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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, first let me say that I have not been in college for about a semester, and even when I WAS there, I was not really there. . :hippy: . . . no just kidding :rotflmao: I just skipped a lot, went to parties, hung out with friends, or just did nothing and slept :wow: exciting no? Ok, back to the subject. I noticed one thing when I went through school, both high school and college. I never really payed any attention in class, and wouldn't really cram before an exam, I would just go, and take it, and almost always pass, and usually with A's or B's. I always took this for granted, but looking back at how much I have slacked off, and totally messed up my own school life, I am fortunate that I squezed my way by with the luck that I had. Anyways, once I go back to school, I hope to be MUCH more serious about it and try harder doing everything, including . . homework :shifty: . . riiiight. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] GAH! *hides under desk* *in the fire swamp* Buttercup: what about the R.O.U.S.s? Wesley: Rodents of Unusual Size? i don't think they exist. *an R.O.U.S. flies out of nowhere & attacks Wesley* [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, first time I went to that site (long time ago) I just started laughing! It was soooo awesome. Anyways. . why did I qoute LM? *ponders* . . . Ahhh, yes. . Princess' Bride ^_^ That is all . . . mwahahahahahaha :wave: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I LOVE Mega Man. Armor plated, big gun toting, power stealing, beat em up good guy. You can't beat that! Make things even better, he has done everything ^_^ My favorite game starring Mega Man was the soccer game for the SNES(I believe). It was such an addictive and pure hearted game, that I just couldn't set it down while we had it rented. The special moves and attacks were totally awesome for the time, and the graphics and gameplay were great. I honestly have to say though, that almost ALL of the Mega Man games were top notch quality, and no matter how repetative the gameplay and storyline is in each of the series, it never gets old for me. I think that I will continue to play the Mega Man games as long as I own a system that they come out on. =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow, that really sucks that it could be banned, and other games have been banned before. . I would hate that. As for the reasoning, as mean as this may seem, have there been any school gunnings, or other such random and supremely violent acts such as some of the ones here in America? If not, then I don't think they will ever change their minds. The events happening over here, I would assume, would only strengthen their beliefs that they ARE doing the right thing in keeping the bans and keeping games like GTA3 away from their soil. Just my thoughts though. . sorry~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehehe, you all know that University of Michigan owns all in the end. . you can't deny it!! (waits for Babygirl to say that UofM lost to MSU. . then interjects - "And what place is MSU??) ^_^ Ohhh, side note~ University of Michigan is playing University of Tennesee ^_^ WOOT!! I HATE UT, and LOVE UM, so this is such a dream come true, I am soooooooooo looking forward to this game, that I shake uncontrolable when I think about it :nervous: lol) It will be so fun to see every one of those no good UT fans crying when the Wolverines claw their way through their volunteer a--- ohh, getting off subject. As for Detroit Lions, just give em a bit. . they will slowly climb out of the hole they dug for themselves and be back to the halfway decent team we all knew and loved =P As for MY favorite team? Well, I follow the players around more then the actual teams themselves. Right now, I love Oakland Raiders, since both Jerry Rice and Charles Woodson(UofM BABY!!) play for the team, and are excellent players ^_^ Lets see. . I don't get to watch too much soccer, and am more intitled to PLAY then just watch the game. That goes for a lot of sports, but soccer mainly. I am not too big into watching it on TV, since I never really got cable till about a week ago >_< (That is a long story in itself). I guess I never really got into soccer as a fan, because the only time I could ever watch it was on the spanish channel on TV, :rotflmao: but that is that. . now I can watch 2!! games a week now. . *sigh* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehe, nice to come home from work and hear some nice things being said, thanks Babygirl and Woody - even though you wouldn't date me >_< LOL, just kidding. It is totally understandable(in my eyes), thus, why I went of and sorta ranted a bit there. . glad no one really went into flaming me on the boards cause I