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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I don't mind talking to ANYONE, as long as they have something useful to say, and are not talking just to be heard (can't stand that). I think that the elder have just as intelligent things to say as other people, and I give them the respect that is owed to someone like that (not elder, just smart talker) Wierdest thing that ever happened to me - I was walking on mainstreet in Nashville, TN, and a bus dropping off a retirement home group was unloading in front of the Wildhorse Saloon (big dance club here. . *shudders* . . country music >_
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Why didn't you guys pre-order? That's the best thing to do.... my opinion though... PS. In all my magazines, and on UK game websites, it has the GCN coming out in Spring... but, from here I heard it's coming out in September, WHICH IS IT?![/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I never pre-order ^_^ Just don't like to put down that sort of commitment on a game, and turn out that somewhere else has it sooner, or cheaper, or has something else that comes with it for free. I know. . I am wierd like that. As for the release dates. . many places have it coming out tommorow as well as others coming out Wed. I am most likely going to head back into town tommorow, and try to get it from Toys'R'Us. . even though I REALLY hate them. I actually went all over town today, asking if places had it for sale. . everyone was all being annoying about it, telling me that I SHOULD have pre-ordered it. I asked them why, and they said the only way to get any of the popular systems or consoles was to pre-order it. One guy got really upset when I said that I just camped the GAMECUBE out. He was like - "Oh . . well, you could have done that too" - LOL, poor idiots. Another side note. . WHY is everyone STILL saying that the X-Box is the more popular system out now??? . . Nintendo sales are blowing it away. And their games are much higher quality and sales then the X-Box. . *sigh* Poor non-intelligent people. . *sigh* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am so mad. . . I kept reading sites that said they had SSB:M coming out December the 3rd. . the THIRD!!! >_< I checked the papers today, and most have it coming out the 5th, and only Toys'R'Us has it coming out the 4th. . . NOOOOOOOOOO Now I have to wait an additional DAY, if not two. . . *cries* It just isn't fair. . Must . . . kill. . . . wrong. . . . information. . . sites. . . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]I don't quite remember how I came across this site,but I was looking for Dbz pictures(Dec 2000)then I came across theOtaku. A month later I joined these boards(Jan. 15,2001). Ah,the memories...:) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I also stumbled upon the site when I was surfing for some DBZ pictured to prove a friend wrong on nothing imparticular ^_^ Well, I used Yahoo search engine, and after going through like - 10 crappy sites, I stumbled upon this site via the link. When I first got here, I checked in the DBZ forum for a bit, and read up a little. I saw only the top two sections of forums, since I didn't really want to be here. . just thought I would look in a bit. I read a few of the posts and figured - Ahhh. . nothing that great here. Strangly enough, I found myself coming back, and could not be happier, because the second time I came back here, I registered ^_^ WOOT! Go Otakuboards.com . . LOL[/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming What would YOU do for a Nintendo GameCube?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Desbreko's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B]Yep. That one got 2nd place. What I wanna know, is whether she excepted or not. Personally, I like the one of that guy juggling the NES, SNES and N64 while dressed as Mario and whistling the Mario theme. (You can't tell that he's whistling from the picture, but he is.) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, here is the breakdown real fast. The guy who shaved his head, and painted his head blue won first place dressing as a Pikmin. He put blue paint all over his body, and stuck a leaf on his head to simulate what they look like, LOL. He also had to eat a small container of assorted bugs. Yum~ The guy who proposed to his wife came in second. She DID accept :D yeah~ and I think that is what kept them in second place. Everyone loves a happy ending ^_^ Not THAT sure on the places after that, but there was also: A guy who painted the GAMECUBE logo with his tongue, using assorted condements as paint. The guy who juggled in fact, COULD NOT juggle worth anything, and he hardly whistled at all. . he sorta just tossed the systems in the air and tried to surpress laughter as they fell to the ground. The last contestant dressed as a cat (I think) and ate a package of Spam, cat food, and one other ingredient into a jumbled mess. She got sick not even halfway through, and had to stop =/ Poor her. . This was too awesome of a contest, and I wish I could have taken part in it. . though, who knows what ' I ' would have done. . :naughty:[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Lol, actually, I was saying it was wise to say that most of us chicks who like playing video games are pretty and lethal...not like he was talking to me specifically.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Yes I was. . *ducks* LOL, honestly though, I have played some women that make half the guys I play vs. look like kiddies who just picked up the controller for the first time, LOL. It is funny when they start to taunt the guys too. It is like magnified, because most guys are all still in that mindframe where men are superior to women. . just makes me laugh when they get all upset, and STILL can't do anything about it. . . I am sure BabyGirl has run into instances like that :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I might not be understanding what you are talking about. . but Nintendo's REAL logo is the red writing of NINTENDO with a red oval frame around it. . might not make so much sense the way I am saying it. . but if/when I can find a picture, I will post it here. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Hahaha, NoryokoAngelcry, she thikns that you mean her. LOL, oh this is funny.:laugh: :laugh: *falls out of his computer chair laughing* [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I don't know her, but I wouldn't doubt her abilities for a second. . for all we know, she is just trying to hustle us and is probably the worlds greatest video game player ever. . . ^_^ But to be honest, no matter how good you think you are, there is someone always better then you out there. . and THAT is a scary thought. . LOL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Don't feel THAT bad. . .I don't have any breasts at all. . *looks down* . . . *sniff* . . . . .What? oh. . sorry. . I am a guy though. . *cough* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]"Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn" Be careful taunting a woman that plays video games. . they WILL make you pay ^_^ I know that from many painful experiences. . though, women just like to hit me. . *shrug* . . and NO, I do NOT deserve it 90% of the time. . *looks around* As for one thing I want to get out. People that hear about woman players, and they automatically assume that they are 'tom-boyish' and are ugly. I just want to set this straight and say that it is TOTALLY false. . Many of the women that I know who play games are very pretty, and oh so lethal~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B] yeah, i hear ya there. in powhatan, everybody has a well & when the power goes off, so does the water. once, after a hurricane, i took a bath in the flood waters in my front yard b/c i had to go to work that day. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, we have a flood valley behind our house for when it really, really poors down. Long time ago, when it flooded, we went back there, and it was DEEP filled with water. It came over our heads, and we jumped off of some nearby trees to dive into the water. . talk about fun ^_^ *misses snow* . . . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm. . . I have to agree with many of you that I am VERY vain about my hair. . I spend more time alone on my hair then anything else. I have a good length on my hair, and like to style it, only problem is that my hair doesn't cooperate with me, LOL. . so I have to spend 30 minutes or longer just to set it up right. The really sad thing is that I usually wear a hat EVERYWHERE I go, totally nullifying the fact that I just styled it. >_< Another thing I am vain about is my apperance. I love to dress up before I go out, and if I don't look good enough for my own self, I won't go out at all. Really pathetic like that, especially beacuse I am not in that great of shape. . I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I suppose I cover up what I don't like with something that I dolike. Mental vanity. . hmmm. . . Video Gaming. . . I am obsessed with being the best at every game, and making my friends KNOW that I am. I love to talk a ton of trash, but luckily I have been doing better with keeping my comments to myself. I talk to myself in my mind (LOL) and will tell myself to tone it down, or I will even congratulate myself on a job well done, if no one else does. Another thing I am really vain about is my organizational skills. I usually plan events with my friends, and make sure to get ahold of everyone the night of, or several nights ahead. Our hang outs, as a result, usually have many more people, making it fun for everyone, since there is always something to do, and someone to talk to. . LOL. Normally, the majority of my friends would just sit at home doing nothing if I didn't call them up and invite them out. I suppose I am pretty vain about that too. I will post more if I can think of any, but that is the biggest things right now. . I have a TON of insecurities as well, but not sure if this is the post to put them. . LOL~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B]It's the one where a bunch of people are in suits that look like Nintendo characters. One of them accidentally trips one of the others, and the fight ensuses. At the end, it shows Yoshi hitting DK with a hammer. :laugh: I've got to find it to download somewhere. It's my favorite video game commercial. 2nd goes to the Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island commercial. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]OMG, that sounds totally awesome. I loved the first Super Smash Brothers. They had like 4 of the players running and skipping along, all holding hands, then all of a sudden, Mario turns, and kicks DK in his shin, sending him to the ground, LOL. They all turn and start to fight each other. It was totally awesome. The one you are discribing sounds just as good if NOT better ^_^ Hope to see it soon. . . well, off to play some more Extreme G3~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]By all means, keep it here ^_^ I LOVE women that play Video Games. . they are so rare, and don't make us guys (or boys. . . LOL) so dorky about playing a game. Don't get me wrong though, I KNOW no one likes how much time I spend on the GAMECUBE or used to spend on the GBA or N64. So that isn't really the thing. But it is awesome for me becuase I get to have discussions about something I love (which is pretty rare) with another person who is equally interested. Out of the women that I hang with, only 2 or 3 will actually pick up a controller and play with us. I am trying to get my friend Steve to bring out one of his co-workers with us more often, because she is supposedly huge into all types of games. . rock on that!. . I actually wanted to start a thread about female players, but wasn't sure if it would be too succesful or not ^_^ Rock on BabyGirl [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Anime KEwlest Pic of the Guys ever...emm or are they girls????
