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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Well, I am not too sure where I stand on Reincarnation. . But if I did. . Well, lets see When I was really young, I would just uncontrollably fall off of my swing set, and slam my head really hard. . So I suppose I was someone REALLY clumsy? Does that count? :D If not, sorry. . [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I suppose this is a person to person case. You can find extremes of anything and everyone, no matter where you are. I suppose that the majority of shy people are probably not stuck up, but yet, you never know when you will find someone that is just shy because he/she thinks he/she is better then everyone else around them, and doesn't feel like lowering themselves down to 'our' level. I suppose anything is possible, so why not that?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I honestly suppose it comes down to how two people can communicate on a more emotional level. You could be all about anime, and she could be all about clothing, but if when you talk to her the two of you relate on a totally different level, there is something there that just makes you 'click' I don't really have experience with girlfriend relationships, but I have MANY friends who are total opposites to me, and we get along great when we just have a chat. Hope any of this helps, if not, throw a book at me and I usually shut up. :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Ok, first - I don't see a relationship based on a 'favor' as something that will last long term. Although I can not really give 'good' advice, I can at least offer my opinion. . right? :therock: As for the Senior. . I would pass on that. If she moves out of town, you will have to try a long distance relationship. For the one that really loves you, you need to be careful, if you chose not to go out with her, just make sure that you are very open to her about your feelings, and try to let her know that you care for her, but . . well. . . give her the reason why . . yeah =P *shrug* I suppose it really all just comes down to how you feel about whichever girl you want to go out with. Emotions play a big part, but don't let their emotions over rule your own. You have to do what YOU feel is right. Don't know if this helps, considering I don't even know anything about any of them ^_^ So. . . sorry. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]*sigh* i was a gymnast for 7 years. i wanted to go to the olympics. once i started competing on a higher level, though, it wasn't fun anymore. the coaches were obsessed, the team got all over your a*s whenever you screwed up, girls were anorexic & bulemic, & went in to competition w/ fractures & ended up having to put metal rods in their bones just so they could keep competing... it was a real "varsity blues" type situation. i finally decided to quit. i started b/c of the love of the sport, not to win medals. now i just train alone, don't compete, & i love it again. it's better this way. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I have to agree about the love of the sport. I could not stand when my playing soccer was made to be all about winning, and NOT about having fun. Was I mistaken? When did winning a soccer game have any universal effects? Does me scoring(a goal. . pervert) mean that I will be a better person for it? Hmmm.. . . how do all my posts seem to be reverting to a general state of wierdness? . . . Hmmm. . .guess my point is. . Sports rule because of the FUN you have, and not whether you win or lose. . yeah, I like that [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Well. . to be honest, I think that I am a neat freak. . I need all of 'MY' stuff to be organized, and nice and neat, and I can not stand a messy room. It is not only annoying, but it makes my room seem much smaller then it is. . and my room is pretty small. When I get into my cleaning phases, I think I mainly only do it for the self-gratification of having the room clean. I don't really like to clean when other people tell me to do it. Sort of like, I want to show I am responsible, but all the fun is taken away if someone asks for my help, or tells me to clean up. Guess that seems wierd. . *shrug* One of the things I really can't stand is people telling me 'Nice job' or otherwise giving me compliments =P I don't know why. . but I suppose I like to do good things for myself, and not really just to be noticed. . hmm. . now I am really sounding wierd to myself. . LOL[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]Nope i haven't played it, but it looks fun. don't you move by turning the entire board at an angle? i think that was how you were suppose to do it. kinda like kirby tilt any tumble. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Although I might be mistaken, I believe that the camera is just situated behind you(the monkey) and as you turn, the camera turns with you, making it seem like the board rotates. . so. . I suppose in a sense you are correct Kizu, and are also wrong (Me. . the philosopher, LOL)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I am with LM on this. Our paper'people' drop off the newspaper anywhere from 2:00am - 5:00am. Although I usually pass out around 6:00am - 10:00am, I still don't see myself doing this. . I could be here posting, on AOL chatting, on GAMECUBE playing, at a friends house having fun. . why would I want to drop off newspapers at THAT time? . . Dropping it off in the evening though wouldn't be too bad. . guess it just depends on what size town you live in and all that, right? ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]LOL, oh goodie. . complaining about sports. . Well, I played soccer, and LOVED it, till I went to High School, and it was all about winning, and not having fun. . *sigh* Well, back when I played soccer for rec(recreation leagues), one day, I run (ON ACCIDENT) into the head ref, as I was running to get a loose ball. I was totally appologetic, and the guy looked at me like I was an absolute idiot(maybe partly true. . ). Well, he shrugged it off, and went on. When the game started, he called me for pushing, and gave me a yellow card(warning card for those that don't know). I laughed, and said the guy was pushing me back, but the ref wouldn't even listen. So we went on. . and I got a breakaway, and blew past a few of the opposition, shot the ball, scored. . the ref? - he gave me a yellow card for offsides. . *sigh* There was NO WAY that I was offsides (won't go into what offsides is, but . . I wasn't, and everyone knew it). So the ref let them play the ball from their goal, I went up, and was tackled, and got a penalty shot. I went to shoot it, but passed it over to a teammate instead, who shot and scored with little effort. I was jogging back, turned to the ref, and smiled, asking him if THAT was offsides too (lame, but I felt better). He gave me a red card, and told me to leave the game. . . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :D Most fun I ever had. The whole team was on my side, and they ended up smacking the other team for me. ^_^ Thanks guys!~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]ROFL, I love comics like these. There was an Everquest site set up that made some awesome cuts at EQ. I loved going there (then they closed it. . . BLEARG!! >_
  11. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]My biggest problem, like a few have said, are the pop up adds that lead to more pop up adds. It is not only annoying, but can be very frustrating. Luckily, the majority of the sites that I visit, don't have that, and it makes me smile :D _< As for a pop up killer. . Well, I would get one, but I surf on SOOOO many different computers throughout a week, that I would have to dl it for all of them. On my own computer, I love my mouse, so I don't even have to worry about getting annoyed by clicking on the ads :D Just my thoughts though. . LOL[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]by bond 2 do you mean the world is not enough? out of the three of them pd is the best all the way. i like playing sims, set p a labtop gun and pull out my farsite. you can guess what that means. i got over 100 kills in ten min. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I am pretty sure Bond: World is not Enough is what he meant, yes :D With PD's Laptop gun, you just have to be very concious of your ammo supply in it. You can run out before you even know what happened. And what difficulty do you play? On harder settings, the sims are much smarter, and will practically run through the gun, and kill you before you even know what is going on. >_< not very fun when that happens. I use that strategy on my friends a lot though, and it is awesome!! LOL[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by leo_swinkels [/i] [B]Now I wonder if the x-box sold out as well as the gamecube or if it sold out at all. When I have the money I will definitly buy a gc. But the x-box I don`t know. Maybe if the machine is worth all that money. Game cube is cheap in price and that helps bigtime in the sales. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I know for a fact that Franklin, TN didn't sell out. I even commented with some laughs to a few friends when I would see an X-Box sitting on the shelf. A parent asked me what was so funny, I smiled and said that X-Box was going to die. She asked me what I meant, and gave my basic run down of all the complaints I had. She asked if her son (10 year old) would rather have the X-Box or the GAMECUBE for Christmas. . . Me: Well, depends on what types of games he likes getting. Her: He loves just playing all the games, he played that Mario game for the Nintendo system. Me: Well, Nintendo MADE the GAMECUBE, and you will see another Mario game for that as well. It also has a ton of other fun games, that are for everyone, but are very pleasing for a young kid to look at. Her: Ohhh, Nintendo makes that Gamebox too? Me: Huh? You mean the GAMECUBE? Her: Ya, that little box system. Me: That is a GAMECUBE. . the X-Box is the big huge system. Her: Ohhh, I can never tell the difference. Me: (mentally smacking my head) Well, the GAMECUBE does have a better sized controller, where the X-Box has a huge one. I don't think he would like to have to use the giant sized controller as much. Her: Ohhhh, thank you sir, I think I