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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I agree. . normally, anything goes, as long as people dont start bashing each other. I found that I was drawn to these boards becuase of how open it was, and pretty much anything goes :naughty: I have read many topics or posts that other forums would ban for. You have to give major props here, since everyone is really cool about what is said.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]I had a picture where someone dressed the South Park characters as DBZ figures. . I think Cartman was Krillen. . but I could be off. Whenever I bring up the Kamehameha topic in the movie, I usually get shrugged off and ignored, LOL. . but nice to be around some people that notice these things too =P Hmmm. . thinking back. . when it comes on, I usually blurt out "Dragon Ball Z rules!!" . . . maybe, just maybe that is why they get so upset? LOL P.S. my comp has some idiotic virus that just goes and ruins my pics. Well. . that picture was one of them =/ I will try to look around and see if I can find it again. Sorry~ [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Was looking around, and found an AWESOME picture of my new favorite board :D [img]http://cubemedia.ign.com/media/features/supersmashbrosmelee/bg27.jpg[/img] I will definitely play this level to death. As for one of the movies I watched. On mario's rainbow boat ride stage, you ride on the large boat for the majority of the level, then are let off onto the main stage. This is totally awesome idea, and can't wait to play that either ^_^ . . . *freaks out at having to wait 11 more days* BLEARG!! >_< [EDIT] Look at my boy Link with half the damage that everyone else has. . . that is the way it usually is, LOL[END EDIT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]You talking about the first one, for the N64, or the one for GAMECUBE? If the GAMECUBE, I would say don't even bother with them for some time. It ruins the fun of getting those by yourself, and takes away the challenge, and excitement of the game too quickly =/ I wouldn't worry just yet about the passwords if it is for the GAMECUBE. . it is not even a week old yet :D[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B] You're almost near the end?? Gamecube just came out last sunday!! Either you're playing that machine to death, or luigi's mansion is ungodly short. Length is definately something I consider when buying a game, I can't stand beating a game in a week, it drives me crazy! By the way, why is luigi in the mansion in the first place? I mean what is the point of him being there? I could only think that he was looking for mario, but I don't know.... On a side note here, I really hated how they took out fire flowers and mushrooms and super stars out of Mario 64. Those were so much fun! That's the only complaint I had about Mario 64, other than that I loved it! [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ok. First, Luigi's Mansion is not THAT long of a game. Why they didn't make it longer is a mystery to me, but I still think it is a very fun game, and enjoy playing it. I only get to play about 2 hours a night, since work and sleep and computer (i.e. these boards) take up the rest of my time :D but I got the hang of the controlls really fast, and love puzzle games, so catching the different ghosts were not too difficult for solve for me. They do make the game very easy to get the hang of, with the exception of the vacuum controls. I use the standard set up, which in my opinion is harder to get the hang of then the sidestep mode. This made getting the majority of the ghosts very hard, as they would slip out of the room before I could catch them. I don't want to give anything away, but the variety of ghosts that you have to catch make this game very appealing, as there are different methods to each one, and some are very difficult to pick up on. Ok. . . story line time - Luigi won the mansion in a contest. Very suspicious, as you learn soon. You find that Mario ventured into it trying to look for you, and has not been seen since. You are befriended by an odd scientist who is getting too old to run around and capture the ghosts, and gets you to help him. I don't want to ruin any more of the story line, as it is fairly interesting about all that has happened. I liked Mario. . never really noticed any of those were missing to be honest. LOL, I guess everything else was just too awesome to even care. Not sure that I really have any complaints, besides haveing to go into the same level 6 times to get all the different stars ^_^ but it still rules as a game, and one of my favorites.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]You know. . I never really wanted to get this game (since it's release is when Super Smash Brothers: Melee comes out. . But now? . . I am tempted, very much to get this in addition. It just looks too awesome to pass up. Hundreds of flowers mobbing a giant bird, ROFLMAO . . that is awesome. I might rent this first, but might really have to think about trying this as a game to add to my slowly growing library ^_^ We shall see though. . if anything rental will hold me off. . IF I ever set down Super Smash Brothers: Melee or Extreme G3 or Star Wars, or . . ACKK!!!! :D sorry~[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]I recently played Kessen 2 (basically Dynasty Warriors and Kessen rolled into 1 nice package) The graphics are very nice, and the spell effects are very awesome, but the overall length is very much lacking. It was really easy to beat, and I hope that it is because I picked up the gameplay right away, and not because it was THAT easy. I don't know if there are tons of secrets as in Dynasty Warriors, but if not, then this game is definitely not worth the time or the money to get. I am glad I rented it instead of buying it.