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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, just because I am bored. . I went around and was looking for a bit more info on Orlando Blooms (aka - Legolas) But instead of posting the pic I wanted to (purely to see reactions) I decided to post one of his more 'action oriented' shots. . so there! . . . *goes back to tiny box*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]To be honest, from the little poking around I have done, Nintendo is being pretty hush hush about the whole modem thing. They have not talked about anything from what I have seen, and I think that is the way to go. They don't want to say one thing, and have it disected a million different ways, only to find that they went another way all together, as Nintendo likes to do sometimes ^_^ All in all, I am hopeful that the modem will work really well, and will be very easy to use with the games. I want to see games able to be played over the net vs. people from all over the U.S., the U.K., Australia, Japan, etc. . . that would just rule!! *waits frantically* :nervous: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I come from a pretty big family (come to think of it. . so does my mom. . she came from a family with 9 kids. . WOW). There are 6 kids in our family. Chris 25 Shuan (Married with a year old child - cutie too) 23 Brent 22 Aaron (me. . yeah~) 20 David 18 Stacie 16 Don't even ask the ages, since I can not even remember. The numbers I put up besides them are mostly accurate, but might be way off as well ^_^ So there! Maybe I will post some pics with them, but I would have to remember to do so this weekend, and well. . I can't remember what I did five minutes ago. . I don't really think anyone is really annoying, so much as they just tend to rub you the wrong way from time to time. Stacie and I got pretty close when we were the only ones living at home for some time. She only gets annoying when she REALLY tries hard to hang out with my friends. . LOL, but mostly that never annoys me. David is usually pretty cool, and can't remember the last time I got annoyed with him. Shaun is only a tempermental case. He is usually pretty cool, but his favorite thing to do is shut off my GAMECUBE when I am playing and he visits the house >_< but I am working on restraint =P Chris and Brent are the bashers of the family. Sure, everyone can bash really well in our family, but these two play off each other, and tend to get nasty, scaring people off (no really!). The ones that stay or fight back tend to go on to become friends with them, which is funny enough in itself =) Oh well. . that is all I can think of. . the biggest thing I hate, is when I pick up one or two of their bad habbits from hanging around them too much. As a whole, I do not have an especially large closeness to anyone in the family, but we all get along, and it is all good. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]Me and Queen Asuka are going to go see it today!!!!!! *big grin* :D :D :D I hope it does not disappoint me...... yeah.. anyways, from the looks of all yer posts the movie should be good, but we'll see....... :shifty: :naughty: :frog: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Trust me on this one. . there are few movies that I see more then twice in a movie theater. This is one that I will see MANY times! In my mind, there was almost nothing wrong with this movie. If anything, my lack of knowledge on the whole Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books is what kept me back from enjoying it fully. . I am trying to decide if I want to read the book and then watch it, or just wait till all the movies are out, then read them all, and thus, gain further knowledge. To be honest though (again, I know, spooky) - even with out knowledge of the books though, I truly enjoyed this movie, and Elijah did an awesome job! If anything annoyed me, it was that Liv Tyler seemed to speak slower then everyone else. . just my thoughts though ^_^ Her character was really awesome, and she would NOT be someone I would try to pick a fight with =P Riiiiight then. . . going to watch it again Sat with more friends, Sunday or Monday with family, and might just see it again just for fun. Yeah~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I have played a bit of this game, and can't really say that I am THAT impressed. The graphics are not too bad, the action is pretty decent, and it is really just a fun game to play when lots of people are watching so everyone can have a good laugh. *puts on critics hat* The first thing that gets me is the camera mode while running. The view is really annoying, and you tend to miss a lot when trying to run around and shoot people. While trying to assault a horde of guards, I found that not only could I not see them all, but I could hardly see any of them. Once I died, I could see like three other groups that I couldn't see before. Car - Handling on the cars are pretty annoying, and the cars are WAY too easy to wreck with even the slightest bump against anything. Trust me, I have wrecked several times and my cars were never that bad (talking real life here btw). Another thing that bothers me here is the camera angle turning to shoot out the window. Turning the whole view is REALLY annoying, especially when I try to do a drive by, and find out some car has driven in my way - BAM, nother smashed up car - I don't see why it would be so hard to just point the stupid weapon out the window and pull the trigger. . The voices in the game are pretty cool, and I like some of the cinematics in it. My friends were playing their game to be allies with the mafia, so I get to see the Don and the others, LOL, it's pretty funny to watch some of their reactions. Final Flash, you said the graphics were stunning and the gameplay will blow you away (literally, ya, I know) - I think the sound is really great (it is a PS2 afterall), the graphics were good, but nothing THAT special, and the gameplay was nice at times, and annoying at others. The camera mode is a bit hung up with me at the moment, but I have not played it THAT much. . *takes critic hat off* Well then, sorry if that seemed biased, but I just wanted to give my honest opinion (it really, REALLY, is my honest opinion here). Have fun~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Awsome that you found that out, now you can make sure to tell everyone else that gets you money and gifts that you want some GAMECUBE games :naughty: As for the Modem - no, it has not come out yet, and they are still working on the development and use of it. It will be pretty awsome when it does, and I hope that they make a Super Smash Brothers with the modem capable :drool: Can't wait. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]OMG, I saw the movie Tuesday at midnight. . WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. . .this movieis totally awesome. . I am sorta spaced out right now from all of the action and story. The acting was top notch, the special effects were very realistic, and almost all of it was done really well. There were AWESOME fight scenes, and I was happy that they made a movie where EVERYONE fought, not just the main fighter classes. The main thing that pleased me was both the Elvish Prince Legolas and the mighty Dwarvish warrior Gimli - sorry. .I like working up the characteristics. . hoho~ Both did a GREAT job at their fighting, and Legolas was totally awesome with his bow, and those two wicked blades he wielded made me panic in my own seat ^_^ His action scenes just made my jaw drop with how skilled he is with the bow (as most Elves are). Gimli was the greatest treat to me though. The Dwarvish image was poorly tainted in Dungeons and Dragons with a goofy looking Dwarf wielding an axe too large for his own good. In this movie though, Gimli wielded two sweet looking axes and fought with the furry of everyone else, if not much stronger then others. GO SEE THIS MOVIE~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, since I have no clue what is going on. . I will say that is another of my vanity's. . . I NEVER know what is going on, thus, causing much grief and many headaches to my own sorrow =P does that count? :help: *tries in vain to bring back the original topic*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am also going to see it, though I will have to wait till this weekend. I have work MON - FRI from 3:30 - 12:00, so by the time I get off, everything will be closed. This week, our work is keeping us all another two to three hours, so I can't even see the sneak preview this Tuesday >_< I hope most of my friends wait till Saturday to see it with me, or I will be somewhat lonely sitting all alone in the movie theater =( But I am used to that experience. . . whoops, babbling again. Anyways, I will definitely see this movie. I have NEVER read the books, and if I saw any of the movies (cartoon that is), I don't remember them, so this will be a totally NEW experience for me, and I like getting surprised when I watch a movie, especially one this epic ^_^ Can't wait. . . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I have to be honest here. . I am the brains of my group. . and that is VERY sad =P I CAN be dense, but most of the time it is just in good fun with the rest of the group, and we all just have fun. I think that being dense is sometimes pretty fun ^_^ and don't see myself stopping because someone else thinks it is stupid to act that way ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]The ONLY problem that I have with Jackie Chan is that in ALL of his movies, he tends to fall back a lot when fighting, and doesn't really try to fight (even though that is the character he tends to play). Also when he fights, he uses a ton of foreign objects to fight, instead of just kicking the crap out of the people. . it was fun for a movie or two, but got old for me REALLY fast. As for martial artists - Jet Lee. . . he is just beatiful to watch in movies fighting. His style is so smooth and he is just totally awesome with some of the moves he does. He is really coming along with his ability to speak English, and I see him becoming quite a good actor (Yes, I think he is good already, don't get me wrong). He did awesome in Romeo Must Die, and was also really good in The One. Still thinking of more =P . . will be back soon [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Let's see. . I used to get into a lot of trouble in elementary school beacuase me and three friends would basically act totally awful to everyone (not in a bad way, we would skip class, act up, and basically figured school was just a hang out. . LOL) I would get called up to the Principal's office (actually, all four of us would, ROFL) but most of the time would skip, then have him come and sniff us out in the classes, and pull us all out and yell at us. . course. . he could never pronounce my name, so we would all just laugh at him ^_^ As for High School. . Ahh. . Senior year I sorta just gave up. . Stopped caring all together, and well. . became a guy who just wanted to have fun ^_^ I skipped a ton, and one time coming back from skipping the whole class to go to lunch - the principal caught me and a few friends. He asked us why we were out in the parking lot, and I told him my brother was coming to get my some books (while laughing mind you). He didn't buy it when he saw my Dairy Queen bag, and asked what I was doing with that - I told him my mom dropped it off :rotflmao: Well, he didn't buy that either, so he told us to go to the office and wait for him. We went there, and after a few minutes of waiting around, I was like - "Screw this" and left with my friends following :D Just one of MANY fun stories I had in High School . . . reminds me of the Air Horn incident. . hoho~~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I actually have MANY favorites. . Ok, top males: Mel Gibson - he plays drama better then ANYONE, and when he is in a comedy, he is just as good as anyone else, if not better. He