will get him a GAMECUBE then Me: Good luck :D They are sold out almost everywhere you go, but if you wait a bit into December, you might be able to find one, just keep checking around. Her: Oh? Well that isn't good. . . Me: No, but the GAMECUBE sells for $100 cheaper then the X-Box, so it will be worth the wait. :D Her: Ohhhh, thank you again (runs out of the store, for who knows what reason) Go Nintendo. . Hmmm. . least I toned down my complaints to what a ten year old would think. I struggled hard not to say any real insults that I normally would have said, LOL :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [B][SIZE=1]Can I aslo post my 5 year old bro's skills with samus.... he can almost beat me... the lil' prodigee! Martin(samus):What he has is a good strategy. He launches an all out assault with the same attacks :D and he also throws you alot. When you are coming near him, running, he fires a small cannon beam and keeps doin it until he can get away. When you are far away, he plants mines and charges his laser... He's excellent at it... he maybe able to beat one of you... serious...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I love hearing the strategies of EVERYONE who plays this game, not just the posters. Thanks for putting in your bro :D I will put in a Samus user as well: Jimmy - Samus - He LOVES to throw. . and his UP + B attack can be the most annoying thing in the world, as he tends to catch you no matter what or where you are, LOL. He loves using his powered up B attack, and though most of us keep an uneasy eye on it, someone usually always gets hit (even if it is himself, because Jay will use Fox's deflector shield to knock it back, HAHAHA). Jimmy is getting to be more annoying then I really ever thought he could be. He is getting to be pretty fast with Samus, and tends to do a lot of her moves, which I never really thought would be good against the majority of my moves. I tend to get frustrated really early with Jimmy, and end up just killing him as soon as I can. But frustration leads to mistakes, and I will find myself at the end of one of his throws a lot, and get tossed off. While he is really not THAT tough to beat, he is really getting good, and even gives Jay(Fox) a run for his money. It is a blast watching him, especially when he gets all cocky and thinks he is the bomb! :D Then we just drop what we are doing and make him shut up. LOL ~~On a side note. . why does everyone say you are undefeated, have you even bothered to play vs. a lot of other people? I mean, I have seen your tactics used time and time again by my own friends, and . . . well. . . it isn't anything THAT special to stop. Know that I am not saying that I am the absolute BEST at this game, and I know that I have been defeated a LOT, but I have also won a ton, and on a one-on-one match, I can be really good. If you are comparing your skill to the computer, think again, becuase they are not THAT tough. . .well. . I might seem like I am yelling. .but I had a friend that said he was the best at this game. . he came over my friends house and played once, got dropped almost instantly in a one kill match. . got pissed, and wouldn't play again, LOL. . .well. . guess that shut him up pretty fast. *shrugs*~~[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Well, it has a mini-game of bowling in it. . but really, it is . . a puzzle game. . let me elaborate a bit: You are a monkey, put inside a large ball (sort of like a hamster in a running ball). You have to navigate courses by making your monkey run inside of the ball, and having him gather speed to be able to make it up hills, slow him down on down-hills, etc etc. His objective is to navigate each puzzle, and try to get to the end of the level (while collecting Dole bannannas - yes, they put their name into the game, I love it). There are TONS of puzzles, and each one is more difficult then the next one, giving you tons of playtime on just the normal one-player. If this isn't ENOUGH, Sega put in tons of extra's in the game. They have a game where you race down the course, like Mario Kart, with powerups, and speed patches, and weapons in the course. They also have a version of Pool that you can play, which looks, in the least, incredible just from the few movies I have seen. They also have a bowling version of the game, which looks like tons of fun ^_^ And although there are a few more extras, the last one that comes to my mind is a glider style game, where the Ball that the monkey runs around in, turns into a giant glider (both halves of the ball become each wing. . not really giant now is it?). You have to navigate your way over the water (or whatever he glides over) and land on a giant platform with a target, while dodging floating mines, and other obstructions. All in all, this game looks very worthy of a few nights of unrelenting sleep LOL, and I am looking forward to getting it, even though. . well. . .might have to wait till late December or early January :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. ShadowGohan - Nice comic ^_^ made me laugh out loud. . hehe As for you Dark Dragon - you can just hit ENTER at the end of each sentence. . then you won't stretch the page. I don't really think anyone has a problem with the .'s between each word, but when you make it one large continuous sentence, it stretches the whole page out. Just a comment, not really meaning to seem like I am yelling at you. :D P.S. ShadowGohan. . don't use Ya'll. . . LOL. . it is an evil, sick word!! Last thing I want to think about while on these boards is the south. . sorry everyone . =)
