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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I love everybody. . so I suppose you could make that five. . unless I don't count (trust me. . normally people don't count me - cause I am too wierd sometimes) But - YEAH!! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] well, that's just part of growing up, duo. pretty soon it's going to be a huge stress. >_
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ummm. . . if Final Flash works on a Gundam. . I think I would be afraid . . . just terrified of what he would stick on one. Or what it would look like . . *shudders* LOL (Fear my mad skills!!) ...o~O_o_O~o... .........|__|.......... ........./..\........... ......o/....\o........ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have read all of the older books, and started to lose interest when Luke started to train Han and Leah's kids (when they started getting their own books I mean). After that, I just stopped finding the time to read them (even though I had tons of freetime. . but that is besides the point). I can say though, that I loved reading the Star Wars books. Rogue Squadren was an awsome book set, though I have yet to read the latest one. I loved the ones where Luke went around trying to find Jedi candadites for the new acadamy. Those were very well done. Excuse me if I can't remember the author's names. I left my books back at home, and have not pulled them out in forever ^_^ But almost every Star Wars book I have read has definitely been worth the time to read. If you are a fan of Star Wars, almost all the author's of the books do a great job at getting it right. I would check it out just because of that fact :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am still out on the Fate thing. . I suppose there is part of me that wants Fate to be real, so like some of the others have said, I will meet that special someone that will make my dreams come true (ya. . right). But to be honest, I know I am screwed and have to do everything myself. . it must be fate *hears music from the Twilight Zone playing*. . . DAMN IT!! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=3]HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!![/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Hope the party goes well. Must be hard to have a B-Day right after Christmas, no? Hopefully you have a great night and the party goes off with out a hitch. Enjoy it while it lasts ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, to be perfectly honest, the characters were not hard at all. I got them all pretty easily. The only problem with SSB:M for me is the two last secret boards I was getting. I got Gannondorf pretty easy, since I love Link and can own with him ^_^ Falco was just Fox with a stronger gun. I smoked him fast. *thinks* . . . hmmm. . can't really say any of them were tough. Event wise, I have yet to beat the Ness event, and the final board. I am really close to beating it with Ganondorf, but having problems with anyone else. The closest I have come to date was 15 hit points away from killing the second hand. Bummer. . talk about frustration no? LOL, oh well. . will have to try it again after I kick the crap out of Pikmin ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ummmm, while there is almost no way that I will shoot you =P If I can be of any help, feel free to tell me your problems. I know what it is alike to have a messed up mom, and it can be pretty hard at times, but I don't think that it would be worth having someone end your life over it :wow: . . .[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]Are you kidding? GTA3 is a billion times uglier than GT3. Although that's to be expected when you're trying to render an entire city, rather than just one race track. Noryko: I see your point about camera, but remember...nobody has ever really tried to create a living-breathing city on this scale before. It may seem easy to make a gun point out of a window and shoot...but to design an accurate/acceptable camera mechanic, as well as creating the sheer physics, is incredibly difficult. I'm surprised that DMA Design managed to pull off the game without too many major problems. Hopefully this means that other developers can look at their work and take the "real living city" idea a step further in future, especially with the more capable GameCube and Xbox.[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have to agree with the GTA3 is worse graphically then GT3, but like you and others have said, they ARE different types of games, and it is clear why there is a major difference. James, I understand what you are saying, and that makes a lot of sense. The game does play pretty well and even though there are a few pesky problems like the ones I stated, I can see that the game does have it's stong points. *shrug* I suppose me just sitting there playing for a few hours doing nothing, I tend to notice the bad things over the storyline, and actual REAL gameplay that is meant to be seen. Still though, there is something to be said about a game where you can run around and totally goof off with no worries about even having to start the MAIN part of the game. That is a pretty cool deal I think. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]I like Adam Sandler's "Hannukah" songs.. though, those wouldn't really be chrismas carols.. hrmm... I dunno.. theres not really any xmas tunes i enjoy..[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that has to be one of MY favorite carols ^_^ We will just call it that at least. I have another that is going through my head right now. And the only time it can be song is when you have enough people to have the chorus going on. . . but . . . wow. . the name, words, and everything about it slips my mind =P though the chorus is going through my head right now . . . *sigh* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, not to criticize the post you gave black_vegeta, but that site, no matter how impressive with the info they are posting, seems to look totally fake (not saying you had anything to do with it of course). Personally, I think the whole idea of a Mech type of suit is pretty lame. Sure it is good in T.V. shows, cause we like to see fantasy things that will never come true. But in reality, the usefullness of it just seems like it isn't enough to even try to make something like this. Personally, if you could make a machine with that type of firepower, why not just put those weapons on a tank instead, and armor that sucker up till it is impervious to attacks? Why? Because it is a matter of