went off subject ^_^ I am sure there is SOMEONE out there. . maybe a blind and deaf girl . . Hmmmm. . . then just the touch of my hand is all she would need. Bah, there I go again~ So sorry, away from this subject I go now ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am 20 - LOL ^_^ As for what you said Videl, it makes perfect sense. . and sorry you are having a rough day =( Back to the relationships - I DO tend to attract the ones with the more emotional problems - of course, that going back to me being there emotionally help them. Riiiight then. . . off I go (insert laughing here). . . what? Just kidding off to work [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~Videl~ [/i] [B] Ok, so I don't know you personally, but take it from a girl, what we need a lot of the time is someone just like you. And believe me it can work to your advantage. I had a mate like that who I loved like a brother and we ended up dating for nearly 2 years. In the end we split up but it had nothing to do with our friendship. It sounds cliche but eventually the girls will realise that what they want to settle down with is someone just like you, a funny sensitve guy - again I'm guessing but you sound like that kind of person. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Thanks Videl, I suppose that makes total sense, but to be honest, at the age I am, women are more interested in the flashy dangerous kind of men, and not really looking for the calm, luke-warm likes of myself ^_^ I don't mean to complain here, and if anyone thinks I am, sorry. . in a few cases, the wrong women have been attracted to me because they have been through the junkie relationships and wanted a more calm and sensitive guy to be with. But in those cases, I have heard the stories from themselves, and am not really ready for THOSE types of relationships . . . making no sense, I know =) *poof* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by woody [/i] [B] That's good, but just one problem. You can make everyone happy, but when you're sad, no one is there to make you happy. For the part that imagine a you're interested in a girl and she loved you as a brother, that probably because you're being too nice to her like a family. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I LOVE to make people happy. . it is a wierd thing with my, where I love to see people laugh and love seeing them smile. I don't really know if that makes any sense, but my favorite thing about people is seeing their smiles. Why are people so afraid to laugh and smile now-a-days? :D Smiling and laughing are good!! Oh well, as for being too nice to women - it is still that problem thing with me. I think I have forgotten how to be mean. . I mean, I spend so much time trying to appologize and make up for other people that I don't think I have insulted someone in a LONG time. I mean, I do my little crack shots at people, but in my opinion, that really isn't said in being serious as much as it is to try and make them laugh or smile . . (see paragraph 1, LOL) Oh well. . guess that is why I am put here on Earth though, right? If you believe that everyone has a purpose.~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, my father is the 'Spam Eliminator' - If anyone gets mail and don't want it, he is there to get rid of them for us. He will call up the company, and request that we are removed from the mailing list. It is pretty awesome sometimes listening to him on the phone ^_^ One of the things I think he enjoys doing. AS for me though, I don't really think that I get too much mail that is junk. Everything I get is mostly from the army or from credit card companies (both go right into the trash can ^_^) I don't even bother opening them. Other then that, all the mail I get is either requested by me, or it is the unusual letter from a friend or something like that. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Hmmm. . greatest achievment. . Hmmm Let's see - I am rather proud of my ability to make people feel better. As a result of this, I usually suffer the conciquences of EVERYONE wanting to be my friend. Not a bad thing you say? Well, imagine when I am interested in a girl, and it turns out she loves me like a brother (I hate that) instead of anything else. . . *sigh* But to be honest, I really wouldn't trade that for anything. I know there is probably someone out there for me ^_^ riiiiiight. . . *cough* Other then that. . ummm, I am super happy to be awesome in video games, and usually make my friends strive harder to become as good as I am =) [EDIT] Oh yeah. . I can make almost any girl make fun of me, laugh at me, or hit me. And before you ask, it is almost NEVER my fault!! I swear to you. I just look like the kind of person that you WANT to hit I suppose. But it is really only with women. Let's see. . last time I was hit by a girl was at a strip club, when the stripper kicked me in my nose (on purpose) when I went to set my glass down. . Last time laughed at/made fun of was at the mall, and my good friend Jay said I had a fat head >_< She laughed, and I suppose I made fun of myself more then she did . . but it was still fun to tease her about. . guess that one is my fault then~ [END EDIT]
