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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmmm, I am usually a pretty good tipper. Servers that refill often, ask how the food is, and come to the table fairly often are my best friends. I hate having to suck on ice cubes for 5 minutes, simply because they wouldn't get me a refill when the glass was only 1/4th full (or was it 3/4th's empty?). Another thing I hate, is having to wait around longer then I should for the check. While it may be their secret plot to make me wait and see if I can get more of an appitite, it really upsets me. I was in Logan's (a steakhouse) the other day, and the waitor we had was VERY good. He got us refills, came around the table often, and even joked around with us a bit. Then came time for the check. . . ten minutes later, he comes over, and asks if we want any desert. *smacks forehead* I wanted to walk out right then *smacks forehead again, for good measure* All in all though, I am a very nice guy when it comes to resteraunts. I tip well, try not too make a mess on the tables, treat my waitors with respect. I would hate for half of the people that eat at places like this to come to my place of business and treat me like I see they treat their waitors. It makes me sick sometimes. On a side note - I work retail, and am always nice to people. It just isn't in my nature to be mean to people, in or out of work. Call me a wuss, or a loser, but that is the way I work. ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Though I know I can not speak for everyone, my reasoning is pretty easy I suppose - for me at least. Cartoons - the cute and cuddly television shows, where no one gets hurt, and good guys always win. Anime - More of an adventure and action show. There is death, and usually lots of it. There is much better stories, since both good guys and bad guys can lose their lives. That is a pretty rough summary of the two, I know. I suppose when I think of cartoons (as much as I love them), I think of Bugs Bunny, the Smurfs, Tom and Jerry. They are all great cartoons, but there is no serious action that my mind craves to watch. And when I think of Anime - I think of Cowboy Bebop, with a gun toting, martial artist, bounty hunter, who isn't afraid to lose his life, and comes pretty close many times. I also think of shows like Record of Lodoss Wars - This has a lot of good and bad guys, both sides taking heavy losses, even in their key characters. All the while, most of these Animes have some great storylines to go along with the action, while cartoons simple go show to show. If you are a real anime fan, you know you can't just pick up in the middle of the season, and find out why certain characters act the way they do. I also think of sounds during the movies. In cartoons, it is all cheerful, and makes you know it is fun, where Animes will put in suspensful music, and have more realistic sounds. When I watch an Anime, it becomes more of a real life movie for me (I have a HUGE imagination). I try to put myself into the roles of the characters, and see if I can feel what they feel, or wether I would do what they do. For the same reason I love action movies, I like Animes (not the only reason) - they have violence, explosions, and death. Now, it may be simply because I am a guy and was brought up to CRAVE these simple things, but even more then that, Animes can do things which real movies can not (or have not been able to do yet). Ok, not really sure if this answered anyones question, but it is the best I could do ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok Kuja, quick question. I have gotten to the Venus lighthouse? (the one where you have to travel from Babi's Lighthouse to get there) My question is pretty simple, since I don't feel like asking a hundred others atm. What levels should my charcters be? My team's range is from 29 - 27, but I still find myself getting my butt whipped by some easy enough guys. Ok, I will add a follow up question. I have played through most of the game keeping certain Djinns on certain characters (for example, Garret was my fire Djinn guy, Ivan was my Wind). I have been trying to change this around a bit, but their levels on status screen don't seem to be moving up at all when I take the Djinns back off. I am quite sure I SHOULD have done that much differently, but I have been playing this game on and off forever, and keep forgetting parts of the story, what I am supposed to be doing. I even had the whole Djinn thing down, but have forgotten it since. Oh well, any help from ANYONE would be appreciated, thanks guys. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, if they release the Zelda series, I will definitely get them ^_^ But the Mario seems to strike my interest a bit as well. . Too little money, too many wants. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Just a quick thought. . triple jump gets you the hieghest I believe ^_^ Just my thoughts. . maybe I should replay this game sometime though? >_< [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Saw it on a rental lately. . and WOW. . what a waste of my time. 1) The story was lame. A hobgoblin kidnapping people with a certain smell (ok, so I didn't pay that much attention. . but. . who cares, and who really did?). Another thing - when they make movies, why are the evil monster badguys always invincible? - so they cann show the good guys fighting back. . lame. . . light the guy on fire, and watch him burn. 2) The actors/actresses were trying WAY too hard to make themselves look 'cool'?!?! WTF was that about? I mean. . WHO would stop and go back? One of those no brainers I guess. *shrug* 3) the movie SUCKED. . ok, so that wasn't really a good reason. . but it did. Oh well, could have stood to have never seen this movie, especially after being told that it was a stupid movie.