then lightsaber vs. lightsaber fights. Though, I suppose Lucas might be holding those off till next episode, in which I will be rather happy to see. Also, with Count Dooku, he WAS very skilled at the lightsaber, and I liked how it was short to show that he basically whooped up on both Anakin and Obi-Wan. That was well done, and the fight between Dooku and Yoda was made longer to show that Yoda could have beat the crap out of him. Another beautiful scene was with the Droid Federation ship crashing into the desert ground. It kicked up so much dirt, you could see the light reflecting off the dirt, both red and green lasers. That was just awesome. Oh well, I'll shut up now ^_^ I could go on too long about that. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Kouberei [/i] [B]I wasn't saying that Anakin's whining was a spoiler Angelcry, it was what I called him... [/B][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Gotcha Kouberei, my mistake =P And I agree with Milliardo, I caught right on with the music during that scene. . and was. . wowed. I don't remember how many times I got goosbumps during that movie.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Honestly, I liked this game. I myself did not purchase it, but my good friend Steve did. He played it to death, and back, wanting to challenge anyone who came over to play it. While not very good at it, I still could do my fair amount of whooping up while still not REALLY knowing what it was that I was doing. Don't get me wrong. I love fighting game (not the best, but a good genre of games), but this game wasn't too hard to get the basics down (perhaps a good thing though?). I thought the graphics were very nice, and the battle system wasn't too bad. All in all, you did the right thing. Rent it first, if by the end of the 3-5 days you have it, you are still hooked, I would possibly consider buying it. I normally just run out and buy stuff before bothering to rent it, but you probably are doing the smarted way =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=darkred]Personally, I can't see why the critics rated this so badly. I thought the acting was very well done, and really don't have any complaints in that department. And I don't think it is a spoiler that Anakin complained, they showed that in the previews. To be totally honest, that is what made his character. He was a young adult, who still had a lot of growing up to do. I thought Hayden did a great job as Anakin. As for the Yoda fight, I am sounding off like everyone else. I loved it, and everyone in the theater I saw it in cheered as well. The only dissapointment was that there not a lot of one-on-one lightsaber fights =P Maybe they are saving it for next film? Anyways, when I got to the theater at 10:00pm, they had a HUGE gathering of people standing around. The theater had 4 different theaters ready to see Star Wars, and it was awesome to see all these people this excited. Well, we got in line with a few people that dressed up, and though my costume wasn't done, my friend was dressed up like a Sith, so that was a nice ice breaker. I had my lightsaber, and figured it would be cool to get some shots with the other fans. There was a kid dressed up like Jango Fett with his 'dad'/older brother as a dark lord. Well, we all got together and had a good picture, but then the Sith wanted to get a shot in a more 'open' area. So we moved to the open carpet, and got ready. Well, then someone from the lines shouted 'Fight!', and soon almost everyone in the theater was cheering, wanting to see a fight. Well, me and that Sith went at it for a while, and at the end, everyone was cheering. It was a GREAT memory, and I just wish that I could have had my Jedi outfit =P (I will try to post a picture whenever I can) Later ^_^ going to see it another few times today =P Gotta love Fandango. . though I prefer waiting in line *cough*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred]I was never a big fan of Resident Evil. Last one I played was the one with Nemisis, and well. . for a starter game, that one really pissed me off. Something about wasting a guy with everything you have, and him still coming back. . that is just me I guess =P I am used to things dying when I kill them. But then again, that IS the fun of Resident Evil I suppose. Nothing got to me more then walking in a room after finally recharging my oil canteen, and saying, "Now where was that Zombie that was supposed to be right here?" before seeing it charge at me, arms hanging at it's side with claws extended. Now THAT was messed up the first few times it happened to me, LOL. Again, not being a bit RE fan, there were a few things that got me stuck easy. First was getting behind the waterfall. I had NO clue what to do there, and was getting frustrated. Two of my friends (one a RE freak) were not able to help me, though they plead now that they didn't know what part I was talking about. Finally got past that, only to get stuck at the room with Lisa?