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]hmm. . quick run down. . . You crash land in a garden (obviously you are a very very small alien), and your ship has lost a lot of parts, which you go off and search for. As you go along, I believe you find Pikmin (the flowery characters) which are very loyal to you, and are willing to die and attack and everything for you. You have to navagate through the garden, and try and find all your missing pieces, while watching out for the multitude of creatures that will pop up and eat your Pikmin. But they can, and will attack back. The more Pikmin you have, the stronger enemies you can take down. I have seen shots where the creatures are beemed up onto the ship or something, so not sure how that works exactly. Basic premise - You befriend Pikmin to help you recover pieces for your ship so that you can get off the planet / out of the garden. Easy enough, right? :D Looks very interesting.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Well, lets see. . Real name - Aaron Ciesliga (it's Polish, insult away ^_^) Japanese name - Aaron Shiesuriga (think I have heard it called that. . LOL, since no one can pronounce it usually) SN for Otaku - Noryko Angelcry Japanese name - Noriko Anjirukuri (Noryko is very close to the Japanese name of Noriko . . didn't know that at the time when I made the name. . so this made me laugh)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. Ack. . nearly read that list by mistake. . LOL, should have given some warning ^_^ As for levels, there are 23 of them =P Awwww yeah. .multi-player madness!! I need to get a new TV. . . . my little old JVC isn't cutting it. . =P Thinking a Sony or Philips. . . anyone have any good ideas? Trying to keep it under $500 if at all possible =) but I want a T.V. that will work great for games, DVDs, Video Tapes, and your basic T.V. channels. . not sure what kind of TV I need for Smash Brothers. . James posted in another thread the kind I need. . but. . I can't find it :D
  11. Honestly, I would wait. I am not an expert on the whole imported Nintendo's or anything, but it is better to wait and have something that is pretty much garunteed to work, rather then take a chance, and find out you screwed up, and just lost several hundred dollars. I had to wait too, and it was hard. . but I am happy with my results, and I am sure that you will be too ^_^
  12. [COLOR=firebrick][SIZE=1]Serias sits up in his bed, a small beeping noise waking him from his slumber. He looks around, trying to find what time it is, and the small beeping keeps interupting his concentration, and he finally gets up and turns on the visual monitor on the far wall near the door. A look of both surprise and shock flashes on his face. Serias: Telrisa? What a pleasant surprise. And what do I owe this pleasant call? Telrisa: *smiling faintly, she gets a serious look towards Serias* I need a favor Serias. Serias: *tries not to let a laugh go* You know I am always here for you Tel. What is it? *sensing her pause, he pushes* Tel? What is it? Telrisa: It's father. He was killed while at the outpost. I think it was an imperial attack, but this was too well done and almost no other casualties besides my father, and a few guards were killed. *she paused, fighting back tears* Serias . . . I think a Sith is here on Pajo, and I have a bad feeling it is Orthus. *she frowned* Serias: *A horrified look came to his face, and he struggled to keep his feelings in check. He could not become like his friend Orthus, who had given in to his anger, and fear. It was almost a year ago since Serias let Orthus go after nearly killing him. They were now sworn enemies, with Serias pledging his loyalty to the Jedi order, and Orthus now a member of the evil Sith. He WOULD have to kill him someday, but had hoped deep down that it would never come to that.* I will head there as soon as I get clearance to leave the base. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Telrisa: *smiling, she thanked Serias and clicked off her screen. Sitting there for a few more minutes, she finally turned away, and walked off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Serias: *Finally shaking off his sleep, he sat on his meditation mat, clearing his mind of all emotions, and breathed in deep and clear breaths. He was at peace at last, after the shocking news, he knew this is what he was destined for. Being a Jedi Knight was not an easy thing for him. He was too emotional, and was reckless when he gave in to his anger, yet he always found the strength to overcome these emotions, and was able to pull off quite a few surprising feats that no one thought he would ever be able to do. Finally coming back to reality, he stood up, finished suiting up, and walked to the hanger. He walked over to his B-Wing, and looked up at the the cockpit. He had not flown one since being stationed on Verassa over half a year ago, when the Jedi Council decided he would be better used to protect the people there. This was his time to correct his mistakes, but he felt no passion in his work, and simply knew it had to be done. It was his destiny as he would often say to Telrisa. With that, he settled in to the ship, and after a few key warm up drills, he lifted the slender craft in the air, and took off, reaching space in no time, and powered up the hyperdrive and was gone.