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Everything posted by NorykoAngelcry

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=indigo][size=1]I'm definitely an oldschool gamer. :) Long live Game & Watch! lol.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Though this probably wasn't what you were talking about. . Anyone remember the Mario game on the watch? I LOVED that game, and when I had one, before the thing broke, I played it non-stop whenever I was away from home. It drove teachers insane, because rules on that sort of thing were unclear, and I was good not to play it during class. . LOL As for the Fanboys that Ice Dragon was refering too. . I don't know that many would admit to being a Fanboy. . I LOVE Nintendo, and will jump to it's side if someone insults it on the drop of the hat. . but if someone is bringing up a good arguement, I will listen, make my points of defense, and respect when they make a good counter. I respect Playstation and Sega for the simple fact that each is really good at what they do. Playstation has, and will have some of the BEST RPGs, and I love them for it. You can not top most of the games that they have. Sega rules the arcade market, and they do a great job of making consol games out of their arcade fathers. All in all, I love Nintendo to death, and will/would do almost anything to get it's back. . but at the same time, I know and respect other gaming companies. . . so perhaps I have a part of a Fanboy in me? ^_^ If so. . then good :D
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=indigo][size=1]Heh, I saw that one coming. :) Hm, I'd own Shigeru Miyamoto. I'd get him to sign everything that I own...'cuz I bet that nobody else has had anything signed by God. Shigeru Miyamoto = God Shigeru Miyamoto is my God, Nintendo is my religion. lol[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Nice one James. . didn't even think that. . LOL, and I was sitting here playing my Nintendo GAMECUBE too =) ROFL. . the things you think about AFTER you say something completely different ^_^
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Hehe, *waves* me too!! But I'm a good driver...*eyes Noryko's post* as opposed to you...heh :p I curse at people though...but then I forget about it and keep driving, singing along with my music... I heard a good quote recently, I'm trying really hard to implement it in my every day driving life, but...it's hard! Basically, when someone is riding your tail, the first instinct is usually to brake and slow down to piss them off. Yet, this person said to instead pull over and, Isn't that nice? I like that :excited:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] :D Hey BabyGirl~ Hehe. . I don't TRY to upset anyone when I drive. . if someone is acting like an idiot towards me, I do my best to let them pass (though. . I am most always the passer), and will try as hard as I can NOT too do anything towards that person. I hate the people that slam on the breaks. . makes me want to hit them, though I am actually a very safety cautious person =P As for cursing. .ya, I will do that to myself, in the privacy of my car. I also sing along to music. . but I don't know if that is because the lyrics are stuck in my head, or if it is simply because I like the group or the song. . LOL. I do my best to get my mind off an idiot driver, and it makes me laugh to see people flick me off when I pass them. . I am like - 'It wasn't me going 10 miles UNDER the speed limit' . . . *sighs* I could go on a long time about this. . *slips back in straight jacket and stares at wall*
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B]I am undefeated with samus, I really am that damn good at the game, lol.... [/B][/QUOTE] I LOVE it when people say they are undefeated. . :naughty: If Samus is your main character, my friend Jay (Fox) would LOVE playing you. . though, I love playing anyone who knows how to play . . bring on the pain!! LOL I will be the first to say that I get beat fairly often. Though, it comes from the fact that I play vs. idiots, ROFL!! While I play, people will jump in at the most inappropriate times, and attack me. . . then when I go after that one, someone else will jump in and attack me. It's this annoying tag team attacks that keep me on my toes though, and I am getting especially good at it now. I played matches with me vs. three of anyone else. I can do pretty well, but when I get too attached to attacking one person, I usually screw up big time >_<