has anybody had a similar dream?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]You know, I don't think I have ever actually DIED in my dreams. . . I know that I have been stabbed or fallen of high areas, but I always manage to wake up before I 'KNOW' that I am dead. . as for self esteem - I suppose I DO have low self-esteem, but I don't know that it has anything to do with anything. As for flying, as Lady M said - I can never really fly to great hieghts, and it is always to try and escape someone or something that is chasing me (I just remembered after what she said). It is wierd, cause I will go up, then sort of glide back down, and ALMOST get hit or caught, or swallowed, or cut, or (drifting, sorry), but then I will fly/float right back up out of harms way. *listens to scary music play* Wierd~ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]"Give a little bit. . give a little bit of your love-- " Oh, sorry. . zoned out there thinking about those commercials. I think they are ok, some of the artists that they have doing them are really good, others, I find myself flipping the channels to get away from them. I started to laugh when I saw Alanis up there =P Last time I saw her, she was god in Dogma~ But that is just me. Yeah~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming SSB:M - **Spoilers** Post secrets here
NorykoAngelcry replied to NorykoAngelcry's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hehehehe, Mr. Game&Watch is awesome!! There really isn't a way to describe him. . . he is a totally black character, who is actually the only 2-D character in the game (he REALLY is 2-D) ^_^ There isn't really anyway to describe his moves either. . If you dash and attack, he pulls a chair and hits you with it. If you hit B alone, he pulls out a frying pan, and it looks like bacon flies out at the opponent, it you hit UP + A, he pulls out this flag and hits you. . . Can't go into too much detail on the other moves, since I left the game at home >_< Oh, his UP + B attack, it looks like a 2-D version of Mario and Luigi pull out a trampoline and flip him into the air. . LOL, total riot playing this guy. . . will post some more info if I can get around to getting the game from my house. . Oh, his board is pretty cool too. It has the frame of an old watch game, and has platforms that dissapear and reapear all over the place. If you get knocked off too far on the sides, you blow up. . . so almost like the original game Mario Brothers stage in that aspect. Oh well . . .still need a few more events, and the game is beaten. . and then I get to go back and start playing everything I left on hard mode. ^_^ Enjoy~ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
has anybody had a similar dream?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]I don't have flying dreams any more :([/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I don't have them either =( Come to think of it, I don't really think that I DO dream anymore . . . wierd. . [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
has anybody had a similar dream?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Heaven's Cloud's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I had (as in used to have) a few dreams like that. For me, flying was a sort of skill that I developed, and it was a strain for me to fly. I not only had to concentrate to do it, but I also had to exert a lot of energy to maintain my flight. Also, it wasn't really so much of flying as it was gliding at high speeds. Ok, maybe it was a mix between the two. Still though, I can not ever remember totally losing the ability to fly, but I couldn't really keep it up for two long, and at that time, I either woke up, or would just stop dreaming. . wierd, no? ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Gaming SSB:M - **Spoilers** Post secrets here