NorykoAngelcry replied to Shimmer's topic in Otaku Central
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I thought the picture was more humorous then disturbing. . but that is just me. I think each one made me laugh because of their expressions. Heero is like - WTF am I here for? :D Duo looked like he was having way too much fun =) Funny enough, that is one of my friends favorite characters to write . . 'lemon stories' on. . LOL *shuts up* riiight then. . [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
Anime How did they (i forgot the names) know about Gohan?
NorykoAngelcry replied to Goku213's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyadude [/i] [B]Here's how it goe's. There names were Spopovitch and Yamu. They were controled by the evil wizard Babidi to go to the Martail Art's Tournament and absorb as much energy into that energy taker/absorber thingie. Well they didn't exactly want Gohan's energy because they didn't know any of the Z-Fighters were there and didn't know the power they had. So there Mission was to just absorb ALOT of peoples energy. Well ALOT of peoples energy compaired to a Half Saiya-Jins energy is pretty much the same. So the surpreme Kai (shin) and his assistant (kibito) came to earth knowing Babidi would send someone to get the energy. and the rest just played out. And to note they never knew about the Z-Fighters at the tournament so they didn't expect that much power in just one boy. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Good info there. . I was just going to say that they were giving out pamphlets that stated that he had a ton of energy in case anyone was looking to ressurect some ancient and evil super power. . But I suppose yours is a bit better. . *ducks*[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Trowa066 [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]Like I said I think the NEW one sucks.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ya, I don't think I have talked to anyone that liked it. I mean, the voices are way corny, the drawings are decent at best, the story line is boring due to the fact that it is sooooo repetative. It looks like they tried to mix a serious anime with a kids show. . Ughhh. . how sad. Transformer's name has slowly been deminished down to THIS?!? . . NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! >_
The Choice and Opinion Survey #2
NorykoAngelcry replied to Ice Dragon v2's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]Ah, it's been awhile since I posted this up. Well, it's time to see on the public's chioces and opinions again. 1. If you have heard about the first human cloned, do you agree that they should continue to research, drop it, or I don't give a crap?? If you have reasons, post them up. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Hmmm. . I think that they should stop there. It isn't moral to clone people. I am religious enough to believe that man should not tamper with things like that. I really don't agree with anything about it. Hated it since the beginning of the whole sheep clone thing. . sickens me really. [/SIZE][/COLOR] 2. Do you think people who "intend" to bomb their own school is psycho or a madman??? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Is there a difference? They are twisted people who are too scared to take the hard knocks of life. . I know tons of people who have it worse, so they can not say that THEY are the ones that are being treated unfairly. That is totall bull~ [/SIZE][/COLOR] 3. What is paradise to you?? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] Hmmm. . . I don't know, and will probably never know.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 4. Do you want the war in Afghanistan to be over??? (Oh, believe me, people I know still want that war to go on) [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I think this is a war that should have never began. . so yes, I think the sooner it is over the better.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 5. Even though it said that Nostradamus predicted a lot of major events, would you start believing him or just like "I don't care"?? Poust up reasons if you want to. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, considering that it was a total LIE when people said he predicted the WTC attack, I think it has to do with special cases. . Some of his predictions are good, and others were falsified to make them look like he did it, but again, there are MANY predictions out there that are LIES. . so keep that in mind.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 6. Do you have a reason of your existence??? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . I think I was put on Earth to make people happy, or feel better. I really don't have anything else to offer anyone besides that. I am basically a loser that people just like to hang around to feel better. . Wow. . just depressed myself. . *sigh* [/SIZE][/COLOR] 7. What would you do if anthrax hits your town or one of it's resident's??? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I would laugh at the guy who opened the letter with white dust coming out of it. . LOL . . Seriously, I wouldn't feel THAT bad, unless someone died because of it. Early warning is so great now, that even if people do find Anthrax, chances are, it won't be serious in the long run.