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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I could be way off. . but I really don't think that them peeing on a rock is THAT bad of a thing (looking at it from a parents p.o.v. that is). I mean, they didn't show anything, and I basically saw it as a couple of cute kids just . . bonding . . in a sort of way. I don't see why that would be edited at all anyways, but could and probably AM way off ^_^ I know that Cartoon Network has their little adult run (the one where they show some older shows, and a few more adult themed cartoons). Could that be where you saw it? I don't even know if DBZ is in that run that they do, but . . . well. . . I don't know, so I will just shut up :D [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]It really depends. . if you don't have the money available to you right now, then I would pass, and continue to get GAMECUBE games ^_^ Hehe. . though, if you don't have a GAMECUBE, then maybe think about getting the GBA. It is a great handheld system, and if you can get a light with it, it is definitely worth it. It's mobility will have you playing it everywhere, and they have awesome titles out for it, and more and more coming out soon enough. I have set mine down from fulltime play to travel play only =/ I have not gotten any good games for it, and can't wait to get Golden Sun for it ^_^ That is just too nice of a game *drools* Review - Get it if you have the money, pass though for the GAMECUBE or more games. . . . I think that is right. . ~ kk, bye [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]SNOOOOOOOW!!!! I love snow, love cold weather, love throwing snowballs, love getting snow blindness . . wait. . scratch that last one. . It snows SOOO much in Michigan (lucky BabyGirl). . . and I am stuck here in Tennessee where it snows once a year, then that melts, and we get ice =/ Ever tried throwing a block of Ice at someone instead of snow? HAHAHAHAHA, it isn't a pretty site, let me tell you. . . . *shudders* Maybe it will get. . . decently cold here . . then I can enjoy my time in this pathetic state. . :bawl: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] I agree. . . there is no point in using codes. . with the exception of playing year old games, or rental games that you are never going to get :D My friend Steve got the GAMECUBE, and a day later had a page printed out with codes/secrets for Star Wars. . I took the paper, tore it up, and smacked him for wanting to cheat. . needless to say, he promised me he wasn't going to use any cheats. . . *evil glare at Steve* Riiiiight. . . But seriously, I really must be missing the point with so many people wanting to use codes so early in the games. Are they just getting the wrong games, or can people REALLY not wait a week or two to get every single secret? Hints in my opinion are TOTALLY fine. If you can't beat a stage, and are stuck on something SOOOO patheticly easy that you are missing it. . it pays to have a hint available for you to use. Nother example using Steve (sorry man. . . hehe): He was playing Luigi's Mansion, and got 'stuck' trying to figure out the Boo room (where you release the 50 Boos into the mansion). . Well, he called me up, and I told him to start looking around for anything out of the ordinary. He wasn't geting it, so I told him to pay attention to stuff on the walls. . he still didn't get it. Then I told him to check his hair in the mirror ^_^ He was like - Ok - and a minute later. . . 'Got it, thanks' . . hehe. Nothing really to do with anything serious, but just a reason why hints are better then flat out telling him - Hey, there is a switch behind you, go hit it!! . . guess that is just me though =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stormbringer [/i] [B]My friend and I can take on anyone as Link (him) and Fox (me). They just make a great team. That and the fact that my friend and I always do excellent co-op jobs. So I always play as Fox. His strengths - He's super fast, has great aerial and ground recovery, he's pretty strong, he can get off a lot of attacks quickly, and almost nothing can beat his reflect shield. I can't count the times I've gotten the last kill just from using that move. He also has a really great air-juggle attack. His weaknesses - He's just not as strong as some of the other characters. And yes, his reflect can be countered by physical attacks, but I've mastered the use of both his shields and how to avoid attacks. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, my friend Jay and I (which also play Fox and Link - in that order) are also untouchable playing on a team. We are the better players of all that we play with, but on the same team. . stand back. . LOL Best thing for fun is to turn on team attacks :naughty: Me and him will try to kill each other with or without team attacks on. . so regardless, you are in for a fun time ^_^ I love to throw my bombs at my teamates. . just for fun, but they always get all phsyco at me *boggle* wonder why~ [EDIT] 300th post. . ROFL . . . go me~~ kk, bye[END EDIT] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Stormbringer [/i] [B]Thank god Nintendo's humor didn't go so far as to give Mario "plumber's crack" lmao. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well. . he wears overalls, so I don't really see a crack becoming a problem . . that just sounds wierd to say. . *shrug* So just be thankful that they thought well ahead and solved that problem ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by NeoCactuar [/i] [B]I would, but i have tryed playing GBC games on GBA, it's not really very good, the screen is all munted. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Well, if you hit the left shoulder button, the screen shrinks down to normal size ^_^ Problem solved. . when I first played one of my GBC games on it. . I almost flipped that they would do that. . LOL Have not really had too much time to get any games lately, what with the GAMECUBE and all it's awesomeness out now. . just a few more days till SSB:M ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]you can believe in christianity, & believe in reincarntion, too, technically. this one guru i met theorized that "heaven" is located in the 4th or above dimension & that jesus & other divine incarnate beings are actually visitors from higher dimensions who sacrificed their god-like state in order to bring a greater knowledge of life, etc. to human beings. as far as i know, the bible has nothing that can disprove it. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]That is totally new to me. . Wow . . very interesting point of view or belief there . . As for the whole perfecting one's self. . If that is the case, and reincarnation does exist. . I think I am taking a huge step back in this life ^_^ While I don't really know WHAT I was in past lives, I can say that this one is probably one of my more pathetic lives. . I think the only thing I have going for me is. . . wait. . I don't have ANYTHING going for me *boggle* . . wierd. . ~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] Yeah, he does that too. He'll also give up right before the end of a match too, instead of waiting 10 seconds for it too end. That really pisses me off, because then it won't give a winner, it just gives how many KOs and TKOs a player got. Then he hits the button really quick so that we can hardly see the scores, and then he claims that he won. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I hate, I hate, I hate when people just GIVE UP. . BLEARG!! >_< Steve(plays Pikachu, if I have not put him in here yet. . ) used to do that a lot. I would kill him first, then target everyone else. . when we got down pretty close to the end and he would start and end it, then try to play it off like he didn't do anything. Constant yelling has sort of swayed him from killing the games early, and hopefully he has gotten out of that phase. . =P We usually have to beat down the person who resets the game. All in all, most people are pretty good about it ^_^ so no one goes home with a black eye. LOL. . we are horrible if people try to screws with our game :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B] That is just wrong. Why are you lookingat Mario that way. You should not be focusing on his pants (zipper mainly). I don't think that video games were ment to be view that way. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, I really don't think it is THAT bad as some of you are making it seem. I mean, you have to look at him throughout the whole game anyways. . what about times when you are just trying to figure something out. . . you are sure to notice the details then, if not before while looking at screenshots. I think it is pretty awesome how much detail they are putting forward. Better to spend it on the main character, then trying to put it into some building in the game that you only see once. . LOL, just my opinion though *cough*. . . riight then [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Well i bet a lot of people will disagree but i didn't like oot's ending. he went back to when he was a kid. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Not to sound mean. . but that is because that is where the story started. He had to get to be an adult to master certain levels, use certain weapons, etc. etc. . . and he plain looked awesome as an adult. I really liked this ending, and was very happy with it ^_^ As for BAD endings. . . hmmm. . . will have to think about that, I know there are several that I didn't like. . but I just can't think about it =/ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Majora's Mask [/i] [B][color=royalblue]My top 5ive games? 1.Legend of Zelda:Majora's Mask(N64) 2.Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time(N64) 3.Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2(multi platform) 4.Super Smash Bros. and Mele(N64 and Gamecube) 5.Paper Mario(N64) My all time top 5ive games.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]LOL, we were not talking about our TOP 5 games =) Maybe you should start a thread and list your top 5. Maybe even make categories like TOP 5 Nintendo TOP 5 Gameboy TOP 5 Console games TOP 5 Computer Etc. etc. . . but it would be pretty good to see what others have in mind as their tops ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mornigndew [/i] [B] Money is not a problem. I just want a good computer. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok, absolute best advice I can get for you: Go to Office Depot (if you have one near you) and talk to a computer salesman (I know. .salesmen = bad) At Office Depot (where I used to work back here in TN), the computer people were really good with helping you get a computer that will fit what you need, as I am sure most places just don't want to sell you crap and have you come back yelling at them. At Office Depot, they have a computer kiosk where you can figure out a computer for yourself. If you want a good computer, just make sure that you go in there with the knowledge of what you want the computer for. Surfing the net, playing music, playing tons of games, as a large paperweight. . . just make sure you go in there, and DO NOT let them talk you into purchasing tons of added 'goodies' that you will never need. If you already have a ton of cords with your old computer, and don't plan to use both of them, then don't even bother getting all the extra cords, even if they say they are the best for connection or whatever. Obviously the Pentium 4 is the 'best' out there right now, but I don't see why getting a Pentium 3 would hurt you too much. . *shrug* just companies trying to get more money and stuff. . LOL :D Hope any of this is a help for you. . if not. . well. . *ducks*[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I try my best not to lie. . but it is a bad habbit that I have picked up. I wish I could stop, but you know. . it is not really something that is easy to stop. :D I do my best not to lie on a regular basis, and find that the main times I lie is when I am talking with friends and try to make them feel better . . wierd, I know. But if a friend says something that is pretty interesting, I tend to overplay it a bit, and say stuff like: Wow, I never thought about that. That is a really good point~ *shrug* May seem silly to others, but I think it makes them feel pretty good, even though I may have just said it or even already knew it. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] You'd think playing the demos would make me happy... and they do... but only for a couple hours..... AND THEN I GO TOTALLY INSANE!!!!! I didn't really mind waiting, until it came out... That night I went insane... Well... [I]more[/I] insane... :drunk: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, I know totally what you mean :D and it will be out soon *calms down JCGoudy*. . just relax, LOL. Personally, I wouldn't have been able to stand it, and if I didn't have the money right there in front of me, I would have gone totally insane!! >_< Right now, I am totally looking forward to December 3rd. Super Smash Brothers: Melee comes out. . I won't be able to stand it!! I don't think I will be as insane as when the actual GAMECUBE itself came out, but this will be just as awesome for me when it comes out. :D Some people will be amazed at how well this game will do I think, and I just hope I can get it before the 'rush' comes out to grab it up, LOL[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]JUMPMAN!! That game rules!! What? Oh, wrong game. . sorry there folks. . *cough* As for the new look for Mario, I think it is great. The more detail the better - AS LONG AS they don't kill the game because they are putting in too much detail on little nothings, LOL I think that it really isn't too much of a problem though. I am looking forward to the new Mario game, WITH the new pants, LOL. I think it will be rather enjoyable to see him in his new and improved outfit for the GAMECUBE. Just me though. . :therock: [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I am a bit confused. . HOW did they 'butcher' their controller? It is the most comfortable controller I have EVER used, and if anything, they simplified the controller more then butchered it. If you are so used to playing Street Fighter at the arcade, then by all means, go back and play it, but until they come out with it for the GAMECUBE, ummm. . I don't think you can give an opinion about it. *shrug* I guess that is just me though, right? ^_^ I know they are coming out with Mortal Kombat 5 or something for the GAMECUBE, so I guess we will see then how good it really is. P.S. I am holding the controller right now, and can see quite easily how they can do it. My biggest problem was the buttons being all close together made it a bit difficult to hit the right strength on the attacks. Now, with the much larger buttons, I don't see that being a problem. . . but like I said, we really can't make any 'real' complaints till they put out a game for us to test it on. Right now, I am seeing Super Smash Brothers: Melee as the first game, and think it will not only be easy, but very also very comfortable in the hands. Just my thoughts though ^_^ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Personally, everything that I have even bothered to put onto my GBA has come off with ease, but not so easy that it falls off when I pick up the handheld. I think they did a great job of making them hard enough to get off, yet simple enough if you actually try. The battery pack that I have has a small trigger that releases it, and the light, just pull and it pops right off :D My friend has the battery pack that has longer handles for hands, and he says it comes off just as easy. As for lights, I believe he got the Wormlight, but opted to break it because it never lights the GBA right for him, LOL. I don't remember what light he has now, but if/when I find out, I will post it here.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by leo_swinkels [/i] [BMaybe because of their almost 20 years of experience while the x-box has 13 days of experience.