NorykoAngelcry replied to NorykoAngelcry's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by nintendo_freak [/i] [B]I Have Some SSB Melee Questions. 1.What Attacks Do Young Link,Dr.Mario,Mewtwo,And Pichu Have? 2.Where Are Marth And Roy From? 3.What The Hell(Sorry)Is Mr.Game & Watch?What Kinda Attacks Does He Have? And Any New Attacks? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Mwahahaha, I love this game. . ok, here goes: 1) Young Link is just like the adult version. Differences - While standing on the ground, his UP + B attack pulls the opponent to him, hits him around for a while, then knocks him into the air, while Adult Link just hits them away. Young Link has a Fire Arrow attack, where Adult Link has a normal Arrow. The Fire Arrow will actually catch the target on fire, and cause them to fall backwards - really fun attack. Other then that, most of their moves are the exact same. Pichu is nearly identical to Pikachu, so not too much to go into there. I have not really played him THAT much. Falco is very similar to Fox, with the main exception of the gun. Falco has the style of a gun that the old Fox used to have. Can not be too sure on the other moves, but Falco is a much better jumper as well. Dr. Mario is the EXACT same as Mario, except he throws pills, not fireballs. Gannondorf is very similar to Captain Falcon, except what he lacks in speed, he makes up for in pure power. He is one of the strongest I have seen, and need to get used to him fast =P Mewto is a decent fighter in my opinion. He has powerful pshionic attacks, including a charged up blast that will send anyone right off the board, almost ignoring whatever the hit point percentage is. He has a move that puts opponents to sleep as well. His jumping ability isn't too bad, although he is VERY slow to move around the board. 2) As posted earlier, Marth and Roy are BOTH from a Japanese game called Fire Emblem. I believe that Roy is much more powerful in this game, so if you get him, drop Marth and concentrate on Roy ^_^ 3) Mr. Game & Watch is from WAY old school Nintendo. . I had a link to a page, but can't find it. I suppose I could also post a picture from my playing, but I need to find my camera. . I sure lose things fast =P Anyways, I have not had a chance to play him, since my friends wanted to play classic mode the minute I got him >_< . . . *sighs* Right then. . once I hook it back up here, I will tell you all. There are MANY new attacks in the game. Grappling gives you a variaty of different ways you can inflict pain. Once you grapple someone, you can press UP to hit them and send them flying straight up, which will lead to a possible combo attack. DOWN will toss them down, and you will hit them differently depending on who you are. LEFT and RIGHT will cause them to fly like normal, AND you can just start hitting them with your A button once you grapple them, and if lucky, can STILL send them flying one of the directions. Another thing is that you can DODGE - WOOHOO!!! ^_^ - There are mid-air dodges that are great for avoiding a ledge-guarder, as well as giving you that extra bit of jump for the attempt to get back on the ledge. Also you can dodge on the ground as well. . if someone is throwing something at you, you can dodge it :D Great addition to the game was grabs. Somehow, you can catch thrown objects, and be able to throw them back, but I have not really TRIED to learn how. The best thing is Smash Attacks. You can press a direction and A and if you hold it down, you will charge up for a few seconds before releasing a powerful attack upon your foe :D This is awesome if you are REALLY trying to get rid of an annoying opponent that just doesn't know he is dead =P I am very, very impressed with the things they have snuck into this game, and get to learn a whole new strategy for fighting with it ^_^ They have taken away a lot of the 'cheap' tricks elememts, and replaced them with actually strategic moves. While this does mean that the average person can't just pick it up as easily, they will still get massive enjoyment out of it, and have a hard time passing the controller around when they lose ^_^ Enjoy the game, and hope any of this helps~ [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Gaming SSB:M - **Spoilers** Post secrets here
NorykoAngelcry replied to NorykoAngelcry's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I will start off then. . LOL Luigi - Ok. play the adventure mode with any character. Once you get to the end of the Mushroom Kingdom, you will see the pole with the flag (like the original games). Wait untill you see the time XX:02:XX and then pass through. If you do, you will see a cut scene of Mario running around, then Luigi jumps on his head and continues on, and you have to fight him instead of Mario. Once you beat the entire adventure mode that game, you get a chance to fight Luigi to unlock him. JigglyPuff - Has to be the easiest character - beat the game on classic mode. . WOOT =) My favorite marshmellow is back =P Ganondorf - Beat Event #29 and you get a chance to unlock him after the fight. He has similar moves to Capt. Falcon, but is much slower and very strong. Falco - Beat the 100 man challenge in 1-player mode. The last one you fight out of the 100 wire figures is very tough, so be careful. Kill them, and Falco comes out. He has many of the same moves that Fox has, and if anything is slightly better then Fox in my opinion. I will post more later, but don't