* (Just getting started. . hope to continue and work it in to your stories)[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Ya, I think that there are tons of secrets in SSB:M that we can only imagine untill we get the game for ourselves and play it. As for the tourny, well. . I suppose if it goes well, we can have it world-wide someday =) I would love to see the UK sometime, and meeting new people is always good. Ok, as promised - I will post the first of several friends that play the game. Will dedicate this whole post to him, since he is my hardest challenge when I play the game ^_^ Jay - Fox (main character) - He uses Fox's speed, and he does it REALLY well. He will run across the board, grapple you, and luanch you back in the air before you can even get back on the first time, LOL. He can do some really annoying combo's. The first, being his slide tackle across the board, knocking you before you even get a chance to get back up. Once you fly off the board, he will use his laser to try and take away your second jump before you even get close to getting back on. Another thing he does is slide tackle when you are trying to grab the ledge, causing you to fly off farther then before, and most times, killing you all out. He also likes to do multiple kicks while you are flying above his head. He can do Fox's jump kick several times while you are in mid-air before you are high enough above him to actually get away, and by that time, you will have taken some serious damage. On to his play style. He splits it down the middle, sometimes chosing to use his laser for annoyance and his deflector shield for incoming objects, while running away or kicking someone off him if his 'space' is invaded, LOL. His other tactic is like me, where he will charge someone non-stop, trying to fight them over anyone else. Jay and I get into scuffles almost every multi-player match, and will go at it till one of us dies, or someone annoys us enough to stop our duel :D He is really good at grappling, but some matches, he can't land one to save his life (funny enough, as that is just the case in this game, no? :D If any weaknesses, it is his ability to be dragged into a fight over the smallest things. He loves to charge non-stop over a challenger, leaving himself wide open to outside attacks, or even attacking too aggressivly that he leaves himself open to an easy and much more aggravating counter-attack. His biggest problem is he gets mad WAY too fast, and while you are mad, you are ultra sloppy. Ness (alternative character) - Well, he plays Ness from time to time, but coming off of playing as Fox, he is horrible with Ness. He is far too slow to be really good in one of our 4 player frenzies, and usually is the first to go out. But while he is in, he makes himself known to everyone. He will use Ness' fire column attack, and sneak in close for either a grapple or a home run bat attack. He has problems using Ness' UP + B attack to get back on boards, and usually loses lives because of that. One strong point with Ness though, is that he is very awesome at keeping people off the ledge. With the assortmant of close attacks, he can keep you at bay for a very long time, wearing your character out in no time fast. Will post another one later ^_^ I want to hear more play styles everyone!! LOL :D shutting up now. . [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B] This is a prime example of road rage. People are scared to ride with me because I do have road rage. (for a person that just got the permit, man, I've seen enough action already) [/B][/QUOTE] Nahhh. . I would never really do anything to another driver besides yell in my car. I hold no grudges, no matter what the person does to me. I guess it goes back to me beeing too nice all the time. I don't think I COULD do it even if I wanted to =( Though, I suppose that in itself is a very, very good thing. But the deal with the tank and stuff - that is just because I play WAY too many video games, and have a VERY wild imagination. ~~Off topic, I am not stating at ALL that Video Games cause this type of thinking. . my imagination is to blame, and that is ALL~~ It would be funny to have a tank, just to see how many people would actually DARE to jump in front of me. Like I said though, these are just pet peeves of mine =) And nothing really more.
  15. Well. . a big fat NO for me and having a g/f. I think I am just fooling myself by saying that there is someone out there for me, because . .well. . *looks around, and sees no one*See?? *sighs* I have had a few that might have been close, then I turn around, and they are off sleeping with someone else, so I suppose that is a pretty clear sign that it wasn't meant to be =/ But that is how my life goes. . . worry too much about other people's feelings instead of my own, and I get burned, everytime =( Too bad for me (depressed now) . . LOL, later. . .
