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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Personally, I liked the joke. It obviously wasn't making fun of ALL Cajun's, but it used some in this joke. That is clearly o.k. People who read it and get offended, please just back up for a minute and see that it is a joke. Just think of the Blond jokes, or the Polish jokes (I AM part Polish, and I thought they were great jokes!) As for the punchline, it WAS in fact fairly funny. Out of all the people, I would of course find it worth $2 to see some other person find out that he won a dead mule :D And since that ONE person would of course be the only one to complain, he got his money back. . funny stuff. Thanks for the laugh And I suppose I love to laugh more then others, so no wonder I would find even stupid jokes funny =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime What is the true purpose of a super saiyan
NorykoAngelcry replied to Ryu's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Gohans Gurl~ [/i] [B] sure i would love to!!! by the way goku was sent origanaly to distroy earth as a child but master roshi brought him up to be good instead of evil thats the only reason earth wasen't distroyed [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Correct me if I am wrong. . Wasn't it his 'grandfather' that brought him up to be good? He didn't meet Master Roshi till many years after he came to Earth. And he wasn't bad from the beginning because his pod was messed up, right? I never really watched the original Dragon Ball series =P [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Anime Just saw my first episode of "Cowboy BeBop"...my thoughts...
NorykoAngelcry replied to JCBaggee's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] What happens if you don't have a DVD Player...... ...like me? Do they have this on VHS? Oh, I got a job, a paper round! :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I DO believe they have C.B. for VHS. If not. . well. . get a DVD player *cough* Sorry. . I had to use my parents till I got my Playstation 2 =P . .sorry~ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Anime Just saw my first episode of "Cowboy BeBop"...my thoughts...
NorykoAngelcry replied to JCBaggee's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wierd. . for the ones talking about taping it. If you love it, you really should treat yourself and get the DVD collection of them. In my opinion, it is a VERY good anime, and one that I love watching over and over. I have put it aside for now, as I am working on paying for my car (i.e. - work, work, sleep, and more work). But when I get some free time, I can easily see myself watching these movies again. I started to work on my anime collection a bit, and have to say of all the ones I own (not too many atm =P sorry!!), I prefer Cowboy Beebop more then others out there. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Honestly, I loved Legolas' character in Lord of the Rings. I never read the books, so all I have to go on is what I saw in the movie. Honestly, I loved his skill with the bow, and his dual blades were a very sweet, and lethally nice touch. As for Link. . well, I grew up with him. He is THE man. He has all you could want and then some more just for show (hey, that rhymed a bit. . sorry). He has a shield to block of course, his Master Sword is an unrivaled blade (I just wanted to say that). He has the boomerang, bombs, and then of course his bow and magical arrows. Comparing him to Legolas is just not fair. . for Legolas. Consider all of what Link has done. . He has defeated Ganondorf countless times, saved villages, the people of Hyrule, and the Princess. Lest we forget the most important part of Link? He has part of the Tri-Force. . with that power, he has defeated all types of tests, obsticles, and evil spells and powers. Legolas has. . Ummm. . All in all, of course I a huge Link fan. But clearly, because he is based off of a game, and has evolved through-out his gaming career, he recieved more weapons, and better items to aid him. As for Legolas, he was made much more realistic, and doesn't get a backpack that can carry 1,000 different items =P Link is the badest of them all! . . and yet. . so good! ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
What is your favorite sport and why?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Boba Fett's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am a true soccer fan. Something about needing true ball-handling skills, being able to drive down the field using your feet instead of dribbling a ball or just plain holding a ball . . . soccer is more of a real challenge. As for watching it, it CAN be a bit slow sometimes, but overall, the game is very fun to watch. And I know what some of you might be thinking. 'With a goal that big, how can anyone miss a goal?!' - to that. . ROFL!! . . *cough* Ummm, sorry. . just for those soccer critics. Oh yeah. . the riots. . YEAH!! [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Honestly, I played just the demo, and thought this game was totally sloppy. The controls were horrible, and at times, I would be gunning my control stick in full throttle, and not moving at all. Other times, I would try to turn, and my boat would be SOOOOO slow. On a side note, I DO know how to drive a boat in real life, and I know all the handling, and controls, and the movement of boats. Needless to say, this game is seriously horrible when it came to controls. The story line I am sure is good =/ and the graphics are not ugly =/ but for my money, the game better be able to be PLAYABLE!! . . . *sigh* Seems X-Box is dropping the ball on a lot of games. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Let's see. . . Noryko - I had to create a name for myself, and wanted a Japanese sounding name. Well, after a LOT of thinking, BAM, I came up with Noryko. Well, after several months of playing an online game called Everquest, someone was chatting with me, and asked if I was a girl. I didn't really take offense to this, since I used smiles a lot when I typed, but he was asking because of my name. Noriko is a female's name in Japan, and he thought that mine was just a variation. Well, I like the name Noryko and decided to keep it. ^_^ Angelcry - In Everquest, you need to come up with a surname at level 20 (don't need to. . but it is like a badge of honor). Well, I had to think hard, and after talking with a few online friends, one guy threw out the idea of a heavenly sounding name. I liked that, since my character was a Cleric (healer). So I fooled around with some things, and after a while, I came up with a small little bio for my character. He was an Angel who decided to leave heaven to better serve mankind. When he decided to leave, he lost his wings, and cried as he fell to earth. BAM - Angelcry ^_^ I love it as a last name, it has a very fantasy-style sounding ring to it =P There you have it - Noryko Angelcry (NA)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
The Official Serious Injury's Disscussion Thread!