(the girl with chains) walking around, where you have to put the Broken Flamethrower next to the door. I just didn't see the switch for the first hundred times ^_^ Other then that, I suppose this game was very well done, and enjoyed beating the games multiple times with both characters. The secret costumes are great, but the game just seems to fizzle after the first few games. Still, the graphics were top, the sound and the puzzles were great, and the game overall is one of the best I have played in a VERY long time. Can't wait till RE 0. Oh yeah, first time I played the game 42 hours (from leaving it on while I was at work or asleep, etc etc. Second game, 3 hours 59 minutes. . gonna have to shave that time just a bit I think, lol[COLOR=darkred][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, the thing you are looking for is a door that looks like it is ON the ground. Step on this door, and you get teleported to a different level. There are no enemies, only coins, and a maze to search through. Anyways, you have to collect all the coins before the time runs out. If you manage to do this, you get a secret character. Now, I can not say what levels, since I am on my lunch break, and don't have time to look ^_^ But there is about one level per 'world' that will have the door. Each level is different to navagate through, but they are all basically the same. Just a quick tip - be very vocal when getting these boards. Command your 'troops' which way to run, because if everyone splits their own way, you will never get them all. I have not had a chance to do too many of these boards, since I have been playing WAY too much Super Smash Brothers: Melee for my own good ^_^ but the levels aren't too bad to unlock if you just work as a whole unit. Good luck~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming What Nintendo games are you buying this year!!
NorykoAngelcry replied to hemmorhoid's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm. . there are WAY too many games that I will be getting this year. . WOW. . on the short end of the list, the most exciting ones I am planning on getting: Resident Evil Eternal Darkness Zelda(if it makes it out) Phantasy Star Online(if it makes it out) Star Fox Adventures Mario Sunshine METRIOD PRIME(over all the games listed, If I could only get one, this would be the ONE) ^_^ In short, those are the most anticipated games by myself and my friends. I am horrible with the release dates, and am almost positive that I am leaving out a ton of good ones. I really only listed the ones on GAMECUBE, but there are a few for PS2 and Gameboy Advance that I want as well. *shudders*[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I really like the hopelessness that is portraiyed by the character of the story. You did a really good job on this. Though, I have to say, I sorta laughed out loud with the man in the black rain slicker laughing. . . and no, I have NO idea why.. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ya, definite rental. Played, and beat it on the PS2 when my friend Jay had it. It was a very fun game, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't a lasting game with the storyline to really keep you coming back. If you are a fan of the old Spyhunter, this game is very fun to get into with all the updates and the bells-and-whistles. It is a fast paced game, and the car switching modes is pretty cool. I loved it on the PS2, but heard bad things about the port to the X-Box (I know), so was somewhat scepticle about what they did to the GAMECUBE port =/ I will probably wait till it is like $20 till I get it ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]That's what I liked about Gauntlet Legends, LOL. I'd get together a group of friends and play four-player, and it'd turn into one big argument about who should get this treasure, or this item, or whatever... [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, we are horrific playing this game too. My friend Steve (Red Warrior) Is the main tank, he has to be first to kill EVERYTHING, even though we sit back, and let him take the damage, while killing more then he does ^_^ I am awful at stealing all the treasure, keys, and magic, and the other two guys I am playing with - Erick and Dustin - are both just go-with-the-flow types. . . wusses =P [/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]But yeah, I know it's not a very involving game. That's what I like about the Gauntlet series, actually. If I want an involving story, I'll play an RPG, like Final Fantasy IX (which I still need to beat). It's kind of funny to think about, actually... I would sit and play Gauntlet Legends for hours at a time, and never get bored. I've sat and played Rampage (a couple different games in the series, including the old original for the NES/arcade) for hours, without getting bored... I think I can turn my brain off when I'm playing games like that, LOL... :cross: I'm having fun, while not actually thinking at all. I've come