expenses. Why spend billions of dollars on some super mech only to have it fall over on some sort of landslide that it causes when it slips down the side of a mountain? Where as a tank has a bit more of a change to stay on it's treads when it slides. I don't know how much of this is making sense, but in my honest opinion, I don't see mechs as being anything but a tool to aid in construction and perhaps search and rescue sort of scenarios. Other then that, Jets, Tanks, and infantry will rule the military for quite some time to come. P.S. I wouldn't mind having an all powerful gundam/mech of my own, so don't think I posted this because I hate them =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Not to try and sound harsh or anything, but ANYONE could find the information on this stuff with only a few minutes of research. I don't mean to bash on JCgoudy, because if he knew it, congrats on the knowledge you posess. I am horrible with dates, but knew most of the info you posted myself. Good questions though, and ya, I knew about the card game too ^_^ one of those useless facts that float around my head that I never really need, but are Oh so fun to have up there =)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ummm, just from my personal experience, you can NOT use the C-stick to jump. Instead, it acts as a combination of the A button and whichever direction you push. VERY helpful if you get the hang of it. For example, if you are standing still, and someone is coming from above, hit the UP direction on the C -stick and you swing upwards (using Link as the player here, but same general moves for everyone) Ok, for those that have it, I want to know what you think of the characters. Who do you play, what do you think? etc. etc. I still love Link, and am in love with his UP and B attack. It is totally awesome if you can connect the right way with an opponent. The main problem I have is his inability to knock people off the boards. I can still kick some major butt in the game, but when I seriously try to knock someone off, it is next to impossible for me when I actually try to. I know that his Smash Attack is one of the weakest in the game, but it is pretty annoying even without those. Young Link is my second favorite, as if he is THAT different, right? ^_^ I love his flame arrows, and his UP and B attack on the ground totally rules. His tuant (though it really isn't a tuant) is him pulling out a bottle of milk and he drinks it - LOL, that is just too awesome! My next favorite is probably Ganondorf. I LOVE how powerful he is, and he can knock people off at like 45% I love seeing my friends flip out that I killed them when they don't even touch me more then 20% LOL. His moves are pretty good, and he is a decent character to fight with, regardless of his speed. Next comes Zelda, now that I am getting the hang of both Zelda and Sheik. I used to only use Sheik, but her moves were hardly strong enough compared to Zelda's. Sheik is REALLY fast, and that is totally awesome, but she doesn't have the range of moves that makes Zelda truly stand out. Zelda has power, power, and more power, and now that I have gotten used to her, I find myself doing much better with her. I can tag people with her forward and B attack, surprising them, even though they know exactly what the move does. Her wide range of defensive moves makes her even more of a threat, as people like to come after me thinking I am a simple pushover ^_^ Peach would have to be my next favorite. She has some pretty decent moves, and though I have put her off on the amount of play that I have given her, I can still whoop up some people pretty good =P I love her forward and A smash attack. I love whooping someone with a golf club, only to bash them next time with a frying pan :rotflmao: Those are only the MAIN ones I play, and while I do use almost all of them those have to be the best in my opinion. Post your characters, and why ou like them ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, I love the Big Blue board. It is pretty awesome idea to stick in a side scrolling board in a fighter game. I mean, WOW for Nintendo! Mr. Game and Watch board is pretty fun I have to say, though I have not really played too much on it. Ok, now I have not played the game in some time(as I have been too busy trying to catch up socially with friends, posting on these boards, and working with a side order of sleeping all day), but I was curious if anyone had ALL the levels in SSB:M yet? I have all but two, and while I have not beaten the game fully, I was curious if someone knew where to find the last two. Ok, first - I have not beaten the Adventure mode with all my characters yet. Second - I have not beaten ALL of the event modes. Do beating either of these help me get boards? If so, anyone want to fill me in? ^_^ When I play the game when I have the time, it is mainly only for the multi-player ability, and NOT for me trying to get the rest of the game beaten =P Any help from you guys would be appreciated. Thanks again guys/gals. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]What Gohan was saying makes some sense. Think of it in terms of real life. If you get into a fight, you are ready to be hit, you are ready to be kicked, and sometimes bit, scratched and stabbed sometimes ^_^ Guess that is being a bit harsh, but you get what I am saying. Sure they will hurt afterwards, but at the moment, you really don't have too much to worry about, since your hormones have taken over, and you are expecting to get hurt. When you are just walking around the comfort of your house, the last thing you would expect is to slam your shins into the side of a table. It will hurt like none other simply because of the fact that you are not expecting it and you don't have your guard up for it. Just an example here (obviously not a good one, since I am giving it). But walk up to a table, and kick it with your shin, and I bet it wouldn't hurt as much as if you just walked into one not expecting it. . . yeah, now that I typed that out, it IS a stupid example. . ^_^ Works for me though . . so there! LOL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, trust me, one thing NOT to try and get are T.V.s. I tried to get a few good deals on some nice sized flat screen T.V.s and WOW. . within like a day, the price was up to the thousands. . >_< That was pretty annoying. Other things I have looked for were random other types of electronics (not that I needed them), but they had some good prices on DVD players, Camcorders, etc. They can have some good good prices, you just REALLY have to pay close attention and be ready to come back to the site pretty often, as you will be outbid fast.