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Very awesome news indeed. I have not heard anything about a DBZ game for the GAMECUBE, and if that is true, it will make a lot of PS2 owners very upset ^_^ I just hope that the game company does DBZ credit, and doesn't make it an embaressment (Like EA getting the second Bond for N64 . . ughh). . Oh well, we can only imagine how it will turn out! Thanks again The Darkness Bu [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Awesome ^_^ It is a great speedy, yet very manuverable ship. The weapons are not too shabby either, and you will get some great use out of it. It rates in the top four ships that are my favorite in the game. X-Wing, B-Wing, A-Wing, Naboo Starfighter. . in that order. P.S. Sorry I have not had too much time to get back to you on the levels, I have only like five minutes of time each time I hop on the computer, but I will definitely post some tips on what ships to use, and any other secrets I can hint at. Good luck [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Lets see, the cars I have previously owned: Full size GMC cargo van - strip poker in the back. . fun times Chevy station wagon - sucked, but floated like a bird ^_^ Pontiac Grand Am - first REAL car I owned. . ahhh, memories *smacks forehead* Oldsmobile Achieva - wrecked this one recently, so . . I am carless. . >_< As for cars I would like to own. . WOW. . too many. Being modest, I would love a Cadillac Escalade, a Dodge Avenger, a Mitsubishi 3000GT. . Dream wise - Ferarri F50 . . . *jaw drops* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Lets not forget Men in Black. . that was a Marvel comic for a while, and turned into a movie. They did great on that movie ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, easiest tip I can give you would be for the Razor Rendievous (spelling is bad, I know, and I don't care ^_^) Use the Naboo Starfighter to play and beat it. . Done deal, viola ^_^ I will post more info and better tips when I get a chance, sorry [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]You beat Event Match 50 with Ganondorf!?[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehehe, Ganondorf and Link are probably the only two characters I used to beat all of the events ^_^ Link I would use for his wide array of weapons, his speed, and his varied sword attacks. He was great when fighting smaller and fast characters. I loved his bombs, bows, and even his boomerang, since I could do damage with little risk to my own health. The bad thing with Link is that he is still fairly easy to knock off the ledges. He is good at taking a beating, but up against some of the stronger bosses, he was just not much of a competition. Don't get me wrong though, I could, and have whooped up on some events that I shouldn't have been able to with Link, but at the same time, too much time and effort was involved, making it NOT worth my time to even try. Then comes Ganondorf. In multi-player mode, I can kill people that only have 35% health, so these computer controlled guys are no problem for him. His sheer power makes him my most favorite choice when Link just can't cut it. He can take quite a beating, and keep coming back. His double scissor kicks in mid-air are an awesome move to use, but I sometimes mess up and cause him to do his charged kick attack >_< The only bad thing with Ganondorf is that his moves are really straight-forward attacks, and he can't really cut it vs. projectile enemies. If Ganondorf gets knocked across the screen, he has to do some dodging to get back to the fight. Quite annoying. If there is a group fight, and he is caught in the middle, you can fight, but you have to watch both sides VERY carefully. Both of these are my favorite characters, and as someone asked me before, Yes - I prefer all of the Zelda game characters over the others any day. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]With Link's shield, you are correct - just hold it out in front of you. If you duck, you block low. I think you can block almost anything with the shield, with the exceptions of maybe the boxes and pills and barrels, but I think everything else is able to be blocked. The best use is stopping Samus' charged up shot ^_^ Too cruel doing that now. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The board game - Life - it is an older game, but a classic none-the-less. . THANKS ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Quick question - In the game of Life, how much money does a person start off with? If any other useful info, let me know. . trying to get the game started, and just having a bit of trouble. . THANKS ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Doesn anyone have a tip for beating the event match 50? The 2 master hands? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]One word - Ganondorf ^_^ He is one of the strongest, and most versitile characters I have played in this game in some time. I have gotten good with him :naughty: and those masterhands were a piece of cake. Though, it did take me about 20 tries to finally get it down right. I tried Link, my best character in the game, but he just wasn't right for the job =( Soooooooooooo, I tried my next best (young Link), then I came to Ganondorf. . little while later (about 2 hours), and BAM, level beat :D Does that help? Ok, seriously, just pound the crap out of one hand. Take that hand out of the equation, and the other is a piece of cake. . just don't let your guard down at all, cause they are good with randomizing each attack. Good luck~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I loved the original, and this one is looking TOO sweet. I was following it VERY closely some time ago, but have not had the time as of lately. I will definitely get it when it comes out. I think Xenogears was one of the first games that I actually followed so closely that I shut off contact with my friends so I could play it. (won't be the last. . but I am sure it was close to the first) LOL. Can't wait.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Orphen was my friends favorite game when it came out. I liked the animated scenes between the levels. The game was a bit too simple for my liking though. Some of the levels were just so plain that it was annoying. I myself was also a fan of Summoner. I have yet to beat it, and am looking forward to starting it up again sometime soon. Oh well ^_^ I will just have to wait though, can't remember where I put my PS2. >_< [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I think trying to bring back prohibition would be a waste of time, money, and effort. However, I REALLY think they need to stiffin the crimes of people who are driving while under the influence. Those people are some of the worst kind out there. I have friends that drive home after having some drinks, and I have to say, I WANT them to get caught, and be forced to pay the price. It would be horrible to think that someone else could DIE, simply because they don't want to take the responsibility and sleep at someone elses house to avoid driving after drinking. :flaming: I hate hearing about people killed by drunk drivers. . one of those things that just gets me angry. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Let's see. . Well, I think it was my freshman year in college, and I was starting up a video game on my friends PSX - Breath of Fire 3, I believe. I was thinking sorta hard, and upsetting myself, cause I just couldn't think of one. Well, it then sorta just popped into my head - Noryko. I started playing Everquest (an online game), and I got to chose a last name, well, since I was a Cleric as my main character, I wanted something that was somewhat heroic sounding, while still having that heavenly ring to it. Angel was the first thing that came into my mind, since I wanted to be an angel for some time (really. . I do). But then I figured, why would I be a High Elf Cleric, if I was really an angel? Then I figured, well, maybe I could be like a fallen angel, but at the same time thought, no, I am a pure and kind hearted goodguy, so I made a little biography on my character that stated that I gave up my wings to come to find my true love (which I still have not :flaming: depressing, aren't I?). So, since I gave up my wings, I cried when I lost them. Viola - Norkyo Angelcry was born, and that has been my game names/screen names/forum names ever since. P.S. - I found out while playing Everquest, that Noriko is a Japanese name for women. *shrug* Guess that is what I get for trying to be original. *smacks forehead*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Is this the one where they ride in the beast machines? If so, I think they did a really great job of blending the computer graphics in with a normal animated show. The show is pretty good, I have only seen the first two shows, but am liking it already. I have my VCR programed to record most of them, so I just hope that I can remember to keep shutting off my VCR ^_^ . . . I hope we are talking about the same one at least. :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Oh yeah, I definately believe he was actually shooting those arrows. I read somewhere that the actors were to do all stunts/actions whenever possible, and shooting arrows is certainly a feat that can be accomplished. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]You are correct that almost every actor did his or her own stunts. Out of them all, Aragorn/Strider (AKA - Viggo Mortensen) preformed the most. He was the most active character and most serious about getting the parts just right. Oh, and just a side note - While I did like Harry Potter, it in no way compares to this movie (seen it five times, probably never going to see Harry Potter again). ^_^ Just me though, soooo sorry if that offends anyone) [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]I have a question. I want to know if Link is gooing to have his shield agian in this game too. I can't stand why he just has it and doesn't use it in super smash brothers (for 64). I really hope that he does use it some time. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehe, you are in luck if you are a Link fan ^_^ Not only does he still have his shield, but it has a GREAT use. It actually blocks stuff. Now bear with me. I was playing around one day, and my friend (who plays Samus, ALL THE TIME, LOL) and I were fighting it out in a one on one match. I was just sitting there, and forgot to block (I have no idea why), and the blast was TOTALLY absorbed by the shield. It knocked me back a bit, but I took 0 damage. Then he tried to fire a few homing missles at me, LOL, once again, they all were absorbed. Needless to say, he was VERY upset that I now had that ability. Sooooooo, yes, he still does have it, and it plays a GREAT role in this game. Enjoy~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm, I wish I would have been online when this thread started. Oh well, better late then never. I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. I LOVED the first three, and love the newest one. They are all excellent movies. I am eagerly anticipating the release of the Episode 2 movie, and can't wait to see all the jedi battles (especially with the Fetts :D) I liked Jar Jar, and think people need to lay off. I am sure there were people that thought Chewbacca was annoying when they first saw him . . . . or not *shrug* Anyways, he was there for the kids, and I know many kids that LOVE Jar Jar, so I guess Mr. Lucas did ok putting him in there. As for Star Trek, it is a mood thing for me. Most of the T.V. shows were really boring, and I found that Deep Space Nine was the best series out of all of them. . till they killed off Dax! (ok, so she was put into a new body, but it wasn't the same!) I loved the movies where they have excellent starship battles, since there is no other action going on. I believe the reason that Star Wars is liked better (by people like me) is because Star Trek only has the big ships fighting, where Star Wars has fighters and capitol ships blasting it out, with a Jedi Battle in every movie ^_^ That make sense? BAH >_< *goes back to coughing in his room* P.S. I am a friend of the Force, and only use it for good things. . Yeah~ Aaron~ Norkyo "The Jedi" Angelcry [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm. . I will divide these into catergories :D Favorites (people I can practically listen to any time): Lewis Black (saw him live at a local comedy club, he was great) Dennis Leary (Every time I hear him, he is WAY too funny, and is awesome in movies) Dana Carvey (Only seen him two times, but was awesome both times, and had me laughing my *cough* off) Bill Cosby (almost no swearing, and still makes me laugh ^_^) Good Comedians (people I can watch only when I am in a GREAT mood) Dennis Miller Andrew Dice Clay John Liguizamo George Carlin Bad Comedians (people I flip away from when I see them) Caroline Rhea >_< That's about all I can think of. . sorry :D LOL Aaron~ Norkyo "The cough suppresant" Angelcry [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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