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B]AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I FEEL LIKE STRANGLING SOMEONE!!!!!!! I [I]HATE[/I] HAVING TO WAIT 'TIL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! GAAHHHHH!!!!! I WANT IT [I]NOW!!!!!!!![/I] [/B][/QUOTE] You can strangle me if you want. I know what it is like to wait. . the week before it came out, I was going insane, I mean - like off the wall crazyness. Finally I have it, and couldn't be happier. My good friend Jay wants one, but is SOOOO out of money, that he has to wait till after the New Year =P Sucks for him. . I enjoy rubbing it in when I talk to him on AOL or the phone. . rofl Hang in there. . just play the demo's set up at stores, and you should be fine till then ^_^
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nothing674 [/i] [B]hmm, I was reading the review of luigi's mansion at ign.com and they seem to think that luigi's mansion doesn't even compare to mario 64. I will confess, I believe mario 64 is ranked in the top 5 games ever made for N64, only falling short of (1)Zelda: OoT (2) Zelda: MM (3) James Bond: The World is Not Enough (4) Mario Kart 64, then comes Mario 64 at number five. [/B][/QUOTE] To be honest, they are two different types of games. . I LOVE Mario64. It was a huge game, and had lots to offer. It is really an adventure game, running all over the worlds, beating the levels by getting stars to unlock more boards. However, I LOVE Luigi's Mansion. It is a mystery/adventure, where you have to capture ghosts, while finding clues to move on from floor to floor, and door to door. There are tons of secrets wherever you go, and solving how to capture each boss ghost is really fun and challenging. Compaired to Mario64, Luigi's Mansion is much shorter of a game, but I don't get that repetative feeling yet. All the rooms are different, and the graphics are very, very pleasing. Hearing Luigi hum along to the eerie music is a nice treat, and having him call out "Mario" is fun, even when shrunk. I have played this, and am nearing the end, and will probably play it again a couple times, to master the controls (which I am very close to doing now) so I will be able to capture more secret ghosts easier. ^_^ All in all, with the exception of game length, I have to say this is a very excellent game, and very worth getting.
  18. I love all of you saying you are undefeated. . we should all have a HUGE get together somwhere in the USA and have a tournament. That would totally rule =) Maybe have an area for N64 and one for GAMECUBE. . Mwahahahaha :naughty: I am not going to say that I am undefeated, since I can and will get defeated on many times. . but I am a very strong fighter, and when I get on a roll, I tend to get jumped by everyone and taken out ^_^ Kind of sucks, no? With lots of people playing, and everyone taking turns passing, you never really get a GOOD strategy vs. just one person, so I love getting myself into trouble with as many people as I can, just to try and defend them all. It rules :D Will once again have to wait to post a topic about my friends players and style. . sorry~
  19. Maybe if you told them that you were out of X-Boxs and got a shipment of VCRs instead. . ? =) Most places near Nashville, TN were sold out. . Our Toys R Us had several left, but they got a ton in to begin with, and opened the latest of all stores in Franklin, TN. . so that is pretty understandabe. Nintendo did not sell ALL their systems, but they did really well, and better then the X-Box. Given the holiday, I strongly believe that Nintendo GAMECUBE will outsell both the X-Box and the Playstation 2. . . watch and see =) Super Smash Brothers and Pikmin will be strong helpers in this cause too. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] [EDIT]Just read this on IGN. . They are saying that they sold all 700,000 units. . pretty sweet deal, no? :D [url]http://cube.ign.com/news/40030.html[/url] [END EDIT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. This would be pretty sweet idea. . =) I would definitely get it. As to what James said. . throw that into Mario 64, and that would be one AWESOME game. As for the Smash Brothers idea. . I kind of like it just how it is on the good old N64, and wouldn't want to have it come to the GAMECUBE. . I am patiently waiting for Super Smash Brothers: Melee, and can't wait to get my greedy hands on that =) But all in all, I would just love to see the basic Mario games (not kart or the rpg) all in one game for the GAMECUBE. I think that adding Kart or Paper Mario would be awesome, don't get me wrong, but I figure I will start small. . ROFL =)
  21. This question has been sorta brought up (since you added Bond 2 - who likes this? - I suppose I will post my thoughts here) But you should check out this thread, and add your thoughts - [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2391[/url] I love Goldeneye best, though I love Perfect Dark almost as much. It is the small things that make the difference, and each game has its strenghts and weaknesses. PD has a ton of features that would have made Goldeneye much much stronger, but since Goldeneye was a liscenced title, they really didn't have as much freedom as they did with PD . . so I am eagerly awaiting PD:0 as I am hoping that they put in a bit more themes from Goldeneye that made it so popular. I love Rare, as the engine the used to make these two games was totally awesome. I love the explosions and can't stand the EA version of Bond because of that. . They were not explosions. . they were fireworks, that faded much too quickly. . Though, I suppose Goldeneye and Perfect Dark spoiled me from almost any other game. LOL