  5. [EDIT] Ok. . since I am an idiot. . I will be the first to admit that I am/was wrong about this. It is actually 9 Feet. . for some reason, I measured wrong. . and . . well, I don't even know what I was thinking. I have the controller sitting next to me, and I still said it was only 6 feet. *smacks forehead* I actually just stood up now, and held it well above me head (I am about 6 feet exactly, and had to extend my hand fully above me head to stretch it to it's max length. . Soooooo. . . I am wrong. . ^_^ there. . I knew I could do it. . LOL [END EDIT]
  6. Ok. . here is a thread to extend the gaming realm to those who have strong feelings about Super Smash Brothers, since Hyperlink and myself are wearing out PD and Goldeneye thread, LOL. If you have played, or play (as I continue to do to this date, as I am sure TONS of you do too) post here with your characters, play style, alt characters, etc. etc. Lets start the ball rolling, shall we? I play Link as my main: I am always in the thick of battle, wanting to get the most out of every game as I can ^_^ I LOVE jumping in and making my self seen, and 'felt' LOL. I like how strong he is, and can take a fair amount of damage before able to be killed. I love his multitude of weapons, as the boomerang is like another extension of my body, and I am VERY deadly with it. I toss it out mainly out of reflex, and watch as it catches my opponents off guard time and time again. The bomb I use mainly as a defensive weapon. I will hold it when I jump into a fight, and go lemming mode on people if I get into trouble =) It is also great for when someone grapples me, and the bomb is about to explode. It lets me escape. I have gotten rusty on using it that way though. . and basically just use it to annoy people =) I can seem to hit people no matter where they are, and they got mad at me a lot for that. So I started alternating characters. . which brings me to - If there is anything wrong with him - He is too slow to recover from moves, leaving me wide open to tons of attacks through-out the match. His grapple is too slow to be used as a main offensive move. Once he is knocked off a ledge. . bye Link. He is the hardest character to get back on a ledge in the game, as his mid-air jumps and UP + B attack doesn't lift him very high either. Other then this. . he is a very strong and competant fighter, and I love him. Donkey Kong (alt char): I basically use him to be cheap, while having a blast and laughing to death. I grapple with DK, and I grapple well. It is not really that CHEAP of a move in my opinion, but I can get in pretty fast, and grapple them before they know what is going on. I think my absolute favorite move is grappling someone, and running off the ledge with them (Warning - mainly used when you are UP on lives over your opponent =) LOL). I also love his mid air downward foot stomp. Use that when an opponent is off the ledge. . and bye bye opponent :naughty: You have to give props to his mega punch as well. . I have cleared three at once with it (multi-player) and love having it 'ready' just for cases when they all get jumbled together =) His weaknesses are too slow of moves, and he doesn't really have a good counter for overhead attacks. His clap and overhead swing are too slow for the faster characters. He can get back on the ledge most of the time, but his spin attack tends to give out pretty early when trying to come back. Ok. . will post some of my friends characters and play styles later. . lets hear what you got ^_^
  7. Lets see. . Star Wars continues to blow my mind to date. . and I have been playing it A LOT!! Luigi's Mansion is fun, and I am still learning tricks, secrets, and getting the controls mastered. =) All in all. . I would say it has to do with the catagory you like more. But in all. . I will bear down and say I LOVE Star Wars the best. Even if you are not a huge Star Wars fan, get this for the amazing graphics, gameplay, sound, and superb challenges it presents to you, as well as the ability to unlock MANY different secrets both pertaining to the game, as well as those that do not. ^_^ Enjoy~
  8. I would own Air (the stuff you breath) and charge people to use it. . LOL Seriously, I have no idea. Don't want to say a woman, because no one deserves to be punished that bad. Don't want to say cash, because . . well. . what is the point? Don't want to say half the stuff that comes to mind, simply for the fact that I would be too stupid to even bother to use it for what it is really supposed to be used for. . Soooo. . I would own. . my very own post (woohoo. . I did it. . P.S. Do not delete my post!! It's mine!!)