[/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]LOL, that is good ^_^ Although our posts could be flamed in no time, I laughed at that :D The biggest thing holding back Nintendo is RPGs. They are really system sellers, and Nintendo has never really taken it seriously in my opinion, opting to let its adventure games do the selling. Trust me, it has worked before, and will continue to work for some time, but I truly miss out on some GREAT RPGs that Nintendo COULD and SHOULD have, but they don't =( Hopefully Nintendo will continue to blow away the X-Box, and even start to catch up to the PS2. I think people only have the PS1 and PS2 because it came out with so many games in such a short time. Now that Nintendo can match game outputs with the big hitters, hopefully we will see more 3rd party games coming to the system, as well as some nice RPGs ^_^ I can hope right?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] I remember when I was first starting to take on three Lv. 9 CPU players, (usually C. Falcon, DK and Luigi). I would get REALLY pissed off at the game... Until one day I started playing and I was perfectly calm... And I won that match with the most points I had ever gotten... And I've been playing that way ever since. Some times I have to force myself to be calm if I start to get beaten. (Usually I only get mad when my brother's ******* friend comes over and plays with us, because he'll kick me when he loses, or just for no reason. A few months ago I got a pair of steel toed boots and I started kicking back. That made the kicks less frequent). :devil: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I had a friend that liked to hit me. . ^_^ Lets just say, that he doesn't anymore. I absolutely can't stand people that try to be violent when they lose. Almost as bad as people that just give up if things are not going their way. . how sad. As for level 9 computer characters - 3 Ness' is a good challenge. Trying to think of some other REALLY good ones. I can take 3 Level 9 DKs, and 3 Level 9 Captain Falcons pretty easy. There is less of a challenge if you play vs. 3 random level 9's depending on the ones you pick of course. Also, the computer will change it's strategies from time to time, making it pretty interesting to play. Hmmm. . who else to disect now? Erick? sure. . .LOL Erick - Captain Falcon - He plays full offensive, charging into almost any fight he sees on the screen. With Captain Falcon's speed, he can get there in no time, slam one of the fighters, and run off across the board to kill someone else, LOL. He LOVES the UP + B attack, and uses that no matter where he is. This really sucks, since usually I am the one on the recieving end, hahahaha. He is much better then others, but since he hardly plays as much as he used to, I don't really consider him much of a threat as opposed to being really an annoying player . . sorry Erick =P[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Spider-Man [/i] [B]sounds like madden wins:toothy: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I agree. . I got it for the GAMECUBE, and a friend just purchased it for the PS2. Both versions are very nice, and very fun to play. Multiplayer owns all of course ^_^ I am still getting used to the game, and though I am not a HUGE sports fan (for consol games that is), I think that I will get used to it soon enough, and then be playing the game to death. . Well. . until SSB:M comes out. . Hehehe [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] I think I got a Pelican version of a light. It has a flip up cover that can serve as a protective case. The bad thing is that if you use it, the light KILLS the batteries in like little under half the normal life they would have, if not draining them faster. It is really, really annoying. . . . soo many batteries gone. A battery pack(the one you can recharge) is definitely needed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]oooooooooo yes, i remeber that..................quite interesting if you ask me............. and correct me if i'm wrong, but did i hear that there was going to be another today show on nintendo?? [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] Well, Can't be too sure about that, since I normally don't watch the today show at all anyways, LOL. But I suppose I can go to msnbc.com and take a look at it. I will post here if I find anything, but who knows. . I hate the way they have their site set up. LOL [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I played the games, and found them pretty fun. Not really too challenging, and yet, extremely addictive, if only just to ride around =) I have not played the games in quite some time, so I can not remember what my favorite cars or levels are =( But I like the looks of the sleeker and more futuristic and exotic cars. :D Wierd like that. . I know. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Hey man, that looks exactly like him.................kool........ it's better than what i could ever draw.......nah! i could probably the same as that........... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Samus is actually a SHE ^_^ But very nice drawing there Kizu. I like it. I attempted to draw an elf. . sorta modeled it after link a bit. . though I suck with coloring. . *ponders if he should put it up or not. . * Keep up the good work, maybe we should have a Nintendo Drawing Topic? ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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