  22. *bounces happily* I can not wait for the next saga of LoZ. . wether or not you are a big fan of the cartoon look, I LOVE it. . and am eagerly waiting for it to come out. I don't know what the storyline will be, but the way they are making the gameplay look, it will be a very unique experience to play. And with the GAMECUBE already proven itself before I even bought it (which I own now. . and LOVE it too), I can say that I know I will not be dissapointed in Zelda :D
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=indigo][size=1]Just so you know, a HDTV won't actually make your games run at higher resolution. They'll still run at 640x480 (maximum resolution for a normal TV). Rather, progressive scan means that each frame is displayed wholly...rather than displaying only the top or bottom half of the frame (which is done on normal TVs). The difference is mainly in animation -- the animation/framerate will look much nicer on a TV with progressive scan enabled. Also, you won't be able to just plug it in. You'll need an S-Video cable to be able to play in progressive scan mode. As for Pro Logic 2, a normal stereo system will work with Pro Logic 2. Even though it's stereo, PL2 can still work to some extent. Although currently, only Rogue Leader has PL2 capability (as I'm sure you already know). However, if you want the full Pro Logic 2 experience, you can purchase relatively cheap Pro Logic-enabled decoders which won't necessarily decode 5:1 digital, but will still decode Pro Logic 2. Most of the latest sound systems can decode Pro Logic 2. Hope that helps you out a little. :)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Thanks James . . kinda knew about the HDTVs. .but I lost the artivle from IGN that had the info listed. . but reading what you wrote. . ya, I think I knew THAT is what it did instead =) As for the special connectors, yup, knew that also. .figured by the time that I get the T.V. that they should have that connection out by then. *crosses fingers* Not really too familiar with surround sound systems (as anyone reading will be likely to pick up on :D) but I appreciate the imput on that, and will keep that in mind. Most likely will just drag a good friend along when I go to get it. Heard Wal-Mart had a 550 Watt (is that right?) 5 speaker set with a reciever. It is made by Phillips, so I will have to check up on that - price was nice at about $250 . . soo =) Hopefully I can get some good imput from my friends on that.
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B]The reason I wasn't able to get a GCN was because I have $70.00 and $40-$50 of that is for Christmas presents. However, I'll probobly be getting one [I]for[/I] Christmas, and then my birthday is Jan. 3. I think we're just going to combine my Christmas and birthday presents this year, to make it easer. He's probably making fun of the X-[I]Box[/I] by calling it the X-[I]Circle[/I] since it's a big box. [/B][/QUOTE] That really sucks JCGoudy =( Hopefully, you WILL get one for Christmas, and hope you get some great games for it. *crosses fingers* And having your B-Day and Christmas so close together is also good (I have mine on Febuary 23 :D Always nice for when you want that extra something 'big' for a present, LOL. For Christmas this year, I think I want a high definition progressive scan T.V. . . . it will allow Super Smash Brothers: Melee to be watched at a much higher resolution. . . LOL, and yes, that is the MAIN reason why =) I would also like a nice surround sound Dolby Pro Logic 2 reciever(not even sure if that is what it is or not. . *shrug*) but both of the later things, I can find for a fair price out there. . =) We will have to see then, right?
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]I'm really looking forward to Super Smash Brothers Melee. I haven't played SSB on N64 in a while...all this talk has made me want to play it again :) My favourite character...hmm...I tend to prefer using either Pikachu or Jigglypuff.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] (I think I am following you James. . . *shrugs*) Do you play with a lot of other people? I usually play with a group of about 7 - 10 people depending on what day it is, and who has work and what-not ^_^ It is pretty fun, because we get very animated ourselves playing this game, cursing at the game for . . well. . anything that isn't going exactly right, or for some computer controlled action. It is pretty funny how we all stop fighting, and run from the giant bomb in Pikachu's stage. We just go 'OH CRAP!!' and take off running, LOL, then when it explodes, we come back and resume the fight wherever we are at. It is pretty funny. . most computer controlled interferance makes us all scram away from both IT and each other, and gives us a chance to regroup. I love trying to knock people into them though (as do a few others that I play with). It mostly never works, but when it does . . . it is WAY too awesome :D I will add Jigglypuff as another alternate. I love playing as JP - with the downward kick, and the multiple midair jumps. JP can be an unstoppable force if you play right. The UP + B attack is VERY awesome if it works right. . nothing like knocking someone with only 15% off the board, sending them to their death, LOL. I am fairly annoying with just dropping in with the song attack, then UP + B'ing them :D I try not to play JP due to speed. JP is WAY too slow, and often suffers high damage as a result. Forgot to add - With Link - I am a dodge-oholic. I roll everywhere, and can dodge most attacks without even really thinking about it. I try my best to jump into the thick of things whenever I can, and IF it is a bit too much action. . I simply roll back, and try again =P
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