  9. I can not STAND Horrible drivers. . You know, the kind that waits till the last second, then turn in front of you, making you have to slam on the breaks. . >_< The kind that will go 20 under the speed limit, then when you try to pass, they will shoot up 80 mph to keep you behind them >_< The kind that gets next to someone going exactly the same speed, and keep you locked with out any way to pass them >_< The same kind that makes you wish you had a tank (which ironically will STILL go faster then them) so you can just BLOW them out of your way. . . . Ughh. . I am a horrible driver. .I don't really slam on the horn or curse at them. . but I can not stand, can't stand, CAN NOT STAND idiot drivers. . . BLEARG!! >_< Nother think I can not stand is country music >_< I have maybe like. . two songs EVER that I actually thought were decent. And those were pop country songs, which are VERY different from regular country. I also hate rednecks, hicks, all the people that are pure "southerners" The kind that still believe that the 'south will prevail' The kind that disrespect the whole nation by hanging rebel flags. The kind that just drive you insane just looking at them. . Did they get the memo that the war was over? . . I know this may seem offensive. . but I toned down what I WAS going to write. . so . . yeah me! ^_^ I know, I am wierd. . but those are the two biggest things that bother me. .
  10. Try opening up the case, and see if something is disconnected, or not connected 'fully' inside. . be careful of shocks, since you can not restart your computer though. . ^_^ Good luck
  11. I played an RPG game like D&D with a friend in middle school. . it was fun, but easy. . very fun now that I think about it =P I tried to roleplay in Everquest (online game) but no one else really did. . so I got tired, and stopped :D I now play a RPG that a really awesome aol buddy made, and enjoy it very much, even though I am super rusty, and know she probably wants to smack me for acting how I do in there =P Oh well. . bout it for me. Would have liked to play 'real' table rpgs. . but never got into it
  12. I suppose I am an old school gamer. I have had almost all the systems, and get games based on MY opinion of it, no matter what anyone says. I know and respect certain developers over others, based on their past games, as well as what games they have coming up. I started with the Commodore64 (old computer) playing Jumpman (JUMPMAN RULES!!) and other games (can't even think of them now =( sorry). Then we got an Atari, then the original Nintendo. We later got the Gameboy, and the SNES. I bought the Sega Genesis for my B-Day a long time ago, the first system I ever bought on my own. I then sold it to pay for the Nintendo 64 I have. I bought a PS1(or PSX for those that care) from my bro with some nice RPGs. I got the PS2 because a friend HAD to get rid of it (nice and cheap), and got a few games for that. I then saved up and got the GBA, and then, got my GAMECUBE. . which I love, and am highly anticipating the hordes of great games that are coming out!! =) WOOT!! All I have to say. . *shuts up*
  13. It depends. . some games don't require multiple games, but will only give you so many options to chose. . It is in your best gaming interest to have multiple games though, then you can share files, play more exclusive characters, tracks, etc. etc. So. . you don't always NEED the other one. . but it is nice to have it ^_^
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by kizu [/i] [B]well i know i won't get a gamecube for a while:confused: but if i did, i would get ssb melee and super monkey ball. but i was very fond of the first one (super smash bors.) it had a limit on the game options. so i stoped playing it after a month or so. i just hope that melee idn't the same if i get it. [/B][/QUOTE] Trust me. . with all the features that they are adding, wether you play multi-player or not, you will not get bored. There are TONS of options for the multi-player, and single player gives you a chance to play either arcade mode (just like the original), and there is a single player 'level' mode. . where you run through a certain level It will be sweet. . . with all the secrets and everything *drools*. . . WOW. . all I can say. . ^_^
  15. JCGoudy - Why couldn't you get one? Were the places you went sold out? Or were you just low on cash, or not allowed to get one? No matter what, that really sucks though, and sorry to hear :( Kuja - Nintendo sent out A LOT more systems then M$, so it isn't really a 'bad thing' that Nintendo didn't sell out. They really are doing well in my book considering they came out after another consol by 3 days. (Where do you live at where they didn't all sell?) I don't see X-Box doing too well in the background, as I keep seeing more and more X-Box fans switching over to Nintendo when I talk to them about it. It makes me laugh really :D
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Smoky Joe [/i] [B] And what are the prices? [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, not going to include tax on these, and just going to round the base prices up for simplicity: Gamecube - $200 Controllers - $35 (at Target 25 - ok. . so I was off a bit. . $10 cheaper, not $15 My mistake :D) Memory Card - $15 Games - $50 All in all, I ended up spending about $460(at Target, with a free contoller coupon) - GAMECUBE, 3 extra controllers, 3 games, memory card. Pretty sweet deal, and I am very happy ^_^
  17. Pave-Low is indeed correct about the videos running off of Quicktime. If you don't have Quicktime installed on your computer, try installing the program, and trying your mini-disk again. I tried the Mini-CD, and was impressed. They have a large section with links to tons of Nintendo related sites. They also have tons of games you can check up on, and I was impressed with many other of the games that I wasn't THAT interested in. I wish they would have had Extreme G3 on release. . but. . :bawl: Will just have to wait then. . And SSB:M . . *drools*. . can't wait. . !!