is also king of the action too. . WOW, he is just awesome period! Wow. . he was awesome in Patriot and Payback, and Braveheart, as well as a ton of others. Robin Williams - He just plain rules. He is sort of an inspiration to watch sometimes, and though he gets ragged on a lot by media and everyone, he is just brilliant in some of his movies. He was GREAT in What Dreams May Come. . that was my personal favorite with him. Jack Black - LOL, he is just THE Comedy Man. . .his songs rule too =P Looking forward to Orange County coming out soon too ^_^ John Cusack - WOW. . he just plays his roles so well. . . he is sort of the psyco to watch, but if you love his work, it is awesome. Top Females: Jennifer Love Hewitt - Ya, smack me if you want, but she is a good actress. . some might say corny. . but that is YOU'RE opinion, and this is MINE :shifty: Loved her role in Can't Hardly Wait and also in Heartbreakers =P Carrie Fisher - She did awesome in the Matrix, and is a very good actress in many of her other movies she has played in. I have many more, but can't think of them now, since my brain has shut off ^_^ . . .so. . . :help: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Copied this from Yahoo movies. . but here is the basic rundown of the movie. I also think this will be a GREAT movie, as the relationship between him and his wife(lover?) in this movie looks GREAT. It also devels in some pretty serious looking business with the government, and looks to be a pretty interesting drama with some nice plot to it. . . Anyways, the movie discription: From the heights of notoriety to the depths of depravity, John Forbes Nash, Jr. experiences it all. A mathematical genius, he made an astonishing discovery early in his career and stood on the brink of international acclaim. But the handsome and arrogant Nash soon found himself on a painful and harrowing journey of self-discovery once he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. After many years of struggle, he eventually triumphed over this tragedy, and finally, late in life, received the Nobel Prize. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehehe, I love the Power Puff Girls. One of the more entertaining shows on the Cartoon Network. Some of my favorites (keep in mind that I don't have CN at home, and can rarely watch it when at friends. . . ya, our family is wierd with the no cable deal. . so. . yeah :shifty: and stuff) would be: Jonny Bravo, Power Puff Girls, and Dexter's Laboratory - and what exactly is going on with the new shows? :eek: if they screwed with one of the best shows. . Awwww SNAP!!! As for most of the other cartoons, I can't stand the cheesy animated shows. . no matter how funny it is, if I can not stand to look at the drawings of the show, I can not stand to sit through 30 minutes of it. It might sound wierd, but I take my T.V. time very seriously =P I also like a lot of the anime and other action shows that they have on. Dubbed or not, I don't really have too much time or money to drop on older anime's that I never get to see, so CN works out ok for me on that =P Riiiiiight then. . shutting up now. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by k9* [/i] [B]i have unlocked young link, now i hafta know: how do you get out of the starting position :mad: (oops :blush: ) in the target test. and how do you defeat the level where you have to defeat both sets of ice climbers at the same time? i need to do that one to open the others after 30 apparently. :flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehe, if you thought getting out of his little hole was tough, wait till you try to break the middle target. . . that one kept me going for QUITE some time. . I actually got it by accident ^_^ Whoops. . silly me for not even trying that before though (Will post if you ask, but not going to ruin it if you want to try yourself) LOL, the Iceclimbers event was a pain for a while. Ok, basically, everyone says that Link is the best one (My favorite, only reason I used him) because of his grapple, but to be honest, anyone is fine to use, as I have come back and done this with many people. The problem lies in the fact that Nana (the pink girl) will keep returning to her brother after she is hit away, and I noticed that she will wait a minute so she can resume jumping in sync with him. I basically just ran up, hit them both, sorta cornered her and tore her a new one, then when she had high enough damage, just smacked both of them off the screen, and since she had higher damage, she died, and he made it back . . . wow. . sorta the crude way to do it, but it worked ^_^ Hope any of this helps, two events away. . simply because I have not had the time. . almost 1,000 multi-player matches though =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, TECHNICALLY, Emulators are somewhat illegal. They are frowned upon by the big gaming companies. The reason is just like Napster is frowned upon - If people can get free games on the web, why would they want to pay for it at the stores? Many of the emulator sites you go to tend to have a discloser that states that you have to have the system already, and the games so you are not stealing the games (might not be making much sense. . . but it has been a long, long time that I have gotten an emulator for my computer *misses Chrono Trigger when he is not at home* Oh well) So in a sense, it is bad, but really. . who cares? [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, considering most of my friends have an IQ equivilent of an apple, I would say it is fairly easy to read them, but to be honest, most of them continue to surprise me with just being their stupid selves. . . Ok, now to be a bit more serious - Most of my real friends, I know VERY well. . I get to know them by listening (I am a good listener) to them, their problems, and even their dreams and hopes in life. People like to put their problems on me, and I am more then willing to take them from them if they let me (which most do). I have met a few people on the