  17. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Lies I say. . all lies. . remember at the end where he starts to shock Sadam Hussien? . . that was not electricity. . it was Ki Blasts. . SEE?!?! LOL. . my bro (who watches EVERY South Park episode told me that the other day after I told him about this thread *sigh* but I argued the point none-the-less, and ended up in a stalemate, because I took off from his place, and headed back home. ROFL!! Take that~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DaRk DrAgOn [/i] [B]well.i.am.going.to.buy.a.keyboard.im.just.waiteing.for.my.bro.to.come.back.from.his.friends.house.......and.im.going.to.have.to.get.my.dad.to.give.me.tqenty.dollars....im.not.sure.he.will.because.i.like.pent.like.400.on.the.gamecube....LOL :laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Yes, but the GAMECUBE is such a worthy investment :D As for the pictures, I like them. . pretty well done, and funny in a way to look at them. ^_^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]We have this guy who drives around a station wagon, and just drops the newspapers at the end of the driveway. Another friend drove around in his beat up Ford, and does the same thing (dropping them off at the end of the driveway). One of my friends in Michigan who I chat with on AOL helps her mother deliver newspapers, and since they go together, I would also assume that they drop off the newspapers. About throwing them to the doors. . . I have to go with PiroMunkie and say that I have only seen people throwing them in movies or in video games. Other then that. .who knows :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Well, I have some friends that are gay, and have to say that I don't care one way or another. The people I know are good people, and that is all I care about. At times, some of the gay people I know are better to be around then some of my straight friends. I also hate how everyone thinks that gay people hit on them. That is just wrong. . I had a friend totally 'shunning' gay people because he thought they were all going to hit on him, and try to have sex with him. I totally laughed at him and asked what was wrong with him. It really has to do with how you are raised though in my opinion. Depending on how your family and friends all throw out there, you tend to be a bit more defensive about everything. *shrugs* One more thing. . I keep noticing more and more female friends of mine (well. . I call them friends. . don't know what they call me) are bi. . nothing really to comment on that. . just thought I would toss it out. . LOL. Maybe it's me. . Hmmm. . think I just depressed myself there. .:confused: [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]I'm confused...is this supposed to be what your state is known for, or what you wouldn't want people to KNOW your state is known for?! Ah, well, no matter. Michigan... *Detroit, home of the automobile (make sure to thank us for that one!) (*Detroit, home of the Lions *cough* they suck *cough*) *We have [i]two[/i] peninsulas :p *Uhm...anything else? Nothing that you would be interested in, I'm sure... Oh wait! Something I wouldn't want my state to be recognized as is...The Ghetto Capital of America! Me no joke! Detroit is rated the #1 most dangerous city in the US, and Flint, Michigan is #3. Weelll inn't 'that special...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]BabyGirl. . . no making fun of Detroit!!. . LOL, the Lions do sadly suck though =( Just lost the Thankgiving game, sending them to 0 - 10. . .:bawl: As for things that Michigan is known for - they touch 4 of the 5 Great Lakes. . . that is pretty sweet. Things that they shouldn't be known for. . . well, their pro-sports teams have been sucking, except for the REDWINGS!! WOOT!! Ok. . on to where I live now though. . Franklin, TN. This is actually one of the nicer cities in TN. It's sister city is Brentwood, and both have very high income per capita over the rest of TN. . . oh wait. . that isn't what this thread is about is it? . . Hmmm. . TN is known for Country music. .that is bad, right? LOL, we have an overabundance of hicks/rednecks. . that is never good. Almost the entire state is filled with bandwagoners. When Oilers came to TN, only about 5% of the people here were TRUE fans. . the rest, opting to just watch the games on T.V. But when the Titans(renamed from the Oilers) got to the Superbowl - there was not a vehicle in the state that didn't have all sorts of merchandice on their car, not a person without the jerseys on, and not a baby dressed up with a full ensamble of Titan's propogandy on. . . . how sad indeed. Now that Titans are doing horrible, that same 5% can be seen with the Titan's flags/clothes/etc. but the rest? Well . . they will just say that they never really liked them to begin with. Or blame it on Eddie George. . *sigh* I hate TN. . Sooo. . . how is that? will that do? :D [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] £500 for a 30" sony trinitron wide screen? are you insane! it cost me just over a grand, and thats only because I knew the guy, got me a little discount.... and yes, according to nintendo, they will not be releasing the game cube in europe until september.