  18. Woah. . . that is very sweet ^_^ Excellent job SaiyanPrincessX. I like it very much :D As for why she didn't post it in the Test Forum? - easy. . she knew I don't read there, and decided to put it in here for me. . YOU HEARD ME!! . . LOL, sorry :D
  19. They sold out in minutes in both Target and Best Buy (which opened at 8:00am for the release). A friend that works at Toy-R-Us said they were out very fast too. . . so this is awesome news for Nintendo, which needed a strong system, but bad for those that REALLY want a Nintendo. I am not sure how other cities or states are doing, but here. . it is a HOT item! Don't know if this is helpful or not. . but I would go to Target maybe, and start getting the controllers (while they are $15 cheaper then everywhere else), and you can even get a good deal - Buy 2 games, and a memory card and you get $15 extra off a controller. . Buy 3 games, and a memory card, and you get a FREE controller. Very sweet deals indeed, another reason why I love Target so much =)
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]Can I ask you something, NorykoAngelcry?? Thanks: Why would you camp outside of Target at 3:00am when the shop opens at 8:00am??? But you sure are lucky. I doubt I will be getting one, I wish I could though. [/B][/QUOTE] LOL, totally good question, as I was asked that all day by both employees(many who laughed at us when they saw us) and customers who came up. To be honest. I have no REAL reason why. . I was bored, friends wanted to stick in a really awful movie, most people were already heading out, and I just figured 'why not' :D We grabbed the needed supplies and everything from random houses. When we first got there, it was Steve and I (getting GAMECUBES) followed by Paul and his g/f Steph. At about 5:00am, my brother showed up, wanting to see if I was actually camping out, LOL. Well, Jay called up later, and wanted to swing by, since he couldn't get to sleep =P Jay and I have a problem sleeping before the sun comes up, LOL. After another hour, Chris (my brother) left, and Jay decided to seek warm air in his car. Finally around 6:30am, the manager came out of Target and told us the run down. He said they had 40ish units, and would give tickets, first come first serve to everyone. By this time there were not too many people, so we were all ok with this. He told us once we have a ticket, that we HAD a GAMECUBE, so that just added to our euphoria ^_^ since we knew we didn't have to fight hordes of children to get it, LOL. Well, around 7:00am, they let us in the store, and we waited near the food court till 8:00am. The manager then called the first ten of us, and we all happily walked down, and grabbed our spot in line according to numbers. I was first ^_^ coming at 2:30am helps a bit. I walked up, picked out my games - Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Squadren 2: Rogue Leader, and Madden 2001 (since Extreme G3 wasn't out :bawl: Then I went to the controllers, and grabbed - Spice - which was hidden (sweet), Jet Black, an Indigo with a transparent backing. I FINALLY decided to go with the Indigo GAMECUBE back at the foodcourt, so it was all good for me when I went up there. My only regret was that I got Madden 2001 over Super Monkey Ball :bawl: Maybe I will go back, and tell them that my game is messed up, and want to exchange it? :naughty: Anyways. . All in all, I would not have given up this experience. I camped out the N64, and the Gameboy Advance, and pleased to say that I have another camp out under my belt :D Rock on Nintendo. . I have to PULL myself away to type here, :D Enjoy everyone who has one, and those who don't :( I am sorry for you. . and hope you get one soon.