NorykoAngelcry replied to Matt.D's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Let's see. . the worst that has ever happened to me? . . When I was VERY young, I used to fall off of stuff ALL the time, falling on my head, giving myself mild concussions. My mom was always worried, but couldn't really do anything about it =P One time, I was sitting on the back of a stool (the handle part), and was minding my own business, watching my mother make cookie dough. Well, all of a sudden, I fall off backwards, hit the corner molding of our doorway. Well, that split open my head. I had to go to the doctors, got 8 stitches I think =P My next incident came when we had moved down to Tennessee. We used to have to wash our kitchen floor like once a month =/ Anyways, the floor would get so slick, that we would 'slip-and-slide' across the kitchen floor. It was a total blast. Well, I came slipping and sliding across the floor, and BAM, slammed my head into one of the table's legs. Knocked myself out =P I woke up in the emergency room (I think. . *cough*) and found I had given myself a concussion ^_^ --Did I mention that I used to fall off stuff and hit my head A LOT?-- Next big thing to happen to me was one day playing street hockey. I was chasing down the hockey ball (yes, NOT a puck. . LOL - pucks sucked on our street), and . . well. . the streets aren't really in the best of skating condition =P Well, I came after the ball and slipped, falling on the street, using my hands to support my fall. Well, I get up, in somewhat of pain, and look at my hands. Scuffed up bad from skidding (I was going fast ^_^), and then I noticed a bit of red. . . Apparently, a piece of glass was bored of sitting on the hot street, and found that the inside of my hand was much more comfortable (cheery little fellow, no?). Well, I run/skate home, screaming to my mom =P She came in the kitchen, and saw what happened. My hand was bleeding pretty bad, so she knew the glass had to come out. What does she do? Well, being the ex-nurse that she was, she decides to try and fish it out with some tweezers and a needle. . *smacks forehead* That was some of the worst pain I had ever been in =P I go to the doctors and they gave me some morphine in my arm, near the hand. It numbed it, but they kept me away. I could feel the doctor probing through my hand, and needless to say, it was rather a fresh feeling. Anyways, he pulled out a piece of glass (No Joke) the width of a dime. >_< I still have a scar from it, even though it happened over 7 years ago. . . Ouch! Oh well, other then that, the worst that has happened was gashing my fingers open on the side of a wooden pallet at my old job. I didn't have any bandages at work, so I just wrapped it in packing tape. It actually did a pretty good job =P Earlier this month, I wrecked my car (some of you already know this) Anyways, the way I hit (sideways), sent my head bobbing left - to - right, causing some pretty hurtful pain in my neck. It was a pain to even move around, but since I didn't have any insurance, I couldn't go to the hospital to get it checked out, so I just had to suffer through it. . P.S. - My airbag DID deploy. . though. . it didn't do one bit of good, seeing as how I went side to side instead of forward . . *mumbles about not even being able to wreck a car right*. . LOL Oh well, nothing really too bad ^_^ and I tried to add some zip to it for your entertainment value ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shyguy [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Perhaps I was expecting too much from the Final Fantasy movie. I wanted a nice CGI fantasy movie with magic and swords and chocobos not the action / thriller that it really was.[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I agree with you Shyguy. I too wanted to see a fantasy movie as you described. When I saw the trailors, I figured it would still be decent, but when I saw the movie at last, I was sadly dissapointed. While the movie was a pretty good one, it just left something to be. . desired? As for Resident Evil, I am already a bit . . dissapointed in it. I was hoping to have some giant mansion with S.T.A.R.S running around, and when I watched the trailer earlier this month, I was like - WTF is this?!? It will be worth a watch, but honestly, I am not really holding my breath. At least they have some decent stars in it. I just hope that Milla doesn't play a gung-ho style woman hero. . where she is totally the leader, and the only one who has her head screwed on during the whole movie once stuff starts to happen. . . I fear that will be the case =/ LOL, oh well, once I get enough money, we will see a good movie (Riiiiiiiiiight. . ) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I myself am also tired of hearing things like this, but as it has been said many times: If it doesn't contain arms being chopped off, dead bodies everywhere, and lots of blood and gore, with the occasional sawed off shotgun, then it is a kiddie game. With Nintendo, no one points out how good the game QUALITY is, instead, they point out that the main star is a fat little plumber who jumps on the backs of turtles to K.O. them. That is all they need to see, and they will not TOUCH the game. This is truly sad, because as so many have said, the gameplay, replay value, and overall quality of these games are ten times better then what other systems put out. I wish people would actually try these games, instead of feeling pressured to jump on the gore/violence bandwagon, and start ridiculing the Nintendo style games for their 'kiddyish' looks and style. While Nintendo GAMECUBE DOES have some very strong Adult titles coming out, I fear that people will still look at the majority of the other games, and say: Wow, Nintendo is a kiddy system. Oh well, I pick gameplay over gore anyday. And it is good to know that a core chunk of other gamers feel that same way too. ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming Star Fox Adventures Delyed once again?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Defcon5's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I will definitely be waiting for this title ^_^ I will not even need to rent it, seeing as how I trust Rare with making games. I know this will be a great game, and I just hope it is like the Zelda games (style of play), like they say it will be. The story seems pretty straight forward: Seven (I think) years after the Battle of Andross, you go to another world filled with dinosaurs to help free them from the tyranny of the evil lizard ruler. . . something like that =P Anyways, I am hoping this title will deliver a lot of fun. ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have to agree with what most of you are posting. I would rather public schools keep to their own business then to try and butt into other people's work. To be honest, I have several friends who were home schooled, and know of others that presently are being home-schooled. They have a MUCH tougher curriculum then public schools. They get out of home schools much more then what we normally would, and I really think that if public schools got a hold of their program, that they would all be in trouble. As for private schools, I don't know how tough they are. I know they are much more strict, but other then that, I really don't know much. =P All in all, I can say that perhaps it is the public schools that should be taking a lesson from the private and home schools. Not to say I didn't like public school, but it could have been a lot better for me if they TAUGHT something to me, instead of just talking to hear themselves talk. Although I had many GREAT teachers, too many of the others just didn't care, and while I liked that - it stunted my vocabulary ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Adam [/i] [B][b]You have no real proof of your pictures of who they are.[/b] I have no idea what you just said there[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that one set me off right there ^_^ Great read. . few people I showed this to laughed about it =P Nice job- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan [/i] [B] Not MY brother. My FRIEND'S brother. I hav no idea whether he likes nintendo or not. Wait, i do kno that he did not want a gamecube, either ps2 or xbox for christmas. My FRIEND is the one who hated the game. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ahhh, my appologies for the mistake. But he still does strike me for one of the people caught up in gore and adult content over gameplay =P Just my opinion though. Thanks again for clearing that up for me ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I can't speak a bit of Japanese, and really, really don't like to read unless I have to. Most of the times, I simply prefer to just watch the anime dubbed in English. I am too lazy to watch a movie and read the text, and since I am normally doing like three other things at the time, I can't always watch the screen =P There are changes in story if it is dubbed, this I know, but honestly, I really could care less =) I prefer to watch the anime, the artwork, and not really have to pay too much attention to the text. Just my opinion though ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]So i suggest to you all, to do what i'm doing, and put you PS2, Gamecube or X-Box in the closet. And pull out the old Sega Megadrive, Nes, Snes or Sega Master system. Play those good ol' games. And bask in their glorious gameplay. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]First off. . The Nintendo GAMECUBE is ALL about the gameplay ^_^ I know there are bad games on every system, but it is pretty hard to find one for this beauty =P Ok, done spilling =)[/SIZE][/COLOR] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gohan[/i] [B]R u guys serious? I mean, my friend, his little brother rented it and from what my friend can see, the game is awful. He said it was a very childish game. The again, he has games lik mgs2, gta3, and Max Pane, and he thinks they r great. They are and all, i just think this guy is a violence game fanatic.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Secondly. . Your brother sounds like someone who would be anti-Nintendo, am I correct? People are always SOOOOO quick to turn down a game based on it's looks, instead of playing for the gameplay/challenge/fun level. . (trust me though, I know most of you are not like that though ^_^ just saying) Oh well though. . no one can tell anyone else what games to play =) I will continue to play Maximo because I think it is fun, and offers a unique challenge ^_^ Course. . State of Emergency is a laugh a minute =P So I will have to bide my time well then, won't I? Hehehe [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]This is a very, VERY fun game. The play is fast paced, and the levels are fun, but of course linear. You can go back and play any board over and over, which is good if you need to get health, armor, coins, items, or just master the level =) Playing on some of the levels, it gets very annoying with the camera angle, and sometimes, some of the obsticals set up are quite annoying to get past. All in all, I have not played too much of this game, but I find it very fun already, and will have to devote a whole night to it sometime =P going back and mastering many of the levels I sorta flew through. Hmmmm. . . . State of Emergency or Maximo. . . hmmmmm >_< Tough one. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, thanks man. . I just did it, and got the password. . (Noryko was the name of my file, I just put the -'s to make it stand out =P). Anyways, I was just hitting the wrong button under the keyboard they had set up. . whoops ^_^ So I just assumed it was broken or something. Thanks again. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]. . scroll down to the bottom of the page. Now enter the name of your game file, using the keypad. Click on the right button that's below the keypad, and it will bring you to a page with a password in big white characters.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Just a bit confused on what you mean exactly. I know the site is in Japanese, but what am I supposed to enter in that text box? Cause the name of my file that I play in F-Zero is -Noryko- and that didn't work (obviously. . just tried it because ^_^ figured they just wanted to know), and I wasn't too sure what else to put =) Thanks jcgoudy- [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Battlepoop [/i] [B]Man, my freind is a ssbm master! He got EVERYTHING exept all the trophies, he needs only 4 more to get 290, he also beat all the events. He said that all the characters were too easy to get and that ganondorf was a want to be captian falcon. And Mr. Game&watch's down+B can catch projectile shots like samus's charge shot and can shoot it back when you press down+B again. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, to be perfectly honest, it is a Nintendo game. They are not going to make the game super difficult where as no kids can unlock any of the characters. In fighting games, there really isn't too much involved into finding the secret characters. Luigi was pretty clever to find how to get. I did it by pure accident, then later read how it was to actually do it. Pretty neat to find that out. As for the other characters, once someone put up the whole list, I am sure your friend just went there, and copied it. As for the events, true, most of them are very easy, but no matter what your friend says, I am sure he was pulling his hair out on a few of the boards. For the characters, there are many clones in the game. It would be interesting to see your friend come up with totally original moves for that many characters. It isn't that easy to be honest. All in all though, the game wasn't designed to be tough. It was designed to be a multi-player game, and WOW, does it do that and a whole lot more. It is pure addiction in it's finest form. If this sounds like I am yelling at you or your friend, I am not. Just considering the fact that it looks like he is trying to slam a game that is probably one of the best out there, and I am upset by that ^_^ So. . . sorry~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Worst question you've been asked?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Utena_Tenjou's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, the worst questions I get asked are just annoying little questions. Ok, first, I am usually ALWAYS in a great/exstatic mood. Lately, I have been trying to work through some stuff, and it has been rather obvious that I have been preoccupied with other things. Well, my friend Brittany first met me when I was in my all gung-ho happy mood. Now when she sees me, if I don't have a smile on my face, something is wrong. . and no matter how often I tell her I am fine, she won't believe me. . sooo. . 1. What's wrong? - I hate that question now. . The other things that make me upset are the repeating questions. . 2. Where are we going? 3. What's going on tonight? I don't really think that I have been asked any BAD questions. . but if I do, you will be the first to know ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Krillen [/i] [B]Do you fall in love easily? Do you fall out of love easily? Whats the longest time youve ever dated someone? Whast the shortest time youve ever dated someone? How long do your average relationships last? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]1. I have to go with what goddess21 said. I don't really fall in love, since I have never really even found what love is for me. I fall for people though, and fall often/fast/hard. It is rather sad, and I am bad at hiding my feelings sometimes. Just depends on the person. 2. Falling out of 'love' is sorta hard for me. The person has to do something really bad for me to see her 'dark side' and know that she is not right. I really look at the inner person, and try to see the good in them, no matter what they do. 3. Well, only really 'dated' once. . so about 3 days. 4. See above. 5. Ummm. . . they don't ^_^ Someday, I am sure I will find someone (just keep telling myself that for hope).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Personally, I loved playing this game. The little putt-putt was fun as well. This was a sorta low key game, but delivered a lot of fun, and a great multi-player game. Another one is Mario Tennis. I love that game too, and enjoyed playing that on multi-player. I am hopeing to see a version of both of these games for the GAMECUBE as well ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ya, that definitely straightened out the doubts I was having. . LOL, oh well though. [/SIZE][/COLOR]