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B] Erm, where is it? Anyway, cool..... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, my comp was glitching when I tried to post the picture. . so I forgot to even check back here. . whoops ^_^ woulda just deleted it or tried a second time to post the picture. . gonna try now, though I think the picture is too big. [EDIT] LOL, guess I made it too small? ^_^ Anyways, here is the run down on the members of my family. Obviously those are my parents in the middle =P From left to right around the back, we have: Stacie, David, Chris, Aaron (me again, yeah), Brent, and Shaun. sorry about the messed up one before =P[END EDIT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, some people sent me some requests on AOL to post my family shot. Keep in mind this is a bit old, and the person who took this shot was a complete idiot. . and they call themselves professionals!! HA! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . first time seeing this thread =( I hope that everything is alright, and that hopefully nothing is wrong with him. It is nice that he wants to be home with you and the rest of the family. I hope that the doctors don't find anything too wrong with him. My brother has something going on with him as well, but he is waiting for after the holidays himself. I really am scared of what it MIGHT be, but am trying to be open minded about everything, and hope that it really isn't something terrible. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I hope that you do. I love seeing other people's artwork. Even though I can not draw, I have a few that I am proud of, and wether or not other people like them, you have to remember who you are drawing for. If YOU like it, then no matter what anyone else says, it shouldn't matter. I know that I am in no way a 'good' artist, but yet again, I look at some of my drawings and have to smile at how well of a job I did. Keep up the good work, and I look forward to seeing more of it ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]First off, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanzaa and happy watever in the month of December. I'm making short this time since I'm running out of good questions. As usual, post reasons if you want to. 1. Do lead a happy life?? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I can not say I am the most happy person alive, but I somewhat like my life, and am glad I am here to make people happy and able to help with their problems from time to time.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 2. What is the most disgraceful you have ever done?? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm. . disgraceful? . . . I suppose getting arrested would take the cake on that one. It was only juvi, but still. . I think it hit my parents somewhat hard.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 3. Are you willing to die for a family member?? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am someone who believe in placing other people's lives first. I believe I would have to say yes. I WOULD sacrifice my life to save not only another family member's, but probably someone I have never met either.[/SIZE][/COLOR] I know it's short this time. But what can I say, I already asked the good ones. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Who said short was bad?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE]
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that was awesome! The replica method was just great. . I think that would give Santa a heart attack if he was one of his reindeer fall over though ^_^ Thanks for sharing that with us CoolKam007! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]noryko, what is this other pic you speak of??? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I suppose that will be my secret . . . hehe ^_^ LOL, it gets better each time I watch it (third time)As for the part where he shot two arrows, it WAS underground in the mines of the Dwarf's city. He shot the two arrows at the Cave Troll to make him drop - Sam I believe though I want to say it was the other one (not Frodo or Pip, but the last one). He was snatched off the head of the Cave Troll, and was being flung about. When Legolas shot him, he dropped the Hobbit, and returned to fighting the others. My absolute favorite shot of him was the three rapid shots into the orcs in the last great battle they had. He was just so fluid, and it wasn't like he had the arrows already out, he pulled each one from the quiver, which is pretty challenging in itself. The next greatest shot (returning back to the mines and the cave troll) was when the troll was attacking Legolas with the massive chain being used as a whip. He swung it around and it got caught on one of the pillars. Legolas ran down the length of it, pulled an arrow, and shot it right at the top of the troll! LOL, I was laughing when I saw that ^_^ There are more, but I suppose most of you have already seen it, and don't need me talking about it =P *cough*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . seems like I am not the only one that likes to keep everything to myself ^_^ I am not really the best at expressing my emotions. I tend to just shove whatever problem I have deep down, and put on a happy face for the sake of everyone around me. People know me as someone who always smiles, and loves to joke around. I have tried to be angry from time to time, and I see how it affects my friends, and -- I -- don't like that. I would rather just keep my thoughts to myself, so I can be there to help out my friends with a smile, a laugh, or a shoulder to cry on. I suppose that sounds wierd, but in the same sense, I think it makes sense, as I am usually the lighter spirit of the group. I guess I am just there for them because I don't like to see other people in bad moods either, and will do as much as I can to make them happy. Ya. . well, shutting up now LOL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehe, I have not seen this movie in quite some time. I have to say that I thought that it was a decent movie at best, but seemed to short. They hopped around to much, and didn't do that good of a job on developing the whole plot. A few of the fight scenes were alright, but really though - everyone died so fast, it was pretty pathetic =/ I probably wouldn't pay the money to get this movie *ducks* but it WAS worth seeing the first time.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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