  21. I decided to go ahead and stick with the Purple color. I realize it may look more 'kiddish', but when it comes down to it, if the color is that much of a factor to someone, there will be one more Jet Black one out there for them ^_^ Also, I think that it is more original to get the Purple colored GAMECUBE over the Jet Black. How many systems are there with Black consols? PS2, X-Lunchbox, N64. It will be unique to have a Purple system. . . oh yeah, and it matches my Gameboy Advance :D
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=indigo][size=1]Lucky you! :) I'm jealous -- I won't be buying a GameCube until March. :( I hope you have fun with your GameCube. Be sure to tell us all what you think of your new games :)[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] James, awful that you can't get it today =( The ones at the Target and Best Buy both sold out FAST. A very good sign for Nintendo, and I am sure once the churches around town let out, that there will be many many more that will sold in a mear matter of moments. Ok, so we were sitting around my friend Jay's house, and finished watching the Tech TV little special program that they had for the GAMECUBE (had it recorded from their Friday's airing). Well. . that pushed me over the top, and I knew that I had to go camp it out then and there. Well, we made a few runs to several different houses, trying to get all the needed munchies and assorted Gameboy Advance games so we could play while waiting. The most important item we grabbed was my video camera ^_^ We recorded many 'quick segments' and I will go back and edit that later, making it way awesome to watch. Anyways, it wasn't till about 5:30 that the next person showed up, and soon after, they came in a decent and steady stream. All in all, there were about 40 people there. . blowing my mind. I was amazed it was going to do that well, but at the same time, was not going to expect anything less from a Nintendo release =) (Target gave away a free tripod seat for the purchase, hehe) Well. . got to play Rogue Squadren. . and WOW. . on surround sound, this is a TRULY stunning game, both in gameplay, and in sound and fun and everything else. Going to try out Madden 2001, since they didn't have Extreme G3 =( But it is a good multi-player, so I don't care at all ^_^ Long live GAMECUBE!!
  23. WOOHOO!!!!! I got my GAMECUBE!!! At 2:30 am, I camped outside of Target and waited for 8:00am to come. Finally it did. . and I was first in line with my good friend Steve, both there to get one!! *Does the happy dance* They didn't have Extreme G3, but I got Madden, Star Wars!!!, and Luigi's Mansion. I am soooooo excited. . going to play now, while Steve hooks it up. He is giving me first dibs, since I have been waiting the longest - what a great friend!! anyways. . even though I have not been posting much lately, I will now be posting even less, as I will be sucked into non-existance by my new GAMECUBE!! WOOHOO!! (Post your other morning experiences here) ^_^ Will post more about my day later, kk, bye~
  24. Simpsons is the BEST animated series out there. Next to that would be a tie between South Park and Family Guy. Family Guy can make me laugh histerically, but they put in so much crude and disgusting humor, that it doesn't even make it worth it sometimes. That is just my opinion P.S. I AM a die hard Simpsons fan, and I didn't know the number. . so it is just someone that has recorded every episode and can go back through and watch it that is really the only people that I see being able to qoute such details :D
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SaiyanPrincessX [/i] [B]Yes! One day left,one day left!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry,I'm obsessed with Nintendo though... Hehe:D. :excited: :excited: [/B][/QUOTE] TRUST ME. . you are not alone. I have been counting down the hours, driving my friends TOTALLY insane. I laugh when they start yelling at me, and just repeat the time till GAMECUBE comes out. LOL, gonna be sweet :D
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