boards and talked with them via emails, PMs, posts, and even AOL. . I think I know a few of you very well, and some I am still working on. To be honest, I like getting to know people, it tends to help me keep a more open mind on things they say, that way it is easier to defend them, or to stick up for them if others jump on them. Big Brother Aaron I suppose. . wierd? :shifty: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I can never get to sleep when I want to. . . thus, why I am usually up till around 8am every morning, and wake back up around 2 - 4pm. I always pop in a DVD or watch some TV show, but never go to sleep till it's over, BUT, at the same time, I NEED something on, some sort of activity to watch so I can sleep. . I don't know how much sense I am making here. . but basically. . I can never sleep unless I am TOTALLY exhausted and basically pass out. . :cussing: As for dreams. . I have not dreamt in a VERY long time, but I am pretty sure it was a 50/50 thing with color in my dreams. . . some would be very vivid, and some would just be . . . BLAH! . . . but that is just me. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]To be honest, even if I did, I can not really say that I would remember. In watching Baseball though, I remember watching some random game, where the pitcher got pissed at the ump for some call, and started swearing, I was :rotflmao: at the TV for a while. . good stuff, riiiiight :shifty: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] Nory, you're a sensitive and caring guy.:) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Thanks. . I am doing my best from spilling my emotions into all my posts. . so. . . guess it didn't work this time? :shifty: . . . will work harder, LOL. Well then. :wave: adios~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Justin [/i] [B] SEC will ALWAYS dominate my friend, always. -Justin [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] Ummmm. . . :rotflmao: errrrr. . . sorry~ I absolutely hate the SEC. .not going to go into much detail there. . just saying that I hate them. . . (fully restraining myself from exploding here) I have been an ANTI-Tennessee team since I first moved down here, and have loved University of Michigan for as long as I can even remember. . so this game will just be TOO awesome for me, and hope that the wolverines kick the crap out of the vols :cussing: And as for the Ohio State game :cussing: THAT SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED!! BLEARG >_
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] but if it was 2 days driving, i'd be there for the other 2 days, right? maybe i should just hitchike there like i said before. it would be no prob... & would i be there on christmas day? that would actually work, my family's celebrating on the 19th & 22nd. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Sounds like a plan, though I REALLY hate to even make it seem like I WANT you to hitchhike (thus why I offered to drive, like last time). . . but let me check with some stuff this weekend, and see what I can do ^_^ My parents are pretty understanding people most of the time. . sooooo. . . *crosses fingers* . . we shall see, no? =P Anyways, I suppose we could talk about this via PMs as usual, or is this more fun? :rotflmao: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]There is no BAD Nintendo system. . I have played them ALL, and love them ALL. . . they rule, Nintendo RULES, it is the best. . .go away now, and no more bad mouthing Nintendo. . Sorry. . little spill there :shifty: Oh yeah, and I posted this in the wrong thread. . so. . . WHOOPS ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] richmond, virginia, usa. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehe. . . 12 hour drive there, and 12 back. . full day. . . hmmm, get a 4 day weekend for Christmas. . . I COULD squeeze that, but I think my parents would be a bit shocked at you just being there one morning, LOL. . maybe I can try though LM ^_^ Lets see. . . for Christmas being called X-Mas, it is rather simple. It USED to be Christmas (and still is for me, as well as thousands of others), but to be honest, it has been so marketed, that it no longer represents what it used to be. Too many people abuse the holiday, and no one really gets it anymore. Sure they figure it is a nice event where people get together and share good times and give and recieve gifts, but really though, who even knows if they really mean it or not. I suppose I KNOW what it is, but for me, it just gives me a chance to be extra nice to people and 'splurge' a bit in my gift giving. (I spend a lot on people. . wierd, I know). Better then B-Days though ^_^ Least no one ever forgot Christmas for me. . (Yes, for one miserable day of my life, NO ONE remembered my B-Day. . . quite a sad moment in my life. . SOoooooooooooOOoOoOOoooOOOOooOO long ago though. . :shifty: right then.) Ah yes, for Christmas for my family - My three oldest brothers (Chris, Shaun, Brent - in that order) will come in to the house, and spend the day. My married brother (Shaun) will most likely bring his wife (Jill) and child(Coby - cute baby too ^_^) and hang out, then use Coby as an excuse to leave. Chris and Brent will hang around till they are bored, then leave. I will most likely get my gifts, and go hermit mode as I usually do. . since. . . well, I suck. As for events, before we open gifts, we usually have a very nice well done breakfast (thanks Mom), and then move to the Christmas Tree and begin the greed-fest (I am sure in the holiday spirit, I know :help: right then) where we pass out the gifts till there are none left. After that we settle down for a dinner/lunch sort of meal, and then depending on the moods of everyone, we will just play a board game or watch a DVD or Movie, and sometimes just sit and talk. . . . well then. . off I go. . . :wave: Looking around the room, Aaron speaks - "Groovy" [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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