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 8. Just for the fun of it. Do you think I should have this kind of thread posted up once in a awhile??? :D :D [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I suppose this thread is pretty good. It gives others a chance to get to know the poster that much more. :D[/SIZE][/COLOR] Now let the survey begin!! [/B][/QUOTE] -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by july [/i] [B]this is for a project that i'm doing that is due tomorrow. the project is about gun control and i'd like your participation in this survey is no admin/god objects. i'll ask a few questions, but i need your age and sex too. spanx in advance... [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Lets see. . I am 20, and Male[/SIZE][/COLOR] 1. do you understand the issue of gun control in the united states? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Yup. . understand pretty well. [/SIZE][/COLOR] 2. do you think that there should be more laws to prevent minors from obtaining and/or using weapons? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I think the laws are fine. . just the parents are not taking enough responsibility for this, and kids are getting smarter and more curious, causing them to get into a lot of trouble, and FAST now-a-days.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 3. do you think that guns should be outlawed all together? [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Nope . . guns are not the problem, stupid people are. Take the guns away from innocent people, and you have that many more victims. Criminals will always be able to get guns. . so I don't see people having guns as THAT much of a problem.[/SIZE][/COLOR] 4. if there were no guns in this world, do you think that it would be more peaceful?[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Not really. . unless some omnipitant force came down and said fighting was evil, and everyone listened to him/her/it . . LOL[/SIZE][/COLOR] 5. what do you think we should have: a. stronger laws that require you to have a permit to buy and a lincense to use guns, only if you are of age, (18) [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]This is my second choice to option C.[/SIZE][/COLOR] c. more caution when it come to storing guns so that minors cannot get a hold of them [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I think this has to be my choice. . [/SIZE][/COLOR] i don't know if those questions are good enough but i'm going to average out everything so as few or as much of you can answer if you like... thank you, very much. [/B][/QUOTE]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Wow. . just one thing? There are soooo many. My biggest one. . Hmm. . I wish I wasn't so much of a loser. . *sigh* [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] Personally, I don't believe any sources besides Nintendo itself and a few other sources that are reliable. Btw, have any of you seen the TV commercial for Super Smash Bros? It was hilarious! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, I have seen a few different commercials. . so which one are you talking about? ^_^ As for Kirby's down and A attack. . many others have that type of attack, and all of them are just as deadly :naughty: Only 3 more days ^_^ Almost as phsyced about this game as I was with the GAMECUBE itself. . almost~ . .LOL[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heero_Yuy [/i] [B]:mad: fox kids took escaflowne off the air and replaced it with that crappy los luchadores or something like that. that really ticked me off and i was getting the story line down and getting into it. but hey i'll get the series uncut and on dvd so its not a very bad thing. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I was also dissapointed when they took it off of Fox. I was getting into the show myself, then I turned on the T.V. one day, and ya. . that stupid wrestling show was on. . LOL. . . I was upset. . but will have to get the DVD sooner or later~ just too lazy [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I loved these movies. The animation was done great, and the overall story line is very good. One thing I really noticed that annoyed me was the fact that they used a lot of the scenes were repeated several times in an episode, and even throughout different videos. A nice thing about the movies was that the magic was done really awesome. I liked how the wizards were not ALL powerful, and that the group of adventurers had to rely on everyone around them to win a battle, not just one-man-army sort of fighting. All in all, one of my more favorite animes of all time ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]One of the game ideas that they have planned is Kirby's Tilt-and-Tumble. The premise is that you race around the track on the GAMECUBE, and continue through the game. If you happen to fall off the board, you drop down to the GBA, and can continue the game. If you beat the level on the GBA, you get back up to the GAMECUBE. Very cool idea, and sounds really fun ^_^ Looking forward to some of the other ideas they have. And Yeah. . that alone still makes the GAMECUBE worth getting. :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Gaming GameCube: The Fastest Selling Console Ever
NorykoAngelcry replied to James's topic in Noosphere
[COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Read this the other day. I was extremely happy about that bit of information ^_^ Will not post any numbers on the other systems, since I don't feel like getting yelled at, LOL, but will say that this is VERY good news for Nintendo, and I look forward to seeing them back on top :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]