want to give it all away too early . . . but there ARE many more characters ^_^ Oh. . and levels. . will post those later as well. [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]As for the rumor of the PS3 coming out next year, I can not say. I DID read an article (will try to post a link if I can find it) that stated that development/production on the PS3 was started early, since the X-Box internet capabilities has sort of rattled Sony a bit. . so they are going to try to improve it and send it out earlier. . not sure if it will be one year from now or two years. . that will have to be seen. As for the GAMECUBE being easier to make games. . he is right and wrong at the same time ^_^ They are VERY easy to develop games for. The software, etc. that is employed with the GAMECUBE is very easy to make games for, and thus, games are going to have a shorter time span of development. Star Wars: Rogue Squadren 2 was made within a 9month period. They said that they new that they could do it because working on the GAMECUBE is such a breeze. And look at that game - it is one of the prettiest you have ever seen. ^_^ As for which system is the best? Well. . I am baised to be a Nintendo fan. . so anything I say will most likely not be taken very seriously. But I hope that GAMECUBE does really well, because Nintendo needs it now . . not like they would be like SEGA and dissapear =P *ducks* . . .ok, shutting up now. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I went ahead and deleted all the spoilers that were put throughout the post (or as many as I could find). I started a new thread where any and all cheats, secrets, and spoilers could be put. Sorry if this upsets anyone. Leave me a PM or talk to me in AIM - Noryko81 or email me at [email]wackyman_81@yahoo.com[/email] if you want to express yourselves to me at all. Sorry, but please keep THIS thread clear of spoilers, or I will delete them as I find them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, I went ahead and deleted the spoilers from the last Super Smash Brothers: Melee thread, and ask that all discussion to do with secrets and spoiler levels and characters be put in here. If I see any more in the other thread, I will delete those as well. If you want to put any secrets, or name which characters and levels you have unlocked, post them in here, and NOT in the other thread. Thank you in advance. . and have fun ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Remembering back, our game WAS deleted back in Feb. (near the 23rd, my B-Day - thus, why I remember). . friend borrowed it, and when he brought it back, EVERYTHING was gone. . I was SOOOO pissed. . >_< I am sure that if it didn't get deleted, the scores would have been MUCH higher. . I mean, this game was all we played since it came out, and we would blow off every other activity to play this game. . LOL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]WOOHOO~ I finally got my Super Smash Brothers: Melee game ^_^ I am so stoked right now. . only on for a minute before going back to the game. This is just a stunning game all around. The 1-player mode is better then I ever could have imagined, and I am having a total blast playing the multi-player vs. computer characters. I can not wait till I can start to play vs. my r/l friends. . THAT will set a new chapter in my Nintendo life ^_^ Not only is the gameplay almost the same, but all the special items and features that they put in blow me away. And I have not even gotten 10% into the game yet. . *shudders* . . . Well. . I will leave you with that. A simple taste of what there is to offer. . . Oh, and in case I stop posting here. . forever. . it is because of this game, so don't get too mad at me =) Ok? Well then. . back to the most incredible game I have played!! LOL, sorry for everyone who has to wait. . this is not meant to be a tease post . . . *shudders again* . . .[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Sorry everyone, deleted a few of the threads that seemed like flaming. . I don't want this forum turning bad for any reason. . try not to jump down everyone's throat and all will be good ^_^ As for spamming, I didn't see that. . but will try to check more often. . work usually keeps me from the majority of the posts. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Lets see. . . with Link I have 7, 416 KOs and with Donkey Kong I have over 4, 772 - so I just put over 10,000 =P since I play both of them. My friend Jay has 5, 416 KOs with Fox, and next in line comes Samus with 4, 743 KOs We REALLY play this game. . LOL, too bad we have not done so in a while. . . we used to play just about every day, and we would play this game to death and back ^_^ . . . . weeeeeeee~~ Well, going to get SSB:M in a little bit. . get to start the next chapter in my gaming series. =P [/SIZE][/COLOR]