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Sony makes some very nice T.V.s, but you can find the same types from other makers for much cheaper. With Sony, the main thing you are paying for is the brand name. I think that is pretty lame. They are a good company, don't get me wrong, but I have found just as good of products, if not better, from other brands for hundred(s) cheaper. I suppose it just comes down to a matter of personal preferance though. If you like the brand or like the T.V. then it is all good. The T.V. I have will work. . but I am wanting a flat screen T.V. with all the features. . but as Seph posted, it is looking like it will be quite a bit for one. >_< Bummer. . . As for ledge guarding - I suppose it depends on who you are playing against, and who you play as. My friend as Fox is probably the best I have seen vs. me, but at the same time, I can easily make him pay for ever standing next to the ledge. I don't know if YOU knew this. . but you can use the Z button and roll safely back on, giving yourself a much more fair chance at getting back on the board. My friend plays the fastest character, with the easiest grapple, so he even makes me regret rolling on. Depending on the board though, I will drop down, do my mid-air jump, then do my UP + B attack to send him flying back. It is great, and even though we practically know each other's strategies, it will still catch him off guard. Ok. . next person that I will give away his strategies: Steve - Pikachu - He is the master of hit - and - run. He will drop in, do a decent attack, and back off before you even have time to recollect yourself. I think he has to be the most annoying player to battle single-handed, as he can stay away from my slow Link very well. But when I am ready for one of his attacks, I truly make him regret ever messing with me. LOL. . . his weakness in defensive techniques can be easily exploited, as he prefers great distance between himself and anyone else. Move in close, and he is screwed (so to speak). I have battled lately, and he still amazes me at how well he can avoid almost every move I throw at him. He has to be tied with third place for challengers when we all get together :D[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Defcon5 [/i] [B]I don't want them to beat the game I already did that. I want em cause it's fun to fly around invincable blowing things up. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Ya, I can see your point then. It is an awesome game, and I beat it a few days ago. . but I want to go back and earn gold and silver. . and the occasional copper. . for the missions that I failed to earn them in ^_^ They have some really EXCELLENT features on the game, and I can't wait to unlock them all. Talk about a great game for the release of a system! LOL, I think are many different sites that will have some advanced codes out on the system. . just search around, and you will find them. :D Not really too hard.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]*shrug* What is wrong with the Purple? Nothing!! LOL. I got that color on release for the GBA and the GAMECUBE. I like it. . I suppose if you are one of the people who catergorize purple as being a kiddy color, then I can see your concern, but other then that, one color is as good as the other. The only thing I have a problem with is the GAMECUBE has a controller with a Purple top, and a see through purple bottom. . . . why not just make it ALL see through?!? =( Bummer. . Ya though, I think that the bundle packs are really good deals now. Just too bad I am not patient enough to have waited for one, LOL.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]As most of you know the gamecube is without a dvd player. But that will change early next year. Gamecube teamed up with panasonic to create a version that plays dvd's cd's and some people think it might have a internet cable (im not absolutely sure about the internet cable) But the new gamecube will hit japan early december and it should be in america in january or february or march at the latest. The new gamecube should be a big hit but it will cost you 250-300 dollars a 150 dollar diffrence from the regular one (at least in colorado) I will post a picture as soon as my scanner starts working. And if you allready bought a gamecube (like me) trade it in if you have extra money when the new one comes out [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Are you sure that the DVD/GAMECUBE combo is coming to America. I have read many places that said they decided to make it Japan release ONLY, and was not coming to America. If you have a link that states otherwise, please post it. Thanks.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
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