to love games that can do that. :cross:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] I know. . we go zombie mode with multi-player games. . there are about 10 different guys, where all we do is sit around, and waste the night away playing Super Smash Brothers: Melee or Guantlet: DL or Sega Soccer Slam, or even Bond. . ahhh, the fun =) Before we know it, BAM 2am in the morning. . time to go ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]I think I will buy it... Something to help tide me over until Star Fox Adventures is released, and a game that I'll probably still be playing long after I beat it. (My character on Gauntlet Legends is level 99, with all stats maxed out, with over 1,000,000 experience points, full on every item, and with a huge amount of gold). [/color] [/B] [/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ya, this is definitely a great hold over game. Right about the time you have everything beat, another game is out to hold you over ^_^ Gotta love it. (oh, and my main characters in Guantlet: Legends was a 99 Valkyrie - blue - max, EVERYTHING, and a 99 Warrior - red - with max EVERYTHING. . me and my bro just wasted the game. . it was WAY funny how easy it was when you camped a big boss for 40 levels straight ^_^ ROFL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, so one of my online friends convinced me to buy this (actually, she really didn't have to try to hard. . but she did), so I went out today and got it. While playing around, I noticed they really didn't do anything special with the graphics, and the game seems somewhat slow on the system. I only played a 2 player game, and me and my friend didn't get too far into the game, but I have to say, that this is somewhat like the other games that you all have mentioned. I honestly didn't bother to read the instructions, but I got a hang of the controllers really easy. If you are looking for a deep game, honestly, look else where. This is your classic hack-and-slash game (I think Guantlet spawned that phrase?). Nothing to do in this game but kill, kill, mutilate, and kill some more. If you are new to the Guantlet series, which I am sure no one is, buy it. If you are a great fan of the game, or are simply looking for a fun game, or even just another game for the GAMECUBE, go ahead and get this game. But if you are looking for CG scenes, or even a deep evolving story line, ummm. . get Resident Evil when that comes out, cause there is almost no thought process needed when it comes to this game. ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm. . to be totally honest, I don't really know what to think of FFX. Sure, it was a pretty fun game, the graphics were really nice, and they put in some nice CG scenes, but at the same time, the story was somewhat predictable, Blitzball was pretty annoying, there was almost TOO much of an emphasis on the 'awesome' cutscenes that seemed to take away something from the whole of the game. There was a lot of simplicity in a game that was supposed to be the best game to date. I don't know though, it could just be that I have never really been a fan of the Final Fantasy series, but I thought I would check it out, since a friend at work was working it up as the BEST RPG. . Oh well, just one man's opinion I suppose =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Well, I guess it depends on if you are looking for multi-playergames or not. If you ARE, here is the best in my opinion (not all are multi-player): Super Smash Brothers: Melee James Bond: Agent Under Fire Star Wars Rogue Squadren: Rogue Leader Sega Soccer Slam Pikmin Hmmm. . come to think of it, I would get those games even if you were NOT looking for multi-player games. They just rule. Other great ones would definitely be: Resident Evil (coming soon I guess ^_^. But a must have) Luigi's Mansion Wave Race: Blue Storm (though I have not played much of it =( sorry) Sonic Adventure Battle 2 Bloody Roar: Primal Fear (decent fighter game) Oh well. . wait a few months for the really good ones.
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have seen all of Kevin Smith's movies. Even the animated series of Clerks was pretty funny, though I have only seen a few. I have to say that Dogma was my absolute favorite, and a very interesting approach to religion. I think Kevin Smith is a genius in the movies he does. Just goes to show how funny a pervert and a mute (ok, everyone knows he CAN talk) can really be ^_^ I am working on getting his whole collection on DVDs. I have Dogma and Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and they just released the special edition of Clerks and Chasing Amy. Then I will probably get Mall Rats and even the animated series. Oh, special bonus if you are a K.S. fan - He directed a video about Star Wars fanatics. I have not really looked at the title, so I can't tell you the name. But if you love Star Wars, I am positive that this will be worth a look ^_^ "And on that note, cue the music"[/SIZE][/COLOR]